0:03 All right, hello, everyone. Thanks for joining. It's June first. This is John Jay. I'm going to talk about some interesting topics tonight. Some of them we've already discussed. 0:12 But I'm gonna introduce something new, but before I do, I just want to review a few of the things. 0:18 So,...

All right, hello, everyone. Thanks for joining. It's June first. This is John Jay. I'm going to talk about some interesting topics tonight. Some of them we've already discussed.
But I'm gonna introduce something new, but before I do, I just want to review a few of the things.
So, you see here, I guess, my screen sharing. Let me go back to that real quick.
I just want to go over the topics, nice as a guide.
I came up with these things because, over the last couple of years, actually, since 2020, I started putting these things together and what I've found is, that they're even more effective than I thought.
So, to start with the security agreement on, the biometric data is going to be essential to defeating things like the central, central bank, digital currency, and even the TSA and things of this nature.
Even if you've given up your, your biometric data, you can actually reclaim the ownership and the property rights of it and you can actually make it a liability for those who would collect it, store it, and use it. This is what we're trying to do, not try to create a situation. We're going to sue people.
We just want to create a situation where it's going to create a liability to collect our data.
And I don't know what that looks like, except possibly they'll stop doing it.
I don't know.
And it does give you a cause of action. You don't have to wait for the Attorney General to do something. You don't have to depend on a state statute for a right to privacy. You can establish what that right is.
You can establish what all of those rights are in your security agreement. It's exactly like a mortgage. It's the same thing.
All you're doing is becoming well, for lack of a better way to say it. The mortgage lender for the use of your biometric and biographical data.
All right.
So, I just want to mention for those of you who are working on it, we're going back and forth on the on the security agreement Be sure that you um, the the State is not associated with? a reference to the UCC, So I think towards the bottom of the agreement. There's a reference to Texas in a reference to Florida. So, you can actually delete those. Just make sure those are gone. There is. No. We don't care about Florida UCC or Texas UCC.
It's just the UCC They're it's all the same anyways.
Alright. So, there's, that, I'm not going to go into too far in that. But there's one thing.
one thing that's really just lately come up, and I cut a hold of this by looking at some videos. And I discovered that there's this entire group of, let's call it demographic or whatever group of people that are younger, people that are considering, like we would maybe as we get older, you know, we, we decided to get married and have a family in these sorts of things. And, again, it's all about property rights. That's why I look at this.
And so the younger people now are looking at a situation where they don't want to get married.
The men don't want to get married because the court system, the rules of procedure and the state statutes are very unfriendly towards men to put it politely and it's just the way it is. So, they're thinking that the solution is don't get married. Well, that's destroying the family. It's destroying the population rate and things of this nature, which is, I believe, the agenda.
The reason why they're not getting married, they think this actually doesn't solve their problem.
They think that a marriage, a relationship allows the one of the other spouse. It's usually going to be the woman 78% of the time. It's the woman to come in and pillaged the marital community to take the property, to create lifetime payments, alimony, child support, and maybe even take custody of the children. And be unfair. And all these things for the most part. I believe that's what's happening. I think we all know.
we've heard some sort of news about that, but my thinking is the State's doing this.
It's an agenda, So what do you, how do you deal with that, might think it is, let's divorce the State, alright. Let's let's get the State. Let's preclude the State from interfering in this arrangement, because look at it this way. A marriage is a private membership.
Association had already exists, the State is intruding on that relationship because you don't know any better. Not because you have a license that really doesn't matter.
The license itself does not create the problem, you can have a marriage license or not.
OK, that doesn't alone, give the state, or take away the state's authority, or whatever. And so the husband or wife is a private membership association.
Then, if they have children, you have the husband or wife and the children. that has a different private membership association.
So there's, you know, there's different things going on here.
What we want to do is use the private membership association that exists and retain the authorities, the rights, the private property rights, within that organization.
And not give it up to the state or the or the court, because it's demonstrated, that it's part of the abuse. It's part of the destruction of our family system.
And so, the way you do that is, Um, I'm going to go over the points real quick here. Let me let me see if I can do a screen share, because I have written down, so I won't forget, to a different screen share.
New share.
And here we go. So, I summarize day.
All right, guys.
So, I summarized it, as you can see, in the screen sharing.
So, this is what I've done.
So I create this situation where we have a Pre-nuptial Pre-nup.
It can be used as Pre-nuptial or Post Nuptial, but we're using the Federal Arbitration Act, And it's going to preclude the family court from taking jurisdiction in the marriage.
So, if there's a dispute, or there's going to be possibly separation, or there is a dispute over child custody or things of this nature Disagreement, divest the state court of getting involved.
Now, this does not, this does not happen, or it is not true.
It doesn't apply if there's neglect or abuse anywhere, but that has to be established by evidence. And that's another thing that this agreement does, is it makes the court slow down.
It gets rid of the court, really.
And if there's going to be any court involvement that is precluded by this agreement unless there is at some point an evidentiary hearing involving abuse or neglect.
So that that that throws a monkey wrench into their scheme of getting in that situation and maybe even taking custody of the children. This is another reason I mean you divorce the state in this situation and you prevent child trafficking. All right. You prevent unfair, no unfair agreements, divorce, decrees, things of that nature.
You put you prevent or mitigate reduce the destruction of that family that wealth basis.
So This also can be used to preclude the court from imposing contempt of a powers over any of the parties, which it could work both ways. I mean it's really what it is, what this is doing is putting the power back in the family.
And we just have to act accordingly. So you could mess this up if you're not acting accordingly but it's pretty strong the way this works so that a person cannot be vindictive.
one of the spouses be vindictive and break disagreement and then get the court involved and then go back to the same abuse situation. That's not going to happen, this Court with this. This agreement would preclude that.
But I'm just saying it puts the responsibility back on the: on the parents and the husband or wife.
So, in the agreement, one of the standards it's applied is the way in which the families operating today. And up till today, before this dispute came in, is going to be the standard by, which the family will continue to operate, still, going to be a family, but maybe there's going to be divorced. Let's say then that those standards would still be applied. So let me give an example. So, let's say there's a, an, an agreement for child support we arrive at Child Support.
Well, that should be consistent with custody, right. Why should a parent pay child support and then not have custody?
Why not just have custody, then reduce the need for child support, or eliminate it? Right? So there's some things. There's some fairness that goes into this.
But basically, what we're doing is all the effort the legislature has taken since probably the eighties nineties.
And all the rules of procedure that have divested, the court itself, I mean, they've actually been doing this. The legislature has been taking away the Court's discretion in telling the court what it can and cannot do.
And that's why we had this abuse situation, because your legislature is actually creating this for you. So, we need to take this back, and this is how you do it. You set up arbitration, You have a completely different set of rules.
And it's, it's a lot more favorable, I think, if you're going to be diligent and be a parent or a husband or wife.
So, we're going to protect the children.
Uh, we still have, we still have the court involvement when there's abuse and neglect. So that's not out the window, but what I, what I also did in this post an actual agreement.
And I use the term post nuptial loosely, because it can be pre nuptial. It's just an agreement is an agreement that has to do with a marriage. All right.
So, in the formation of this agreement, a trust is declared.
That takes ownership of all the chattels in the household.
So you get rid of the furniture in the appliances and electronics and all these chattels, all these things, that benefit your life every day, other fixtures on the wall, silly stuff like that, right? We make those owned by a trust, don't move them anywhere.
We just make the declaration in this agreement.
So what that does is it, it guts, the marital property. It removes the marital property So, it cannot be dissipated or removed otherwise, and, and it settles the matter, it settles the manner in which the property will be continue to be used or benefited, right? The trust already does it. It's a settlement agreement, OK? So, the trusted setup Agreement inside the Post Nuptial agreement this diverse even if the court were to take jurisdiction, it divest the court of doing saying anything about the channels in the household because that's already been settled.
Again, we beat the court to it. Not that the court would be able to intervene, but just I'm just saying that with that trust, it's kind of a backup to do this.
What's really what's really going to work here is the fact that the agreement includes an arbitration provision in its binding. That means you can't do anything without going through arbitration. Now, arbitration. Now I could do it several ways. if you guys want me to do this for you, I can I can do it many different ways.
But we can make arbitration the award or the determination by the arbitrator. We can make that subject to an appeal to. We don't have to just forego appeals. We can all we can have an appeals process, which is also part of the arbitration process.
So, we have every remedy in every thing that's needed to resolve disputes already without the court system, and without attorneys, I mean, some of, some of them are the problem. They just want billable hours, right? So anyways, I don't wanna go into too far, too much of this, I just wanted to say this is, you know, something that I've been working on, and.
I'm making some comments here about the bar, so I'm just gonna scroll through this, because I know this recorded, so you'll be able to go back and pause this video and see what I've got here.
So anyways, just wanna talk about that briefly and then stop share on that one.
then so now we're gonna, I'm gonna get into, does HLAA Covenant? So many of you like the idea that, how a covenant and it's going to be quite effective? You'll see it's going to be very difficult to challenge this. I do not see any legal provision where it can be challenged in any way that we're going to use it.
So if I use an H O, a covenant deed restrictions on a piece of real estate or a neighborhood, it'll work either way. I can put it on one parcel.
I can put it on a whole neighborhood. I could put it on 10 parcels. I could put it on non contiguous property. I don't see why you need to do that.
Contiguous property is preferred. Neighborhoods are preferred.
You could modify one if you already. If your home is already within an HLAA Covenant, you can modify it and use it for what I'm describing here.
And if you need help with that, let me know.
Sometimes it's difficult to work with neighbors if they can't see eye to eye. And it's hard to explain these concepts to people that have never heard any of this stuff before, and they don't, they don't perceive the need to do something like this, Right?
But what, I'm, what I'm proposing, and I'm gonna show you something new here.
But the HLA covenant, I'm, I'm using it so that you would give yourself the ability to control what the use of that property This is: Where are we having a big problem in our societies, because we don't really have the use of our property as you can tell.
We're getting annihilated. We're getting annihilated an economically with the property taxes with the insurance rates and so forth. And so on.
