0:02 OK, so, but let's talk generally about taxes and I just wanted to start with this article here, and you guys can, can bring up other items, But I just want to make the point It looks like, and I haven't read the case file. 0:11 I just read this article like you guys, same here in this articl...

OK, so, but let's talk generally about taxes and I just wanted to start with this article here, and you guys can, can bring up other items, But I just want to make the point It looks like, and I haven't read the case file.
I just read this article like you guys, same here in this article about the IRS.
You know, they want to maybe possibly give some money back because people pay tax on Coin value. That didn't. They didn't realize again, they didn't sell the coins for dollars and that but they paid the tax on it, like most people were have been doing.
And so what I wanted to point out here is, this is what the attorneys are arguing for the couple, I suppose.
I suppose I didn't look at the case, but the complaint claims that nothing under the US.
Tax law allows for taxpayer created property to be taxed as income. What the heck? Is it taxpayer created property?
That's another phrase for, for, basically an intangible private property, right?
The tax code doesn't tax that.
A tax is something where the State has an interest. And you give the state and interests.
When I say state, I mean, IRS, you give the government and interest when you tell it your balance sheet and sign it under penalty of perjury, and you say this is how much I owe you, And they say, you know what? You're right.
So, these people did that.
And then after the fact, their attorney says, No, no, no, no, no.
That was incorrect.
We want the money back to, the IRS realize, I think that they need to give the money back, and the attorneys say, No, wait a minute. Let's let the Court make a ruling on this, that way, other people can use this really, too, and it goes right along with what I've been doing for 30 years.
We're making it to where you retain the rights you already had. All I'm doing is changing your property rights, the way you interact with other people. So, I don't know, I don't wanna go too much on that, you guys have any questions, or make comments on that?
Yeah, John doesn't, doesn't essentially, kind of use, so doing business in fiat currency does not also give them a beneficial interest.
It does, and I think, unless you have a compelling interest, a compelling and compelling interest. Yes.
But imagine, if you're running a company, and you're paying wages to people, like, here's how this system works. Let's say I'm gonna get around and say, You know what, I'm just going to barter club.
Or I'm gonna pay my people in silver. I'm gonna pay me kryptos that's not taxable, and of course is not taxable.
However, if the activity is considered wages, then it's measured against whatever is reasonable for those, for the value of the wages. And so the IRS would, later on, if they discovered it, come back and say, Well, you owe us are cut in dollars even though you weren't using dollars at all.
Because it was wages.
So that's why I say, if you're, if you're dealing with wages or if, or if you're trying to not classify something as wages when it actually is. You're just, you're going to get hit by the IRS. You can't get around that.
Where I can get around it is, I can move money around through tax deferred structures. And I can say, yeah, that's, again, that's, again, that's, again, but I can keep moving it around myself. I can keep moving around a person like me, that would have a tax liability.
And I can change the tax liability and defer it perpetually as long as I do it that way.
So that's the difference. That's why I tell people, That's all I ask people. You know, when, when they come to me for help, and I'm like, OK, what kind of business do you have?
You have employees, and some, sometimes, I can create an outsource scenario for the employees and get my client out of the S corp thing, but if he has to have the employees like he's running McDonald's, you pretty much have to have the employees on site and you're on the hook for it.
So you gotta have a net score.
That doesn't mean that all the money has to run through the S corp, but you're still kind of on the hook that because now you've got workman's comp, someone's gonna make a claim, you can't lie, you know. Then you got the 141 withholding.
So there's some things you can't get out of, but here's a clear example. It looks like they're trying to reverse this liability. I'm glad to see.
Yeah. And this article goes kind of in the face of that tax blog that you put up a few weeks ago where they're trying to tell you, hey, you know, coin to coin, transfers are taxable, and you'd like, there's so much confusion.
There's still it tell you that it is not true unless you decide that you're going to report it that way.
And there's no need to report it that way.
So that they're technically, they're not lying, but they're not telling you everything.
Same old, Same old, San Jose.
Somebody had asked me earlier a couple of people actually this this last week because it just comes up in conversation, they asked me what?
What this thing is I do about the fasting and I just want to share this with you guys.
If I could for a minute, just tell me to shut up if it's off topic tonight, but, um, this is saltwater.
OK, so, I just I use sodium chloride and and potassium chloride a little bit, it's about 30, 26 ounces.
Shout out something like that.
So the reason why I drink saltwater is because I eat 1 1 time every two days, and when I eat I about a pound of meat and about £3 of fruit typically.
And I tell people.
I eat steak and whiskey. So, after my stake in my fruit, I have some couple of shots of whiskey and then I don't eat again for about 3652 hours. Somewhere in there, and I usually have, like, today, I'm really thirsty.
So, today, I'm going to have this tomorrow, probably have one of these glass of ice water. I just I'm sharing this with you guys because I share my slides because it comes up a conversation. I'll just tell you. You feel invincible like that it's amazing. Does to your body, is everything out, It gets your blood sugar perfect, or to eat. You can be whatever you want. Just make. sure you have good food, but then you can eat whatever you want, and then that period of time between meals, you don't have. Cause you don't have fruit.
You don't have, you don't have tea? Nothing just saltwater or nothing. Sometimes I can drink lemon juice and not eliminate lemon juice or vinegar. Very small amount of that. But anyway, I just wanted to ask me about how much salt you put in the 26 ounces of water. All I did was, I just jumped a little bit like this.
It's probably a quarter of a teaspoon OK? Of each. It's actually, you almost can't taste it.
So, OK. Yeah, Perfect. Yeah. And all it does is replace electrolytes. So, sometimes I will go for the two days with no water at all, nothing.
I'll have nothing and I won't feel any different. Now, today, I just felt really thirsty. I must, because I had. Maybe I actually had an extra shot of whiskey, so it got maybe a little bit thirsty. So Chinese food.
So, but, anyways, I just want to share it with you guys.
If you want to try something like that, Basically, here's here's how you would start it.
Decide what you'd like to eat, and instead of eating it throughout the day, you plan your day so that you eat all the food that you'd like to eat within one hour.
Then, do not eat anything else. if you'd like coffee, drink that then, but do not drink it after the hour.
And then for the next 23 hours, or 22 hours, even if you have to go two hours, that's fine.
You only eat within 1 or 2 hours, minimum of 22 hours with no.
Then you have your next meal an in-between that 22 hours. You might want maybe you have some saltwater, small, a small amount. If you want to try that, I used to weigh £100 more than I weigh now, I do not look like the person I did five years ago.
You would not recognize me.
Hey, John, is this going to help me gain some weight? You can gain weight to this way.
Yes, Awesome. All you do is, wait, you're that's what Sumo wrestler to check this out. Sumo wrestlers gained weight by fasting.
Yeah, it's crazy. It's crazy, yeah. So, I've been fasting now continuously without, without one. For over 44.5 years.
Lasting back to back, to never stop this second chicken. You never thought I'd throw the laundry. And again. I'm going to beat me.
All right, go ahead and unmute, whoever was.
OK, so, to do, to do the same thing, and to actually gain weight, you just do this. You just do this, the same process or is it a little different? Yeah.
If I want to gain weight, I would same routine, same fasting period. But my eating window would increase, so my eating window right now is 90 minutes.
I am very, very strict on that.
If I want to gain weight, I would not exceed four hours, but I probably need to go like 2.5 hours. And I'm telling you, when I eat for 90 minutes, after two days of not eating, I don't stop eating for 90 minutes. I'm literally like this. I'm eating, I'm eating a meeting. I'm not like, you know, like a pig like destroying myself. I don't look like an idiot, but I'm just saying I am not playing around, I just eat, eat, if I want to gain weight, I will just extend that window and I don't eat worthless food. I will eat more meat, I will eat more fruit.
I'm not just gonna eat bunch of pasta. I almost don't ever eat pasta.
I have a unique vegetables, almost no vegetables. No. Vegetables are a waste of your space in your stomach. It's a waste. And now, I love, I love salads, and I'd love certain vegetables. And sometimes I will eat them. But most of my food is meat and fruit, and it's red meat and fruit.
So yeah, so none of us know.
Starches, Almost no starches because I love starches, I love cookies and cake and all that. But it takes up space that I don't have I mean this thing right here.
This is 24 ounces.
OK, this is sliced peaches.
This is, I ate this with my meal today, four days ago.
This whole thing, that's one serving for me. And in addition to that, I had a whole plateful of dried fruit, and cashews, and peanuts, and pistachio, some things like that. Then I had about a pound of dry beef, and then I had some, I think, some eggs and toast, whatever I wanted to eat. My wife has a birthday cake, sweets, and with that. And I had like a quarter of ice cream. And I had two shots of whiskey.
Nice. Yeah, that was the end of it. Yeah, and that was about just about 90 minutes.
So, yeah, I don't have space for pizza and stuff if my children get pizza and it's time for me to eat, I will have to have a couple of pieces, so I will sacrifice some space for pizza.
But, you know, anything within reason.
Now, the things I share with you guys, as you probably know, because we spoke, and I'm sure I've spoke with many of you guys on the phone one-on-one, these are things, financially, that I've done over the years, since the nineties. So, if I share something with you, because it's what I've done, it's what I've done to solve a problem, is what I do for myself. It's what I do for my partners.
We, all, my partners, call me up a lot in their real estate investors in there so they show me a lot of these things. It's not like I invented all this stuff.
They're just saying, Hey, Here's what my attorney told me to do. Excuse me.
And you know, it's funny because there are some attorneys out there that know what they're doing, and they understand risk.
They may not do some of the things I do, but I have learned quite a bit.
I've had partners where I would go somewhere, and do a conference, and then we would sit in the hotel or the airport, waiting for the flight, or waiting for our rides. And they'll just sit there and I'll just tell you everything. They'll tell you their trade secrets. No, because if nothing else to do.
So I've learned a lot of things over the years, so I share that with everyone. So it's not like, I'm just making this stuff up, because a lot of you guys asked me, why are you the only ones saying this stuff?
And I guess it's because that's what I do.
I mean, if you, if I come up on my partner's, he'd be like, Huh?
Yeah, Well, I wouldn't do that. Hey, John, yeah?
Do you mean, do you even worry about having your vehicle registered state?
Like do you worry about like, you know, not having to have a driver's license to drive around with?
No, or what concerns me is the RFID technology that's being pushed on this, and they're trying to combine the payment of attacks for something, I believe is not taxable, but we'll get to that width.
The collection of your biometric data.
