Video Summaries for Privacy Fight Ultimate - U75 to U99

U1 to U24     |     U25 to U49     |     U50 to U74    |    U75 to U99    |    U100 to U124

U75 – Additional Interest Endorsements –  Watch Now

The video focuses on the topic of “additional interest endorsements”, which pertain to insurance coverage on an asset, particularly property, initially owned by a person but later transferred to another entity. The discussion presents scenarios and provides insight into how insurance endorsements work, particularly when there’s a change in the titleholder while the original owner maintains the debt obligation.

In one case, an individual who is acquiring property faces a hurdle while trying to get the property titled in the name of a Limited Liability Company (LLC) during mortgage financing. The recommended solution is to close the transaction in personal names and subsequently transfer the title to the LLC.

An important point raised is that as long as the original property owner retains the same interest, even after transferring the title to a different entity (like a trust), there’s no need to inform the insurance company or get an endorsement. An endorsement, or an addendum, is something that’s added to the insurance policy when there’s a change in interest which the insurance company hasn’t previously considered.

If there’s a change in interest, the insured must allow the insurance company to decide whether it wants to add coverage for the new interest. The insurance industry uses an internal form, Form 107.9, for this purpose. The video also discusses how marriage is often viewed as one entity in this context. For example, if a property owner gets married, they won’t need to change their insurance policy.

Lastly, if the beneficial interest doesn’t change even if the title does (like when a married couple transfers the title to an LLC they own), there’s typically no need for an additional interest endorsement. However, adding other parties such as adult children or a C corporation may require an endorsement.

U76 – PMA & Estate Planning I of II –  Watch Now

The meeting led by John Jay addressed the use of Private Membership Associations (PMAs) in estate planning to ensure family wealth is managed and transferred effectively, away from the traditional probate court system. Jay underscored the importance of utilizing the PMA structure for estate planning due to its potential to maintain privacy and control over the distribution of assets, and also due to the potential exploitation people have suffered under the traditional legal system in the past decades.

He likened a PMA to private functions like a wedding or birthday party where attendees are selectively invited. For effective estate planning, Jay suggests the concept of not having an estate worth talking about but rather having assets managed under a PMA. He discussed an example where a family of four uses the PMA structure for managing their assets, illustrating how the family’s relationship is described, and the property is defined within the PMA.

Jay also touched on various scenarios, such as how to handle the transition of property upon death, how assets could be distributed to heirs under specified conditions, and ensuring heirs have the necessary education to manage inherited property responsibly. He also talked about placing the PMA documents under the custodianship of a law firm for secure, reliable storage.

On the topic of privacy, Jay discussed how title holders of property can be changed to provide privacy when necessary, although he cautions against such an action if there are existing liens or claims against your name. He also offered insights on how to manage interactions with authorities to maintain privacy.

The conversation concluded with addressing concerns about LLCs and banking for PMAs, advising participants on how to navigate potential issues with institutions. He suggested the use of the EIN for businesses and recommended keeping records of all interactions with financial institutions to ensure transparency and accountability. The final part of the meeting was dedicated to answering questions and addressing the attendees’ concerns.

U77 – PMA & Estate Planning II of II –  Watch Now

This executive summary presents key highlights from a discussion on Estate Planning with a focus on the usage of Private Membership Associations (PMAs). The discussion emphasized the importance of estate planning for wealth management and privacy. Various concepts related to PMA were discussed, including methods for maintaining privacy and avoiding potential exploitation through the judicial system.

The importance of having clear rules on asset management within a family or estate was noted, drawing parallels to organizing a garage sale where decisions are made on what to keep and what to sell. The facilitator highlighted the possibility of managing these affairs independently, without the need for external entities such as the state or an attorney.

The facilitator further explored the idea of probate, its etymology and its implications in estate planning. The participants were informed about the pre-set rules of probate and how it functions in a real-life scenario. It was also discussed how an estate can be structured so that it does not need to go through probate, thereby providing a degree of privacy and control.

Further discussions revolved around the strategic use of LLCs and Trusts in estate planning. It was made clear that these structures could separate personal liabilities from the assets managed within them, making them particularly useful tools. The facilitator also addressed specific concerns around the potential threats to the privacy and autonomy that these structures can offer.

Overall, the session emphasized the benefits of active estate planning, particularly using structures like PMAs, LLCs, and Trusts to provide better control, privacy, and financial efficiency. Participants were encouraged to take personal responsibility for their assets, thereby creating an empowered, conscious approach to wealth management.

