Everybody appreciate you joining us, John, Jay, March 30th, end of the month.
And today we're going to cost and trouble.
I'm going to show you how to use some Liens here. And I know I've mentioned this in the past.
But today, I'm gonna give you the details And I actually, I'm going to help people do this.
I think this is going to gives us a lot of power. We just have to do it.
And I have to say, Ameen, I'm one of the same people that if I have things to do, they're sitting on my desk that would benefit myself and my family, I'll put that off.
I'm not like, I'm not unlike anyone else.
So, I'm just saying I'm gonna show you these things. There's two major things I'm going to show you tonight. I'm definitely gonna have to do follow-up, We're gonna do that.
But um, I will help you do it. OK, I'm gonna provide a service that shows you how to do it. I'm gonna. I'm gonna do it for you. I'm gonna take you through it. I want to see people do this. I want to see people take action. This is going to be a solution, OK?
So anyways, I want to start with this I'm sorry. if I keep looking up. I'm not looking off into space. I got a couple of monitors here.
Um, Let me change the mute thing here.
All right.
Anyways, I'm just gonna do the introduction overview. Like I always do, I'm going to talk about some technical details. I'm gonna go into this H O A covenant, it's a lien.
I'll explain about that and then in part two Hopefully I can do this call within 45 minutes, We'll try, but it's going to be continuing. And then I'm gonna talk about that biometric data, OK, how to put a lien on it.
So First of all, I've been saying for a few years now how someone could use the Homeowners Association covenant?
All right.
Control the title to property, so let me give an example of what that is.
If any of you live in a house where the neighborhood Israel is run by or managed by a homeowners association, you know that all the people that live in homes are members of the association even if he's a tenant OK, and there's a set of rules.
Now that set of rules can be enforced through all the way through a foreclosure. The reason why that can happen is because the ...
Covenant is a lien.
What makes it a covenant is that the covenant document itself the instrument looks much like a mortgage?
It's not about debt, but it's more about Performance, there is debt involved, but it's more about rules, OK?
So the HLAA covenant is a special kind of lean, and I'll explain what that means that survives. This is why it's special.
It survives, all other liens, all other liens foreclosures. And I'll show you what I mean by that shortly.
Let's see if I can come down here for a second, so I made myself some notes, and as you know, sometimes they get carried away. But the reason why the ... Covenant is interesting is because it is a perpetual lean. So it does survive a mortgage foreclosure.
It does survive a property tax lien foreclosure It survives a an IRS tax lien foreclosure.
It will survive Civil asset forfeiture The alien survives, and let me just show you a quote, but I'm talking about.
That's the first point I want to make. It's a statutory lien. And, yes, that will benefit us.
Statutes, statutes are not always bad.
Let me just see if I can do back out of here and do another screen, share.
Sorry, if I'm slow, but it's not my normal thing here, right, so, this happens to be in Florida, 'cause I'm working on something right now in Florida, I just wanted to show this to you.
So here is the Florida statutes that pertain to homeowners associations and Chapter 720, OK?
And as you can see, the languages.
Even if there's been a foreclosure, the lien survives.
I'm not going to stay here forever. I just want to show you, there's actually language for that.
It is in every state now, every State's a little bit different, but your ... covenant should invoke the statutory obligations and benefits under this type of statute. Some h.o.a.s don't do that.
Therefore, those h.o.a.s cannot avail themselves of these benefits.
So, it depends on the language, Now, I'm going to say probably by default, in the last 20, let's say 25 years.
By default, h.o.a.s are under the statutory scheme and have this provision.
Let me just go back out to my notes here.
We can control property rights in a way that is better than anyone else, so a a mortgage lean, for example, is going to be a superior lean to your homeowner's Lee.
However, the ACO elite will survive a foreclosure, it does not get exhausted in a mortgage lien will be exhausted.
Right when that when the foreclosure takes place, even if the bank takes back possession, takes possession of the property as a real estate owned ario property.
The lean, that gave rise to that foreclosures gawd.
It's clear title and anything under that foreclosure that mortgage.
And secondly, like your HELOC, OK?
Or any debts owed to the way those are wiped out.
But the HLA lien itself is still there.
Now the purpose I believe that that sat statute I just showed you which I copied it in here, I believe, is so that if the HRA doesn't collect the money from the from one owner, the next owners just as good. I think that's what moral more about what this is talking about. But I can tell you this that the H O a covenant is a lean that is perpetual and survives every other foreclosure. It is the only lean that cannot be exhausted. I can't think of any other Lean that is like that.
So what does that allow us to do well?
if I don't want to pay or don't pay whatever if I don't pay my property taxes, then at some point after a couple of years, the state is probably going to foreclose on the property.
If you're h.o.a.s in on this, if you can work this out and this is legal.
Your H away can recover the title following the foreclosure, but here's what I'm thinking and I haven't done this yet, I just know that this will work this way for saying it's not a theory.
When a property is listed for sale, an auction or foreclosure or whatever, generally on these third party sites like Zillow, Trulia, and Real Realty track, OK? They're going to list H.o.a.s dues. And if you've done this, like I'm going to show you the ...
dues, would discourage anyone from bidding on the property.
Who cares because either way, I'm just saying it does influence whether or not someone's gonna fit on the property, but the one that's doing the foreclosure, like, for example, the State, I don't think the State can take title to the property. I'm not sure on every state, but at some point, some private person asked to take, prepare, has to take the title.
The H away lien can then take the title back and there's a couple of mechanisms that can be used for that. And I'm gonna give you the simplest mechanism.
We're going to do that in a second year.
Um, now here's something else, And maybe you guys don't care about this part. I'm just going to mention, this.
We should have been doing this for a long time.
The, the HLAA itself identifies people with a common interest.
I mean, whether you like your neighbor or not, you guys chose to live in that same neighborhood and it just so happens you live next year across the street, right.
Well, there's probably 150 people, like in my neighborhood, immediately. There's about 150 people in my neighborhood.
There's probably, sometimes there's a master cessation, right? Where there's several associations, part of that. Some associations have thousands of people, thousands of homes in them.
My association is right next to another one that has thousands, um, but what I'm saying is, when you have a definite group of people, that definite group of people can negotiate Rylee.
Good pricing for products, consumer goods.