OK, so what concerns me is collecting your biometric data with the licensing, and so when it gets to a certain point, I'm already decided that I'm going to turn in my license, and I'm going to stop registering my vehicle, and I will probably either choose a foreign jurisdiction, or I'm going to create my own association, and I'll create my own plate.
It sounds kinda drastic, but I think that's I'm going to do.
Well, I mean, that's something that I'm looking into already, you know, right now. So because it also, I mean, there's data flows.
A lot of people are talking about getting their real estate out of the county.
It's not so much for money as it is just having your own place, you know.
Why, why do you want to participate with this system that we created that's just gone crazy?
Well, they're attaching to your benefit or the beneficial interest, right? And they're, they're taxing you, They don't have any beneficial interest, and they're also determining what you do buy.
By codes, there's a, There's a lot to it. There's a lot besides just collecting an innocent tax. I don't mind, I mean, you, you, and I don't mind. we're like, OK, fine.
We'll pay tax, and then, yeah, we'll pay even more tax, yeah, well paving a little bit more tax.
But then when they start saying, well, you know you have to give us your biometric data, or no, no, we're going to take your tax money and then we're going to create technology and we're going to impoverish you by destroying all your supplies. So that now you have to be dependent on us.
Yeah, we're going to, we're going to use public emergency protocols to lie to you, that there's a public health emergency, and then we're going to destroy your society and force you into technocracy.
We like the, yes, certainly, and real ID, you know, that's already in effect, and I think they want to totally complete that by 2023.
And I don't, I don't have a real ID, and I won't get one right at that point. I'm out, just like with the passport.
In fact, it's funny, because you're gonna think this is crazy, but you already think I'm crazy.
I'll start for four years. I've never used an SSN on my passport and I'm on my driver's license. I did, because when I was 16, I didn't know anything.
I gave them the SSN that my parents told me. That was my SSN.
And it's gotta be there forever, but, when I got my passport, when I was older, when, I was like, 20 or, so, I realized I didn't have to disclose an SSN. I was just learning back then. So, I didn't, and so, for years, there was no SSM, a passport. Now, there's no requirement that you've given us to send in your password. There still isn't that the Department of State has made it a matter of policy.
And I don't, I'm not going to go along with that. And they will not give me. they will not renew my passport.
So what I'm thinking is, I'll just travel as a refugee.
And I just started looking around at all the different protocols, And all you gotta do is apply, and you can explain why, and there's a reason why, and other countries, if they are so willing, they will allow you to come in the country, and it's much like a visa.
All you have to do probably, is show your origin of birth, and that's about it.
I think that's clever. I liked that. Can't you also just create, like, an affidavit of ministry, and then travel create your own International ID that meets specific international requirements?
Which, I think that's another way to do it two mm, I think you're right, then you have an affidavit, I mean, I've got one, I can totally send that over to you, and if you're out, Yeah, Yeah. This is something new for me to learn, too. I mean, I really, I really want to, I mean, I think we just need to get out of the system. We have a really, We haven't same creatures?
Destroying everything.
So, but maybe it's, maybe it's good, it's going to wake us up.
Finally, make us step out and do some math, fix it, is that is that Jacob was just talking about that?
Yeah, yeah, if I sent you a text just to you here in the Zoom Chat, would you mind passing that along to me as well, this, Christopher?
Yeah, I could definitely send you some info about that veteran.
That's really cool. I'm out in Guam.
Oh. So, getting getting off the US. Territory on a separated, you know, I've got the US.
Passport and the kids of all expire, so I'm trying to figure out what to do for them to get them out of this system. They don't care right now. In my video games and my YouTube. Yeah, but, someday really soon, they may carry a whole lot more.
Yeah, totally. I'm happy to. Yeah, happy to share that.
Awesome. Up over here. Just a second. So, Josh, I couldn't really quick.
You and I met a couple of times, there was a CCC group that did a call for a couple months back. Thanks again for that.
Super awesome community. Still loves it to this day. The figure, you do awesome stuff.
I don't I'm not really clear on the difference between Eisa coins and privacy fight dot IO OK, like like how things turn out as an entrepreneur so people came to me and they said, man. This is awesome. Can we Help you and I started partnering with people, right? So I always do this?
and so they came in one day and these guys had all this Video stuff and tech, and I'm so busy. I can't develop things that they sideway. I rely on people. So these people came over and said, hey, we have this idea can we take your content and put it on videos and do a membership?
And I said, oh, there'll be so great. Please do it. Call it whatever you want and that's what they did. They call it privacy fight. So I don't want it shadow care. So that's what it is. And actually the original people that did that were bought out by other people So. And so anyways it just keeps going from there. So that's why we have this type of bifurcation, I guess if you call it that.
So yes, of coins was something that I set up during retirement, kind of pulled, I should have done, it, pulled me back into this world of financial stuff.
Well I'll tell you a given this last couple of years, where so many of us are grateful that you're willing to make that second step back into it. It's fun, I'm glad to do it, yeah.
So like that. So the eisa coins, that's where we contact you.
Like we've got some shifts going on with our holding company and service company that I'd like to talk with you and then bringing in contractors or we're toying with the PMA thing, where we use contractors as their service companies and pay. they're holding companies, you know, for their time and their expertise.
Yeah, a little bit more complex structure, but the beautiful part there is everybody's getting contracts of free will.
Yeah, but whether it's team members providing services or client members receiving services, right?
OK, so, what you can do is on ace of ... dot com, there's a calendar there. Now, there's also a ticketing system. You can ask questions. It's not the best response yet.
I'm still building it out.
But, on the calendar, if you're already a client meeting that, you already, it was called a member, you're already, you've already paid me for something, you already booked a time with me, and you paid for it. Or, You already purchased to service for me, Or you got a video membership, You can.
I'm going to ask you guys to just be honest here.
You can book a call, and you don't have to pay for it. Just you, I'm gonna give you the coupon code, OK?
The code to book a call, if you're already a paying client, is free, C O N, 222.
If you're new, please just go ahead and book the call like everybody else, and just pay the pay the fee.
And that, when you book a call with me, you get a series of calls.
And if, in that discussion, I need to create something for you, like documents or something, I will do that, if I need to do research.
So it's not just one consultation, it's a series, and I want to solve something for you. And if one of those things is good at setting up a company, we can do that, too.
So I appreciate if you do that. Again, that was three, F R, E, C, O N, 2022, right.
That is for clients. Are already members? already paid? Paid for something? Yeah. Now, does the privacy fight subscription count for that? Or just on a ship from saying, anything you paid for to be associated with what I'm doing?
You're considered at your end.
OK, all right, now, this is awesome.
Awesome, you're starting to say.
Somebody had posted a question, What does in the IRS records, what does IMF and B M F stands for?
Should I tell them?
That was, that was Jason. So, tell him, let him, yes.
I probably told him to go ask for his transcript with 4506 dash T?
All right.
I have to tell you, Anybody want to?
No IMF, Individual, master file. Yes, you are correct thing thing.
Then, what do you think the other one is?
The business master file, right? Yeah. We have other acronyms for that. We have other words, we like to use my partner, but we're back from the nineties. Used to come the international mother, but I'll make it to the rest of it. Anyways. Yeah. So it was really funny, because I know You've heard this before, but the first case I ever took was, like, 994. And this farmer in Missouri, and I didn't know what to do at the case. Was a totally burning his whole farm down, literally. I mean, they were at, as farm, they were literally. The Iris was on his property, tagging as vehicles, and taking them.
I don't know if you've ever heard anything like this before.
And I was like, man, I'm like, 22 years old. I didn't know anything, and my partners called me from Arizona. It's like, OK, no, do this.
I'm like, I don't know. So, I sent a transcript request in to the IRS and I said, what the heck is this guy being taxed for in the first place anyways?
And we, we pulled the transcript, his IMF PMF and it was a little more complicated than that, but he was being taxed for manufacturing guns.
Well, of course, he's farming flowers, right? You know, the Macy's Day Parade.
They have the seasonal flower, That's that guy. That's what he did.
So I'm like, wait a minute.
He's paying tax for making guns, and yet he's not making guns.
So the remedy there was to file a complaint with the of all places, the FBI, that was my first case so. So that's why I understand this stuff.
So, I wrote a one page, almost a letter to the FBI and I said, Hey, here's the situation, here's the record, here's what they're doing. Here's what I'm not supposed to be doing. Next thing I know.
All this property gets return. All the levies get released other liens get released. He's calling me on the phone, almost crying. The fax machine is blowing up you know at curlie paper is falling over the floor.
Saint George's give a fax.
What, I mean isn't, isn't that the wisdom of correcting your status though, because they'll make up something false, and then they're working on that assumption that year.
No drug runner or a gun runner out of out of the Virgin Islands. Well. Yeah.
I mean, they'd never corrected anything that I know of all of the FBI did was probably make a phone call to the IRS and say you guys better go away and that was the end of it. I don't think I ever got prosecuted but when I hear correcting your status, your status is not the one. The thing making the problem.
It's you, it's, it's you that because you've got a W two or because you fall to 10 40, You're creating liabilities as you go.
And I know some people that don't file. They're thinking, Well, I didn't file. How do I get a liability? Well, you didn't get. you didn't get out of the filing routine correctly.
So, changing your status, saying, Hey, I'm not associated as a US citizen anymore. I'm associated as a state citizen or something like that.
That was never the problem in the first place.
So, it's good to understand what your status is, but it doesn't change your liability for the system. And I'll give you a quick example. one of the first cases, it was my first case that I did myself. I just created a case on the driver's license thing.
And I didn't even know that I did this, this way, I thought I was gonna do, like what you're saying, change your status, so to speak.
I thought I was gonna get a car, not registered, cancel my license, get a ticket.
Go to court and argue the right to travel.
I lost on that.
I did, it, didn't work. But here's what did work at that hearing. When I did this in 96, this was the end of the case.
It took a couple of years to roll out, but I had canceled my license by cutting it in half. In fact, Joe Arpaio was the sheriff in Arizona and I sent it to him and he said, Yeah, find your licenses canceled. Then I went and got myself, a car, I did register, I, drove in from the cop, did all that thing.
In the in the trial, which the judge held a clip after closing hours, because they don't want anybody hear the case, the prosecutor said that the judge, Your Honor, the defendant at the time of the incident did not have a valid license. In fact, he had a canceled license, which meant he's a non resident. He was a non resident at the time. Now since then at that time I had re-instated my license. I just wanted to do this case.
So I had a valid license, but at the time of the incident, it was a canceled license which made me a non resident, and non residents are not required to register vehicles.
So the judge actually had to dismiss the case I want because of what the prosecutor said, and I didn't know that I could win on that. And the fact that I had to cancel license, this is the thing. Now, this is what people try to get when they do change your status.