U78 – General Discussion Future Possibilities for Business Investing New Ways of Doing Things –  Watch Now

John Jay hosted a detailed discussion on various aspects of investing, primarily in cryptocurrencies, while emphasizing the importance of prudent tax planning. He briefly mentioned a recent increase in IRS hiring, but assured listeners that if they comply with tax regulations, they should have no issues. The discussion also touched on the complexity of financial risk, both in the realm of cryptocurrencies and more traditional investment avenues.

John Jay provided detailed insights on the acquisition and purchase of cryptocurrency coins and discussed the legal implications associated with such transactions. A substantial portion of the conversation was dedicated to the intricacies of ownership, whether through trusts, partnerships, or sole proprietorship. He advised potential investors to seek counsel from professionals like loan brokers who are well-versed in navigating such complex issues.

The conversation shifted to the broader economic landscape, highlighting a decline in supply chains, which he believes is intentional and likely to cause long-lasting price increases. He expressed concern about the potential impacts of a harsh winter on the already fragile food and fuel supply chains.

Feedback from various participants further enriched the discussion, covering topics ranging from difficulties opening bank accounts to creating backup plans for future emergencies. Participants suggested various alternatives and shared personal experiences to illustrate their points.

In discussing future possibilities, John Jay advocated for small-scale, local businesses, suggesting they could prove more stable than their larger counterparts in the face of volatile market trends. He also pointed out the absurdity of shipping the same goods across the country and urged listeners to consider this inefficiency when planning future businesses.

Towards the end of the discussion, John Jay provided advice on setting up businesses and navigating registration complexities. He reminded listeners to ensure their registered agents are located in the same state as their businesses to avoid legal complications.

U79 – Aug 25, 2022 General Discussion Strategies –  Watch Now

In this detailed discussion, various topics are addressed mainly relating to privacy, corporate structures, taxation, cryptocurrencies, and entrepreneurship.

The conversation starts with a Q&A session, leading into a discourse about potential privacy issues relating to transactions with the company Caleb and Brown. The speaker advises to ensure any document required by the company to be notarized should ideally be done by a nominee, thus maintaining privacy.

The conversation progresses to discussing the purposes and structures of corporations, and how to manage risk versus handling tax returns. It’s highlighted that the purpose of a company is not to prepare tax returns but to manage risk. An in-depth analysis of how an LLC can operate without tax liabilities if it doesn’t claim a return is shared.

The discussion further moves into the arena of stable coins, with a recommendation of investing in physical precious metals due to the risks associated with stable coins. On the tax front, the speaker discusses the audit process and how the IRS operates.

The speaker elaborates on the use of cryptocurrencies and the need for privacy, emphasizing not using mainstream exchanges like Coinbase. In relation to this, the concept of transacting in physical gold bars and converting it into cash when needed is brought up.

In the entrepreneurship segment, the speaker shares insights on traditional business and crypto-related businesses, implying the importance of getting out of one’s comfort zone. The conversation concludes with the speaker sharing an anecdote about purchasing and managing real estate properties such as a strip mall, highlighting the importance of having funding in reserve for associated costs.

U80 – Rogue News Economic Update, De-Dollarization & Agent Smith –  Watch Now

This is an executive summary of a discussion on the “U80 – Rogue News Economic Update, De-Dollarization & Agent Smith – Privacy Fight.” The conversation begins with the host, Adam, introducing guest John Singleton, who is metaphorically described as fighting 87,000 IRS agents. The discussion revolves around the power of the IRS, increased enforcement, and its impact on the citizens. They address concerns over the IRS’s privacy infringements and the potential for harassment, especially for those evading taxes.

John advises against lying to the IRS and filing false reports, highlighting the importance of transparency and honesty when dealing with such institutions. The dialogue then shifts to the topic of cryptocurrency transactions, emphasizing that while there is certain anonymity in these transactions, they are not entirely invisible to authorities like the IRS if they put the effort into tracing them.

John mentions FinCEN, a standalone agency that has software connected to all banks and financial institutions, watching all transactions. He cautions against giving into fear propagated by accountants and CPAs, stressing the importance of not altering one’s behavior out of fear.

They touch on the mortgage crisis of 2008-9 and how the dollar is essentially a medium of theft. They describe a scenario where mortgages are sold within 30 days and then traded as securities on the backend, a practice they liken to a financial scheme.

The discussion ends with their vision of a dystopian future where ownership is a thing of the past, predicting a future where individuals do not own anything, from cars to homes, and the potential societal impacts of such a situation. The hosts express their resistance to this notion, arguing that it infringes on individual liberties and rights. They finish off with a humorous note on the idea of consuming insects for environmental reasons.

U81 – California Franchise Tax Board and Residency, Overreach Tax Liability –  Watch Now

The discussion opens with an introduction of the speaker, John Jay, who primarily shares his content through videos on various platforms, including a members-only segment on the website He also uses the site, where users can schedule calls with him and read articles he has written.