And so I'm thinking with the right effort, the HLAA itself can actually negotiate pretty good pricing for consumer goods. It kinda boring stuff that you're always gonna get, like laundry soap and things of that nature. So, I'm just gonna just mention that to you, because it's something that we probably could have been benefiting from for years, but instead, we've been tolerating the psychopath about, you know, them criticizing our landscaping a nonsense like that. Right?
By the way, the whole premise of an H O a is is to preserve the value of the real estate, right?
That's total bullshit because if the highway can preserve the value, it has any say whatsoever, then it would be liable for a drop in value.
Yes, That's my thinking anyways.
And if the h.o.a.s in any way, responsible for the property value, then shouldn't have a share of profits, let's call it Should it have a share of equity? No, it doesn't.
So, the total premise behind h.o.a.s is total BS. What I like it for is that it's a, it defines a community, OK, It gives us set of rules and sure, it probably provides a civil forum in which neighbors can resolve their disputes. I don't think it always works out that way.
But in any case, we can get into some other ventures with it. I mean, there's something called a mesh net. It'd be kind of interesting. If you're ..., I mean a lot of H.o.a.s cover, like, when you pay the dues, you pay your trash, and that's an HLAA Dues. Sometimes you get Internet connection that way.
But your ...
can actually have the trunk line, the main connection, as its own hub, into the Internet, and we call that a mesh net. And you can have much better Internet connection, in many cases.
If you have this other technology, and it would, it would make sense to organize that through .... Because of pricing.
You guys can basically look at like this, you'll get a better connection to the Internet, and let's say half the price. Maybe it's a quarter of the price. I'm just speaking in general terms here, OK? A lot of this stuff you guys have never heard of before. So I just want to run that by you. And of course, you know, the HLAA can set up rules for managing resources in the neighborhood.
I'm not gonna get too far into that, so, Um, I know this probably creates a lot of questions.
Let me just answer the one.
I think you're gonna ask me first, how in the heck would I recover my property if I don't pay the property taxes two questions How would I recover the property if I don't pay the property taxes following a foreclosure sale?
Then why would I not pay my property taxes?
I wouldn't pay my property taxes, maybe if I felt like the money is being misused and I felt like my vote or my objections were ignored.
Then I would take matters into my own hands, right, and now we get with my neighbors to see if we can work out some consensus. And I would suggest that instead of paying $8000 a year, we would allocate $2000 a year and put it toward a trust fund that serves our community immediately, like road maintenance, emergency services, et cetera, OK?
Maybe you don't like the fact that your property taxes are being paid or used for the public school system, and it's a total joke, it's destroying our, our families and our children, right?
So met, now's the time to, maybe Exerciser vote here.
So, that's why I wouldn't do it, that would be one example. Now, how does it work?
So that because the ...
covenant is a perpetual lien, it has the ability to establish assessments or amounts of money that are owed, for whatever reason, you can have regular assessments. You can have special assessments. You can have variances. I mean really, it's kind of a living, lean, let's call it.
So imagine let's call it an impact fee, your government is going to cause a tax and impact fees.
So if you move into a neighborhood, for example, that doesn't have a house, there's just a lot a parcel And you build a house You might have to pay an impact fee. And this is common here in Florida. But what if you had an impact fee or a special assessment for HLAA such that any new title holder would have to pay the special assessment?
So let's say the special assessment is approximately the value The house?
What do you think could happen there?
Do you think that someone who just bid on your house and a foreclosure and got your house into foreclosure is going to pay for it again?
Or pay several hundred thousand dollars for it? Probably not. Do you think he's either going to bid on it once he sees that there's this?
How a special assessment do the moment he signs onto the title?
It's going to discourage that, right? I mean, after one round of that, no investor is going to want to come in your neighborhood. I don't know if that maybe that's a good thing. I don't know, But the fact is, you actually have control over this.
So, imagine if someone, you get a foreclosure, because you didn't pay property tax for some reason, or maybe the IRS foreclosed.
And you exercise the special assessment and foreclose upon the new title holder.
Now, I'm not going to talk about the new title holder and I'm not concerned about his feelings.
I'm just telling you the technical details. Again.
Just saying you have control and can exercise control, but you have to get control of your highway. You've gotta get the psychopaths out of their Gotta get people have a consensus. You gotta talk to your neighbor. You gotta be on good terms.
That's the key thing here.
So, I've got a case right now where, it, just so happens, I've got two cases actually, where there is no HLA and we can actually implement the HLA in order to prevent a liability right, In order to prevent the taking of the property.
The loss of the title, we're going to actually do that. It's going to happen. It's gonna play out in the next year or so, OK. So that's already happening. But if you're already in a neighborhood where there's an HLAA, this is, you know, it's already established. You can do these things. It's just a conversation you're gonna want to have. And the reason why, I mentioned a couple of these things down here about, you know, these are the benefits, especially like this here, right?
How they use your way to negotiate better pricing for things. Mean, if you guys got together, you can do that, then might get people's attention. That might get people to co-operate, right, when you have a mutual self interest, that might get people to co-operate.
So, that's all I want to talk about for Huawei. I know that's really brief.
And I really wanted to get into this biometric data, but before I do does anyone want to ask me some questions about what I just said on ... stuff?
Can we have, Let go.
Yes. Can you have an ACO A of one, if you own one process, you can associate? Yes. You can have one parcel, yes.
You can see you can even subdivide the parcel? Yeah.
You can separate yourself out of the tax rolls, so it can be you and your age, and your LLC that, yeah, the title, it doesn't matter. You don't have to, who cares for the title holder is right, But the fact is, once you describe the neighborhood, if it's just your parcel, you can do that now. I'm not sure if you have an ..., you can export your ..., I'm sorry. You can't export your house from an H away.
That lien is still going to be there. You'd have to get consent from the ....
But, yeah, if there's no way to start with, you can register a covenant for one parcel.
Can you add and add an HLA to even if you're in an existing HLA?
You can it is called a master H away?
I'm not sure if you need the consent of the existing ....
I haven't I haven't really looked into that yet.
I don't know what authority you would have to do that.
Yeah, but If You have rental properties that are not in a natural way, You can use In Ottawa. for additional, sure Can.
Oh, sure. Yeah. I mean, if it's just like anything else I mean if you tell if you come to me And you say, I've cartel in my house, my first thought is just put a lien on our soon as possible.