They try to get become a non resident, and this is what I did by mistake, and this is how I won the case.
And from there, I understood it just dawned on me OK, So, residency creates liability.
Who the heck is a resident?
Guy who falls at 10 40?
Who's a resident guy who has a driver's license?
Residency creates eligibility and creates liability.
So, yes, yeah. You just get a driver's license in a different state than you reside in. And then you're not a resident that that is one way to go, except for driving ironically. So you could do it that way for property rights.
But then, when it comes to driving now, here's what I do for my children, or my older ones are 18 20, so they each have, it's not an actual valid driver's license, but it's from another countries from Australia.
I think some province in Australia, one of them, and, uh, it's what we if you drive with it here, and they each have an international driving permit, it's an IDP that goes with that document.
So they appear to be a tourist from Australia.
Each of my children, they do not have a Florida. The DMV license, if they're stopped by the cops, which they have no problem, they don't get stopped. But if they did and they understand how to talk to the police, they they would be seen as a tourist.
And maybe they'll get a ticket, but it doesn't matter because the cops can't check to see if it's in the DMV database, which it's not, but it meets all the legal criteria of a driver's license, it has all the hologram. It has a scanner, it has, all that stuff. But if they check with the DMV In Australia it won't, it won't match.
But the state, here, the car, we'll consider that a valid license, if it's not expired, and that way they won't get a ticket for not driving on a valid license.
So that's what I have. I've, over the years, I've had clients do, in certain situations, to not be residents.
Now, I'm not saying you should go off and do that.
It's kinda hard, it's getting harder to get that document that licensed from another country. Yeah. Yeah. I used to be able to just have them do, like, I would just back in the nineties, I would have them in the two thousands. I would have them get a license in another state.
But in the last 12 years or so, they've made it to where it's all basically one state. So they kind of work together, they have all these agreements.
So it doesn't matter anymore.
So, residency, Yeah, If you don't want to be considered resident where you're living, you would get a license in another state, but the problem with that is if you get, if you're, if you get a ticket for speeding, where you don't have a license and you show your other license. No problem.
But let's say you get the ticket anyway. So we're gonna write you the ticket.
All that they'll do is they'll incorporate the other state that you're registered in, to impose the penalties for not paying the fine, or not winning the case.
So you're not going to get out of that penalty, but you can have non residency, if that's what you're trying to do. Because sometimes it does make sense to be a not non resident.
I'm just trying to travel free down the road without being stopped.
And the first, the first step on that is to drive safely.
The next thing is, make sure that your car you're driving, doesn't invite the police to stop. You. Make sure the tag is valid.
Make sure it's valid somewhere, and you'll be fine.
It can be valid in Canada. It can be valid in whatever jurisdiction as long as it's not expired.
Yeah, you know, and as long as you're driving safely not posing a health risk and you know, stuff like that, common sense stuff, you should be fine.
I stopped doing that, because once I won the case, I was like, OK, guys, Yeah, we won. Yes.
So what, what are we doing, what good is this for anybody?
I mean, how is this helping, anybody?
I think if you want to make a change in society, schurr, pay only the taxes that you can not get away with. You gotta pay something.
Don't participate when, you don't have to, but here's what it really crippled the system.
I think is, if you stop participating in things like Professional Sports, Stop, stop patronizing those businesses.
That is the whole system stop, Using technology for convenience, Use, technology the same way you did in the eighties.
Like your phone, don't take it anywhere. Leave it at your table, your desk at home.
I know that people, it's not practical for people, but this is what is driving the system, is.
People are just participating in this.
Right? Yeah, it's good point. It's true.
I just want, you know, after that case, I was like, OK, I'm gonna focus on something else I'm gonna focus on where people are hurting the most.
And I spent, I should say, months, if not years, in court and in the library observing, and I just would sit there for four hours at a time, I would sit in the court. Now, see, they're doing, I'm like, OK. It's the financial system in one way or another. It's the financial system.
And so where are the choke points? It's where people can't pay their bill. They always get to this point where they can't pay their credit cards. There's not everybody, but this is the design of the system. They want you to get to that point.
They want, they want to get you in a situation where you can't pay the IRS. Something, does something happens to where you can't pay. So I thought, OK, let me focus on the money.
And so, in the mid nineties, I came up with different strategies and this is you know, what we know about. And, and so that's been my focus this whole time.
It's about the money and so everybody wants to talk to me about taxes ensured.
That's important but what's really important is the proper use of your money and the best use of capital.
And things like those traditional things that we just aren't, we'd aren't learning until we actually go out there and try to try to make some money.
You know, trying to do something other than what our boss tells us, you know, do something on the side.
Amen to you. Yeah.
That's all good and respect that for sure.
It makes a lot of sense the bottom line super important I wonder if you have a crystal ball on crypto at all.
I think we're all the same there.
I'm like you guys, So, but I can, I'm just, I'll tell you guys the same general thing I usually do on different kryptos. You're going to have some, It's going to be like this for a long time. You're gonna have some, that's gonna make you a lot of money. It's gonna change in value quickly on the dollar, and it's, it's, it serves you to try to find out which one that's going to be.
And for some people, I know there's some really smart people out there can figure that out.
I would say get in those groups, you know, like, really good traders that had already shown they can do that.
But I understand that cryptography. It's on the munitions list.
If you guys know what that means. It's the US. Military equipment.
Yeah, it's a weapon.
Yeah, officially.
Now, in 92, the government gave up.
I'm trying to exclude us from using it. I think they had to let us use it anyways. But right about that time, it was when Clinton was in office in that. and Clinton gave the private sector access to the GPS network, which we take for granted today it's a military network.
Same with microwave ovens, military equipment. But cryptography, they let us have it.
So I think, I think they realize they cannot regulate the use of that type of technology. No more than they could regulate the use of, let's say, the quadratic equation or the letter K You can't license that. It's just human property, you know, like the shuttle.
Who invented that? Yeah.
So cryptography evolves into a decentralized blockchain that's immutable.
So now we can keep track of stuff, we can keep track of who owes who, we can keep track of property rights, among other things, data.
And we can make it to where it's so secure, that you can't lie.
And that technology can be used for what you already have seen.
The system use it.
Similar things like that to impoverish people to exploit them and that I believe in, is what indeed it has been designed for O'kane.
I think that Satoshi nakamoto's Chase Bank in China, or some version of that, I think it's the private sector with big government. I think it's going to be China.
I think they developed the blockchain and I think they did it as a bridge, too, sort of help the bank survive. And I think a lot of the banks know they're going to be consolidated if they haven't been already. And there'll be some banks that survive, and they'll probably end up changing their names, or disappearing altogether.
But they'll still be there, the system will still be there.
So, what I suggest is that this technology is two sided that can be used to hurt people, but I think you can use to build our new society.
I think, I think, once we respect it for what it is and learn how to use it just like fire, I think we can have the advantage. But just realize, I think it was a weapon just like your cell phone is a weapon.
And yeah, it's a tool.
But it's also a weapon just like the microwave oven in your house, is used to be a military weapon. In fact, it still isn't military weapon.
Yeah, but we use it to cook our food. So.
Yeah, I think that's a really good point, too.
And, you know, they obviously knew that every single monetary system, it has a life cycle, right?
And so we're at the end of this debt life cycle, and they need to be able to jump from the ship that they're in into another ship.
And when they do it, why not take advantage of that to consolidate, wealth, even more and take it away from us even more? That's what they keep doing. So after World War II, I think there was a shift in the monetary system.
We still have the dollar, but there's a, there was a new architecture, the debt.
Yeah, Next, Yeah.
And the next one after that was more debt, which was 71.
The next one after that became, even my father was pulled up into this with, you know, basically free mortgages, OK, he shouldn't have had a mortgage. My dad should not have had a mortgage, but in any case, they made it easy for him.
So, you get all these people into debt.
You get the 22 income family, and then, with the availability of debt, they have to have a two income family, and the kids then get raised by the state.
And then you start a war and in 2001, and it's, it's all fake and then you, you, put the dollar on the oil, and then you force the dollar down everyone's throat with the military. So, what's the next move? Well, it's not enough to tax people based on their dollar income. Let's just tax them on breathing.
Yeah. That's a better idea because not only Do people breathe but cats breathe.
And so if we put everything on the blockchain, we could tax the cat, the dog, the pool, the phone, your light bulb, we can tax everything, hence, the Internet of Things.
That's what it is.
It's a universal taxation system. And it's a way to inventory everything on the planet that has any value, even the smallest creature at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
So this is what we're dealing with, and we're dealing with very evil creatures.
So, as far as like, getting into it, yeah, Invest in it, I'm not afraid of it.
Just know what it is, and use it, just like gold, I mean, gold probably funded wars, but we're still using it.
JJ, fascinating stuff. I got a quick tax letter question, and I'd love to get back to this kit.
Since the IRS started their work from home, we're here for you.
Well, we'll charge you taxpayers to pay our payroll, but we won't do the work.
I wrote them a letter, paid my 2020 taxes, and we'll talk are 2019. I guess it was.
We'll talk about how I can unwind from that as a military retiree here in a minute.
But sent a letter off. They received it as, confirms sanded. Look, here's the tax money, but these late fees and charges, you know, we're not going to pay those.
Do you agree with that? And then since March 2020, I've been getting letters asking for another 60 days, another six days, but yeah, right, so that's a letter to the IRS.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You know, Hey, what we try to get to stuff promptly, but, you know, a year and a half later? OK, so, so like last month, so last month, I get the certified collections letter, right, the scare tactic.
We're gonna start leaning you leaned on your stuff.
What's, what's my next step from that? I'm thinking it's, uh, here's every letter you've asked for 60 days.
Here's the original letter and the tracking number that it was delivered. So we sent you back in March 2020, but nice, try and send it back to them, certified mail, return receipt requested. What else should I do with that?
OK, They need to see their own letter on their own form.
You have to ask for an abatement of fees and penalties, and it's probably going to be unformed 8 43.
You have to use their form now, the reason why you do that is you will exhaust the administrative remedy. If you just send letters to some agent, he might agree with you and he might do what you said for awhile, or he might delay it for a while, because he doesn't know what to do.
But, ultimately, you will not have exhausted your administrative remedy, and the IRS knows it. Not that there's an agent that knows that it's just that. It won't kick in any procedure that's going to help you.
And they will keep on rolling along until they love your money.
So, you have to do a request for abatement fees and penalties, and I believe it's Form 8 43.
And once you do that, as soon as it's denied, if it is denied, you have to pay the fee.