The main focus of the talk is the overreach of the California Franchise Tax Board and its implications for residency and tax liability. The speaker uses the case of ‘Sward’, a non-resident entity, to illustrate his points. Sward argued that it was not subject to franchise tax as it held no investments in California and wasn’t doing business in the state. The court agreed with Sward, signaling that the state couldn’t impose tax obligations without a real active presence of a company connected to business within its borders.

Following this, the speaker also discusses the issue of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). He perceives CBDC as a version of fiat currency that can be easily tracked and controlled. He mentions the potential of CBDC to infringe on personal freedom, as they could be manipulated based on personal beliefs or affiliations.

Later, he brings up the issue of state and federal laws regarding Social Security Numbers (SSN) and the potential inconveniences surrounding it. He also delves into the complexities of car insurance and self-insurance. In addition, he talks about the process of filing a tort claim and the considerations involved in borrowing and credit management.

In the concluding section, the speaker raises some questions about tax implications associated with various transactions, such as borrowing from a life insurance policy. He suggests that the tax liability could potentially be different depending on whether the policy is in an individual’s name or an LLC’s name. He emphasizes the need for understanding specific transaction details to accurately determine potential tax liabilities.

U82 – Wyoming LLC Annual Report –  Watch Now

John Jay’s conference held on September 15, 2022, centered on two main topics – a unique legal perspective on a liability case and filing annual reports in the state of Wyoming for an LLC.

Jay discussed a recent case involving a man found liable in a car accident, suggesting that instead of shouldering the entire liability, the person could also file a claim against the city. Jay posits that since the accident occurred on city property, the city should share some responsibility. The city, county, and state all have insurance for such incidents, he argues, just as a property owner would be liable for a slip and fall accident. Jay advised that filing such a claim might change how the court views the situation and the person’s total liability.

The second part of the conference revolved around filing annual reports for an LLC in Wyoming. Jay expressed concerns that Wyoming seems to have merged its annual report process with a tax return. Given that the online renewal process doesn’t allow for variation, he advised against using it, suggesting that people instead use a manual process based on the state’s statute. According to Jay, this approach should help maintain the LLC’s good standing while only costing a $60 fee. He emphasized that for most LLC owners, who do not transact or carry out business within Wyoming, the state’s requirements for reporting capital, property, and assets should not apply.

U83 – Crypto Exchange KYC & Privacy Rights  Watch Now

The executive summary of “U83 – Crypto Exchange KYC & Privacy Rights – Privacy Fight” discusses the speaker’s concerns and views about the Know Your Customer (KYC) rules that crypto exchanges like Coinbase follow and their implications on privacy. The speaker highlights how these exchanges demand a variety of personal information such as organizational charts, personal financial identifying information, and employment information.

The speaker emphasizes the financial value of personal data, comparing it to a burning log with the potential for misuse. He questions the exchanges’ responsibility in case of data breaches and their willingness to accept liability. The speaker also raises concerns about the collection and use of data that wasn’t necessary for their operation.

He further explores the nuances of providing proprietary data, questioning why certain information such as phone numbers are needed when they don’t serve a clear function in the exchange’s operation. He also challenges the necessity of data collection for single-member entities, which may provide redundant information.

The speaker concludes by considering how these privacy concerns apply to other business scenarios, including his T-shirt business and real estate. He recommends asking about the security criteria and control over information when dealing with organizations that require personal data. The speaker encourages listeners to challenge the necessity of data collection and understand their right to privacy.

U84 – Applications for the PMA with Greater DetailsWatch Now

The video conference discussed Private Membership Associations (PMA), their function, and potential benefits. The speaker clarified that PMAs are private groups, not regulated by the state, which include a range of entities from homeowners associations to social gatherings. They pointed out the value of PMAs in legal matters, emphasizing their potential to establish licensing or permissions within the membership for different activities such as banking and insurance.

The speaker also touched upon the ecclesiastical nature of the court system and its function as a gatekeeper for access to the law. He criticized the system’s claim over our access to justice, stating that it unfairly asserts ownership over legal accessibility.

The conversation then shifted to the challenges of utilizing PMAs. According to the speaker, banks and government agencies may hinder PMA usage due to existing taxation systems. However, he encouraged listeners to explore the concept, suggesting that blockchain technology could be used to maintain immutable records.

The speaker also briefly touched on the benefits of foreign grantor trusts, emphasizing their non-taxable status. An example was provided regarding a transition from regular taxpaying citizen status to conducting private affairs through PMAs, highlighting that as long as the PMA does not create a gain for oneself, there would not be a problem.