Now, I'm saying, why not put an H O Alien on there if there's not one already?
Putting the actual alien. Their choice are not bad if you manage it properly. Yeah, they are breeding ground for psychopaths.
But once the psychopaths are in there, they've exposed themselves right, and there is a process. I mean, be the first one to be the age away. And then, you can control whether or not psychopaths go there.
Hopefully, but, yeah, you can put one there.
OK, and they appear if, let's say, my wife has a small LLC that she does a little bit of business data, and you go to get your house removed from the tax rolls, because they say, well, there's a business there.
Well, OK, the titleholders the business, but that doesn't mean that beneficial interests are not held by a family whose principal place of abode, as they call it, is that location.
So it doesn't matter what the title is: they'd have to identify the specific commercial activity.
OK, to talk, And I've had this discussion, and I know it's hit or miss in different counties.
I don't want to get into that too much today, because I don't have a lot of experience on that. I understand the issues, But what I'm saying is this.
This is something we can do right now for certain And maybe we don't care about the rest Because once we once we have can total control over the lien rights of the property, And you know we're already working with our neighbors No, we become here In my homes.
Not in any way, whatsoever, but I could, I would record one. Yeah, so, so here's what you do, you just go find one, find one in an adjacent neighborhood.
Go. The covenant is recorded. It has to be full a copy of it. Now, you can get a PDF one. You can get one on the Internet. You can get a template.
There's all kinds of ways to get an HLA document and then you want to modify it for what you're trying to do in the age to describe the neighborhood.
I've got bunches of Cloud Storage and a lot of properties in Niger.
All right, yeah, Take your pick, have someone transcribe it or go buy 1 for 10 bucks. You can probably get the whole document for your particular state, every, say slightly different. It's usually going to call upon the statute. That means in the very beginning of the document, it's going to reference the statute that applies.
And I think you want that because all lean's are statutory.
This is important to know.
All liens are statutory.
We have, given our government a monopoly over the police power, And the way we get through it is through the Lean process, and the courts. And if you don't have a lien, the courts can give you lean if you satisfy that criteria if you already have a Lean. The courts can memorialize your lean and give you certain rights under that lane. That's what we're dealing with.
...: So all these are statutory I would put, one is, and I would I would put one before someone else does. Right, You have neighbors.
Yes, OK. In bringing them in on it. I mean, that's the whole idea.
You don't want to just exclude your neighbors.
I know you guys are part. I want to hear this. Maybe they're psychopaths, but, No, I'll tell you something. that's a true story.
So recently, two houses down for me, I didn't even know this.
Neighbors, a psychopath.
She was the one causing all the problems and our neighborhood and all the neighbors were talking about it. And that was her.
I did not know it was her.
It just so happen that I'm just a crazy person that likes to cut the grass.
I used to do that a long time ago, so I saw her husband. I didn't even know her name. I just saw her husband. Oh, they're struggling to cut the grass. He's an older guy, so I said, Hey, if you guys want to cut the grass, So I sort of cut their grass like one summer, a few years ago, and there were so delighted that I just offered to do that and I didn't accept any money or anything. And next thing I know we're like, we're getting free cake, and, you know, he's a really nice to us, and stuff come to find out she was the one that was driving around and tell it on people, and she was the ... president. No.
Now we're buddies.
And all the problem stopped.
So you never know, try to, you know, try to get with your neighbors.
Don't don't use the HLA to exclude your name and that's why we're in this problem right now.
But anyways, what else, I mean.
Does that give you some ideas?
All right, so that's, that's the whole thing, so I mean, I'll help you guys, if you want to do that. I'm just saying, check it out.
Look, look at your situation, and consider it. I mean, talk to your neighbor.
Just say, hey, I had this idea, what if, because the lien, you know the covenant, it never goes away.
What if we just decided, how are we going to run our neighborhood? And then it doesn't matter what the property taxes are? Doesn't matter what the city code is. I mean, I kinda like the city code, I kinda like getting permitting because there's some, there's some knowledge behind it, right. There's some safety measures behind it.
But if it's going to be abusive, are used against you in some way, why not use your perpetual lean to control the situation? Then you take it over.
Make it your local government, and this is maybe a commerce conversation you can have with your own.
Yeah, this is a conversation with your neighbors. I'm not saying take your property off the tax roll.
I'm saying use the tax roll to control the title with your ... of it.
As I'm saying, it's it's within our reach right now. We can do it.
There's, no, we don't have to talk about, I know it's not theory, but we don't talk about the theory of, you know, your home, not being subject to property tax, right? We can deal with this right now with the, by the fact that we are really already have the power, I mean the systems already in place.
Don't want somebody the biometric data, that's kinda what I want to talk about.
Think about the biometric data, let me say I can do AM.
Dude, dude, biometric.
So what really gets under my skin is, it's like, my wife has this Apple phone.
And I know it's under total surveillance. And I kinda like give up sometimes, like my phones Android.
But so what. I'm on the same network as my wife and I, it's cheaper. So, I just stay there. But really, I'm about to jump off because I'm getting fed up with the surveillance. And as you can see, they want to bring in this, you know, blockchain technology, So let me just share this with you.
The blockchain technology that is looking like, they just did it in Nigeria where they want to make our money connected. Well let's say our money on the blockchain, right? The CBD, CS people call it.
It's not, it doesn't stop there, right?
They want it.
They've been training us to use our biometric data to access the internet, to access money and use money, so why not?
Why not do that?
Well, it just turns out that since the nineties actually the thing of Sicily, maybe in the seventies, the United States military adopted or included the concept up or the technology known as cryptography within it's munitions list. So cryptography is the same thing as bullets as far as the US military is concerned. Right.
So what does that do for anything that has cryptography in it, like the blockchain or your phone?
Does it bring it within the purview of the US military and national security, without a patent?
You don't even need a patent.
They can't they probably can't patent it.
I mean, that'd be like trying to get a utility patent on the quadratic equation or a copyright can't do that right but you can't list the technology as ammunition.
Now Clinton tried to take it out from the munitions list with an Executive Order. It was placed on the munitions list.
You cannot undo what the Congress did with an executive order, which was, I think Clinton did that in 19 92.
So I would I would argue that the cryptography is still on the munitions list.
This is why you're seeing, you know, what you're going to see.