When I show you this, think about this, you will have complete control.
no matter what the banks do as the insurance or the regulatory agencies, your city, county, township, whatever, your state property taxes, you get the final word and all this because you ultimately control the property and the use of the property, they use the land, OK, and your house, with this covenant.
Now, if you can't work it out with your neighbors, or if it's not that, you know, maybe your neighborhood so big, and maybe let's say you already have an ..., and it's too much trouble you. You're not gonna get through the quagmire of neighbors. You're not going to educate him, You're going to look like a freak. If you try to talk to about, this, I got something else you can do.
Um, if you don't have an H O a, that makes it much easier. We can write up one and record it, and, and we can show you how to use it. I can, I can work with you and show you the different ins and outs. We can also do a risk assessment and find out what may be going on in your situation that you would use it and how you would use it.
So one of the technical things of an HLAA covenant is that there's an H way, right? So the h.o.a.s should be something that the state recognizes. The way that works is you would register a corporation with the state. This is what I did. I register a non-profit corporation.
It's non-profit, because when I checked the box, as to what type of company I just said, non-profit, OK? So, mine would be an Inc and ...
Incorporated organization, and then that would be the highway, um, name of the ..., put it that way.
It does not need a tax number, and it does not need a bank account.
It just needs to be the Board, let's call it, OK.
And that's how it goes from there.
In many cases, you wouldn't even need to be involved with the court. Now if you were to be involved with the court, Like, if you wanted to foreclose that the h.o.a.s interests, you could easily do it and it would be very easy for an attorney to do it, and the attorney wouldn't have to agree with anything we're talking about. It would just be a very simple case just like any other.
So, nothing nothing unusual there.
That's what I try to do is make everything normal.
So we'd have to educate other people in order to get a remedy, and I think we can do that.
Um, and, yeah, this will apply. The HVAC company does apply to commercial and residential.
Did I do? Did I do a screen share here? And let me see?
I wanted to show you, as I'm going through here.
So it's got something to follow since this I'm talking about right here.
Now, the thing I want to introduce, you can do this individually. This is called easements.
We already have easements, we use them all the time. When you drive to work, that's you're using an easement. A public right of way.
Easements can be established by written instrument that's recorded but they can also be established by long term use of something. And they can also be established. A couple other ways but necessity being one.
Easements are established all the time.
They don't have to be in writing. But well, what I'm talking about is a private easement that's in writing that allows you certain use of the property no matter who the title holder is.
So that's code for saying even in the event of foreclosure the easement rights still stand. Just like in the event of foreclosure, the Covenant has not been exhausted exhausted.
So what the heck what we do with easement, right? So let me give you a hypothetical example.
Let's say as long as I have the title or whoever has the title does this K because once you have the title, you can do this. After that, you cannot do it. You cannot do this.
When you don't have the title, your name is not in the title.
If you control the party that's named on the title, like, if you, it's your LLC, you can do it.
In order for an Easement to be a valid Easement.
An Easement. The summary of it is that it's the right of use for land.
It's the right to use land in a certain way.
The easement only exists. When there's two parties to it, you cannot have the title holder of the property give an easement to himself.
Then there's no Easement.
And if there wasn't eason it before, then if both parties become the same, for some reason, then the easement dissolves.
Just keep that in mind.
So here's a hypothetical example. I go and buy a house in the suburbs and they get a mortgage on it.
Then I stopped paying the mortgage.
And before I do that are before the foreclosure takes place, while my name is still in the title, I record an easement on the property and the easement says that the owner, whoever, at that time, which it would be me at that time, gives the right two. And let's just say it's an organization.
Let's just say it's my brother, It doesn't matter, because, at some point, I will be able to use the property under those easement rights because of the way the easement is held. That's what I want to do.
But I cannot make the easement for myself.
I cannot be that the easement right holder.
So, if the easements are given, then there's a foreclosure The easement is recorded. In this case, in this example, it has to be record, it should be recorded.
Um, When the property is sold at a foreclosure auction, somebody might buy it, whatever somebody might try to move in.
The thing is, with my easement rights, if it says in the easement rights, that I can use the property, just like anyone else would or like I can use it. In the same manner in which I've been using it.
In other words, I drive my car in the driveway. I go in the front door, I watch TV, make a sandwich in the kitchen and go to bed, get up in the morning, take a shower, do the same thing. Then, I sit out back and I, you know, feed the dog, whatever, I'm using the house. OK. If I say that in the easement, then I can just use the house, like everyone else. I can still do that.
So, if there's a foreclosure, and someone else takes the title, I'm really sorry for him.
But I'm not going anywhere.
And I really don't care what he does. But I have the easement rights.
We control the use of the property.
So, if you don't, can't work with or don't, are not able to use the highway type idea. The easements would work just as well.
And it's an either or situation.
Now, let me give you a little bit terminology.
OK, so let's go back to the ... just briefly. The method I'm, I'm suggesting for Hawaii Covenants is that you use a special assessment upon the conveyance of the title, so that you would be able to regain control the title.
It would give the highway right of foreclosure, and or it would also compensate the H away or the previous homeowner with a special assessment and that has to be arranged in the covenant, then you impose use restrictions, and that defeat all outside claims. So that's what I look for when I'm writing these up. I've only got a couple so far. But that's what I'm doing.
The other thing is on the easement, right. So this new idea that I just introduced you guys now I know you know what an easement is.
I'm just showing you that we can do this for purposes that will actually serve our interests. So a lot of you may be complaining and complaining about what you're seeing, right?
All this craziness.
And maybe you think voting is the solution. I think many of you already know that that's probably not the solution. But I think what maybe is taking back property rights.
And this may be a very effective way to do it without using the court system without even guessing. Because when you have these property rights, there is no way around it.
I can even tell you that when I was in the foreclosure area back in 20 12 or whatever, 2013, 14, those those a lot of those mortgages were total fraud And the court upheld them all.
So it's a it's a statute. Staple.
The Court will uphold these.
Not that we have to use the Court, so Easement Rights.
They establish a perpetual lien just like the HLA Covenant and there's at least two parties.
There's the dominant estate, which is the owner, the title holder, the grantor, OK? The grand tour is the one who owns the property, see, bought the house, he got a mortgage on it, whatever. And you're the grand tour. If you're going to grant easement rights to someone else, it has to be someone else. Otherwise. There's no easement. And then the person you're granting the rights to the person could be an individual, it could be your brother, it could be your mom, it could be a group of people. You just have to describe it, is very simple. It could be another corporation, it could be an LLC, it could be a trust, I know you'll ask me that.
And so that party is the grantee of the Easement Rights, which is known as the servant estate.
The servant of state.
And I, and I think with this understanding and what if we start using it in identifying situations? And apply these easements and record them?
I mean you could do an easement that's two pages long, OK, it doesn't have to be complicated.
We're not gonna get beat up so much.
Maybe we can then decide what's going to be done with our property tax dollars.
Right, maybe we can decide that.
Uh, the city codes aren't consistent with our interests or are consistent with our neighbors interests and preferences.
We can then start working with our neighbors and not have to be suffer through intrusion, from outside interests. OK, that's what I'm thinking.
So, what do you guys think about easements?
I've got a question.
Yeah, Krishna has a good one but go ahead.
I'll answer, OK.
So, I, remember, you're talking about, is meant rights or whatever, And you were saying that ... rights called way into airspace above your house? Is there any way we could say we can seize back those easement rights and no more Kim sales of our household? Yeah. That would be, that would be a good use of the easement yet, and you're right. I believe you can do that.
We can, we can, We can reach, restrict, the land use, yet, eris land. So, we would have to, I don't know what.
I mean, how would you do that?
You'd have to do it on a large enough scale to impede the military.
And I suppose you could, because right now they have an easement, right? They've been using it and we haven't said anything.
It's not international, it is over our land, so I would agree with you. I think that we can do that.
That's a heck of a project, though.
But yeah, mm easement rights.
I mean, genocide, does that give you an Easement, right? Someone's asking me Well an Easement work with a commercial bank, OK, wait a minute.
If the property sold, however, it can be sold at auction or whatever if the, When the property changes title.
Can the new title Oana, Remove the easement? It could be dissolved.
Um, I think you can write it so that it cannot be dissolved.
Um, No, actually, I take that back, because here, here's why.
The answer to your question is no, but not without the consent of the servian estate.
Both parties.
You can't just unilaterally remove easement rights once you, once you establish the easement rights, in order to remove them.
If the new dominant estate, whoever takes the title after you, through whatever means sailer foreclosure, he wants to remove those easement rights, he has to make a deal with the Serbian estate, whoever has those easement rights, who has them?
You, your family, your trust, or whatever, Do you think they're going to give that up?
You still have Control, Your control went from the dominant estate to the servian estate.
You still have the same use and benefit of the property as the dominant estate.
Now, they're the chomp on the hook. With all the property taxes and everything else, all the liability, you don't have any liability.
So, isn't it work with commercial, yes.
Commercial residential, agriculture, horticultural, industrial?
Easement Rights.
John, I was wondering what, what HLA covenant would it be like a double protection to have them food and easement?
Yeah. I would.
I would, I would do an ato a covenant, and then add an easement in there.
They're there.
They can be used together or not, but they, like, I've already put the property, we did a quick claim property in a truck.
We made the LLC.
Yeah, not the beneficiary, but the trustee, good trustee of the LLC, create an eighth avenue. Covenant, create an easement.
OK? For the HLA Covenant, I wouldn't make the HLA the owner of my property.
I would separate them out.
I would make the H away.
Corporation, a non-profit corporation registered with your state, totally separate entity.
OK, and so there's that for the Covenant, then on easements just make sure that the serving estate is another party so if your LLC or trust owns your property you can make each and every member of your family individually the servant estate, Yeah, or trustee Yeah, well the trust is the title holder so literally whatever the title holder is house describing your quitclaim deed, is that is the one who can issue the easement rights.
OK, that would be the trust.
Yep, the exact name on that.
Yes, Then you make the us resident of the property you, you would make yourselves the beneficial and the beneficial party of the easements, right.
Or if you're talking about how a covenant, then you don't really have that situation going on where there's another party so you have an H A a covenant that can control the title of the property. And then it would do so.