The discussion ended by addressing the potential for risk management through PMA structure, particularly regarding ownership of business assets such as vehicles. The speaker advised separating high-risk assets from the company’s ownership to minimize liability, suggesting a lease-back arrangement. The possibility of reopening the same business under a new name in a different state was also explored to avoid penalties from the original state. The speaker advised maintaining the same EIN to avoid issues with banking institutions.

U85 – Yes, You Can Do That with Your LLC –  Watch Now

The speaker primarily discusses the benefits and versatility of utilizing Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) for various purposes such as managing cash flow, liability reduction, and privacy. The speaker emphasizes that LLCs are flexible instruments and encourages listeners to explore their potential beyond traditional usage, for example, in land management and privacy measures.

The speaker outlines different ways in which an LLC can be used, such as managing assets and mitigating personal liability. This includes transferring personal assets into an LLC, which protects those assets from personal liability, and replacing personal accounts with those owned by an LLC.

Further, the speaker explains the benefits of moving the title of real estate to an LLC, and how to properly execute this procedure. The speaker notes that this process may seem unusual or illegal to those unfamiliar with it, but reassures listeners that it’s a valid practice that can offer significant benefits.

The speaker also elaborates on the potential uses of LLCs in creating separate legal entities for different businesses or partners, and how this provides additional layers of protection and control. Moreover, they discuss the advantages of using LLCs over trusts, due to the greater flexibility and lower risk of legal challenges that LLCs offer.

The speaker provides advice on setting up a line of credit attached to the LLC rather than using a traditional credit card. This involves setting up net 30 accounts and ensuring a balance between these accounts.

Lastly, the speaker explores advanced uses of LLCs such as the transfer of property through trusts and handling of tax liabilities. They advise listeners to consider securing loans against LLC assets and discuss ways to define land under a foreign jurisdiction.

In summary, the speaker promotes the use of LLCs as versatile tools in a range of situations and encourages listeners to challenge traditional views of LLC usage in order to gain the most from their capabilities.

U86 – Tax Numbers (SCN) – Succession Planning – Biometric Blockchain Surveillance – Q&A Discussion Watch Now

This transcript presents an extensive Q&A discussion led by a host, presumably named John Jay, which covers a wide range of topics.

John Jay began the session emphasizing his focus on private property rights and his mission to educate individuals on how to modify these rights to avoid exploitation by financial and legal systems. He encourages participants to overcome fear, arguing that the lack of fear fosters pragmatic functioning.

He discusses tax-related issues, such as the requirement for Social Security Numbers (SSN) for children, explaining that his own children do not have SSNs and discussing the potential complications this choice may entail. Further, he talks about reporting obligations and financial planning, touching on succession planning and managing familial assets.

The host also addressed questions about cryptocurrency, particularly related to the IRS form and the purchase of assets like cars and houses with crypto. He offers strategies for avoiding complications with the IRS, including using legal structures like LLCs.

He also dives into corporate structuring, giving insights on how to pick a location for a business entity, and touching on privacy issues. A specific question about registering a business in Nevada or Delaware prompts him to mention the importance of the state’s reporting obligations to the IRS.

Throughout the discussion, John Jay explains various financial concepts and strategies, from managing liability through LLCs to handling potential taxation events such as lottery winnings. Towards the end, he delves into topics related to energy production, transportation, and even some history of computing.

Overall, this Q&A session reflects a wide-ranging discussion on financial, legal, and tax strategies, with a strong focus on privacy, asset protection, and circumventing potential exploitation.

U87 – Several Ways to Create New Cash Flow –  Watch Now

The recording discusses multiple strategies for creating new cash flow streams, focusing on privacy, avoiding traditional banking systems, and using online platforms. The speaker first mentions strategies involving processing checks through clearinghouses rather than directly through a bank. Then, he brings up real estate and how it can be utilized to create income by building on and leasing land, maintaining privacy and control.

The conversation turns to the insurance and medical industry, with the speaker advising against obtaining their licensing and instead remaining accountable to patients. He suggests investing in captive insurance, highlighting the autonomy it provides.

Next, the speaker introduces a variety of online income-generation strategies, including affiliate marketing, website creation, and dropshipping. He details how one can find affiliate programs, choose profitable products, and create appealing websites using AI tools such as GPT. He explains the potential of dropshipping and mentions Flippa, a marketplace for buying and selling online businesses.

Then, he advises creating and selling digital products like eBooks. He mentions the website Lulu for self-publishing and distribution. The speaker also mentions the potential of inventing and manufacturing new products, citing an example of a revolutionary internal combustion engine.

Finally, he talks about the importance of documenting all regular expenses and income for tax purposes and briefly mentions potential sources of energy, like methane gas from septic tanks, for fuel generation.