I know you hate this part, you gotta pay And then, you have to sue them and you'll get the money back, Plus, whatever kazuo occurred.
That's just how it works.
There's plenty of case law on that, if you want to see the procedures.
Yeah, Yeah. Let me see how this goes like 12 or 1500 bucks, so it might not be worth the time, another thing, Yeah, OK, So yeah, That's not worth it. I may know that, but here's what I normally do. I don't like to follow these procedures. I know the procedure. What I like to do is, I mean, without even looking at anything else, I don't care what's going on in my client situation.
If, I don't If I don't need to immediately address it, I'm just going to make them uncollectible. I won't even tell him. In some cases, he doesn't even realize that that's what I did.
And so in your case, if you have the IRS something and you just don't payment, they can't get it from you, then run the clock on.
Just keep filing and stay current and the debts can go up over 10 years, and then it disappears into nothing.
I'd love to hear what you did for me.
OK, yeah, the ninth year. Going away.
Yeah, Yeah. I like the amounts, but Yeah.
So being a military retiree drawn a pension, I'm going to begin a W two from the DOD for you know, the rest time.
I'm on Planet Can I get myself uncollectable, know, that's going to be probably will not They may not collect as long as you're filing tax returns, and if they did, I believe they would limit themselves to 15%.
I have seen them take wages. But at the same time, I've seen people have wages as long as they're filing, and they're trying to work something out with them.
Like, sometimes what I'll do is I'll ask for an offer compromised based on doubt as to collectability, and I will strip everything except something I can't like wages or a pension fund and if I can show that if they take some of that money, it would create an a hardship.
The Iris won't take it.
So, if I've stripped everything else, I can make it look like you're going to have a financial hardship.
So, it's a pretty low risk.
I mean, for 1500 bucks, I mean, it's just, I hate to give it to them, but it's such a small amount.
I just, it's more like an example of how the procedure works and then, so, I'm just going to be filing 10 forties for the rest of forever, because I've drawn that pension, but someone collectible on the holding company and how that said, you could do it that way. Yeah, Um, one thing I think I paid enough to get Social Security someday, and I don't want it, but I'm just saying, A person who has that.
I mean, if I got anything, It might be $50 a month, maybe.
I, You know, even if it was $5000 a month, they can have it.
I don't want it because, over these years, I've learned to make money in different ways where, and I'd like to show my clients, if I can, how they can offset any need they have for money, with just doing a couple of things differently.
And I do that, so I can always create cash flow.
And so I, I hope you want to get out, you want to get out of the situation that you need that pension, you earned it, but hopefully you don't need it. Yeah, right.
Right now it's a little bit of gravy like staking Rewards and Kryptos in there, kind of. Yeah, pretty much, pretty darn close to there.
But I would love to look up with you, Teresa coins, and and learn some more of these tricks for some more arrows in the quiver.
Yeah, I'll show you some things.
I mean, you can create a couple of grand a month, with almost no effort.
If people are like, Oh, my gosh, my whole life. I thought I have to go to college. And then I have to study. You know, I show people that are in college, they can't pay their student loans. And their, their mom has me on the phone.
With the 26 year old, can't pay student loan and the mom sign for it, you know?
I'm telling them both, how to make in 30 minutes, I'm showing them how to make $2000 a month, just by using, spending the same time they're already spending on the computer to make money now.
And they're just like, Well, why didn't I learned that? You know, of course, the guy in the college is not going to tell you that the professor is not going to tell you that, that's why he's in a professor.
Right? They just need trained Apes to push buttons. They don't suggest that they can take your wealth later down the road. Yeah, and you know, they don't like that, But I mean, if they want to believe me, but it's hard to digest that.
And I said, look, go look around for a product that go shop for a pair of shoes that you want and see where you have it. How many people are selling those shoes? And ask yourself? are those people making money selling shoes? And if those people are making money, so choose why can't I make money selling shoes?
It doesn't take a career to develop that skill. So go do with that guys. Do it? You know?
Somebody's got some, here we go ASE.
Yeah, I agree with you. I mean, the, the taxes, it's the tax is not the only thing. That's bleeding us, OK? It's the inflation. It's the regulatory framework. It's lack of knowledge.
It's the idea that you should put money aside for. I know you saw my videos on bashing four of IRAs. You put your told, put Money aside my dad did this. My dad told me, John, she'd have a retirement. You should save for retirement. And this is when I was 19 years old.
I'm like, why?
It doesn't make any sense. And you put money aside for what a tax break when you're 62.
So that money is not taxed.
Well, wait a minute, you're the IRS won't tax it, but for the 30 years you set it aside, It's being taxed every day because you didn't put it somewhere, you let somebody else put it somewhere. You put it in a 401 K and you're not the investor. You're the chunk.
And somebody else is the fund manager and he's deciding where to invest that money and it's not yours and that is the that was the, you know, who was it says?
Greed, lack, the greed of money or whatever. Lack of money is the root of all evil, right?
I don't know, maybe it is, but.
People that, um, I forgot my train of thought, but, um, You, Um.
I'm sorry.
That's funny.
Get all carried away. But yeah, so what's happening is, you think you're going to avoid this liability down the road and so, you put your money away well? The people that are holding your money. They're supposed to be the trustees, they're investing it, they're doing things. What are they investing it in? Number. The mortgage backed security, fraud, that crisis.
Where does that money come from?
Where does that money come from? How do you, How do you sustain a a mortgage fund?
When you, let's say you're a lender, let's say this all, is like, you think it is on the surface, and you're lending money, and in your big institution, it's multi, billions of dollars. Well, how does that fund work? You have to go, you actually have to get investors to buy into that fund.
Well, what type of investor are you going to call up to invest in a $270 billion mortgage backed security?
What's big enough?
Pension funds.
So, your consumer debt.
Your mortgage backed securities, your asset backed securities, your credit cards, those funds from Wall Street were used to steal foreign pension funds.
Yeah, they're used to steal your house too, but they were used to steal foreign pension funds, and those guys never lost anything, because they put the liability on the insurance that you've been paying for, So we all paid for that.
You didn't even see it.
So, as money The Root of all evil. I don't know.
I think evil is the root of all evil, but still That's what's going on.
That's where we're being taxed Doing stupid stuff with our money.
John, can I ask a question? Sure. Um, first of all, Thank you so much for getting back to me. I sent you the request for the L: This is Elaine Kubiak OK, and I put it into a slip planes and I think that the problem was I put it into privacy. Fight, OK, OK, OK.
And, but, um, you know, I have a big problem with my taxes with that, Pete Hendrickson, and I wanted you to talk about what you said about a federally connected or federally privilege. Because the definition that pizza that if it's not federally privileged in the definition of trade or business is performance of the functions of a public. And where the word includes, does not exclude, yeah, like that. I say, you know all that. So like, like, why doesn't the IRS recognize that?
Because it seems to me that that is correct, they do, but it's not relevant, because that's not where the liability is, the liability is when you did something like you gave him 1040.
Now, I know some, there's some people that don't fall 10 forty's, they're still in a situation where the IRS has created the liability.
So I don't know, you'd have to give me a specific example, but all all that's correct. Pete's correct. It's just, that, if you try to correspond with the IRS that way, it doesn't go anywhere. That's right. In the nineties. They put you into the on an, automatic, I made it under Reporter System. There you go, right. To the computer and get newsletters. Yeah, so so what I realized in the nineties, and I got my bucket by the IRS is not that I was smart. I was like, yeah, I know the tax code in here. And I say, Well, that's like Pete does, right? That's why I know this stuff. I've memorized it all sick.
And what I realized, the common denominator was me, and my client had stuff.
So I thought, well, I'm not going away, but my clients still have stuff, so what if I make sure my client doesn't have stuff.
And so I started changing the way he own stuff and I got that from the code.
If you look at 26 USC 6, 3 3 1, the alevi into strength statute, it says the IRS has the right to levy upon the property or the rights to the property of the taxpayer. I'm not going to argue with them on taxpayer. Let's just say everybody's a taxpayer. Even my dog.
All right. So let's say where I would have a game.
My brother and I would not because my brother and I don't follow return.
So if I change my property rights where between my brother and me, I get to make all the decisions but my brother and I have the same ownership rights, Iris can't touch. It.
Cannot touch the money as long as it's under that umbrella.
And so, I took that concept over in the nineties and I started restructuring companies, small business owners, people come in with all kinds of horrible problems to the IRS because of like people like Pete.
I hate to say, trying to get out of the system, right?
And all I would do, I didn't even fix the problem, really. All I did was make it to her.
My client did not have the right to sell his stuff or spend his money, as far as the IRS cattell.
And that's exactly what you're getting. whenever I set up a structure, almost 99.9% of the time.
It's going to be in a way where you have control over it, but as far as anyone else in the world's concern, you don't have the exclusive rights over It. Is. You watch look at how the banks interact with us, in the bank says to us, Oh, you have to be the owner to be a signer here. You have to have 100% interest and you can't use a PMA, and all that. Because the banking system is part of the taxing system.
So my way to solve the problem is just identify what the liability is, what's causing the risk, then get rid of that.
I don't care what I have to do.
I don't care. Changing my nationality doesn't do it.
Although I will tell you, change your nationality will possibly get rid of IRS problems, but that is really not my recommendation.
Going to Puerto Rico is not my recommendation, OK? Going forward and changing the way you manage property and hold your property rights, that is going to prevent any future problems, and I will tell you firsthand.
The last time I fall, 2014 was 1983. I've really nice cashflow I have a high net worth. I never had problems with the IRS. I do not owe them anything.
They don't have, there's nothing to do.
Money always goes around me and I don't need a lot of it.
Eileen a little bit, right?
So, if I want to, if I want to use, if I want to say I want to own a yacht, I could take money from this investment over here.
I could put it over here.
I could borrow money from over here. I could do it, you know, all kinds of deals.
Yeah, it takes a little more work, but it's not mine.
I'm just going to use it.
So, that's how I do things. Just change the property rights, then, I don't care what your liability is. I don't care if you owe a commercial lease contract for your restaurant. That failed. I don't care if you're a one million dollars. I'm sorry, that guy didn't get his million dollars, but he's a big boy, he'll figure it out.
But if you're going to be my client, you don't have to pay him on his terms. If you want to pay him, I'm gonna make it to where you can do it on your terms.
That's up to you. And I'm going to do that by changing the property rights.
So, I hope that answers somebody on that.
And the national status and stuff. I know somebody's asked me that. Yeah.