It's an issue of National security. The man may not use that word that term, but this is what's going on. So in any case, what I'm thinking is, thanks to the Supreme Court.
People are going out in the public and then they have no reasonable expectation of privacy, is how it goes, right?
And I'm thinking, alright, fine.
So you have a legitimate claim on my intangible private property.
All right, which includes my appearance, what am I identifying, gate, how I walk, right?
My fingerprints, my retinal image, things of that nature, my exact skin color.
Everybody has an exact skin kellar.
Everybody has an exact unique retinyl color and pattern hair color, It's very, very unique. All right? It's all unique to you.
So, somebody's collecting this data because he's collecting my photograph or he's collecting a video image of me or is collecting my autograph data, my audio graphic, my, my, my voice, right?
Um, maybe someone's storing my signature, there's all kinds of data that's been collected.
So what I'm thinking is, we can describe that data in it, and because it's private property, tell me if I'm wrong.
Am I jumping too far here? But if it's private property, if it's not my property, who's is it OK. If I'm not making a claim on it, then maybe it's abandoned property.
So Apple and Google and the DMV and everybody else maybe has blank check to do with whatever they want. Right.
But I think if we describe the property and we replace it in a security agreement, I'm gonna show you something here.
So a security agreement, this is the kind of thing where, let's say you borrow money for a business, and the bank says, Hey, we want some collateral. So, we want to list all your furniture, and we want to list all your vehicles, and we want to list whatever all this stuff is as collateral. And in order to memorialize this and protect our interests and put it in a an order, we're gonna write a security agreement. You're going to sign it, we're gonna record it in the county. It's just like a mortgage.
OK, it's also recorded with the Secretary of State's office.
So, this is what we're looking like here.
So you have a security agreement.
And it's a security agreement involving the licensing of intellectual property.
I know I'm jumping a lot of this stuff together, but it's, there's a lot of information here so I'm saying that your biographic data is has the same property rights as your intellectual property is what I'm saying.
So it can be protected in the same manner to the Copyright Office and through a commercial security agreement.
Now, I'm, I'm reading to you, this is, this comes out of the Code itself.
OK, so like I told you before, all these are statutory In a security agreement, there are three requirements, so here are the criteria. So in a secured the secured party now if I'm gonna put a lien on my likeness I'm gonna call it my likeness. I know, I never said that word before.
But my likeness includes My biographic data, my signature, my appearance, and all these things. My photograph, OK, the photograph, the DMV has, for my driver's license. That's my likeness.
OK, it has to have value.
So the secured party has to have value. So I'm gonna be the, I'm gonna become the secured party. I'm not yet.
I gave up my biographical data, my biometric data, I'm not yet the secure party.
The debtor is going to be the recipient who collects it, stores it, and uses it.
Who's doing that with your data?
Google, Apple. You name it DMB. Right. Your local grocery store that has video surveillance.
So, the debtor has authenticated or signed a security agreement. But, wait, John, Google's never going to sign a contract with me. Oh, it doesn't matter.
What does, how do you authenticate a security agreement? How does the debtor authenticate a security agreement?
He begins using the, the thing that's of value, the property, the collateral. OK.
So, as Google currently using your collateral, it's not yet collateral, but it's currently using the property for sure.
So, we have its consent, we have its signature. We just haven't made the claim yet.
So from there, once we perfect acclaim, aleem a security interest, we can establish licensing terms.
We have issues of licensing, likeness royalties.
We have default terms.
We can repossess those rights.
We can be compensated.
We can foreclose upon our Lean interests.
And here's some more information, OK?
So you can sue for the use of your likeness, which includes personal attributes, anything that could be connected to yourself.
It doesn't have to be exactly your legal name.
For example, It could be anything, could be a nickname.
Um, there's a cause of action for an invasion of privacy through misappropriation of someone's name or likeness.
That's actually a cause of action. That means you have a right to sue somebody for what's called Misappropriation.
This sounds like a quagmire litigation and please know that I do not see the court system as a way to solve any problems, or very many.
that is, I'm going to show you, I'm gonna suggest a couple of things here that don't involve that.
They could, but they don't have to the violation of the right of publicity.
So maybe someone's collecting your data, and maybe you don't have a cause of action. In some cases, I think you do in every case, but let's say you didn't.
There's also the issue of the use of, there's the collection.
So if it's being used, for example, for other purposes other than you were told or agreed to, then you may have a cause of action as well.
Right. So there's the disposition of collateral.
Now, imagine if you established your intangible private property, right, like your signature and your appearance as collateral.
Imagine if you were to sell an interest like the banks do for mortgages imagined if you were to sell that lien interest to a body incorporation.
Which is in line with the way the law works, the uniform commercial code.
Imagine if we created a market for people's lien rights over all their biometric data.
Wouldn't your biometric data become worth more, and more and more as time goes on?
And wouldn't we have more claim against all these corporations that are collecting it that we don't want to collect?
All right?
So, Imagine, before I get into this, imagine if, just like a mortgage, right? Let's say you own a house, and you don't have a mortgage on it, well, it looks like your net worth is higher, right? Because your name is on the title, and the house is worth a million dollars, and there's no debt on it, right? If you sold the house, presumably get one million dollars.
But if you have a lien on that for $800,000, and you sold the house, you'd only get 200,000, right? So the other 800,000 is a Lean interest that's diminish the value of that property, the net value, so to speak.
So, imagine if many of the customers of these companies like Google and Amazon and whatnot Apple.
Uh, many of the customers placed, perfected security interests leans on all the data that's being kept by these companies.
What would happen to their SEC disclosures, what would happen to their balance sheets at the end of the year?
It's public record. It would have to be factored into their accounting.
And I can tell you right now from firsthand experience, I used to lean one time and shut down a whole organization. I didn't, I wasn't trying to do that, but I didn't realize how powerful that was, just poof, they had to leave the state.
So this is, this can be some powerful leverage and we don't need to beg our legislatures to do the right thing.
I don't expect them to do anything. That's the right thing.
But, look, what if we just were to describe, and this may be pedantic, but look at the types of ways we can describe things, constitute our private intangible property, your legal name, your nicknames.
Let's see your, your private banking, credit, financial biometric, and biographic data, or what's your biographic data, your photo.
And identifying information such as your legal name, nickname Allais, date of birth.