Throughout the recording, the speaker emphasizes privacy and autonomy, urging listeners to consider alternative means of generating income outside of traditional banking systems and government regulation.

U88 – Rogue News In The Mornings John Singleton Returns –  Watch Now

The Rogue News podcast focused on the return of John Singleton, a well-known privacy advocate and critic of government and corporate misuse of personal data. Singleton emphasized the importance of understanding how to navigate the system legally to protect personal assets, discussing the importance of biometric data and its misuse. He shared insights on how it is being collected by entities like DMVs, Google, and Apple, and expressed concerns about the implications of such data collection for privacy.

He touched upon potential entrepreneurial opportunities in the digital world, discussing the possibility of creating, publishing, and selling digital products such as e-books and courses on platforms like Lulu, Udemy, and ClickBank. Singleton emphasized the potential of affiliate marketing, suggesting that one could generate substantial income with the right strategy and partnerships.

Moreover, Singleton broached the topic of making money by repurposing unused spaces and underutilized resources. He pointed out that unused repair shops, machine tools, or manufacturing facilities could be potentially lucrative. He gave the example of converting waste glass into cullet, which can be resold back into the supply chain, or shredding plastics and using them for new purposes.

The discussion then veered toward alternative energy sources, like E-fuels. He highlighted how such innovations could provide better fuel economy, burn cleaner, and generate more horsepower than conventional fuels. He suggested that such developments could potentially outpace electric cars in terms of popularity and practicality.

Finally, Singleton critiqued homeowners’ associations (HOAs) for their excessive control over neighborhood resources and property rights. He proposed that more collective decision-making among homeowners, such as bulk buying from suppliers, could lead to significant savings. He also advocated for the need to move towards self-sustainability, citing the example of houses in Australia that generate their own power, making them nearly independent of the power grid.

U89 – Talking with Columbian Entrepreneur Andres –  Watch Now

This summary pertains to a discussion with a Colombian entrepreneur, Andres, focusing on his entrepreneurial journey and his unique business venture that incorporates a sophisticated system of barter exchange. The business’s innovative aspects include its fostering of community trust and focus on cooperation rather than competition, which addresses worldwide societal difficulties.

Andres initially funded the project with his personal savings, insisting that entrepreneurs should be the first investors in their businesses. His platform is specifically designed for trustworthy entrepreneurs, and their reputations are at stake when they invite others. Over time, he managed to attract 123 investors, through individual presentations and networking.

The venture emphasizes the power of trust and encourages self-governance. The project’s distinguishing feature is its focus on worldwide community cooperation, recognizing that a single person or group can’t grasp all global community needs. The project aims to transition from a seemingly centralized system to a decentralized one, with local stakeholders making platform decisions.

The platform utilizes a rating system for products and services, enabling users to recognize and reward outstanding offerings. Users can earn merits, not for any service, but for exceptional ones that truly contribute value.

Andres discusses the company’s financial status and notes the legal challenges he faced. However, he maintains that his platform is fully legal and fits within the existing capitalist system. His system’s transactions are supported by real value, ensuring every interaction within the community has backing. The ultimate aim is to create a system that incentivizes helping others, arguing that individuals can achieve more personal gain by aiding others.

U90 – Talking with THE Authentic Sales Coach –  Watch Now

This episode features a discussion with the Authentic Sales Coach, Jenn Anne. The discussion primarily focuses on creating new cash flow through various modern technologies and online tools. The show emphasizes on the shift of accessibility and opportunity over the past decade or so, with opportunities becoming more readily available to those who know how to leverage digital platforms.

The discussion unfolds with Jenn Anne sharing her personal journey of building a business using just her phone and computer from her home office. She emphasizes on the advantage of digital platforms, allowing for flexible work-from-anywhere arrangements. She also shares her transition from traditional job stability to embracing the uncertainties of entrepreneurship, highlighting the value of resilience and determination in overcoming obstacles and achieving financial independence.

The discussion then turns towards practical examples and strategies, emphasizing the benefits of asset acquisition and effective credit management. Jenn also mentions that anyone can learn the sales process and even outsource it if it’s not their forte. The hosts also speak about the concept of side hustles and various methods to generate income in today’s digital age.

Moving on, the hosts explore the future of business operations, citing examples of on-site manufacturing as the next phase of just-in-time production. They also delve into the concept of resilience, highlighting the importance of adaptability and forward-thinking in today’s ever-evolving business landscape.

Finally, they discuss affiliate marketing as an additional source of income, detailing the process of promoting other businesses’ products and earning a commission from the sales made through affiliate links. They highlight the feasibility of this method, stating that it requires minimal effort and could provide a steady stream of passive income.

