IC3 – Private Membership Association (PMA) Video 2
I appreciate you all joining today's Mark second.
And last week, you asked me, some of you asked, Me, Too, put together some meaningful notes, I guess, or a guideline, on private associations. So, let's, let's do that.
Let's talk about some some of these things, and these are things that would benefit all of us.
I don't see a problem with China, work with our government, our local governments, but we have to realize that.
A lot of the things we have a lot of corruption, as you can tell, but for, for some problem solving, I think, using private associations is going to be useful. We already have private associations. The key about private associations is that there is actually an association. OK, so don't confuse a document with an actual association. A document is a description of an association.
But, there has to be an association.
So, if you have an office full of physicians that are, you know, working together, and they each have their own patients or whatever, or maybe they do referrals amongst each other, OK.
You have a type of an association, now it can be private, it can be regulated.
The members of that office can be held to the strict liability of a set of statutes.
Maybe people want that.
But as I'll describe here, there's a reason to maybe I call it emancipate yourself from the system that is, is really rotten.
It's abusive. It's called the people that are running and are part of a cult.
So in any case, I think, Dan, you're the one that suggested I do.
So thank you. Thank you, you kind of put the fire ***** but so, I just had to do this and, you know, it's funny.
It's like, for the last six months, I've had several versions of this and I didn't like them, so I scratched it. So I just went and put together like a 3 or 4 page thing. So this is merely an introduction, and this is going to lead to a conversation.
And then definitely, it's going to be expanded to expound upon this, and I'm gonna lead up to the method of possibly etching out your association for your own benefit.
So, and I'm going to show you a couple of tools that can be used to fill the gaps, OK, because the problem we're running into is that you have to understand what licensing is about, and then understand about indemnification, that's a big aspect to this.
Then dispute resolution, because you're gonna do your profession, you're going to want to heal people, but things happen right there. We need, we need ways to make people whole. So, this is what it's gonna look at, look like.
So, anyways, I just want to call it this, and it's not a bunch of bullet points, so I went ahead and I started writing stuff. So, I'm just going to skim through this.
and then we can we can kind of, I know you can have a lot of questions. That's fine. That's what we want to do.
So, certainly, we'll do a Q and A So, let me just get to this.
So people who are competent, OK, competent professionals, they want to do a certain thing. Like I'm a competent professional, I want to do a certain thing. If you're a physician or healthcare professional, you want to heal people, Hopefully you want to, you know, improve their health.
And so in today's modern world, you gotta go out and get a license. You gotta qualify for that. So it's a competency license, but a license is a tax on the privilege of doing something.
Or a license is evidence of the payment of attacks for the privilege of privilege of doing something that would otherwise be illegal or unlawful.
I don't know exactly how you want to call, it, but, if you are doing something that involves public safety, if you're open to the public, such as if you're a public accommodation, then there's what's called a State Compelling interest rates.
So, the state has the right and also the mandate to get involved in that and to some way regulate, especially if it's a corporation, if it's a corporation with employees, like, for example, a hospital, the state you will want you want to centralize, I think, centralized authority to make sure that people are doing what they're supposed to do.
Well, if you're a healthcare professional and you're being told by a corporation, this is our modern times here.
But you have to impose medical treatments on people for which there isn't even a diagnosis and there's no information as to whether or not.
That individual, that unknown unidentified individual or group of individuals has any contraindications, right?
And just so we understand, I'm talking about the CDC, your Department of Health, OK, these are corporations. And the definition of a corporation is that it is a creature without a conscience, OK? It's an insane person. I didn't say that this is entitled one of the United States Code.
In the notes, No, 10, specifically, you'll see that. You can look it up online. A corporation is an insane person. So it doesn't have a conscience. And that's why corporations are subject to the body and statutes, the strict liability, the statutes.
That's why corporations are are regulated because they don't have moral values like we do.
So, anyways.
Um, we can have a private association that does not give the state a compelling interest. It is.
That means that maybe you're, you're doing something where people safety is involved. But are people's welfare and well-being is involved, but you're doing it privately and that can that can be the case. Now, there's a limitation on that.
And we did give our government the monopoly on the police power, so there's always that in the background. And I know your question is going to be, OK, John, That sounds slip, we can, we can do our private association. We can set up this organization. But Kansas State, just ignore it, of course. This is our problem throughout history, OK. But this, we have a way to manage this. And I will show you.