And then, OK, so earning earning new money on crypto use it, raising our tax bracket, OK, so here's the thing, Let's say, Kryptos, you're investing kryptos, gold, business, whatever it is, and let's say your normal 10 40 is gonna report a gross income of $80,000 a year.
This is my typical, Millionnaire client, now, I don't have too many of those, but I'm getting more, actually, I'm finding so lately.
But whatever his gross income has been for the last 7 or 8 years, it's going to be $80,000, whatever.
If all of a sudden he manages to earn his company managed to earn $35 million.
That does not need to translate into his income, right right away.
He has $35 million or control of it in his investment vehicle, his company.
Now, who says he needs to pay himself $3 million a year?
now, that's silenus why your lights still come on at $80,000 gross income you can still pay your mortgage. Oh, I see you want to buy a mansion Now, OK, I get it. So therefore, your Personal living expenses are going to go up if you do that.
But no one says that you have to actually do it that way.
This company over here can purchase the mansion.
I'm not saying you should do it this way but let's just say the money can move to the thing you want to use and you don't have to own it.
Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, and so, therefore, your gross income should be the same. I don't care if you have a jet now.
Or, say teeth.
Yeah, you just have to have access to the keys with the key, the key holders. Yeah, and I'm not just talking to my but think about it.
Let's say you like a Bentley.
I don't have it. I don't want a Bentley. I'm just saying it sounds like a pretty nice car. I've seen him on YouTube, right?
So if you wanted to drive at a Bentley and you really want a Chauffeur, what you would do is you would buy a Bentley But you wouldn't pay yourself the money and then go by the Bentley. What you do is you go use your company, but it's been investing in something.
If you can do it this way, you take that company and you purchase a Limousin company.
The Limousin Company has what it has limousines. It has the capacity to House a Bentley. It has drivers. It has maintenance. It has insurance that. have facilities, right?
See, I think about that.
It has the insurance. It has the way to take care of. It, has the mechanics. It has the suppliers. They know what parts to order. If that's what's the case, right?
You just want to drive the thing so you buy Limousin company, then you buy it. You take that company.
And you buy the Bentley as another asset or whatever to the company.
So now, whenever you want to drive in your your Bentley, you book it, the Chauffeur shows up at your house and takes you for a ride.
That way, my $80,000 a year stays $80,000 a year, and the companies I'm benefiting from their net worth go up.
Don't affect me.
I have millionaire clients right now. You've heard this before.
Went Gentlemanly, who files a return every year, that's under $30,000 a year.
And he wasn't billionaire. When I met him about 10 years ago, He's still a millionaire, higher net worth now, but if you look at is finite personal financial statement, it looks like he's still in high school.
And he did it with Iris a lot of money up until about two years ago, Now it's zero.
Never pay them.
So, nothing says you have to have more you're not required to have more money.
If you live in the Hamptons, your annual income should be higher than someone who lives in Detroit.
So just keep that in mind. The IRS sees that.
The IRS measures demographics if you can believe that in some cases like an audit.
So, it has to be real, You know, If you weren't making 80,000 a year, I wouldn't start figuring out how to make 12,000 a year. That's silly.
Yeah, you know, and so someone's asked me about how to manage that so Your asset Typically it's going to be a company And it's going to purchase something. It's going to be a high ticket item like a mansion or a hotel, or a jet or something like that.
It's not exactly There's there's ways of doing things OK. You don't just buy a jet.
What you should probably do is get a membership in the jet club You gotta think this stuff through?
It's different, I mean, it's, there's a really good book, if you guys haven't read this one. It's called The Millionaire Mind.
If you read that, it will blow, blow you away, all the stereotypes you might have about rich, being rich.
The millionaire mind, also, the richest man in Babylon.
I mean, if you'd like the audio version, you can find it on the Internet.
A free, rich man in Babylon is free. If you just Google it, you'll find it's a big book, it's a, it's a really cool story.
Is there one that's better for taking profit?
OK, so Crackin versus kill him around Will crack and is going to give you a 1099 Caleb Brown won't I don't really care.
Because I'm going to use an LLC. I don't care if somebody reports on it.
But it's kind of nice. Caleb around will not report on it.
I mean, if you guys are into that, if that matters to you, but in my opinion it doesn't matter.
I just pick a service that works for me, because I can do anything.
I can move money, however I want.
I don't care. I don't really care about KYC.
That's not creating a liability for me.
Now, because I fell 10 forty's before, I do care about putting money in my name with an SSN, that's going to be a problem for me, but not, for my wife or not for my children. They've never file a tax return. So, they can put all the money that they want in their names. They can have a PayPal account. They can get 10 99, they can have e-bay accounts, 10, ninety nine's, they can never have a problem with IRS.
My, my family, it just worked out that way.
OK, and as far as the IRS goes, And reporting income, if you do take out some money from your LLC or whatever, that you already had a choice that, you've put it in the company name, and now you want to take a portion of that out, you're going to fight. You put on your 10 40, that should be included in your gross income. Even if they can't see it, I mean, you could probably pretty much get away with that. You're not gonna give yourself 1099, and that's not going to happen. That is not necessary, but you'll want to report it, so it would go on one of the lines, I think it's like 9, 10 or 11? I can't remember on the, I think I looked at the 2021 recently on 1040.
It would be miscellaneous income, and no one needs to know what that who that, who that is, who paid it. Under what conditions. You would just report it as miscellaneous income.
Not as wages.
Because that's a whole different scenario, but it's miscellaneous income, as if you had a cash business, like a vending machine type business, it'd be something like that.
Yeah, and, and it's for owning different types of liabilities, like house car, things like that.
There's all kinds of variations on it, but if you want to take things out of your state, a really clean way to do that is a limited liability company.
And many times, you can use the name of an LLC without registering it. Like, for example, just holding the title to real estate, to make the name unique, which is kind of, OK.
It's kind of important, but you can just give the address of the property, the street address, comma, LLC, and then prepare a quitclaim deed and file it in the county.
And that will convey the property from whoever owns a title like yourself, to the name of the LLC.
And then at some point in the future, if you needed to sell and clear the funds, the funds would go to the LLC. But what you wanna do first is get an EIN for it at that point, and then be five years down the road.
When it comes to that point, you're gonna sell the property, you get the EIN, you open a bank account for the LLC.
Maybe it's called 123 Elm Street LLC.
Then, when the funds clear, they go in the bank account, done deal. Move on, right. It's way better than 10 31.
Yeah, That's what I did. The quick quick quitclaim deed with the LLC.
Yeah. It's pretty easy to see how it goes.
Yep. yep.
Did a lot of strip malls, commercial real estate doesn't matter we can do that with stock or did it with a buyout a few years ago.
A buyout from a partnership that was, that was unique after the attorney said it was impossible.
He forgot about estate planning.
Yeah, so you get the idea. It's just, you know, it's all property rights. I just love these articles. You know, they're talking about recognizing a property, right?
These people, you know, apparently created the value because they invented something, I don't know what they did. I don't understand the staking wherever they didn't the kryptos but they wouldn't pay the tax on it. And they said, Hey, wait a minute.
You're supposed to do that and they got some attorney that A half a brain, and went in and said, Hey, let's get a refund, and I think they probably failed at 8 43, because that's what you do.
There was a couple I read about.
Gosh, this was way back in, like, 19, 96 or 7, or something like that, and it was from from the eighties.
And this older couple had retired, and their accounts said to him not to file a tax return because back then, I don't think they were tax and Social security. So this couple didn't.
They didn't have to file. They didn't make enough money.
But the IRS agent called him and said, hey, you guys didn't file.
We want to see a return and that people said, no, RCP said we don't have to, because of whatever, and I'm sure that was true, but the IRS agent just wanted to know, mess with them. So the IRS agent created a tax return for that.
This is what they do by the way, under 620, be substitute for return so that he creates a tax return with standard deduction so that he could create the liability. See, this is where the liability comes from.
If you don't file a tax return, they'll do, they'll find one for you if they think you need to file one. Like in my case, they won't do that because there's no need for me. There's no record that I need to file at all, but in their case, they got regular income from Social Security. So, when they did that, they, they ended up owing like a couple of years later, 2 or 3 years later, they owe the IRS $8000.
Because of the substitute for returns that were being filed, they didn't file.
So the IRS levied their bank account and took all the money.
And, of course, that, you know, wakes them up, and they went and got, they want to find an attorney. The attorney did what I was telling you before, files and 8 43 claim for refund.
And the money was already paid, or the head remit the balance, whatever it was, but you'd have to pay the full amount that you're trying to get a refund on, which that's what they do, But so the 43 was denied.
So the, the, the attorney sued, and they go to the US District Court, this is not tax court.
Does the US.
District court, and the court, The Department of Justice was responding and in the proceeding, and I remember reading the minutes, it wasn't a transcript, and I can't remember where it was. It must have been published.
I guess I'm one of the reporters, but basically the transcript said that the Department of Justice had to tell the court that the couple was not required to file.
So she told the truth.
Now, here's the thing.
You guys are gonna love this.
So the federal district court judge said, Wait a minute, women, you just said that they weren't required to file.
How is that? Well, why aren't they required to file? And here's what she said. She said they weren't required to file tax returns, Your Honor.
Because they hadn't filed them for those years.
I'm not making this up.
I'm sorry, I can't cite the case, but I had to read that several times.
mind-blowing, right, amazing. The government knows this.
They were not required to file because they didn't file.
And that's why the IRS filed forum. So they can create the liability.
And they got in trouble for it. In that case, they got in trouble for it.
Who wants to own farm fruit trees.
Fruit, trees?
What kind of future to fruit trees have?
We should probably all have fruit trees. Instead of a lawn, right?
Lawns are such a waste.
Imagine if we had the stuff that you'd buy in your produce section in the grocery store.
Imagine if you grew up some of that stuff because you liked it the most and then your neighborhood or some other stuff because he likes it the most and then on Saturdays, you guys got together in the morning and switched out whatever stuff you liked that he didn't have in your, you know, if we did that, I think we'd have a completely different society.
It would just change everything. The economic dynamic? Everyone would just change everything, but today you have all the kids that are out. Playing video.
Games are in playing video games, I don't hear him in the street anymore. Outside playing.
Getting in trouble?
They're online?
OK, yeah and if you use your LLC money and you pay personal debts like credit cards and things and they're your personal credit card, you're the, you're the borrower, are the light bill, you know, whatever is paying. That is irrelevant. just so happens, It's your LLC that you're using for whatever thing and your LLC is a tax deferred thing and all that good stuff, but you're taking some of that money. You're gonna pay a bill that you have that's in your name. That money is yours. So that's income.
No problem. Just add it to your 10, 40.