In summary, this episode discusses various strategies to create new cash flows using the digital platform, emphasizing the importance of resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace new technologies and methods. The key takeaway is that in the digital age, opportunities for generating income are vast and diverse, available to those willing to seize them.

U91 – A Post Nuptial Agreement and Divorcing the State –  Watch Now

John Jay Singleton delivers an insightful presentation on the strategic use of private membership associations, focusing primarily on the use of homeowners’ associations (HOAs) and covenants to control the title to real estate. This offers control over property taxes and other lienholders, including mortgage foreclosures and city code violations. Singleton emphasizes the importance of not exploiting the system but using it responsibly to limit liability and protect property rights.

Singleton then transitions into discussing the more technical aspects of the HOA covenant. The covenant always has the final say, never gets exhausted, and can limit liabilities and make things work in favor of the property owner. He also points out an interesting fact – the HOA corporation is not actually a member of the association it enforces the rules for.

Singleton introduces the idea of perfecting security interest in your biometric data, which is a property right that people have, irrespective of their nationality. He explains the process to perfect a security interest in your biometric data and how to use that data to limit liability and protect your property rights. This can be applied in many scenarios, including agreements with organizations like Google, Amazon, your DMV, your phone company, and your ISP.

The discussion then evolves into how a private membership association can be used in a family setting to avoid potential disputes that could lead to police involvement. This involves setting up a post-nuptial agreement that serves as a custody agreement and a declaration of the exercise of parental rights. The goal here is to divest the court of being able to interfere in the marriage, and all disputes are required to be resolved through binding arbitration. The key here is cooperation between parents to avoid potential interference from the court.

Singleton’s presentation provides an alternative approach to property management, highlighting the power and potential of homeowners’ associations and the strategic use of covenants. His innovative approach to perfecting a security interest in biometric data provides new avenues for protecting property rights. Additionally, his suggestions for managing potential family disputes through private membership associations offer non-traditional but potentially effective strategies for conflict resolution.

U92 – Collection of Your Financial and Biographical Data — What Rights You Have –  Watch Now

This executive summary pertains to a lengthy discussion led by John Jay, tackling data privacy and individual rights, particularly in the context of biographical and financial data. The speaker delves into the concept of private property, specifically intangible private property rights, and shares real-life examples with clients to illustrate the issues at hand.

He touches on the significance of understanding who is collecting your data, why they’re doing it, and what steps you can take in response. John highlights the importance of understanding intellectual property rights, a topic that most consumers are not entirely familiar with, and relates this to data privacy. He emphasizes how individuals can create a liability on the accounting records of organizations that collect data, thereby gaining control over its use.

Further in the conversation, he reveals the process of slamming companies with biometric data, emphasizing the individual’s rights to their biometric information. He mentions E Oscar, an important intermediary in the data exchange process between creditors, debt collectors, and credit reporting agencies.

John Jay also sheds light on a crucial aspect of data privacy— recognizing when a company is using your data and what measures can be taken in response, which can even involve legal action. The conversation ends with a discussion on data collection in everyday life, how it’s used in commerce, and the possibility of monetizing personal data through licensing agreements. The ultimate goal of this discussion, as John Jay points out, is to regain control over one’s privacy and property rights in the context of personal data.

U93 – Eliminating Property Tax and Code Violation Penalties with the HOA Covenant & Biometric Data Lien, Part I –  Watch Now 

This executive summary provides an overview of a conversation covering topics like property taxes, Homeowners Association (HOA) covenants, biometric data, and their implications on privacy.

The conversation begins with a discussion about the power of liens and how they can be used to alleviate property tax and code violation penalties. HOA covenants, considered a specific type of lien, are discussed in detail. They are unique because they survive all other liens and do not get exhausted in a foreclosure. The speaker suggests the need for homeowners to understand the power of these covenants, and work cooperatively to leverage them for common benefits, such as better internet connectivity and special assessment fees that may deter foreclosure.

Further, the speaker transitions to discuss biometric data, expressing concern over the increasing collection and potential misuse of such data by tech companies. Drawing parallels between biometric data and intellectual property, the speaker suggests that the former can be protected in a similar manner. He proposes a commercial security agreement, explaining how a lien could be used against companies misappropriating biometric data without consent. The speaker envisages an outcome where companies might reconsider their data collection strategies if the financial risk becomes too great.

The speaker also discusses concerns around potential legislation affecting privacy and ownership of personal data. He offers a potential solution in the form of a service that records, perfects, and hands over personal biometric data to individuals, empowering them to assert control over their information. The overall intent is to create a system that enables individuals to claim royalties from entities that use their personal, including biometric, data, similar to intellectual property rights.