It's for the benefit of yourself, whatever you originally intended.
If it's an easement then yeah you're going to have the two different parties. So the easement is going to be the title holder and then another party. So it could be like your trust is the title holder.
Then the list of your family members can be the serving Estates, different ones.
But you can also just give that group a name the Smith Family.
That's the Serbian state, you can do it that way, too.
Then in the articles need both. And you're saying you don't, you don't need both. They're both as equally effective. one might apply a little bit better than the other, like, if you say to me, my H O, A major way already, have an H O a, my. Neighbors think I'm crazy. But I still have the protections very simple.
Do an easement do an easement on your parcel.
Do you recommend one over the others? With your research so far? I would Based on each person's unique situation.
But right now I'm just telling you generally, they're about the same.
All right, Jacob.
Hey, John, do you have to own the title outright?
In order to create easements or be able to due to contract none at all. It doesn't matter doesn't matter at all.
It doesn't matter what lane as long as you have the right to sell the property then you can do it?
OK, So if the bank owns the property, Then I don't have the right to sell it But If I own the property, then I write If the bank took it back in a foreclosure, Once it took the title following a foreclosure. You lost your right to do the Easement. So during her foreclosure you can record an Easement.
Just for the title.
Of course got it, but if I own it outright.
Well it won't matter.
So my question is, is I'd been, I've been following some Steve Emerson Millimeter and I've been looking into how to negotiate with the county through basically challenging the ad valorem nonsense. Yep.
Um, and so that's a pretty lengthy process, and It's really Yeah, like intensive and and learning and learning law, Basically.
You have to be able to Become a person say was it I Forget what the title is. But you know it's you defend yourself.
Yeah, without an attorney. Right without a lawyer It's per se or something. Is this just a short? Yes. Yes. This allows You cut, pro se. Yeah, yeah, this, this gets rid of all the arguing educating, because it's one thing to know the law. Steve does. He understands it very well, and he I think he understands judicial procedure by now. I've listened to them quite a bit, and that's another stumbling block is not understanding judicial procedure.
It's one thing to understand the law, but then how do you affect your rights under the law? Most people don't understand. They don't know the little nuances that are needed, So you're really in a difficult situation there, and so what's your cause of action. Right? If the, if the State or the county wants to still impose property taxes, the ad valorem tax on your property, which are cause of action.
Well, I mean, the cause of action would you'd have to go back into case law and show that they actually don't have any standing whatsoever to charge your personal property, OK. But what is your cause of action?
Is it breach of contract?
Know, the Cause the cause of action would be literally they have no right, they're violating your private property rights, right, It's not a cause, that's, yeah but that's not a cause of action. You have to state a cause of action. You have to be, you have to give the court something that has jurisdiction over just saying that I have private property rights is not enough, you have to articulate something.
Like for example, um you want to sue oh I get it.
Yeah you want to sue for injunctive relief, and the junction has to meet the criteria. Or you want to Sue, because you overpaid your taxes, right, so you would pay and then sue for the refund.
So the cause of action would be, it would be US Title 41, 1983, act. It could be, but that's not a cause of action for what we're talking about, property taxes. No. I mean, Stephen likes to do that. I don't agree with them on that. That's just such a cliche, that. People don't understand what they're doing.
You need a cause of action against your state property appraiser or property Assessor, state property tax assessor.
What is the cause of action I overpaid, and how do you get jurisdiction against the state?
You've got to exhaust your miss or Remedy. You've got to probably end up paying the tax and then sue for a refund.
For overpayment, that's your cause of action.
I don't, I don't know, I mean there's probably several others, but it's not going to be a civil rights action.
Now because they use color of office, couldn't you do that, Because in Georgia toddler officers, it goes into the statute. There is a cause of action for that but you're gonna ask the court for something like injunctive relief or you're gonna ask it for compensatory damages for over paying taxes.
That's two things you're gonna ask for, that you want the state tax authority to do its job and it's doing its job. It just misclassified your property is subject to the tax shy. Yeah, don't don't don't say that. The office, I mean they're acting outside the office, OK fine.
I mean I don't know what your remedy you're gonna look at Injunctive relief there, but I think to get jurisdiction past sovereign immunity.
You're gonna have to figure what that is now. These guys are very clever. They stripped us of all the judicial procedure. Like for example, OK so they say here's the tax bill, pay it.
There's no finding, there's no, they say there's an assessment, but it's not an and there's no judicial review prescribed in the statute for the most part. So we kind of have to make it up. It's Wild Wild West. And how are you going to find somebody to help you do that? And you gotta figure out yourself, this, I'm talking about you have to go to the court, and you have to invent a cause of action. You have to give the court some way to get involved.
They made it really hard for us to do that.
So, yeah, the answer your question is that he's been rights and the ...
Covenant problem solved.
You could say: Oh, tax is all you want. I will ignore you.
Got it. And so, if, say, for instance, no, they're not educated on ....
They're not educated on what they're ... Educated doing contract law.
And sorry that you know they're not they're not educated on on. Probably like the power of contracting through an H O A So then they send stay.
You know the sheriff to come out and evict you would you end up having to sue them then at that point? No or no. No let's say they are.
They wouldn't even get to that point. They would get to the point of selling your house for not paying property taxes.
Let's just play this out. So the foreclosure takes place or sold at auction and the h.o.a.s simply waits, nobody does anything. The new property holder comes in, let's say that, let's say somebody wants to move in, right? Maybe they're, maybe you didn't move out. Maybe you're still in the house, so they'd have to try to take possession, right?
So let's say they did that. Let's say they got an order from a Court to take possession.
And you're still there mmm hmm.
The HLAA can then step in.
Now the easement right, would be easier here, but the HLAA could have Before that happens, it would have time to foreclose on the property and strip the new owner of his title and do whatever it wants.
You basically do that through this through the State courts. Yeah. What you would do is, my estimation is you would need an attorney to do it. The attorney wouldn't even have to have this conversation. He would just you just the HLAA would go to the attorney and say, look, here's here's $3000, go ahead and foreclose on this house because whatever criteria are met.
There's some notices and things that have to be sent out, but basically you give the H O a gives each owner or gives itself the ability to foreclose whenever it wants. That's what, I'm, That's why I'm doing. I'm modifying the choice, so that you can do that.
That's what got me on board. And you're, and you're having to do well. I mean, it's, it's, my property is 20.
No, there's no h.o.a.s, because you have to get an attorney, because you've incorporated, I waited, and you may know, you've made basically that, the owner of the property, a taxpayer, by incorporating with the state.
You got it, You gotta get that out of your brain.
That has nothing to do with what we're talking about.
Forget the incorporating and all changing your status. and that doesn't matter what we're talking about here. Look, just because I'm using a lawnmower to cut my grass does not mean I'm a lawnmower.
If I'm using a corporation for a purpose, it doesn't make me a corporation, and I don't care about the tax situation because I register the company so I can get a certain benefit, and I'm gonna get that benefit. There are no other data detriments to it. I don't have to file tax returns for it. I'm gonna use it to be the highway.
Who cares? if someone says it's a taxpayer?
It doesn't matter.
I'm just controlling title to real estate. Yeah, this is this is from the nineties in the eighties, probably from Tax Protesters are talking about. They're all scared of using corporations. Even my own partner was when we first started. It was the worst thing ever to register your corporation. I've never found better success than when when I started doing that.
In the nineties, I've been so effective with that, using corporations using ....
My clients don't pay taxes, They don't file tax returns, and they do it legally.
So, but this, what we're talking about here is, an H O a, to recover the title, may have to sue, and you have to have an attorney, which is great. That handles all the ugly work. You just say, like, do this thing. Here's, we met all the notice requirements.
Or if we didn't fix it for us, go take the title back. And then you guys can do what you want afterwards.
I like the easement rights.
But yeah, you can use the h.o.a.s and, yeah, you're asking a different deprivation of rights. Yeah, OK.
So someone's asking about deprivation of rights, I don't know, OK.
Deborah, what rights, I mean, you have rights. But you have other remedies.
I wouldn't say do a civil action.
E E K is asking. Whose rights?
I don't know.
But Ray, where do you think your way in?
Just wanted to ask you, I kinda got satrap permanent, McCain, can, and cannot do the HLAA? And I was, I was going to have you do that? I'm going to do that, I'll do it for years. Years to get it right, OK, Good, double barreled. I mean, it's just OK, too.
Exactly, yeah, So Ray and I are kind of doing the same thing together on each of our property, so yeah.
I had a letter I sent a letter off to my county tax appraiser, you know. And that was a nice to the guy, I'm sure. He just got the job, it was vacant for a year. He just got the job, I'm sure he doesn't want a nasty letter from me, I'm right down the street from him. It's a small town. I'm not joking, You can drive the speed limit at 60 miles an hour and pass through the town. In nineteen ninety seconds.
Finally co-operated.
Yes! Yeah, OK.
So if you are in the country, yes, and if I, if I want to get anywhere, I was just the other day, if I want to get anywhere, I'd go 16 miles in either direction and just barely get to society.
Just barely get to like, food distribution, or something of his way, out there, in the woods. So he's, he just became to tax Assessor. He doesn't know anything and oceans. What they tell him, that went to meetings before. And I was talking about oath of office in bonds.
and I finally had retired County commissioner come to me, and he said, What are you talking about?
He did! He said, Oh, I remember, sign, and that, they never explain anything. They don't, you're just at your desk.
Yeah. You're just a form jockey or something, yeah. Tool. So, so I would just play to what I just said, Hey, this is private property, I live here and I'm not using it for commercial purposes, but if I do, I'll let you know, So please remove it from the tax rolls. And I thought he did, because I looked at the parcel, there's two parcels, and it wasn't removed. I thought. But anyways, so, I got a bill, proposed, Bill, or something, and I was like, Oh, ****, I'll just wait a month, and then I, I sent him a letter, and I said, Hey, you know, this is the follow up. I just wanna let you know, you should probably take the property off, the tax rolls, The Ms. Administrative code explains how to do it, and I cited a couple of things I said.
But if it's not, if it's a problem, don't worry about it.
I have other remedies.