Your date of birth isn't so much, an identifier as when it is combined with your name, right?
But, nonetheless, date of birth, records of what you buy, Huh?
Records of what I buy.
Yeah, You'd be shocked to know that Records are being collected about your buying habits and their being associated with your name, Especially if you use your phone to go shopping.
That actually creates a profile.
And to a point where you can even be someone can predict someone can predict what you're going to do next week in terms of, you know, interacting with the world and buying stuff.
Information that pertains to banking and borrowing habits, including bank account numbers, birth certificate, wreckers bank account information. I try to put everything in here, right.
So I wrote this list records on file with the DMV data given to, to obtain your license, information that you give, to obtain your license, you associate with your SSN, your data, birth, your name, your residential address and other, other information, right. Probably, I mean, you gave them your, your facial image, right?
Maybe they're taking the retinal pattern from there, I don't know maybe they are, maybe they aren't where they are they taking your fingerprints. I don't know what they're doing that for driver's license yet.
But anyways.
What about vehicles you own, OK?
Medical records that identify you, human tissue or fluids.
Website content this expresses you, I mean, we can even identify we can we can make a distinction between two different people based upon the way they say things. So I just thought you know is important to put that the things you'd like to look at on the internet.
The way you behave, you know, your e-mail, all these things, right?
I try to make everything we get into biometric data like your fingerprints, DNA retinal pattern. The way you say things, physical characteristics, your height, all this stuff, right? The way, the way you speak, like me, I, you know, I use my hands a lot. A lot of us do that.
I have used discourse markers, some, some of the younger people use discourse markers, like the word, like, sometimes they say it too much, that's a discourse marker, and if it's a pattern, it's like a fingerprint the way you're using it.
Yeah. And so I summarize this by my identifying information, right? So if I can describe all these things, and maybe you guys can do a better job than I did.
I can claim a lien on it because I can tell you right now Amazon doesn't have the right to claim a lien on my eye color and my eye color maybe my eye color is blue or Hazel.
But it's unique to me in the exact frequency of nanometers, right? There's an exact frequency at my eye. So it's different than anywhere else, It is unique.
So anyways, We get into a little more of the technical things. And I put some references here.
If you guys want to do some research, you guys got this file from the ace of coins thing, but I just want to run that by you, and I am doing this.
If you guys want to perfect a security interest in your biometric data, please let me know give me a few days. I'm going to modify my order form, so that you can order that service, and you will get my attention.
You and I will sit here, and we will, we will go through this, and we will create the Lean process, and I will help you record it, and how it helps you use it.
I'm actually believing that this might really be an effective tool, and it's going, without being controversial.
I think the message is going to be conveyed to these companies.
If you want our data, it's going to cost you.
Emily, would you think I'm impressed Alex. Did I think that you can do this?
Isn't this an answer? Isn't this a stop sign to this CBBC?
Yeah, certainly!
Oh, Absolutely! I think it is. I mean, imagine if the, yeah, the lean right there is going to shut it down.
You cannot, you cannot afford to do business that way.
Then yeah, that's my That's my expectation. So would you, can I ask you, you know, even before they pass this S, whatever it is.
There's A, There's this bill that they're, you know, pushing through that to ban, tick tock, tick tock but it also contains language that they can designate anybody who isn't I guess I'm just going to paraphrase the idea that isn't Pro status pro Sure they can They want a sense. They want identify people in sensor I'm sure. On the Internet so could we.
Is there any way to put I'm thinking this is a pretty good tool.
I mean, Yeah. Whoever. So in order to censor people, don't you have to identify who they are and in order to do that, don't you have to collect or identifying information? I mean, their IP address, right.
I mean, well I was posting something today. You know, I get carried away. I watch a YouTube video and I have to put in my 2%.
And of course you know me, I'm gonna put in something that nobody wants to hear and I get censored.
Then and I then go to the trouble of using phonetic spelling and space. The words out and I put hyphens and they still sensor me. I try to disguise the words, you know. So I had to do at several different ways.
But yeah, my IP address, I think, is a way to, that's like a nickname, my phone number identifies me.
So, yeah.
What do you think, Ray?
I think this is the best thing since sliced bread.
Will show, you know, looking at the ..., right, and tangible private property on the issue, the Legal Name and the last application name is using court when you are in or lean on it.
Yeah, yeah, you want to use against me?
OK, I'm the lienholder Yeah, that rational. But really hit me right here at Legal Name because that's what that is. If you want to help the straw man are happy, but yeah. That's not the lien rights, or the lien rights are enough, but I'd like to foreclose on some.
So if a person has an existing case and then they do this, then they're just nourished. The plaint exactly, There's no waiver, you can falling anytime you want.
And go forward from there. It's a news. It's a new situation.
Before, there wasn't really, now, there's a lean, You know, this, this is nuclear, nuclear, and that's why, I'm telling you, guys, I will help you do this.
I will do the work, and I'm also going to make it to where it's going to be somewhat automated, but I'm personally going to work with each person, I'm gonna get it rolled out recorded, perfected handed to you.
And then let's see how we can use this thing, because we might have to do some notices and wake these guys up.
Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm. No. I want to do it with what I can't wait to send it to Google's accounting department.
Yeah. I want to say, look. You guys have a question? The H.o.a.s, I'll get to that second. I just want to mention to you, back in the day to, almost 20 years ago, they had, the banks had this scheme where they were doing arbitration awards. Right, so, we started doing him, so, I copied them, I was doing with, the banks were doing against my clients, because it's fair game. Right, If you guys can do it and you can escape the court system and still take my clients property Will then I'm going to do the same thing. And I'm gonna put a lien on you. We got leans against all the Banks, and when they were, OK, they didn't see it. Yeah. They didn't see the pattern, but one day, someone.
one of the people I'm working with, because long story, But he brought in, like one thousand claims against a list of banks.
and that's when the judge said, Oh, it was a California judge and he goes, hey, I have to recuse myself. and he was the only judge that was processing these. And that was the beginning of the end. It shut down the entire thing. The bank stopped doing it. The banks stop tricking people into arbitration agreements. And subverting the court system is what they were doing.
Because we were doing it to them, so all of a sudden, it wasn't a good idea.
Exactly, that's very powerful. When you didn't have to argue with them, I didn't have to sue them all I had to do is copy them.