They won't see it unless you're audited.
So, if you don't lose any sleep at night, sure you can exclude it, but I always tell people to include it.
Yeah, The metaverse, what is up with that?
What does this new, it's, what is this?
The, The new environment they want us to, They want us to all plugin to the Internet and go nowhere, except virtually.
Does that the metaverse Yeah, that's what's the matrix? The matrix? We're almost there.
That's what it is.
Well, it brings me back to the the under verse.
The nicker monger over that, That riddick, Riddick, riddick you ever see that movie?
Riddick, Oh, you guys gotta see that within Diesel.
I think it was one of the first movies.
But, they have the under verse. So, it was a cult. It was a religious cult that was with superior technology. And was taking over the universe.
And they couldn't beat this one guy.
And he was from the planet, Furious, and he was a furious.
He was furious.
He was always furious, and it was Vin Diesel and they just couldn't beat him.
And he ended up running the whole entire Empire.
So, anyways, pretty cool. Pretty interesting.
OK, so someone's asking about is a Request for Information to be used furniture ahead of time?
OK, the Request for Determination Letter, this is specific to after the fact, after this a transaction, Which means you get a 1099, that's incorrect, it incorrectly states the amount of dollars received.
So, we would ask the IRS to correct it with a determination letter.
And sometimes, they'll write back and say, yeah, you're right, basically. So many words. Or they weren't right back at all. And you'll never hear about it. And you would just exclude that 1099 for your 10, 40 now, that scares people. But they just trust me, so it works. And so if I had a problem has been since, I think I did the first few in 2017 or 2018. So it's been quite a while now. It's been a good testing time. I can tell you that for over I mean, I've worked over 30,000 cases in almost 30 years. And about 20,000 of those were mostly consumer debt type cases, where the people did not pay their debts, the debt collectors. That creditor. They didn't pay the banks. And a lot of times, the bank sent 10, 99, and that's not actually correct.
But they were sending them anyways.
And so we would just exclude the 10 ninety nine's every single time from the 10 40. I'll just tell them, don't include it on your 1040 because you're going to be taxed on it. And and they would they would exclude it and then nothing would come of it. No one ever got in trouble for that.
And it was a proper thing to do actually because there's a couple letter rulings that was based on, that's why I told that.
So, the termination letter is after the fact, you can't do it ahead of time because the facts have to be stated in the request.
So, but they'll fix it.
They're not going to contact, You're gonna get a 1099, and then you're just gonna, at the time, or just before or after you file your 1040, you're going to send the request in to the IRS.
Exclude that 10 99 and now there'll be no problem.
Yeah, if you pay any bills that are in your name with your LLC money, it's just more more of your income. It doesn't matter if your Uncle Bob pays your bills or your LLC pay your bills, it's still your income.
Um, I Keep, I keep A record of what I spend, or whatever. Just for organizational purposes, Spreadsheets are great for that.
If I need a third party verification of some kind, I might get a Balance Sheet.
Um, I've never had to go to an accountant and sign, have them sign on a balance sheet, because I don't do things like that, like I wouldn't go for like raising capital under what we call it, a Reg D financing type situation. I don't do that. But for my purposes I've just been able to go to bookkeepers and get balance sheets for particular things I wanted to do. Or if I take on a partner, will probably set up something new. And then we're gonna put money on the table, or wire money to a bank account, and from that point, we're going to keep track of everything. So I don't like to recommend using the software that the mix everything convenient. And vote, if you're going to use software, like, you know, the online type software. I would just recommend that you keep track of yourself, filing the return. If you're gonna file a tax return. Don't just rely on your CPA to do it electronically.
Make sure that you, you get to that point and that you do that and witness yourself. Filing it! Because I've seen so many situations where accounts literally just didn't file the return for several years, and it just creates a disaster.
So other than that, I mean, it's OK to have software, of course, do not use Coyne tracking software that is not even accurate.
So, what do we do, software in algebra, it's not hard.
OK, so if you're going to convey Property like crypto that you currently have in your personal accounts, whether it's your private wallet, your exit is, or your ledger or your paper wallet and you're going to convey it to Coinbase or maybe you have a Coinbase Wallet and it's all personal then you'd like these ideas and you set up a company, a limited liability company. And then, or trust. Maybe you'd like to use a trust.
And that becomes the account holder at your Exchange where you already have an account.
So now you have two accounts. one is personal ones, the business account.
You would move from your wallet in your personal account.
Let's say Bitcoin Wallet to your Bitcoin wallet and your LLC account, just by simple spend, OK, just like you're going to send your grandma some money or it's just the same thing.
OK, wallet to wallet, there's no tax consequence there. There's no sale. There's no income.
OK, there's no taxable event doing that, here's why the beneficial interests are the same.
My personal account, and my LLC account, right, even though I'm not the title holder, I still care about that money. I didn't give it to my friends, LLC. I give too much, so because the beneficial interest don't change, there's no tax, just to send it over there.
You guys can ask me a question, I'm just reading through here on the chat notes, trying to answer some questions.
Twinklin, current source, OK, OK.
Oh yeah, right, OK. Well, You know, banks asked you what you're doing with your money.
It's another dang business, so I always give him a backstory though, I can't really tell them that because they're gonna say, OK, we don't like you.
So I always lie and say, well, I'm learning to be a real estate investor.
And some of the things I do, or design my cousins telling me, or the purpose of it, is to try to manage and learn how to do a thing. So I might do some other things, but really, I'm trying to invest in real estate total BS, but that's what we tell them.
We don't, we don't need to come in there until the bank we're involved in trading, because like you're saying here sometimes they just say Go away. We don't want to.
We don't want to open accounts for gamblers.
I don't know why banks do things like that, but, I mean, now if you brought a bunch of money in there, I'm sure that they would probably think twice about it.
Um, I don't know, why, Jay.
We took, we took a little bit of a cut off of your suggestion using real estate, and we tweaked it, so you can see, so our clients can stay in integrity when they asked that question today. we're going to invest in property.
Yeah, OK, great, and just just let the banker take whatever it, especially if they're thinking real property that weren't telling the Truth crypto property is exactly what you do, right. I'm glad to hear that. So that's a great example, guys. So let's say, what he was saying is yeah, we just kinda made it more generic.
Yeah, perfect.
Also, keep this in mind, I don't talk about this much, but we are here talking about, earning money on stuff, and running a business or whatever investing, and then taking that money and investing it somewhere else.
Most investments in this world are not made by the people doing the investment.
Sauk are clever.
So, if I'm investing in something and if I'm really an investor or an entrepreneur and I'm seeing a mid-level type entrepreneur, like what, not what I do. I work in the smaller, you know, business area, but but people with that are in the $50 million range and more.
They will typically raise money from other investors. And they usually have a Rolodex, if you will, to call people say, hey, we've got this new thing would do. What are you going to do? Here are the terms. We, we sign a contract. We have, you know, have a meeting in a boardroom with an attorney. We sign a contract. And so, what they're doing is raising capital. So, a lot of investments, many, many investments that we're even connected to, that we're benefiting from on a daily basis are grocery stores and things like that. The investor is purely the investor.
And the person who's started the operation is not the investor, We're, so, I want you to think like that, because it's one thing to take your own cash and invest in something.
But it's another thing to actually take, like, one way that we would do is we would take a quarter million dollars and invest it in something that needs $3 million.
And because we have a quarter million dollars to put in it, we can more easily attract other investors to bring in their quarter million dollars or half million dollars.
So start thinking like that, OK, start thinking like, gosh, I'm not stopped from getting into a $10 million investment only.
with my mere one million dollars, I can get into a $10 million investment, all I need is another couple of million dollar investors, OK.
So there's, there's, you can do a lot with your money, you don't need to have all the cash for everything.
So, if you're, if you're already making 25 K in wages and you're making another 25 K from your other investment, there's no red flag there, And, to, this day, I people use that term. I don't know what a red flag would fight, but it probably looks like a red flag. I haven't yet seen one of those. It would not alert the IRS.
I don't see that it meets any of the criteria from what I understand to create an examination.
But if you want to look, to answer your question, if I start including, If I start showing more income on my 1040 from wages, does that alert the IRS to to ask me why?
You're gonna file a 10, 40 until the truth, and then that's the end of it.
Now, if you had a large deduction, for some reason, uh, that was unusable, that is a criteria for an audit. Now, an audit doesn't always mean they're going to call you in someone's everybody's. A lot of times an audit just means they pull your individual master file, and create examination changes, and what the iris will actually do is send you a letter with proposed examination changes. That's a lot of times how audits go.
It's not as scary as they make it look like in the, in the movies.
Um, if you want to check this out to get more information, if you're so inclined, go online and search for the Internal Revenue Manual for the IRS, and I believe it's Chapter three that talks about examinations and it is very complex, but if you go through it, you'll find the criteria, you'll see, it's amazing.
A lot of criteria in there, it'll tell you the whole the whole thing if that helps and you can put your bills in the name of a trust and then therefore, they're not your bills, I've done that. The ways to do it over the years is I would just use an alias. I make it real simple.
Another way to do it is like, for example, when I opened my, if we move somewhere and I get a, um, I switch my utility bills and things like that, I would just open an alias. Now, a lot of times, they want to see your ID and things like that, but what you do in that case is you just call the utility company that you're going to deal with.
And you open up.
If you already have an account with them, you would just open up a new account, and you call the trust account, and I would call the trust the address of the property.
So like 123 Elma Street Trust, then there'll be happy to do it.
You don't need a document, You don't trust documents, and then the reason why the utility companies already know how to do this is because sometimes this is done For people that are invalids, can't care for themselves, and their family, maybe they can live independently, but their family doesn't want to be on the hook for the bills. So, they'll set up a trust account, and the power company, for example, always knows that he just kept the power of bills, not paid. So they'll, they'll set up the trust account.
So now, no human being is liable for the debt, and it won't matter how that gets paid because it won't stick to somebody.
So, if that's your angle, yeah, you can't do it that way.
You could use a trust account.
You can use an alias. You don't have to use an LLC, that's too, that's too complicated.
Too much, too much paperwork.
They don't care.
Yeah, good question. Go ahead.
So I was, I was trying to set up a trust where the benefactor was the LLC.
And most of, the banks had a hard time with it and they wanted to call it like, a, you know, a business trust and they wanted the actual to see the actual private trust contract.
So I kind of like stopped going that route trying to a trust where the LLC was the benefactor, and I'm just gonna basically, call it an unincorporated association and set up an account for an on a quarter. Unincorporated association, which is basically put a trust, is it's just a private contract, remembers. What do you think? A trust has beneficiaries.