And I left it at that. Because I wouldn't bet yeah, I don't need to harass the guy.
I mean whenever I dragged my property, I pass his office like we're neighbors. I'm not going to. you know, he probably see him sit next to me at the restaurant or something. They have the seafood. place. It right, right. Yeah. So I'm not gonna ask the guy, but yeah, that's your attitude to be, look. I'm the boss.
I'm the boss because I'm liable.
And yeah, I'm going to follow the rules.
And I'm not going to cheat my neighbor in this sort of thing, but I'm not going to pay taxes unless you do this with my money.
And that's why I'm showing you this. It's not about not paying the tax because we do need to have things running like this way.
If I say I'm not going to pay the property tax anymore and they can't do anything about it, What happens?
So, the appraiser is going to say, well look, we have a diminishing tax base here, People are figuring this out.
We're going to have to collect our taxes to run the county.
Either we're going to stop certain services, or we're going to have to collect more taxes from these other payers, OK?
And here's what's going to happen. So likely it's going to be the retailers. Right?
The same retailers that I have business with.
So, when I go there, I'm going to pay 15% sales tax, or 10, or whatever, right now at 7 or 6, OK, that's how it works out.
Are they going to say that, uh, the police won't come when you call, or the fire alarm. You know, they could try that, maybe.
I doubt it, though.
However, this this, this brings up the other issue, which is, I suggested a long time ago, when I started talking about this in 20 20.
I was suggesting that instead of just not paying them the money, take part of that money, because it should be allocated, I mean, even though you're not a taxpayer, to get this thing rolling, it is our community.
Let's take part of that money and put it into a literal trust fund with a bank account.
Let's have people contribute their tax dollars, and let's, let us account for that.
And let's allocate that money and send it to the Sheriff's office And Senate for emergency services, right, the fire department, and road maintenance and these sorts of things.
Make sure that money is earmarked for those things, and let them know that that's what we're doing with it.
Let's be responsible. Not just, you know, it's now party money. All of a sudden, I don't think so. It needs to go to where it would have been. It would have gotten It was because, like, my, my example is, if you're not going to pay as a property tax, you aren't going to pay.
You're just not going to pay it as a property tax, because your property is private.
But that money needs to get collected because of the budget of the county, or the city or whatever, OK, fine.
But ultimately, it's going to write, itself, we just have to do something like this.
All right. So, yeah, Yeah. Because you'll be paying to share for the fire department escrow like that, unencumbered from Socialist Agenda.
It's a, yeah, yeah, in fact, you would, you would be kind of like Wal-Mart at some point, because I mean, our h.o.a.s should be used for collective bargaining with retailers and suppliers and really suppliers, wholesale suppliers, We should use our h.o.a.s for that.
But we could also use our h.o.a.s two audit emergency services and find out if their budgets are bloated.
How about that?
Because, Yeah, because look at it this way, insurance has been subsidizing these these services.
So, whenever you have insurance subsidizing, something, it costs more, I mean, look at, look at, look at subsidizing home purchases, No longer is it about the price of your home is not about the cost of labor for building the home you want and materials, plus a premium Nobody talks like that anymore. But, they say is well, that guy's house sold for this.
So, therefore, my house is worth this OK, well, that's stupid. That's the definition of getting us into a real bad financial situation. Let's continue to subsidize the price as it goes up.
Yeah. And then on the easements, OK, So, notifying a new buyer.
Yeah, there's a trespass issue.
So, you can have Trespassed notices, You can also notify the new potential buyer.
And this is another thing I like because if, like, for example, let's say so, we set these leans up, like Wray, and I set these up.
So on race, situation, let's say someone wants to buy a house at auction a couple of years from now, he's going to be really discouraged when he goes on Zillow and finds out that the HLAA dues are X or no, it's just gonna, it's just gonna probably prevent the thing from being sold at auction. The same thing with easements. If it's on public record, there's no duty to notify the other party. You can also have an unrecorded easement.
Now, this is the dangerous one. But you can have an unrecorded easement.
You just have to notice the other party and you have to be able to prove that you did that.
So, that's why I like to record it.
Makes life easier.
Yeah. There's a way to do it. You can do in the newspaper, but the best way is, I mean, you can do in the mail, too, but the best way is just to record them.
Yeah. And so yeah, if you've got a couple of questions besides Hawaii, that's fine. Isn't taxing property changing a right to privilege?
OK, taxing property, changing a right to a privilege, OK, Well, if property is taxed, if it is in fact taxable, there is the exercise of privilege over the use of the property. We all agree with that. I don't have a problem with businesses getting permission from my government to operate. I think they should get permission, but I'm not going to seek permission.
Unless I'm going to create a risk for somebody, right, if I'm open to the public, maybe I'm maybe I have an obligation to get permission. In other words pay tax on it, get a license.
Um, But uh, You're not changing a right to a privilege.
It's either you have the right or you don't or you exercise it, or you don't.
That's why I look at it We have the right to own property, of course we do so it's it is yes.
This is what I'm trying to do I'm trying to use a tool That allows us to exercise the private property right If you look at my notes That's where I started out with I don't mentioned private property, But that's all we're talking about here.
I'm just showing you, there's a tool that we can use to protect our private property interests in real estate and we should, because that's why we're seeing all this nonsense with our government.
I mean, I'm just looking at a document today when you guys are nice enough to send me this thing where the World Health Organization is trying to make a deal with California: 2, 2, 2, 2. You know and they're next to fake, pandemic and so forth, they're trying to do this already.
They're trying to make a deal so they can step over all your, all your state protections, your government, your Constitution is trying to step over it, while at the same time saying we're not going to do that. That's a funny.
It's just amazing, TJ.
Yeah, I'm kidding.
I filed lawsuits in court, and now I'm at the stage, where I'm supposed to be eating confer with the Housing Council, OK, so my question to you is, I don't know if you have the video out on what to look for and how to negotiate with that. Because there's a number of things that the judge sentence that we have to meet about the nature and basis and planes and distances the possibility of persons making arrangements for complete initial disclosures. And it goes formulation, yeah.
OK, so the Meet and Confer is that to establish a schedule for the trial a time period for everything. Well, the judge pretty much sent out. I mean, there's four pages of this certain deadlines and what we're supposed to meet. Yeah.
And I don't know, I could send those to you want, well, the way to start that, typically, this is in US district court, right?
Yeah, many times.
So I just asked the attorney, to propose scheduling, if that's what we're trying to arrive at as a schedule owner, if there's a mean confer about something else, like what is the, what is the purpose of the meet and confer?
Just to go over those aspects, the nature and basis of planes and distances, the possibility of a resolution is OK, right?
So here's what, here's what you started is you just contact the other side usually by e-mail these days and you just ask them what's a good date and time to get together and meet and confer?
They just started that way.
Are you, are you working with the zanger on a case, I'm nuts, OK, what are you doing? What kind of cases, this This is a lawsuit I haven't been ATS.
It was my former boss that forced me to retire.
And, uh, OK, I use the, use, the, I used to call it, OK? That is the discipline. That's great, man.
I'm glad to see that you took that on what rule is being cited for the meet and confer?
The rule is Rule 26, 81.
Nice, OK, did you, did you write up your 26 a disclosure statement yet?
No, I haven't, I haven't done it. Just so you just need a little guidance.
If you would, would you schedule time with me on my calendar?
OK, and I'll be happy to go over it with you, and we can even look at everything once, I show you how to do it. You'll realize it's a very simple process, but it's necessary.
I'll tell you what to do, and I can give you a couple of documents to use. That's that's great. I don't want to do anything stupid.
And the other question real quick is I don't know if I told you or not, but I filed a state and federal criminal complaint against the Albuquerque Public School System for the transgender nonsense.
Yeah, A thousand complain of child abuse and neglect and practiced medicine without a license violating idea law.
And I sent it to the shell and attorney general district attorney, and also the Oversight Committee, Congress, and The Department of Education, and so, what would you suggest my follow up to be to hold them accountable?
Well, I think that the way to try to frame this as it would be a misuse of public funds and it would be negligent.
And then you frame it up that way. You didn't, the purpose of the school is not to push an ideology, right?
Well, that even set, still sit in the New Mexico Constitution, right? So, it's a misuse of public funds.
They are using public funds to do just that.
So, they said, I said, file a lawsuit against them, or, should I?
Your complaint is with the Inspector General's Office.
Permission is misuse of public funds.
Oh, OK.
Inspector General's Office for that County and state, because there's different IG offices.
I would start there, now, I don't know if you have a private right of action under criminal statutes, I think that's reserved to the Attorney General's Office.
But, you may have a civil cause of action. And, yeah, you may end up in a lawsuit, but I would start with the Inspector General's office.
See if you can at least get a response and see if you can frame it as a one page letter, OK?
I think it'll be more effective that way.
OK, I'll do that, but, you know, I've got a funny feeling, I'm not gonna get spots because I did file the disaster plots that you shared with you. Yes, I would! I would bring that in, as also a component of what they're doing.
Yeah, OK, either way. File that. So, I just bring that, bring that up because, what do you mean filed it? You filed in court. I sent it to the Inspector General.
The disaster fraud information, I sent it to the Inspector General. And this was months ago, and I haven't received any response, alright.
So so your remedy would possibly be injunctive relief, against the Inspector General's office for for refusing or failing to do something like this.
Audit, an allegation or audit an agency for allegations of a misuse of public funds, that is the job of the Inspector General's office.
You could sue the Inspector General's Office for his failure to act on its duty.
To audit or investigate allegations of misuse a misuse of public funds.
So, that agency, let's say, let's say it's the school board, God, John, this is a full-time job that I owe. It is when you take on a case like this.
It is going to be awhile, so hey, I'll tell you what, I will trade you that one case.
Yeah, for mine.
I need to do it right now.
I'm crazy, so, So, uh, this is what all I do. Like, all day like, type on the keyboard.
So, which, that's what you do is, you use the Inspector General's Office.
And the language you want to use is that the agency does not have budget approval to use funds for this purpose.
Then, you have to describe the purpose, the, It's the violation that you just described.