And look, we have all the value, we're the ones bringing the value, Let's go put a lien on that stuff. Right, right.
I'm going to call on Zoom, and then, Elaine, zoom against me. I've changed that name so many times, but whatever. OK, so I am just getting confused.
So if you be filing on yourself, and somebody use it, they have to pay you that. But does that distinguish the purpose of the lien? Or is it still holding? Well, there's lien rights.
And then there's terms on the use of the collateral.
So the other party is going to be the counterparty is the debtor.
So we need to establish terms of debt, like a licensing agreement, for like, the use of a song, like the rights to a song, right? If I want to sing the song, but I didn't write it, I have to pay a royalty to the guy who wrote it.
This is what we're doing, OK.
And so your point is that like the more, let people do that, then obviously it's going to crank up the cost at first.
They might look at this and say, Well, OK, this cost of doing business or liability goes up, but wait a minute, if enough people do it quickly enough, maybe.
It's going to come to a screeching halt the whole thing we'll see, OK.
So as long, if they pay it, then they can use your name or your yeah why not? Why should you not make money out of all the data that's being collected from your phone every day?
Yeah, I was hoping it was like, they pay you and they still can't use it. You know, eat your cake and have it, too. I mean, if you're going to be the secured party, you can make whatever terms you want.
That's what I do when I, when I deal with interact with a doctor's office. For example, like, the doctor's office, they want to know all kinds of stuff, now I only give them enough information to perform the service.
But, but sometimes I ask them what their data retention policy is.
I go to the doctor, and he says, Hey, I need this, this, and that. And I go, Well, what, what financial responsibility do? You have to me to collect this data, because, in my opinion, you only need to know this much about me to do the service.
Then they're like, Oh, wait a minute, let me check. And then they go, we don't know what our data retention policy is. And I say, OK, let me tell you what it is. When I give you my data, here's what's going to happen. Oh, and by the way, here it is. You know, I give it to them in writing. You see. So yeah, sure, we can make whatever terms and what do you got? I can't help but think of what James O'Keefe has just discovered.
He's got that he uncovered a new way that Democrats were laundering money by making a gazillion donations from just average working people who, like, aren't making enough money to make a $200,000 donation.
But they make it like, over, and over, and over, and for some reason, it, everything you're saying here, reminds me of that in some way, that it could be as disruptive, as revolutionary.
Yeah, it's just astounding what what done, alright? Somebody's asking about credit.
We can talk about credit, I mean, for credit, mean, we use our credit to ask a question. I want to try to stay on the alien and the biometric data. Yeah, credit, I mean, the whole system is credit, the whole system is exploiting people. Assume belligerent. Yeah, all right? We're all seem to be enemies of the state.
Well, OK, I mean, you can, you can have the idea that we're already own, but does this sound to you? Like that's my attitude from this call so far. Do you, does my attitude, sound like I feel like I'm owned?
A, So, what are the requirements to put?
Who do you have to be in? order the property into an array?
I assume you can't just go pick some random neighbor and shove it into one you, What's the actual requirement? You have to be there, has to be with your neighbors in the community, where they're gonna didn't, the partial orders that are going to do this need, to have a consensus as to doing that.
And then you just have to have the covenant, but the terms together, but you have to have consensus.
How do you show who, who the owners of the parcels are? What's the, you have a vote, you have a vote, and you vote to organize and associations.
There's a distinction between the corporate association and the actual association.
The actual Association exists now, but the corporate structure is what you want to do.
So, you need so many neighbors out of the total mean, three, you need three separate owners, put it that way.
They can vote, they can form a non-profit corporation, registered with the State, they can vote in the bylaws and they can create the covenant they're already created that they can, they can vote in the Covenant and then record it and then operating accordingly start having meetings.
Well, I'm getting us when you, when you have those three neighbors come together to file that if this somehow prove that they own the properties that they're putting into the covenant, well, that's public record.
Mean, in your covenant your standard covenant is going to say: property owner is the voter.
Why why wouldn't it?
It's already there. Sorry.
Yeah, I'm still confused about, like who a property owner is, like if you have a, especially if you're if you're renting or if you have a mortgage or if you're renting you're the property owner.
Now, I know they limit you in voting and appearing at meetings and things of that nature, that's just pushing around a little bit, but the fact is, like, I read, and I'm the owner, I can do anything the owner can do now.
In interacting with, the Board, did sometimes give me a hard time, but I usually get around it, know, but, yeah, whoever is beneficial owner, what about the case of a for sale by owner, where you're, you bought a property directly from the owner, without a mortgage loan, and you're paying them back.
The lien rights are different. I mean, what I'm talking about: the title, the title, or possession of the property. If you have title and, or possession you're the owner.
Like, like the person who owns my property that I'm renting, I'm the owner.
But technically, the landlord is the title holder, and if the landlord wants to do something that I don't, then landlord gets to do that. But in the meantime, I get to do things I want to do, and if I want approval for something, let's say I want to put a garden somewhere. I've got to deal with that. What do you have?
Destiny again, I'm going to see I wondered about that. Alright, so I think you've answered this. I just want a real clear square answer. It has to be continuous property for example, if we have place in Vermont in a place in Florida, They both can be in the same way.
They could, they could be It's very unusual, but it's an association of homeowners, right?
You define what that is the problem you're gonna run into those You're out of state jurisdictions. You have two different state jurisdictions right here.
Yeah, so it's not practical. But yeah, there isn't a association already. Let's say you own both properties, right. Well by default that's, that's a common association.
Typically they are going to be contiguous parcels will be contiguous they don't have more likely will OK?
So I can go around the town if I don't get my actual neighbors and I could go around and look to make her way association with a particular agreement with like-minded people who may not be contiguous. Yep. Yes. That's correct. That's my, that's my understanding. I don't know that it's done that way because typically, the builder has already established this. And he's a dictator right? when he starts building and then he conveys it to lots of people at once. And they're already ready to run with it.
But if you want to do this in an existing neighborhood that doesn't have an HLA E, remember that it's already in association. So what you try to do is get in on how you have public meetings with your neighbors because you may already have a process, right?
You want to use that to suggest the formation of a formal H OA And then you have to sell them on the benefits of it.
And I don't know.