I will show that we can do this. So the case law is on our side. But the case law, public policy, is on our side.
We just have to understand the key things in. And I know we always go back to that poor guy.
The farmer in Pennsylvania, you know, who got attacked by the FDA.
I think it was USDA or something, and maybe he did something biolay crossing state boundaries or something like that, I don't know, so.
Anyway, so I don't want to read this to you, but the idea is that the association exist, OK, So you can have a document that describes the roles and responsibilities of the members of the Association. Typically, if your association, you know, let's say it has 17 members, there's probably going to be an odd number of members, a small amount, like three.
That would be the board, let's call it the board, OK, the rulemakers, All right, the ones that kind of administer things, and they can also be performing the tasks of every other member, but they can be, you know, do that extra job. Kind of like a homeowner's association.
So, this is established in writing, right. So, partly because we want to describe the relationship of the members of the association, and we want to document it for the future.
And we want to document it, in case we have to show somebody the relationship. I mean, at least we have to show the next people. So, the people that formed it, run it and then the next people will get to see what the guys before them did that are Ladies, so a professional association can be private and it has to exclude certain people from the membership.
So, for example, an easy one is Brothers, brothers are a special type of an association and they do not include sisters.
Siblings, however, are included in the association of brothers and sisters, right?
It's very simple.
So if you have professionals that have already met certain class of qualifications, like their physicians or they passed a certain test, that's probably the best criteria.
You passed a test that was, you know, equally difficult and therefore, you qualify for the association. There's never a better example than a physician. I mean, that's it. That's, I'm sure a grueling period of time in which you learn a lot of things. So.
And then you have a huge amount of liability and responsibility as a physician so of course, so in the case of physicians, we have state licensing, so now we get to the situation where we're seeing the state abuse, the powers we've given it, and how do you argue with that? How do you, what's the remedy?
There are several remedies, one of which is emancipating yourself from the state, and so let me just share with you a conversation I had. This is maybe a good example. So I, so in June of 2020, I taken my children out for ice cream, and we're stand there a nice criminal looked across the parking lot and I saw that there was a studio, or Jujitsu.
And so I asked my two sons if they want to go with me. So I went with them.
We all well signed up that day, and I got my **** kicked so much, I had to quit.
I literally, I thought I could be like 15 year olds and now, anyways, so, I'm sitting there talking to the gym owner K and we're in a, we're in a strip mall.
It's an L shape and there's a grocery store and there's some restaurants and he's in the corner and we're sitting and you can see everybody in everybody's gonna stupid mask, OK.
And so he's not, and that's why I went in there, I was looking for, we were like. we were like the family that goes to disneyworld Universal Studios and just spend all their aquatic and all that nonsense. So, I had to change all that, unlike, let's go find some recreation that's actually, you know, productive and that they're not going to do this stuff. So, when nobody's weren't a mask and we had this conversation, I said, Look, if we sign up for your classes, are we gonna have to deal with this mass growing nonsense? And he's like, Oh, man, pleased, that is so stupid. I said, Oh, I'm so glad you said that. And so we sat down, we had this conversation. And so I was expanding, you know, the whole thing's fake. And you know, they're just trying to hurt people and all this stuff. It's like, well, I don't know about all that, but it's just stupid. He didn't know anything, it was just looking around going extinct but it doesn't make it he said. It's just a smart person and he goes. oh, OK, so he's asking me sir John What happens so if I so I have a gym here and only certain people can come in their members now. People that are not members can come in my gym. Yeah, that's true. So you're open to the public and he was open to the public, but it's still a gym membership.
So, there's still membership. Even though the front door, the foyer areas, open to the public and it's one big room, there's not like, you know, partitions and stuff.
Soon as I said, you probably wouldn't have to make any changes. Now, most gyms have locks and keys and codes and stuff that helps.
But, in his case, I said, really, all you'd have to do, is add a sign near the hours on the outside the Door that says, private membership club, or by appointment only.
That identifies it as a private cloud.
Yeah, you can still walk in there because the door will open when you pull on it, you know. I mean, that could be changed, but you don't have to.
And so we're having this conversation, and I'm telling them about private associations. Now, this is what prompted me to tell you the story.
You can have this private Association. You can have a storefront.