It's, it's promoting an ideology, and then you describe the ideology, then promoting the mutilation of children, I needed some of the house for months, so I can just share, Yes, It is, look over my shoulder, Yeah. But, look, let's, let's do a call together because we can cover this, all right, and I'll give you the language, and I'll help you with the procedure, and I've got some documents I can share with you. But, yeah, the thing is, you want to, you want to find the right person. Like, when I, when I get a call from somebody, at a hospital, last couple of years, where they couldn't get in because they wanted to make them wear the mask and all this nonsense.
It's not about, you're not going to solve it with that front end person. He or she is just falling rules, he is afraid to lose his job.
Yeah, you have to call the Risk Management office, and you're going to talk to somebody at the hospital, like a CEO or CFO may not even be on site.
It might literally be the chief counsel or risk manager, and you want to, you know, make your argument to that person, and you're usually going to get a good result if you talk to the right person. So half the battle is talking to the right person. The other half is describing the thing that needs to be remedied.
Yeah, well, I told you what happened with my wife. They denied her services, so I'm still in the middle of all that nonsense. Choose your battles carefully because like, you know, so maybe you get bogged down and yeah, every day we see a wrong and wrong and wrong and wrong, but you gotta pick your battle.
I just had some weirdo thing the other day.
And I just, instead of writing a letter, I literally wrote up a lawsuit.
A whole pleading and I just send it to him and I told my wife I said I'm done with it, I'm not going to do anything. I'm not going to file this. I'm just going to show it to him.
Let him do what he wants to do. Right. It was some bonehead that we hired to do something.
I, know, but I think it's important to do that, to confront these people.
Yeah, you have to know a little bit more.
Yeah. That.
And so, but you're right.
I mean, going down that rabbit hole, it's never going to end, but I'll do that, I'll talk to you about it. Thank you, yeah. Look forward to it, OK.
Hey, everybody.
OK, I got a question back on the divorce in a state. You know, yeah, I'm sure agreement. Yeah, so if a couple of wants to do this and use a different way, It's a couple of children. As opposed to just a married couple in, advance, you always a little bit different agreement.
But what, what, what would you charge him?
And me and then they need it.
Married couples with marriages, where children definitely need to do it because it predatory.
You know the of what's going on with .... Yeah. It depends on where they are on the process.
I don't have a set price because I don't know what I have to do now if I talk to you. Yeah. So, I typically don't like to bill by the hour because it's not fair to you in my opinion.
So, I like to just say come up with something like, it's going to be around a couple thousand dollars, and maybe it's going to be a small amount upfront and then it's going to be the rest of it later.
And I'm gonna give you a time limit.
I'm going to say, I'm going to do this thing, and I'm gonna show you how to use it.
And we're only going to be needing to work together for 90 days.
It'll be something like that, like, I guess Yeah, In a case where there's a Federal Court, Federal proceeding going on, already know that it's at most, two years, but the, most of my work is going to be in a one-year period, and most of that's going to involve discovery, and I already know what my hours are. I already have my strategy. So, now way back, I mean, went bad relationship marriages, whether or not, there's no problems. I mean, you're just being proactive being a program, like those ones? Yeah, it'd be a simple fee, like a few hundred dollars, There's a trust. What you were saying. And recording to county, OK. What, exactly, yeah, we can record it to. Mean, we don't need to do the trust.
If you want me to do a trust, I can actually write that document up to, but if I, If I don't, I don't need to do that.
We just have a declaration of trust at my daughter, two grandchildren.
So I mean, there's no problems, but, hey, it's good to have one. I mean, I wasn't even thinking to do that with my wife, but we have a unique arrangement, as you could possibly imagine. I should know, I'm in a situation where, what I, what I did when we first got married.
I don't know why I do this, but I let my wife control everything as far as money goes, and maybe she could just tell me, Get out of here, and I'll be like, homeless pseudo, so that's what, that's what I'm doing. I'm wondering, I have a problem, she controls. Yeah, well, don't do that, guys, I've just a weird situation. I like that situation.
Because, look, I mean, my wife, she would lead me to know what to do, right, right, so, I kinda lienholder, right, ..., nobody can go after, I have nothing, and science for everything, It sees everything first. I, if I need money, I have to ask her. So, it's kinda like that.
Yeah. But this type of agreement, yeah. I'm going to make this, using these different tools to give the family the most control.
Hopefully, the husband or wife or the girlfriend boyfriend relationship, they're going to be working together to some extent, they're going to be working together.
I've seen somewhere, there's complete, you know, I can't get anything done.
Yeah. If they don't get it, If they're not getting along, it's not gonna work.
I would thank, I mean it.
It prevents it's good when they're amenable right now and it, but it prevents someone from using the court to beat up on the other party right Later on.
Yes. So, it is going to It's going to be pretty tight. It's going to box you into you're not going to be able to abuse the other person either way.
one party or the other.
So, start by just by bringing it up and present. one spouse says, Yeah. Well, why wouldn't you do it?
You know, I could do it right now with my wife I can color right here in front of you all and she would be like, Huh? She's smart to show.
She knows, she knows me, Shean, and I could explain it to her and she's like, OK, I'll sign it.
She would, but I don't care, right?
You know, so you want to hopefully have that situation, and yeah, I think it's a good, also, it's, it's, it's, um, by managing your marital community, your marital state in such a way, you actually can preclude creditors from from getting in there, as well. It's kinda like what we do.
Incorporations, If you're going to be able to divorce the State, why couldn't you defeat everything else? I Mean, If I Mean, Really: It gives you a lot more control. It's not something You're ever going to hear, from, an attorney, because it is not where the bread and butter is.
They make money creating Controversy mmm hmm. hmm, hmm. Right. I make money by eliminating it.
Yeah. Me. I like that you divorce your state and then you're killing jurisdiction of the Court.
Yeah, the jurist really comes back. Should I say jurisdiction of the operations impersonating Corps?
Yeah. Yeah, and so, the one thing I didn't really mention in this post, an actual type of deal, is that eventually, I mean, you could do this right now, yourself, if you, if you kind of figure out how this works.
But, I want to have a software application that allows a jury to be convened of people that could make a decision on the dispute.
If there is a dispute in a marriage, you can rely upon people, 20 people that are married.
Right. You can, you can qualify them.
Or, I can have a jury, what's called a jury, arbitrate the dispute.
I want to make that available to people in whatever situation they're in.
Look at your security agreement.
You'll see in there that there's an arbitration clause.
And I have a little bit of instruction in there.
This is what I'm thinking. Imagine if we if look, you put a lien against Google right, it will have Google has a problem with it, right?
Or Google goes into default.
What's its remedy?
It has to go to the jury system that we create mm millimeter, You could call it a common law jury.
Yeah, this is, OK.
This is where the common law Jerry idea fails because the government attacks it all the time as like a, um, an attempt to overthrow it itself.
That's why the Common law jury, you don't hear that so much.
The jury is comprised of jurists.
That's you, and me.
We are the law.
We have limitations on what that means, but we are the jury. When you talk about the common law jury, you're almost asking permission of your overlord too, too.
Do something other than what your overlord wants.
But what I'm saying is, we're just going to exercise our our jurist authority because we can, let's do it within the framework of statutes. OK, you guys are gonna say, Oh, you can't do that, John. That's just, uh, you're acting like a slave, you're using the statute OK, come on already.
Look, the statutes are the common law.
The statue's, the common law.
Here's another one.
If something is not yours, it's illegal to take it.
Sometimes you call it theft, sometimes you don't.
But that's a common understanding, OK?
It's been like that wave for thousands of years.
So people have judicial power.
If you call it common law, juri, that's fine.
I like to call it a juried that's made up on demand, it's an ad hoc juri, that's what I want to call it.
And I'm going to use it under the Federal Arbitration Act.
That way, the system cannot say it's not something that you can do, or you That's not something you can do.
That's not permitted by law, because the ad hoc juri is an arbitration forum.
That's administered by the Federal Arbitration Act.
So that's my version of the so-called common law juri.
I mean, the constitution all this stuff, OK, the public safety doctrine?
What's that?
What's the, you know, you have all these doctrines that have been around for for centuries. And that is part of our common law. And they've made their way into our, what's called social mores.
So, Yeah, it is very similar to the common law jury. I'm just updating it with, you know, common everyday terms that are the core recognize. Not that we need the Court to recognize a common law jury because you can, you can call it arbitration.
The court recognizes arbitration.
So if you, if you come in, if you come in, you, you arrive at a determination, it must be done through a recognized neutral party.
So pretty much any party is going to be neutral, unless it's not. Right.
So once that party comes into a determination between it, under dispute with two or more parties, and there's a determination reached, we did give what's called, right now, the Court, Your circuit Court, your State Court.
We did give it the monopoly on access to the police power.
The way that works is if I have an arbitration determination or an award, I have to go to the Court if I want to access the police power to enforce it, if I, if I need to do that.
Because we don't want several organizations having the police power that's dangerous. Now, you can create a situation where there's a war.
So we gotta be careful on this stuff.
So we go to the court for what's called a confirmation of the arbitration award.
And once it's confirmed, it becomes a judgement executable, just like any other judgement.
Now, in this post an actual agreement, I'm not going to do this in every case.
It depends everybody's little bit different, but you can divest the court of its contempt powers.
So, once I get a confirmation from the court of the award, I would then be able to go to the court to have the award enforced, Like a judgement.
But if in the award, I've already divested the court of its ability to impose contempt on anyone, what that does is it divest the court of its ability to put a man in jail because he can't afford the alimony payments, but we would have already avoided that situation anyways, because we came up with a fair arrangement.
But let's just say that way a person can't be it's ridiculous to put a party to a marriage or a former marriage in jail for not paying child support or alimony when that defeats his ability to do that.
So the way you make sure that the party can uphold those payments is, first of all make it a reasonable arrangement.
And then also have the party use a bond or escrow or some other arrangement to make sure that alimony and child support is covered.
We don't need the court to put people in jail.
What a concept?
Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm.
I just talked to a gentleman the other day, his, his wife just decided to divorce him, her dad is helping her, helping them or helping her, I should say, and, uh, he just was run through the court system.