A PMA can be a trust.
You'll just run into a different set of investigatory questions, right? So why not just use the trust you have given a declaration of trust and have a beneficiary of this child?
I'd just leave it like that.
Yeah, they don't really care who the beneficiary is. They just care.
Oh, wait a minute.
The, They just care who the grant or send, they don't like the fact, that, the way it's written grant, or it is the LLC, But maybe I could just Or you said the grand tour was the LLC.
Yeah, the Grand Tour's LLC, and that's the part that they get confused about, and they're like, well, who owns it? And this is unusual to do that.
It's OK to do that, but, what I would do is, whoever the grand tour is to the LLC, I would make the grand tour to the trust, OK? So, just, basically, put my, put my name on there. Yep, Easy enough. And the signer for the account is perfectly suited to be the grand tour.
Yeah, yeah, and then I guess, I could just set that up, as another lake, or, you know, for routing, killed them brown crypto profits.
That will work, you get out, because it's no longer your money, because you identify the property owner as a trustee.
The property owner is the trustee in that situation.
That's right, I just, I just didn't, I just didn't know if running those profits.
The room me is the grand tour.
Would treat any liability, OK, Let us say you're, let's say you're the grantor and the trustee and you open your account, and then you want to continue putting money in there and it just happens to be where the money's coming from, the LLC, that's investing your kryptos.
Yeah. Right. Who has a beneficial interest in the LLC?
Pretty good value.
So, then you decide the LLC is going to put money into the trust because you want to fund the trust.
Your beneficial interests go from the LLC to the trust. You're still the grand tour.
It wasn't your money and title, but you are the beneficial owner of the money.
Had every right to do that, and there's no liability at all.
So that's another example of how money is moving around you, right, And it's not like the bank account says, Oh, I'd only has to come from this source that I can't tell you that part.
See, they are only dealing with what they see on the paper.
The rest of it, you can do whatever you want, Just like, if my wife goes in science for a corporate account, then when she comes home, she's OK on the accounts open. And I go, great, what's the password.
You know, so I can log in, and I can use the account, but she's the signer.
Kinda, cool.
Yeah, and then on the tracking software, sure, I mean, I just wouldn't use the tracking software to come up with any real numbers as regarding taxation, so it's tracking software, It's convenient. I mean, I was talking to somebody. Oh, gosh, it was last year.
Some people can do this. You can take a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and turn it into, give it a control panel and interface and you can program it.
So you can interact with it like a dialog box, and you can turn it into some nice piece of software and run it just like the coin tracking software. If any of you guys are inclined to do that, you can make a bit of money off of it, you know, selling that to people.
But, um, Yeah. I would just, I would just use to track your, to track your swaps. If that's convenient, no problem there.
Just don't let, It doesn't matter what you do on the exchange, because they're gonna report it, however they decide to report it. You have to handle it the way you know how to handle it. But I would not use their tracking software if it's going to report on me to the IRS.
I don't think it's going to do that.
It's not going to automatically create something, right?
The exchange is going to create a 1099, if it will, But I guess if I've never used the software, so apparently it's, it's good to track which coins you're holding.
And which dates they were sold and things like that.
That's a nice way to do it.
I wouldn't use anything.
I would just, I would, if I was anybody I was, you're gonna start to cash out, just take your original transaction and then take all your according to check in and cash out, swap on a decentralized platform, Get the new coins and then sell those to the exchange. You're gonna sell them to brand new one. That's right, That's right, You could do it that way, too. You could go totally stealth and you go right onto your hard wallet or something.
If you have an of way to liquidate those, sure.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, then they can't see what happened.
That's why I gotta tell people, put all your money into the exchange. And just use a stable coin, and then then move it right off the exchange into whatever you want and then allocate how you want it. They can't see anything. And then reverse that. Yeah, Sure, Yeah, some people don't want to sell it for, to take it out, they just want to say, it was going to stable moment of time to hold the value at this level, and then, my back a little later.
If you're using it for cash, you could even, you can even sell it peer-to-peer.
You can't do that like Spy on exchanges. A little bit, yeah. I'm sure there's a lot, whatever we get up. There are people. Yeah.
Yeah, there's probably a lot of groups out there. I don't, I've never connected into them, but, you know, it's an ad hoc thing right now.
You just kinda find it out as you go Like like local bitcoins or these types of services.
So To me, they've been hunkering down and local, but yeah Yeah, to actually define. Who is he came to me and already he is already like on probation or something because this guy was a real smart computer guy, and they just pound in an FBI mess of them just because he used local bitcoins.
This is back way back in 2016 and they called him money Launderer, or something was ridiculous.
He was just getting out of that situation when I met him.
It's crazy. But um, You know, if you guys want to set time with me There is the calendar days of coins, OK? If you're already a client? You can use the free con 2022. But if you're not please you know bucket and pay for it because everyone else does and then it gives you a series of calls not just that one call. And I also will do work for you if you need something in addition to our conversation.
So it's a decent coins dot com.
All right. So that's fun.
OK, oh yeah, I'm so sorry these these exchanges, they make it hard, Don't they give you a hard time. Gosh, it's a lot, that's a long time months to open a Coinbase account nine months. That's crazy.
And you know what it is is nothing more than they just don't want us doing it this way.
That's all it is.
They just don't like that.
We're doing it this way, There's no reason for that.
OK, so an S corp, and you're have nice cash flow, Yeah, you can do that. If you want to change your tax treatment.
OK, here's an example. I'll give you just, I'll tell you guys how the standard way I've done this. So, a person calls me and he's running a small business, and it's usually like a dentist office. I'm like that. And he's having a problem with the IRS.
Why? I don't know what? They're loving some money. I don't care what the Debts for fields, the money or not.
What I will do is make all his receivables going forward.
Go into a new company, exact kind of company I was set up for your crypto investment. It's a pass through, so now he's got an S corp, It's still files, I don't have to argue with the account. He's going to do the same old thing he's been doing, but what I'm going to do is strip his money.
He does not need anything that's beyond his operating costs.
So but what I'm doing is I'm taking it around the IRS. The IRS is doing a tilt take on his bank account.
They're taken as a merchant account receivables and they're taking his insurance claim receivables, and they're taking it as S corp's bank account.
So now I set up another LLC and I changed the merchant account by going online and modifying the bank payment processing. They, that's very easy to do, sometimes I have to give him a W nine. That money, the next day, goes into the new LLC account.
The IRS gets cut off then he managed, He's still the owner of that LLC. Yeah, he, nothing changes there.
So now because the new LLC is innocent party, it is not liable for these older debts and so that LLC pays the employees, pays the light bill, expenses, whatever, even the taxes.
Then the S corp files a tax return, irrespective of the previous debt that it's dealing with, we're not even talking about that, yet, we're just saying, get control over the cash flow.
So then, let's say the company, the dense office, makes $2 million a year and he only needs half a million to pay the bills.
And so now he's got 1.5 sitting out there, IRS can't touch it, they can see it, they can see it, and they don't touch it, So he's, he's now in a situation where he still has the debt to the IRS, but they can't take it from him. But they have to ask him for it.
They're going to ask him, so now we can make a deal with them.
We could say, Look, this is a hardship situation, but I don't mind paying you know, 1200 bucks a month or $150 a month, or whatever we can get away with, right. And we make that deal.
And now he's got a situation where he has control over money. I don't care if someone sues him now. He can ignore that lawsuit because I just showed him how to manage the cash flow. No one's ever going to see that company, because it doesn't do anything.
The next question he's going to have a few months later is, when he figured this out, he's going to call me up and say, Hey, John, why do I even need the S corp net?
Can I just use my pass through?
Answer is yes. So what does that mean?
It means he can change his tax treatment by changing the way he manages the cash flow.
So before it was an S corp that's committed to a certain tax treatment.
The other LLC is not so much committed to a particular tax treatment, it can be.
But it's kind of unsettled fun the whole time.
The only time he's committed to a tax treatment is whatever he pays himself as a salary.
and wouldn't repays anyone else.
I tell him to keep the S corp, unless we need to replace it with a new S corp, because he has employees, that would be the only reason to keep the S Corp, But now he's seeing he can change his tax treatment.
And many times, people get out of that employment situation. So they don't have any employees and we can actually dissolve the S corp. We would file articles of disillusion with the state, by the end of the tax period, December 31st.
And then resume with the new LLC, that's purely a pass through.
So, if that answers the question, that's how you would you would move over. If you want a totally different tax treatment?
You would you would start using the new vehicle, then either dissolve the other one, or use it less.
So, you have to dissolve it if you're not going to use it anymore, Otherwise, you'll still have problems with it.
All right, so, somebody has asked me a technical on them. So, I'll look at your telegram message on the summary judgement.
There's some videos I just published over, and I don't know if you guys care, but on the Not the ultimate section, but the other section, I'm talking about the technical aspects of lawsuits.
Now, I understand that whole process, and that really helps me, when I'm dealing with things that, that are not in court, that never will be in court.
But when I'm, when I'm writing something for a client, or I'm reading a contract, I'm looking at it in terms of what would happen if that were in court.
And I understand how that plays out, because I've done thousands of cases in court, all over the country, And so a lot of the things I do are, based on that.
It's funny, because I've seen people where they'll take some white documents from a client, and the client in good faith is sending it to his friend, and his friend goes, Oh, yeah, let's, let's send it to my, my attorney friend or whatever, somebody who thinks he knows a lot of stuff. So, he'll read it over something that I wrote for a client, and he'll start poking fun at it. Or he'll start picking it apart, saying, hey, this doesn't make any sense. He put that there because he's an idiot, this guy doesn't notice Bell.
And, you know, there's reasons why I do certain things, and it's because of liabilities that you'll probably never encounter that. I've written into the thing.
So that the event, if the event ever comes up, are you going to experience something like that, and you can't get ahold of me if you just go on the document, the way I showed you, and the way it appears, at take it at face value, It's going to be fun.
It's going to work pretty well, but if you panic and go to an attorney and he goes, Oh, this is all wrong and he starts changing it. What will happen is, the thing I try to avoid typically is having another party, an adverse party scrutinize your relationship to the company.
And I've written them in a way to withstand that scrutiny.
If you could start going and changing that without understanding, they can pierce the corporate veil. Now, I can't tell you that that's a low risk.
It's a low risk because it's an LLC.
If it's an, if it's an S corp or something, it's a higher risk, but an LLC purely has the Innocent party that protects the assets and severs the owner from the property in the LLC and also charging order. So if you have two or more members, you also charging their protection, so it's either the PMA trust, or whatever, innocent party, or you have charging order protection multi-member.