Finally, the discussion touches upon more specific cases, such as “for sale by owner” properties, which might have different lien rights. The speaker clarifies that possession or title enables one to exercise the rights discussed earlier. The conversation also includes a brief explanation about the formation of HOAs in neighborhoods that currently lack them.

U94 – Eliminating Property Tax and Code Violation Penalties with the HOA Covenant & Biometric Data Lien, Part II –  Watch Now

In the discussion led by John Jay, the main focus was on Liens, particularly the concept of a biometric data lien and the security agreement for biometric data. The discussion dove into how the Homeowner’s Association (HOA) Covenant can be used as a tool to control property titles, allowing homeowners to ignore property tax and similar issues, under the understanding that a covenant is a perpetual lien on real estate. This approach, while unique, raises other issues such as road maintenance, which is typically handled by the county.

A participant brought up a question about whether you need to make a certain down payment to avoid escrow. John explained that this can be modified with the lender to allow the property owner to handle the property tax directly.

There was also an argument presented by an anonymous party, stating that property, as a right, should not be taxed. They claimed success in having property taxes dropped based on this argument. The conversation then shifted to the topic of biometric data and how downloading applications often involves giving away personal data. John discussed a security agreement that can restore property rights in these instances.

Questions were raised regarding how to introduce this lien or security agreement on one’s data and the potential limitations to services this could impose. As a response, John addressed the rights of individuals over their images and likenesses, hinting that these rights could be claimed for commercial purposes.

The discussion also touched on the use of Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) and trusts for asset protection. John explained that the state allows LLCs to protect individuals’ interests, which also benefits the state. He suggested that a court cannot order a change in this arrangement.

Towards the end of the discussion, the conversation shifted to the taxation of cryptocurrency transactions, a topic that was brought up by a participant. The participant’s son had some issues with tax returns on these transactions. John suggested seeking help from crypto accounting specialists.

Finally, the conversation returned to the concept of the lien on biometric data. John clarified that a lien should be established in advance of an incident or request for help. He suggested that people may start to realize they have property rights they can exercise. In the context of property taxes and mortgage liens, John explained that property taxes can wipe out the mortgage, making property taxes a superior lien. The discussion closed with a participant questioning John’s plans without disclosing specific details.

U95 – Reporting Your Financial Beneficial Ownership Interest (BOI) in an LLC — Part I  – Watch Now

In a recent presentation, John Jay discussed the implications of new FinCEN reporting requirements that require individuals to report any beneficial ownership interest (BOI) upon the formation of a company. FinCEN, the Financial Crimes Network, has implemented these requirements under the guise of national security, although John Jay suggests the main purpose is to collect information and impose financial penalties.

The Corporate Transparency Act, Section 603, is set to be enforced from 2024 and requires reporting for any transactions exceeding $10,000. It also includes heavy penalties for non-compliance, both civil and criminal. Importantly, the Act does not exclude trust organizations or create any additional tax liabilities.

John Jay further explains that he does not foresee an issue with disclosing information to banks during these new reporting requirements. Despite this, he argues that individuals should disclaim all liability due to the law’s inherent purpose of investigating crimes. He suggests that these changes will likely come into play when filing annual reports, amending articles, or upon the initial filing of a company.

Finally, he encourages the public to explore the use of different monetary units, such as cryptocurrencies, as we may be moving towards a financial environment that embraces multiple forms of currency. John concludes that while some ways to circumvent these new requirements may exist, such as using unregistered companies, for those who want to use registered companies and hold titles, compliance with these new FinCEN requirements will likely be inevitable.

U96 – Reporting Your Financial Beneficial Ownership Interest (BOI) in an LLC — Part II – Watch Now

This executive summary covers a video by John J, discussing a new regulation implemented by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). The rule, slated to come into effect in 2024, pertains to reporting financial beneficial ownership interest in an LLC. John argues that the regulation is intrusive, overreaches its jurisdiction, and compromises privacy rights.

According to the regulation, companies must collect personal information from their members, which could include sensitive data. This data collection process, John argues, is problematic, as companies lack the authority and resources to ensure the information’s accuracy or to investigate potential fraud. Companies could potentially face criminal liability for inaccuracies that they are not equipped to identify.

John further criticizes FinCEN for being ill-prepared to safeguard this collected data. He requests details on data storage, verification of information accuracy, and identity protection measures. Additionally, he demands evidence of FinCEN’s financial responsibility in the event of a data breach.

John indicates that he plans to resist this regulation by all means necessary, potentially leveraging other structures or methods to ensure privacy. He encourages viewers to comprehend the implications of the regulation and decide how it might impact their existing or future LLCs.

In conclusion, John J contends that the new FinCEN rule compromises privacy, exceeds its authority, and lacks a comprehensive mechanism to protect collected data.