Actually, I think if you have enough people in that neighborhood, So, first you need to define what that neighborhood is.
And then once you can describe it, legally, then, if you have somewhat of a majority, I think that you'll be able to put that H away as a covenant, and it should affect and be binding on everybody.
I believe that's how it works.
So, I have such a small town, 3000 people, that I wasn't thinking neighborhood.
I was thinking entire town, not everybody, but certain people could be the mayor. I don't know. I mean, what does it, your chart, I mean, what does he tried to, you see the tool here? What does it you want to do, Right? And I want to protect, I want to protect people in the upcoming.
Insanity with the banks, and that's what I'm thinking to. I mean, I'm thinking, we need to start policing on neighborhoods. That's what got me thinking about this in the first place.
And we have that. We have the facility to do it.
All right, and doctor Kodi.
Hey, John, Hay Day, all right.
A quick question, A little off topic.
But you and I have discussed this before, regarding crypto transactions and swaps.
And basically, I got something from Coinbase, identifying some trades that I did, close out some trades and going to US dollar, so I think there's going to be a tax liability there, yep, or all the other situations where I'd just swap from one on to another.
There's no transfer of beneficial interests, so, um, I'm looking at that, as those aren't transactions.
They're listed on, like there was a, it's a taxable event, but it was just a swap from one point to another is erroneous.
So just, now that you're aware of it, just make sure you understand which ones are erroneous and which ones are not. So the ones that are correct, report those.
And if the 1099 includes erroneous transactions, just exclude the whole thing, and only include the ones that are valid.
So just look down the list that I got from Coinbase and all the ones where I close out a, let's say I saw Bitcoin into US. Dollars, Ramana have liability on that, but all the other was where I went from one point to another. I didn't go into USD. It's just swap. And there's no transfer beneficial interests there for those. Now that is correct. Yeah, Exclude that. 10 99 do include only the one you just describe where he sold for dollars. That's a disposition. And then I have a seven minute video on YouTube in the members area to, There's no algebraic equation. It shows you back out your cost basis. And so what I was telling everyone is, just use basic algebra to figure out what your taxable principle is.
It's in there.
That's at the end, the icicle, once it's in my members area. But, I might, it might be publicly available on YouTube. I'm not sure if I can find out while we're talking. I'll put it in the chat area.
OK, no questions on that. So that really is the extent of my question. All that, I appreciate. Sure. All right.
Yeah, the municipal municipal corporations, we can ignore them. I mean, municipal corporations have their place. But I mean, if you're exercising, what happens is, if you have, basically the neighborhood becomes its own governing body, So you'll end up having smaller governing bodies instead of the county and the city in the town.
I'm talking to, I'm referring, I'm responding to someone's message over here, on the chat thing.
OK, so anyways, yeah, this is going to be somewhat of a different dynamic, a different way of doing things that I hope everybody wants to do this, a lot of people want to do, I mean, I think it's gonna really give them, teach them a lesson.
They have to rethink their whole business model.
See, I'm sorry if I'm not good at reading the messages here. OK, so someone's?
OK, we can talk Peyton, we can talk about that so any any other questions on that? Definitely unless you guys want to talk to the mouse but next week.
I would probably like to do unless you tell me something else more of this. You're going to have a chance to think about this. You got my notes.
So Yeah Yeah. When I mentioned the fee schedule I'm talking about on the licensing agreement saga.
In other words, we set this up and you have a security agreement and everything is, and the list is there, the legal name.
Would there be? Would you just have, like I said, be scheduled for OK, do you want to use my name?
I think I would keep this simple.
So I have, I did a calculation.
Now you guys can redo this, I just created a calculation, which I thought would be based on standard, objective standards, let's say. And I calculated that without trying a person's value.
over a lifetime, let's say, a business career and a 40 year period would be about a million dollars. And I know that's really low, but I just factored in a lot of things That would go in with that.
I can I can give you guys the analysis, but so I'm just thinking what would you like if you're Muhammad Ali, what's your likeness worth?
It's probably What's your income as worked and so but I think the value is not just what we can do and what we have been doing in our lifetime to make money. I think the value is what corporations are doing using. Because if Google and Amazon are collecting my data, well, then it has some sort of value, and it's worth it to talk about it. So if that's the case, it's worthy to put a lien on it. And I want that value.
And if I have to, I'll just make it up.
You guys think I'm wrong? Can we correct it? Yeah, Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I mean, the use of your name should be worth a million dollars. What standard am I using? I don't know.
But, you know, if a lot of us do this, if many of us 10 or 12 do it, that's going to get them to sit up and take notice. It'll come up at their next quarterly board meeting.
Hey, there's a trend. That's going to show up, because the effect, I mean, this stuff will affect their insurance. Care and insurance. Yes. V: Which gives you deep. Yeah, I mean, that's a taste of their own medicine. I did this by, I didn't even know this is going to happen. I was just trying to do a thing for my family, but it shut down this business in two locations, and they had to leave. Florida!
Because I did that.
Well exactly what I'm telling you guys. For a different reason, I'm just saying, let's do it for this other reason.
Can I pulled out the oxygen bonds on public officials?
She'll do, that's probably why I'm so much trouble now, but Yeah, I'm gonna list somewhere your names that, Alicia, but at me, So, but, but law firms, and all of them, they're all ensure they have bonds, they have securities, you know, I'm sure, sure, yeah, they started a million dollars, Yeah, perform response zoom. What do you have?
Yeah, that's me. This is a bit of a side note, but I was looking at all, like, potentially in the future doing permanent whole life insurance and I know They're talking about having it through trust.
But you set up a PMA, what I need to set up something completely different, like a trust or could I use the PMA.
I don't use the PM me for anything except running a company I don't even mentioned ..., but if I'm going to have a life insurance like whole life. If you're going to use that for like infinite banking.
OK first of all It should be a small part of your net worth and it should be for long term So just keep that in mind, But I would have an LLC own that for different reasons.
There's, there's a reason I'm suggesting this, have an LLC owned the policy, then there's the insured, and the beneficiary worked out, how do you see fit?
OK, Commonly said thing.
Say that again, not a trust, You can use a trust, I mean, I like using an LLC, but you could use the Trust to own the policy. Sure.
You can, I mean, the way people are have been using the trust lately are interchangeable with the way I like to use LLCs.