And he just told me, he said, I had an attorney. And she seemed like she was helping me, but it just didn't feel like it didn't. She really just didn't do the thing I needed to be done. And I said, OK, so what's the result. He goes, well, 75% of my income goes to her.
And I don't have custody of my children, OK? They get, man, just got me motivated. Right? And that was that, I mean, I had already been working on this, and I'm like, I gotta write this up, this is, I went through a divorce years ago, and it put me back to square one, and when I started, yeah, I hated my attorney, my attorney.
Worse. than my expense. Yeah, big monitor. Because, yeah, all they care about is they, they want to beat up on the man, and I'm not nothing against women, Is that? That's the climate today, and they want to rack up their billable hours.
mm, Like, when I was just working with, we had to, in order for me to even get involved, we had to remove the attorney, and it was it, it would require the court.
It was so bad.
This law firm wanted to hold onto this client and we said, No, you're fired. And, yeah, you're fired. We really mean it. You really are fired.
And they try to every every way to stop it.
They just want more billable hours.
I'm sorry to say they're not very creative people, if I get more billable hours. And what they're doing is, you only got 7168 hours in the week, right?
So, the way the attorney makes more money is by simply having a $15 an hour paralegal, do all the work.
There's somebody else's time, can't, can't ubar ...
know, I mean, they haven't ... people. Isn't it U Bar Green Room a couple of times? And they lose their notification. Insurance costs, maybe, maybe. Yeah, I wouldn't say not do that, but it's not going to help your immediate situation.
Now we'll have your meeting.
All right, yeah, You could, Jacob Woodie think.
Oh, Jacob's gone.
I'm ****** 75%. Sorry, Steven. I'm driving in traffic that they took 75.
And he doesn't have custody of his children.
How can that even be fair?
I mean, even sustainable. I mean, the guy's going to end up in jail.
Absolutely. Yeah. Well, I mean, we should be, and we should do something about it. So, What, we should rest away the control of the court, and take it back ourselves, because, you know, we are the power, so.
Elaine, what do you think?
Did I skip you, Jacob?
Elaine, you want to unmute? Did you want to ask me something?
Yeah, I'm sorry. I was talking. I didn't realize it, was. No, OK. This is just amazing. And it's terrible about that guy. But also just quickly made an appointment with you for Tuesday to confirm about ..., and gave you the phone number. I think there's anything we need to talk about, but I did want to ask your Help wording the security agreement.
Yeah, of course. I don't want I'm here to do that. Yeah, yeah, no problem.
OK, yeah, All right.
Yeah, well, guys, we have rights, OK, So it's like I was explaining in the other call where we go for that bike ride.
You know, down here in Orlando, the cops will not, they don't get involved. You know, if people in our group are going to be, you know, doing dangerous things, yeah, The cops will probably get involved. But we're very responsible for the most part. We have some kids out there that do stupid things, but we match the critical mass, yeah. We decide how the traffic flows and we're very judicial about it. We're not trying to be obnoxious and block people. We try to get out of the way we have rules to follow, we let the cars pass and this sort of thing, so, But, but we, we are the power. We just have to exercise it.
Yeah, hey John, this is, This is Jacob.
Yes. Go ahead.
So, should I just, should I just set that whole like Alfonzo, Fudgy, hello, and the Steve Emerson's stuff, like, should I just set that aside and, and not even well and I need to learn. These people are smart people and you can learn from them. They don't. Steve probably understands judicial procedure, then facciola, what was the name?
Well, no, I mean, they, they both understand the, the, like, the court rules, and, and they know how to do that, because they're, they're filing their you can follow the federal cases that they're filing in their counties against.
No, against the, the law firms that are basically Doing all of this for the county.
It's the law firms are interfacing for the counties, and they're interfacing with property owners.
And and we don't know all the legal, you know, linguistic terms and stuff.
So they're basically, you know, I mean, they're basically manipulate in Australia because we don't necessarily know the procedures that the Court not to respond talking about. Yeah. Yeah. It helps to know the procedures of the court. I mean, I would like to help out if I could, but it's It's good to learn what they're doing. I wouldn't just say, don't don't follow me and learn.
But just realize you're, let's get to the punchline. Let's just follow the dang Lean.
You know, that's what I'm doing.
I would love to get the county to agree with me, like Stephen has done with a couple of counties here in Florida, I would love to make that claim.
But, in meantime, I'm not waiting around.
Yeah. Yeah, and I appreciate that. And so, that makes a lot of sense.
And I think it is really important to understand, basically, how to answer, you know, letters and how to interface with the whole, know, that's like the administrative aspect of the county, And it's all happening to law firms, and the second thing I was going to ask you is when I'm creating a second area, credit number and ..., do you have like a, like a like a video on that, and the membership site of the steps to go through. Or is, it is it's pretty simple. I believe that the steps are there, I believe. I put that in there, I think. I put that a couple of years ago.
OK, cool, so I can just do a search for that. All you do, It's actually pretty, It's easier now than it used to be when I did it back in the nineties. I had a, I had to reverse engineer things.
And then I had to guess to make sure I didn't merge my file with somebody else today. You can just go online and get the number verified that it's still valid.
You can find one that was assigned or not. Then no one's using it. So if it's assigned to a child, it's not being used for credit.
So, But it will, it will be OK if it's assigned to somebody. Because all numbers are assigned to a taxpayer Somewhere, all numbers are right.
Yeah, right. But I think what I think what you said is basically, just go ahead, go ahead and apply for credit.
Yeah, and you just make up a number and you make a name. And they create a credit file. And that's the Credit file Runways. Yeah. I use my same legal name, and I use my Here's the key thing, though. You want to use a different address residential address that you've never used before. So, maybe it's gonna be your long lost cousin column up. Say, hey, can I use your address? You, know, that sort of thing.
Then, you apply for credit, do it a couple of times.
It'll get denied, pull your file and make sure it is not merged with your old file. If it is, you have to fix it, and that sort of thing, but, after a while, it'll, it'll go and I've had such an easy time over the years.
OK, so, you actually use your same name. You just use a different like SSN you make up, Yep, I just used a different number and then make sure you keep a profile, I keep a little file on my computer. I think I did one a few years ago, so, that was the second one I ever used.
I've only created two files, and I hardly ever use them anyways.
I mean, my credits. Like, I don't even care about my credit, I don't even know what it is.
Probably 500 something, Right? And still plan that little game.
Alright. So, there was, there was a OK, so, Christina, if you have something, I'll go check the e-mail to see if it's there.
But, and normally said if you send something and like the security agreement thing, maybe maybe she didn't afford it over to me yet, so I will check.
Sorry, sorry for the delay there.
Alright. So, Elaine to join us something else. Yeah, yeah, Jay Sterling just told us not too long ago that you can't get secondary current numbers anymore that they're all gone.
I mean, I have a few that I bought, and I never, OK, well, let's say it's true.
Let's look at it like this: OK: How long has the numbering system been in place?
No idea.
1935, OK?
How many people have been born since then, assuming that the numbers are given to people that are born?
Let's just say people, we have 330 million people alive right now in the States, right?
We have people around the world probably tens of millions of people that are using SSNs issued by the United States, so there's that number.
OK, so let's just say it's 400 million people that are alive today that are using SSN 400 million people in the Year 20 23, which is 90 years after the program began.
That's half of the database of numbers.
I'm sorry, I think we've exhausted the numbers by now.
Yeah, I would think so. What does that tell you that they're, they're cycling them back their, recycling the numbers. Oh.
That was the conclusion I made back in the nineties. And I was like, well, what the heck? What does the system anyways?
You don't even need an SSN to get credit. That's what I realized. Because they were recycling the numbers, you've got to make sure that that number is not being mixed with someone else's credit file.
So, I don't know that, that's true, I, I'm gonna tell you, it's not true.
I think that, and I've been doing this for 30 years.
I've been getting numbers as people need them for different solutions, I don't try to sell it like that, you know?
But, and I wrote up that procedure back in the nineties, and I published it on Yahoo Groups.
And, I think there's some pretty good services out there now, that are still doing it, professionally. I mean, that's all they do.
Because, they create the numbers.
They do it the right way, too, by the way, I've looked at him.
So, what do I mean? What do you pick?
How many, how many numbers are in the system?
Have no idea. Well, how long is your number?
What is the 10 digits? Is it 10 C? Yeah.
Oh, yeah, No, it's nine, right, it's nine digits, oh, 9 digits 9, OK? So how many numbers are there for any one digit?
How many there are 10 each for each of the nine digits, right? You have 0 through 9, right?
Right, So 10, to the ninth power.
If you remember, your algebra from high school combination, the combination of numbers available, not considering the numbers that are blocked off.
So what does 10 to the ninth power?
Mine, you guys. Please, 10 to the power, eight times up. It's a billion dollars.
It's one billion, Well, that's not very much.
well, it's three times the living population of this country.
OK, OK, I got her.
Now, I'm going to tell you some secret from, oh, yeah, Alfonzo. Yeah. Well, you know, Alfonse, he You know? the affidavits fine. But he may not know procedure. I would. Culminate. But he's really smart. When it comes to the affidavits, I don't know if he knows how to use them in the procedure. Like, how do you use them in regard to summary judgement?
Yeah. I don't wanna get off on that, but here's what, here's what the IRS does.
The IRS has this data collection system, and they, they collect information. I'm just gonna give you a little teeny, tiny part of this.
So everybody who files a tax return, for that, the IRS creates what's called the individuals' master file, An individual master file, and there's one for a business, called a Business Master file.
And from there, there's other data appended to that record.
While the IMF, you can imagine if there's if the SSNs are being used up and they're being re-assigned, and I'm sure some people lived to be 80 and 90, maybe 70 is enough, to where your number could be used by somebody else, if they're doing that.
Or maybe after you die, the number is still assigned to your state, and it may not be probated, right? So, that number is still out there.
So, then, someone else comes, like, how are they going to continue using the system, making it go?
Exhaust, all the numbers, at some point, they're not going to be able to do that.
Or, how are they going to avoid mixing people's identity?
If they're only identifying people by they're SSN.
They can't do it.
So, the IRS decided to take the nine digit number of your SSN, an Append.