So. Yeah, but someone has, Someone has asked me about that right now, but I will check.
Um, and I'll just tell you what these guys do is they just ignore what they ignore, whatever you follow them. They ask the Court for summary judgement, because they don't want to go to trial in. The court usually gives them what they asked for.
And that's why by the time a creditor is going to do that, I've already stripped the client's assets and it doesn't matter if they win.
And, you know, it's funny, because I've had lots of cases where they, where we win, Then we don't win, because we won. But then the judge gives them a second chance, and a third chance and forth, you know, or they get a different judge, or they withdraw the case. And it goes judge shopping, They file a new case. I mean, they do play all these tricks until the point where they finally get a judgement.
So, when I saw that back in the late nineties, I was like, well, just, I'll just, you know, try to win the case if I can, until I don't need to anymore. So, while I'm working with the client for three months or six months, I'm going to strip is assets and income. So, we can certainly respond to the motion for summary judgement, the WebEx meeting that you're talking about. But really what you want to do is just the Uncollectible and then understand what that means and go forward.
And I would just I would tell you that even if you're not getting sued you know, I got the collectible on my home portion of it need to work on the, the income part.
Yeah, Yeah. Yeah.
And so as far as Gemini goes when they're asking you about a detailed business description, OK, So typically when I register a company I'm going to put something in there like a generic statement. If it's Pennsylvania I have to give them a little bit more information, but New Mexico or something I will just say something. Like the purpose for which this company is organized is to invest in real estate, and then sometimes I'll do something like and also event planning and retail sales Some BS like that right?
Um, You can give that type of response to Gemini here But obviously you're you're investing in kryptos because you're using Gemini so you want to tell them I'm investing in cryptographic currency and I'm using my my investment to possibly invest in real estate in the future as I learn how to do it.
So what you're saying to them is I really don't know anything about real estate, but that's what I want to do and also I'm investing for because as you can see, And that should be enough to get to get past that question.
You can use.
You can, You can get a credit card for Trust.
Um, what's going to happen, though, is a lot of times when you open up an LLC account or a trust account, the bank will solicit you for a credit card and they'll say, Hey, would you like a business credit card? And when the bank does that, that is the opposite of what's happening.
When a bank offers you a credit card, when you just opened a business account or trust account, What they're doing is, they're tricking you into having a credit card with the business name or the Trust name on it, where you're that's still the personal guarantor. So it's really a personal credit account for which you're personally liable still.
It's on your credit, but it has the business name on there.
What's happening is you're liable for the debt.
And your business name will be liable, and you will not have access to consumer credit protection laws.
That's what's going on there.
So, if you want a trust account that has true credit on its own merits, you have to open a Dun and Bradstreet credit file, and the way to do that is you have to have a business location, or use one have access to one.
You don't have to own it, and you have to have at least three, but no more than four. Net 30 accounts.
So you're kind of in a bit of a project, and if you do this, it takes 3 to 6 months, And basically the Net 30 accounts mean that your company is going to be buying a product that you're gonna pay for on 30 day periods.
And there's a strategy on how you do it, the right way, there's a right way to do it.
If you want, let me know, I can there's some videos on this too in the members area that tell you how to do this stuff.
But if you truly want a credit card for your LLC, you need to set up a Dun and Bradstreet account so that your LLC can stand on its own and that you're not going to be the guarantor on that account, OK, that's the difference.
Yeah, OK, so you're saying there's no miscellaneous income so I mean other income, right, so it's gonna be other income.
And what, type, and amount, so, what type it's income now, here's the funny thing, Autism by income here.
Type of Income, Income, it's so funny that the IRS would ask you that, right?
I mean, what does it, sales income, do they give you, a multiple choice question.
Mean, I could pull up the form and look at it, but there is no such thing as income, OK, even as far as the IRS is concerned, and I'll explain why, it's that case I was telling you guys about earlier, that that farmer had a type of income, and it was for manufacturing. It was involved in a tactical activity making guns, OK, manufacturing pistols and revolvers, OK, alcohol, spirits, your Bureau of alcohol, tobacco products and firearms, that category of activity. There's like hundreds of categories of that, if you look at the Total Revenue Manual. I think it's the 60 to 9 manual. Actually, it has all the codes for all the different taxable activities.
So, income itself is not a taxable thing.
I know that sounds weird, but there's something that the income.
founded in.
So, this farmer had income from flower sales, but that was not a taxable activity.
Making gun's was the taxable activity, even though he wasn't doing it.
It's kinda deceptive. I mean, the entire tax code, I don't think you're gonna find the definition of income in there.
Look under 77.1. That's where all the definitions are. You're not going to find income defined. Now, you will find in case law.
But the, the tax code is based upon taxable activities, not an income tax.
So, I don't wanna get too far off, But you're asking me, here on the 1040 line where it says other income, and the type, and amount, the type of income is income.
OK, I'm gonna gerund almost guarantee you that your type of income is not a taxable income, but we're not going to make that argument to the IRS had a 10 40. So just tell them, it's, it's income.
I don't know what, how you want to describe it. I don't know if it gives you a choice or something.
Right. Everything you hear me talk about is on the presumption that all income is taxable, no matter from what from whatever. But that is not actually how the IRS operates, and I know that the 16th Amendment says that. And I know that you know that the tax statute says that. But what they what they're really doing is taxing particular tax bill activities.
And this was reflected in assessments way back used to be able to verify this years ago. They've changed it so much now that it's very difficult so cryptic that you can't figure it out.
Basically, if that's how they want to do it I'm saying that's how you should do it.
I just have some money here that I'm reporting and it's just miscellaneous income. I don't know what I want to call it, but uh, it's not wages. But it, that way, it's not, It's not dividends.
four days, Killen Brown, ya. Know, I've noticed that kill them and Brown. Sometimes they have some new people and they're just not doing the job, right? And I think you have to be a little more patient with them, but they do open the accounts.
Somebody was asking me the other day she had, what was it?
It was the PMA again. you know that it seems to hang up a lot of places. And all we had to do is just identify just tell them that you're the 100% or the owner of the PMA.
It doesn't change anything.
Just get your account open.
And if you look at the bottom of basic coins, somebody's asking me at the bottom of base of coins dot com near the order form. There is a help desk link in the bottom right corner.
But somewhere in that area, near the order form, is going to be a link for the calendar.
All right.
Yeah. Yeah, OK, So if you registered an LLC yourself, that's that's cool. I get a lot of calls where people say, hey, guys, I set this up. What do you think? I like your ideas. What do you do? I need to change anything. No problem, you guys have to realize I'm not selling LLCs. I'm selling skills and knowledge and strategies about managing risk. If you want to register an LLC, go right ahead.
If you asked me to help you and want to hire me to, you know, help with whatever you're doing, I'm gonna charge you the same thing. I would charge someone else who I'm setting up a company for.
So, a lot of times, I amend the articles. I try not to. I try to keep everything status quo for the most part, but yeah, no big deal.
And you can take the documents I gave you and you can move them over and change the name and you can use it for the next company can change the important information.
No problem, they're starting documents.
And as you need to, they're suited to, to keep on adding changes and things like that. And when I do this, this, this inner circle we have, I have some content now, I haven't uploaded yet. I'm going to add some content as well regarding this operating agreement that we're, we've been using, and I'm going to bring in the different components and show you guys how to integrate everything, and, and use it. It's a living document. All right, we're finally going to get into that service waiting for me to, you know, work on particular things. I'm gonna show you ahead of time, in case something comes up.
Yeah, OK, so I mentioned wages and dividends because if it's wages, it's a different creature than just getting money in your hand.
It's completely different animal dividends comes from a security.
So, those are, those are special.
So, I wouldn't say my miscellaneous income as Dividends in Wages.
Yeah, it's just money.
If you get it to 99, Miscellaneous function block by an interest earns, OK, So, if you're getting a 1099 from like a crypto investment like Staking, or like, Block Fi like this question here. And they're calling it interest.
It may not be interest if it's not dollars. If you're not getting paid in dollars, it's technically not interest, you're not getting interest.
So be careful on that, because that's why, to solve the problem, is make your contract in the name of a company, an LLC with black fire, whoever that solves the problem, Make sure it gets an EA and all that stuff.
If you personally got 1099 from Block fi 1099 Miscellaneous, OK.
And it shows interest in dollars, but the interest was paid in a crypto coin and you didn't sell any coins. And it's not reflected correctly on the 1099, you're going to have to ask for determination letter.
That will fix it. That is the only way that I know to fix that.
That's nice.
Someone said, he didn't have any problems sending up his account, CMB, Like I said, I think there's sometimes different people are there. So, I think I'm gonna wrap it up for tonight.
I really appreciate everyone's participating in the call, that's, you know, you guys hung out with me for quite awhile, So any last questions?
I just want to say thank you for your time, John. Glad to do it. Sure thing.
Thanks for being on. All right, guys.
Just one quick question, John. On the Inner Circle, is that an additional membership? Does, is it included in the ultimate membership? Where do you find that?
It's going to be as another new section next to the ultimate, and it's a la carte. So some of the video content will be included, and then some of it is going to be on a per video or per module basis.
In terms of cost? Yeah, cost. Yeah, it'll be an additional cost, so it's only for members. I'm not just going to make it available to anybody.
It's only for you guys. Yeah, OK, great, I'm John. Alright, thank you.
Thank you so much, ..., can I?


1. The discussion begins with a focus on taxes, especially relating to small businesses, mentioning potential advantages of outsourcing and complexities related to S corps.
2. The speaker talks about personal health transformation via a one-meal-per-day regimen and suggests that weight gain can also be achieved through similar discipline.
3. Anecdotes are shared about learning from partners’ experiences and trade secrets during downtime at conferences.
4. The speaker mentions a decision to travel as a refugee due to a disagreement with state policy.
5. The discussion moves to the structure of businesses, stressing the importance of contracts by free will and exploring options for questions and ticketing on a particular website.
6. Personal experiences with the IRS and dealing with tax issues are shared.
7. A discussion about driving permits and the benefits of having them from a different country, such as Australia, is discussed, relating to the speaker’s children.
8. The speaker suggests that the future of banking may heavily involve the blockchain, predicting a consolidation of banks and the survival of some under different identities.
9. There’s a conversation about pension plans, possible alternatives, and the dangers of mismanaged investments.
10. The discussion concludes with topics including property rights, the potential benefits of communal farming, tax filing advice, potential red flags for the IRS, trust declarations, cryptocurrency transactions, and ways to deal with IRS holds on bank accounts.

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