U97 – Biometric Security Agreement, Divorcing the Court, Ending Property Tax and Code Violations – Watch Now

The executive summary provides a brief overview of a recorded discussion by John Jay, covering various topics related to biometric security agreements, divorce proceedings, property tax, and code violations. John Jay emphasizes the need to address unfair practices by the state in family matters and suggests divorcing the state to shift responsibility back to parents and spouses. He introduces an agreement that applies existing family standards in case of divorce.

Furthermore, John Jay discusses the use of an HLAA Covenant and its potential effectiveness, clarifying that it can be easily implemented by an attorney without necessitating agreement with the discussed ideas. He also highlights the possibility of using easement rights to restrict land use and control property titles, providing examples of foreclosure scenarios.

The conversation delves into legal actions related to property taxes, where John Jay advises pursuing refund suits rather than civil rights actions. He cautions against relying solely on statutes and emphasizes the common understanding that it is illegal to take something that does not belong to you.

Throughout the discussion, John Jay addresses audience questions and comments, sharing insights on various topics such as credit profiles, driver’s licenses without SSNs, and filing tax returns. He emphasizes the importance of understanding legal processes and suggests carefully choosing battles to focus on.

Overall, John Jay aims to empower individuals to protect their privacy and property interests using legal tools and strategies. He encourages collaborative efforts between spouses and highlights the need for educating oneself and others to achieve remedies in the face of government interference.

U98 – Financing Real Estate Investments with Easements – Watch Now

The U98 conference addressed the concept of using easements in real estate investment and property rescue. The speaker highlighted the potential of easements as a financial rescue mechanism for distressed properties, explaining that instead of controlling the title, it is possible to control the property’s use through lien rights that cannot be exhausted.

The speaker further elaborated on two approaches to implementing this strategy, either through a homeowner’s association (HOA) covenant or easements. He indicated that both an HOA covenant and an easement could effectively act as liens that remain unaffected by foreclosures.

He clarified that negotiating easements with distressed property owners could allow the investor to maintain control over the property, even after foreclosure. This control could involve selling or leasing back the property to the original owner, a strategy achieved through lien rights rather than through title control.

This innovative approach to real estate investing involves developing a comprehensive understanding of easement rights. As the speaker suggested, if well-structured, easement rights can offer significant protection against various interests that might be inconsistent with the investor’s objectives, including potential foreclosures. However, he warned against relying on attorneys for guidance, implying that most are likely to disagree with his strategy.

The speaker also suggested using easement rights as a means to fund development or improvements on the property, arguing that such an arrangement could increase the property’s value and provide the investor with a significant return on their investment.

Finally, the speaker encouraged the use of technology and available services to streamline real estate investment processes, including lead generation tools like those offered by Ron Legrand. He encouraged a comparison of the costs of such services against the value of the investor’s time.

In summary, the speaker’s core argument was the potential for utilizing easements as a means of investment and property rescue in real estate, presenting a unique perspective on how distressed properties can be managed effectively.

U99 – Introduction to The Ad Hoc Jury – Watch Now

The meeting, held on May 11th, centered around discussing the security agreement and its defining components. There was a focus on the concept of using arbitration as a means to resolve disputes. This came in light of observing various cases brought forward to the speaker, many of which could have been potentially resolved or mitigated through arbitration. To this end, the notion of an ‘ad hoc jury’ was introduced, which could be convened virtually using platforms like Zoom. Jurors could review cases and make decisions, thereby expediting resolution in a fair and transparent manner.

The meeting further explored the idea of utilizing an application process for choosing jury members. Although it was acknowledged that it might not be a lucrative endeavor for the participants, the speaker expressed that people might still be interested in being part of the process out of curiosity or a sense of civic duty. The discussion also touched on the possibility of involving the legislature to educate judges, and potentially draw up articles of impeachment if necessary.

The conversation then switched to contractual disputes, with participants probing whether fraud or breach of contract would invalidate an arbitration clause. The speaker affirmed that it would depend on the specifics of the case, but the arbitration process could still be employed. The discussion also included a contemplation on using AI to choose jury members, providing a modern twist on the traditional jury selection process.

The group considered how to handle scenarios such as county foreclosures and potential legal responses, touching on the notion of fraud and the possibility of seeking damages. Additionally, there was discussion around data privacy, the right to reclaim biometric data, and how these could potentially be linked to the security agreement.

Finally, the discussion culminated with an exploration of the process for filing a security agreement, including filling out a UCC-1 form as notice for the agreement. Participants were guided through the process of creating their own agreement, even addressing the possible impacts on their credit. A key takeaway was that security agreements could not be retroactively applied to the time when data was collected, but remedies could still be sought based on the data retention policy, privacy statement, and state law.