Um, there are some things I will not use a Trust for, but I will use an LLC for almost everything.
I have no problem with that, but, Yeah, sure. No problem there.
OK, yeah, because I did see using it as something for potential growth, but also being able to take so money out of to, like, do investments or something like that.
That's the whole idea. I mean, setup, IPC. And you know you're going to lock up that money for 20 years. And you're only going to borrow against it that you can really do well. You just want to overcome the initial commission structure. They really get you on the commission when you set those up.
OK, OK, cool, thank you.
All right, Elaine, what do you think?
I wonder if with biometric data, would there be any advantage to a whole bunch of us doing it, like against one entity like Google or on yes, baseball as opposed to everybody just doing. So, it has to be individually human to look at my notes. Because the standard is so, the human being has to originate the Lean interests.
Once he does that though, I, I know what you're saying. I, you can convey your Lean interest to a corporation and that corporation and carry on, but you have to be originating it. And that's why I'm saying, OK.
Once enough of us do this, I would like to set up a trading board.
They would acquire these liens and use them like the banks do use them for blending purposes.
All kinds of ah, hey, let's do it. Soon as you create a market cap for something, look at the fake, you know what, OK. They created a market cap for participating in it how that's going to be so difficult to undo.
I didn't want to do that. It's a profit motive now. You know, they call it the pandemic insurance.
There's a profit motive for that.
They were fast, They did it.
So, that's what I'm thinking.
Let's let's create a market for leans on Biometric Data.
All right. XOOM user.
Oh, that's me. Let me I think take it back down.
Yeah. You know, this really hit me .... There's already marketers, for sure, to all of state should push.
Remember, I mentioned to you, but HP 5 20 that's going on in the state of Georgia, So with HD and mental health deals that are pushing that are going to use against us. And it's all based on biometric data.
There you go.
People can two people can swear affidavits. They think you're dangerous.
They will come see, you take you to a mental institution.
And it's based on biometric data tracking.
OK, to use a stop Veils in the House and Senate to stay Exactly, See, you see how important this biomass is? This is gonna be a race to control the biometric data, this stuff. Yeah, they are your legislature, guys. They already know about this.
They're trying to hit us off. We need to do this now in this state.
The Speaker of the House is the owner of a company now Beretta that created biometric data tracking devices. He, he is pushing the bail, and in the General Assembly in Georgia, Denise went to Tennessee. And he's lobbying and speaking to the Senate in Tennessee. Let me tell you stop that. Those bills, let me tell you some this. This is what you're describing. This is the infrastructure that will make us a lot of money if we just take action, We put the lanes in the biometric data, and they are already creating the infrastructure for us.
They don't see it coming now. And people are up there doing, you know, they just, they're basically just giving them the finger, the general shape where people got burned in the gallery, or they go up, and talk, in front of the House and Senate, they just look and they know they don't care. And then they'll pay attention to this.
Aha, we wait to see what happens when it shows up on the bottom line of the corporations.
That's why I want to help people do this. I wanted to write about What about lecture?
You had to Speaker of the House in Georgia, and for other Representative. ... House already has gone to the Senate.
Now, since they sponsored it, they should be, no, totally liable, even more than a restaurant, but yeah, allowable for many things. But I'm just saying, let's use it. Let's use it for our own benefit and let them create the infrastructure.
It's, like someone asked me the other day on some bills, something Biden was saying about, You can't criticize voter fraud because it's an act of terrorism or something.
My thinking is, let's use it against them, then, OK.
Mirror them. Yes, yes. Yeah.
Merit, right. That's throughout history, if you're looking, you'll find out they tried to make these oppressive regimes made laws that were ultimately used against the administration.
Hmm, hmm, well what do you have?
Oh, there's some wondering about the, the crypto companies they'll want to do. All. They know your customer.
Yeah, Yeah. We could do this with the crack and ku Coin, but banks?
Oh, yeah.
I mean, it's very non confrontational, you put the lean on there. All of a sudden. Next thing they know it's factored into their balance sheet. The form 10 K. What happens to their investors? then?
Gonna be fun.
This still wasn't as good as good anymore.
Time will tell, but I'm really, I'm really excited to see how this is gonna play out. I'm gonna start doing it. I'm gonna do for my, I haven't done it yet, I'm going to do for myself. I only did it in that one case years ago.
I never even thought it was a thing, but now I'm thinking right now. It's time to just do it, let's put the lien on this property.
Right, well thanks for participating. These are good question, Jean Scripture. You did a collateral, that data security agreement, that's a beautiful description. Yeah, thanks, Ed, if you guys want to add something or make it very pleased, that was my working alone, So yeah, that's beautiful.
Alright, guys, one, as always, for, as always, you know, it is the weekend, right?
Thursday at 8 0 PM. Eastern Time is the weekend, right.
So, have a nice weekend, Eugen ... Bio above.
1. The speaker proposes using liens as a tool to protect homeowners from property tax and code violation penalties, also mentioning two primary strategies they plan to detail.
2. The HOA (Homeowners Association) Covenant is explained as a type of lien that survives foreclosures, differentiating it from other liens that may be wiped out during foreclosure proceedings.
3. The speaker suggests that by using the HOA Covenant lien, neighbors can better protect their property and potentially improve neighborhood resources, like internet connections.
4. The speaker introduces the idea of a special assessment attached to the HOA Covenant. If the value of this assessment equates to the property’s value, it could deter potential buyers from acquiring a property under foreclosure.
5. The speaker transitions to discussing biometric data, arguing that it holds the same property rights as intellectual property and thus can be protected in a similar manner.
6. The speaker suggests that the misuse or unauthorized use of someone’s biometric data can be grounds for litigation, referring to it as ‘Misappropriation’.
7. By establishing commercial liens on one’s biometric data, the speaker believes that companies exploiting this data (e.g., Google, Facebook) would be forced to reconsider their practices or face significant financial repercussions.
8. They highlight that the specifics of one’s speech, online behavior, physical characteristics, and other biometric data should be considered as personal property and hence, protected.
9. The speaker is developing a process that will allow individuals to file commercial liens on their biometric data effectively, using a similar approach as copyright protection for intellectual property.
10. Finally, the speaker continues to answer audience questions on the proposed systems, discussing the nuances of property ownership, establishing HOA Covenants, and strategies for applying these tools effectively.