Append through a, it's called Concatenation concatenation.
It's a computer term, but basically, what they do is take the first four letters of your last name and append it to your SSN, and that is the identifier for your individual master file.
So here are the combinations.
You got 10 to the ninth times 26 to the fourth power of combinations.
Now you're looking at thousands of billions of combinations, you see?
So the IRS itself solve that problem in the very beginning, with this, Recordkeeping. We don't see that because it's internal. You'll never see that unless you get your transcripts or whatever. You might see something like that. I don't even know if they let you see that anymore.
So, anyways, I would just say to you that, sure, the, the numbers are being recycled and you can go get it. There are blocks of numbers that are easier to get that are unassigned. And there's a software application. It's like they change it one is called SSN Validator or something on the Internet. And you can do it that way, or you can do the old-school way, which is you, you, grab a number, and then you simply apply for credit, and then you go apply at a bank, to get an account and let them check the death index. Now, you can probably check the death index herself now.
Now, these days, because we have been telling us, and we have these other private, investigative tools that pie's can use, some of which you might need a license. So if you do, then you just hire a PI to do it for you. I've never had to do that.
So, but, yeah, that's how that works.
Said help you, Elaine.
Yes. All right, Thank you, question.
Come on, guys. Be nice.
Yeah, good! There are some sites. And I'm telling you, I looked at these some of these services, and I think they really understand what they're doing. So, whatever.
I mean, I, wouldn't me. Personally, I wouldn't have a problem hiring them to do, to do an ... for me, I don't need one. But I'm saying, I've looked at some of these sites, and they're pretty sharp, they have pretty good system, and it's pretty affordable.
OK, and back in the nineties, we didn't have This was before browsers, by the way.
I was using the internet. When you turn on the computer, you'd have a blinking dot in the top left corner. That's what I was using the Internet, and you have to type out this long address to get into a bulletin board, which today we call the website. So that was one.
The days before when I before I released this information, So I reverse engineered the Navy's protocol for creating a social security number by state. And I published it on Yahoo groups because I knew that people like many of you here would would run with it and they did and I think many of these services that you find out there with the CDN. I used to call it the computer.
I call it the paragraph, The credit profile number, that's what I used to call it.
So, that's what I did. It was Yahoo! Groups.
It probably still exists, I don't know.
Some chat forum today, I'd probably publish it on telegram.
I'm lazy.
All right.
Yeah, Good.
Well, if you have, if you've got several ..., that's, that's, that's a bit of work sometimes, because you gotta, you gotta keep track of this stuff.
Yeah, I don't know about social scoring, I'm thinking that the social scoring system is going to be tied to our biometric data, which is, again, I think we're trying to head that off by by this, Eileen, the security agreement we're setting up.
So, yeah, I mean, bad credit, Social, scoring, That's all part of the same thing.
Yeah, I think that these numbers recycle it, because you went ahead and answer a billion. Yeah.
So, where can you find more of a sense? I would go to these services that do it, and ask about the service.
I could just tell you how I do it. If you want one, I could do one in about two minutes. I would just go on, I go to the Social Security ministrations website.
I might have the links, some article, dig it up, go to the Security Ministrations website, and you'll see a page there, of blocks, of numbers that are available by state. Now, the reason why they're by status, Because it used to be assigned by state. That's how I, when I first learned how to do it. You have three different types of components, You have the block number area, and then the sequence number.
And those were signed by state. Like the state can only issue so many numbers under the, the first three digits.
It can only do so many groups of those.
And then the area, of course, that I think the two digits in the middle is the area number that was based on where you were born typically, or where you grew up or lived, or something.
Then after that, the four digits as a sequence number, they sign that in sequence.
Um, Yeah, so, I would just go online and I would just pick a number from that database, because on the database, it'll tell you what, I like to use the numbers from, that clients place of residence when he was a pre teen or teen these days it be preaching, or where he was born.
That's always because I'm trying to make it look like everything else.
If someone were to look, if someone cared no one cares anymore, the banks don't care how the number was originated, it did helped me to understand that over over time.
But, anyways, um, do you have to do that for, um, is the state that you're in? Or can you pick another state?
Yeah, you can pick any state.
Anything, any state? Like the first one I picked was in New York, right? And I knew was New York because of the number, because you can identify by the number.
You tell me a number, I'll tell you where it was issued.
You tell me your driver's license number. I can tell you all kinds of stuff about yourself. Biographical data, just by give me the number. I can tell you how old you are.
If you're a male female, I could tell you, you know, you're, I can tell you the first few letters of your last name, It's very interesting, they could have other stuff to kill him or killed in Brown could figure out where you are by your socials. No, no. They don't know anything about that system. They don't understand it. They don't care. They're not. Nobody has that knowledge, except maybe the FBI.
That's who would need to use it. Yeah. No one's going to care of. The banks don't even care. But when I had, I had this number that I use long time ago, and one time, I was changing my sign, or rights or something on a bank account for, I had a business account, And Bank of America is a big bank, right? Bank Bank of America. I asked me, I was sitting in the lobby, and they're doing this work for me. And I noticed, the personnel is working with, all of a sudden, became surrounded by, like, 2 or 3 more their employees. I'm like, oh, great. There's some problem with the number I gave them, you know, because it wasn't an SSN.
I gave it to him as a signer on the corporation.
And, they called me over and asked if, if that was my number, to meet, to verify the number. And of course, I had to memorize, so I told them and they said, OK, well, where are you born?
Well, I happened to know where the number was issued and when, so I, I answered the question as if I was born in that area, which I wasn't but, I answered the question in a way that immediately They said, OK, OK, thanks, we'll fix it.
Because I knew how to answer the question today, I don't think anybody cares.
I don't know about sites, but I would search for SSN validation type services or services that will create an S C N or a C P N computer. I'm sorry, I'm credit profile number.
There are still, there was some FBI commentary on the computer profile number way back.
Yeah, do not use the computer profile number for anything.
That is a tax form or a license application.
Don't use it for that because those require the SSN.
Not a credit file number.
If you did, by the way, you're not gonna break anything, several, this asked you to correct yourself. Don't worry about that.
All right, but if you want to, you can use a secondary credit limit to establish a bank account. Yeah, no problem. You can open a bank with it. You don't have to do it with your own SSN. Correct. You don't need an SSN for bank account. But in ... and an EIN for your EIN valid. Yeah, like, my children. My children don't have SSN.
So I had to create credit files for them.
So they have credit and they open a bank account Now.
That makes it easier for them, because if they open a bank account with a credit file number, that'll work, they have to realize though, that if they're receiving money from a 1099 payor and that payor wants to to validate the tax number, they're not going to be able to do that.
It won't validate and then the 1099 payor will withhold 30% of the money or something like that.
Until that, my children file a tax return, which they're not going to do.
They don't ever have to do that. So to avoid that situation, they simply open a bank account as the signer for a corporation that has a valid EIN.
And if they want that corporation to be their legal name, so be it they can make it that way.
If they want to receive a payment in their legal name, they can simply use a corporation or a corporation's DVA and that legal name. And the valid EIN, and there will always be able to validate that EIN on a W nine.
But they will never be able to validate the credit number that they're using as if it were an SSN for them.
So there's, there's the solution for everything.
Yeah, That's cool. I mean, I, I have a halfway effort on showing people how to build their credit. And there's some really cool techniques on building credit. You can add trade lines and things like that. And really quickly, like, from now until the end of the year, you could have really nice credit if you start with nothing you could buy, you know?
Have a well over 700 score by the end of the year.
That's nice if you'd offer that, Yeah.
I appreciate that.
Unfair JOA I don't have anything to say, you know, this negative about him, but That's all right. Everybody's trying, I mean, you just want to be, you know, hopefully people are telling the truth.
You know, you were all trying to help each other, but we want to tell the truth, Pana Panna?
Hi, John.
Just gave me an idea there so my son doesn't have a SSN and he was trying to get a job and they wanted to employ, could I create an LLC and floy my son in the LLC and have them pay his pay into Z only?
If he can be an independent contractor for that company, They, they literally cannot do that unless he can qualify as an independent contractor.
Here's a minor, So he probably can't, right now He can, He can be an input contractor.
It's just that, if the job function itself calls for him to do things that would constitute employment. He will not be an independent contractor and the accounting office in the company will tell him, we have to make you an employee, a wager.
And the other truth of this is a W four is not required to establish employment.
And an SSN is not required to establish employment, but they will never agree with you.
They will never, even like when someone offers you the job and you accept the job, then they go through the orientation process and they go to the assent of the forms and the person doesn't have an SSN or doesn't want to give one.
They act as if the person doesn't work for them.
Or they fire the person.
And this is not a legitimate way, or a legal way to deal with it. What they're supposed to do is every, every document they need for which they need the SSN, they would simply write up a statement saying that they asked for the SSN and disclosure was refused.
That's all the required to do. There's no penalty for that, but these idiots don't know any better these accounts and they're also terrified of the IRS. They will fight you and they will do what the IRS wants them to do. And there's no law that requires them to do it.
Yeah, it seems to this, Yeah, I'll just tell you the end, the end result, I've never been able to win that case, I've tried it several times, I've never been able to, but I'm right every time.
Of course, that's self-serving for me to say that, I know, I'm right, but, I just, it's not worth the time.
So, be an employee and you have to get it a valid SSN to do that, or they will not hire you or keep you on.
Now, some, some may, it's hard to find them, though, the other way is just don't be an employee.
Goby an independent contractor.
Go, go, do something that you enjoy that similar to that, that you can get paid for.
I know that's not really, you know, but my children have to do the same thing. I mean, they could do whatever they want. They can, they can get an SSN. If they want, I'm not going to stop them.
But they, they hear me all the time, they know that.
No, it's not the way to go.
They would rather be an entrepreneur. In fact, they'd rather be the one that hires people.
All right, thank you, John. Yeah, good luck with that.
one thing my children have done, though, is, yeah, thanks for that link to the SSA dot gov Employee Verify.
I think thanks for sending that on the chat.
If you guys want to look that up, um, one thing my children have done is volunteer.
So, for that, you can, you can volunteer.
So you get work experience without the SSN nonsense But you're gonna volunteer so, if that's what you're trying to do.
You can open a bank account.
Yeah, well, you can open a bank account for an with an EIN, Sure. You can get an EIN. Why would you do that, though?
I mean, if you're gonna have an EIN Assigned to yourself, I don't know what benefit that is.
Um, You're asking, can they get your driver's license without an SSN?
Um, I don't know about getting your driver's license.
I know that, too.
My son got his driver's license without an SSN. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, you can do that. That's easy. If you don't have an SSN like, here in Florida. If you don't have one, they can't make you get one to have a driver's license.
If you have one, they're gonna, they're going to tell you that they want it to be disclosed, or they won't give it to you. And I don't know how to get around that.
It's a state law, I mean, I think you could probably suman in the privacy act. I'm not gonna waste my time with that.
What I would do is just go to a state that's easy to get a driver's license every state's different, mean, you can just get, get a driver's license in any state and be done with it.
Don't they do? This? was illegal aliens all over the place where they're getting licenses. And I don't know if they get a social security number in the name and they register them to vote.
There's that, maybe they do assign a social security number to them.
Yeah, So if you have a, if you get a 1099 as a contractor, have the, make the Make, the sea to avoid the tax liability, you'll have the 1099 paid to your company. You have to use an LLC for this.
And get an EIN for it, and if and when it gets a 1099, it's not going to have an immediate tax liability.
It could, if the LLC files a tax return, that'll create a tax liability, that'll create one that didn't exist. If you get a 1099, if you've ever file the tax return and you get a 1099, then the iris will expect you to file a tax return. And if you don't, you're gonna have collection problems with the IRS.
If you've never fall 2040 and you get a 1099 with with a valid E, even with an SSN, you're not going to have a tax problem with the IRS if you don't file a return, provided that you've never have filed 1040.
So that what I recommend is for your children, you tell them, never file a 1040, and you'll be fine, You'll have, you'll have no problems with the IRS.
It's counter-intuitive.
It doesn't matter if they become a millionaire without even incorporations.
Sounds crazy. Yeah.
You can't rescind an SSN because it's not yours.
It's not your number.
I mean, is it the government's number? I mean, who owns a number, anyways, right?
It's just like the law. Does anybody own it?
The borrower wants to own it.
People use an EIN to open a business account to pay their paychecks for them, pay bills.
OK, people can do that.
I mean, contracts are open-ended.
Yeah, so, the government has a number assigned to you, and it's, it's an account, it's an account number. You can do things like, for example, if you've got, if somebody would do the right thing and you got a job somewhere, and it's an employment, you know, wage earning type job as they classify them, and you don't have an SSN. They can handle the reporting, OK. They can just, you know, the company can fulfill its reporting duties and it would still withhold.
Then, the money it withheld for Social security would be paid to the social ministration, however they do it and that money because there's no SSN assigned to that payment. That money would be held in a trust account.
Literally, there's a trust account for people that don't have SSNs until a claim is made on those funds.
So there is a provision that the Social Security ministration uses to account for monies paid for taxes.
Where there's no SSN on that particular payment.
They already have a provision for this.
I thought that the collection of the Social Security tax just went into the general fund.
That there is no, there is no trust for Social Security. This is not a trust fund for Social Security.
I'm just saying it's, it's a it's a, an account for somebody who has a name and a date of birth and no SSN.
So the name and the date of birth makes it unique.
Then that money is held, let's call it intrust, for when a claim is made. So they can't do the normal thing they would normally do with the money.
I don't know what that is, Spend it.
Yeah. They disappear, because it's the collection of fear, you know, disappear and they borrow. Borrow it out again. Yeah.
So, Eli, what do you think?
Yea. So, I had a question.
So, I'm, a contractor must show, for a driver, I have an LLC, so the company, to company and our partner, where they have, they send me the 1099 forms. They send it to my LLC a forest.
It's 1099 as a lot, because you're just telling me not to file a tin for the recently filed at 10 44 last year mm.
The first one you ever filed.
Yeah, because I just said, yeah, let's say for it, is life, or, because, I'm pretty much neutral in that situation. I'm only 27 years old. So, just trying to understand and learn as I go.
But, yeah, firewall, unless you, this is my first LLC that I started with.
So, just curious about the whole process. Is that like, what would you recommend just new to this whole thing? Or two from now on for the rest of your life? If you get a 1099 in, your name with your SSN.
Or if you get a W two or anything like that, the IRS will expect a tax return and if it doesn't receive one from you within three years, it'll, it'll begin.
Collection procedures. It'll, it'll do certain things first, it takes a couple of years, but it will eventually end up in collections, and, and the IRS will try to collect an amount of money, it estimates that you owe for not filing.
Because you filed that 10 40, it's gonna expect that. So, just make sure that in the future, you don't receive a 1099 or W two, or anything.
In your name with your SSN, Always use the LLC with this EIN.
So, basically, if I wanted to hurt it, I'm able to go ahead and open up a new LLC with a, with a bank account and just not report anything.
Yeah, you can hold the money there. Did you file a return for the LLC also?
Yeah, I believe so. Oh, wow, OK. I would stop doing that. You can, You can simply dissolve the LLC and start over. If you fall to return for it and you want to change your accounting practice, you have to dissolve the LLC, so all you would do is file articles of Disillusion with the state.
And then stop filing.
I'm looking at it right now, or swamps.
Profit or Loss, there's this 42,065, probably at 10 65 that you would have filed for the LLC property, or if it's, did, you classify it as an S corp, maybe.
Did you got an account?
Know I have a friend who's actually like real, and so with tax insiders, let him do it.
But if a father, he's fell at 10 40 for yourself so you claimed the LLC's income as your own right?
Right, OK, If the LLC, the LLC did not file a tax return, like a 10 65 or something, you can still, you receive money there.
Not have the LLC file a return.
And you can choose to not file a 1040 because you decide how the money is being reported and no monies being reported in your name So as long as none is being reported in your name.
The Iris will not look to you for a 10 40.
OK Because the reason in your situation is because you're not getting a 1099 or W two.
So if you get those reports and you actually received the money, the IRS has a duty to account for that.
I call it reconcile I might be misusing the term but that will be posted to your individual master file or in your case maybe the business master file. And the IRS has to reconcile. the only way I can do that is with the tax return. And that's why it will scream for your tax return because you already filed one. So, it opened an IMF for you.
Once you file that return, they open an IMF for you.
You can't escape that, like me. I filed nine tax returns in my life.
So, basically, I can this last question I got where I appreciate you for shedding light on this. But we're so basically.
Yeah, so I had to afford is that what you're saying is basically I don't necessarily need to file anymore, right?
You don't need to and just realize what's going on.
So, as long as you're not going to get a 1099 or, or something like K two, W two in your name, you can just not file, and you'd be just like me.
I manage a lot of money. I receive it through my companies but I don't realize again, nor do I get reports. I don't use an SSN for any money associated with money or my name.
And so that's what you would just do.
It's just one little habit you would just use for the rest of your life, if you want to do it that way.
OK, Yep, So good.
Alright, sure thing. Good questions.
Right, guys, I hope I hope that you'd like the subject matter. I'm really excited about this post, natural agreement. The security agreement. If you guys, someone in for me to look at, I'm sorry, if there's a delay I'm getting to Ms. fast I can, I will get it back to you, and I'm coming up with a pricing.
So what I decided to do, you can't go wrong with it.
But here's what I, this I do recently is on the Royalty section I made at $9 to collect my data, and then I made it.
$25 per year, I think it was $25 per year, or 1% of what the debtor claims, or has established the value of my data to be whichever is greater.
I believe it's going to be the 1%, but my fail-safe is $25. I'm not trying to get rich on this. I'm trying to create a liability on their books when they get my data.
I think $9 in 25 is going to be plenty.
And I put another provision in here for quarterly payments, so we can talk about that later as well as I do each years.
OK, yeah, thanks for joining. Appreciate your comments. Devi.
So, yeah, there's that.
And that post nutshell. I mean, really, it really would be useful if everyone were to do that, and understand what that means.
Because the court, itself, I'm going to tell you right now, it's not a court, it is a private club.
George Carlin was not joking.
Although the way he said it was very funny and you're not in it, OK. It is a private club.
But your family is also a private association.
and the court's, not in it, or it wants to be you have to go out of your way to divest the court of its ability to intrude, your own private club, and you should.
Because we have faculties, we have the ability to resolve disputes, and we can follow the same type set of rules that are objective rules, for the most part, that a court would, and we can get a better result. We should be doing that.
That's what the ... is intended to do.
Appreciate that piano. Alright, so, and I hope the HLAA covenant let me know if you want to work on one many cases we can do both. We can do either or.
I liked the covenant, wray, and I are doing one of each, and, uh, Yeah, I'll come up with some language as you guys discuss it with me, so.
All right. Ya. Weekend. Yes. Thank you, John. Thank you all for joining. Appreciate it.
All right. No, no, no, No.


1. John Jay discusses his ideas about retaining control over one’s biometric data, which he believes is essential for challenging centralized systems such as central bank digital currency.
2. He explores the concept of divorcing the state, proposing that a marriage should be a private membership that is free from state interference.
3. He introduces the idea of using covenants and deed restrictions on real estate to gain control and offers its various applications.
4. He presents a new concept of easements, asserting that easements can be established by written instruments and provide a means for retaining control over property.
5. He proposes using special assessments to regain control over property titles, offering a strategy for foreclosing and compensating homeowners.
6. He advises dealing with tax issues through refund suits rather than civil rights actions, emphasizing the importance of understanding legal processes.
7. He emphasizes that using a corporation or lawnmower as a tool doesn’t define an individual’s identity, arguing against the notion of changing one’s status through incorporation.
8. He discusses methods to manage marital communities to preclude creditors from intervention, suggesting it’s akin to what’s done with corporations.
9. He shares his thoughts on creating social mores that counteract legal complications, suggesting it’s an updated version of a common law jury.
10. He advises using Employer Identification Numbers (EIN) to establish bank accounts, rather than Social Security Numbers, to protect individuals’ information.

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