You can have your Members come in and do this Jam or whatever it is. And, as long as you're not doing something, which would be known as, let's call it, OK? The court calls it substantially evil. So think what that might be.
You know, what? You're buying and selling body parts. Yeah, There's something really bad that you're doing: manufacturing, airplane fuel in the back, you know, substantially evil that would cause risk to people, All right.
Risk, to others. Life lemon property, OK, is how they, how they work.
Public safety.
Alright, so anyways, so I had this conversation. And one of the students is a cop. I didn't know that, he was just walking out, he had just changed. He was leaving, he was just done with this session. And he didn't have a uniform on. So we're talking, and I said, look, I'd have to do, is, you turn that you put that site on there, and you can even lock the door, but you don't really have to. And he goes, Well, what if the Department of Health shows up and says, Hey, why don't you all wearing masks? And I said, well, you know, if they want to talk about that, you can tell them to make an appointment.
It's that simple. That doesn't end the problem. But I said. I said that for the reason that he has to understand that he has the power.
So he could They can make an appointment like everyone else.
They can call you on the phone and be polite. They don't get to barge in there just because they're from the government.
And so the cop starts laughing. He goes, Yeah, you're right.
And that really got his attention.
You know, so even the cop knows that.
And so the whole idea is that you have the power, you just have to exercise it.
And yeah, it can be intruded upon, OK, the power and that gym owner that he has, it's a private property, right?
OK, it's a private property, right?
Physicians and the good faith exercise of their duties improve the health of patients OK. So they're penalized no matter what they do, the Corporation is accurate, penalized, the doctor who prescribes and administers a medical treatment. Of course as you guys know.
So, again, the one who has the liability has the rights, and with the liability, you have the rights, it goes together.
Just like the mom has the rights and the parents, the mom or the dad, has the rights over the children or whoever's caring for the child has the rights, because he has the obligation.
That's why, you know, I have been arguing with my children, which really don't want to argue with children, but I always like to remind them, You know, you're welcome for breakfast, you know, just silly stuff like that.
So when you have the license, you have the power. And so you can exercise that, how do you want? So your focus is to kill people and treat people. And so anybody who's intruding upon that right without just cause can't do that.
Now they can, they can do it for awhile but eventually they they will not be able to continue that.
So we want to avoid a situation where you're being threatened as a physician to lose your license. which means you're gonna lose your insurance. Which means there goes your career.
So that's a substantial financial loss and it is quite stressful. I'm sure, and I know, I know some physicians that, you know, I've had this happen and they're smart people. You know, they figure out what to do, but this is an intrusion on your private property rights.
Now, here's what's interesting.
The courts are more inclined to intervene when a member of an association is expelled from the association because it may involve a contract breach, where the court would have jurisdiction if someone were to follow a correct pleading, right.
But also, but on the inclusion of somebody like the entrance into the private association, even for arbitrary reasons, if someone's refused, admission into the membership, the state generally cannot be involved.
Right? Even if the state were to go and try to get the court involved. And for an injunction, right?
The state is not inclined to be involved in that.
So then you get to the issue of well, I mean admission is another thing but the membership itself, it cannot be interfered with by the state.
So, let's say we established an association, and so you have your physicians, and maybe they're not even in the same area, but they could be, it doesn't matter. And they're all part of an association.
And, and we have a document, and we have an administration and things of this nature.
So once we have the basic elements, we have to implement them. And we have to follow them.
And so, when I'm working with clients on things, I make sure that they understand that the thing They're doing see, we're not trying to I'm not trying to sell a document to somebody. So he can just give the appearance of a thing.
For the one thing he thinks she's going to get, like, avoid attacks, for example, is actually going to do the thing that he's supposed to do to avoid the tax. So that makes it legal. It's not a trick. So we want to do that. So we want to have an association and so realize that you can exercise a private property right to associate yourself in any way you want as a professional or as a private individual, whatever.
And then that can be more memorialized in documents.
And then you would simply, like, as, like, I like to, here's what I always do. If I get into a project that's gonna make some money, I usually just go and make the money. I go and make the project work, and hopefully it works.
And then after it works, I like to make it look like I imagined how it was going to work from the beginning.
And so, I either write a business plan or have someone else write a business plan reflecting what worked. I don't write the plan first and try to follow it.
I just make it work.
So you want to have an association in mind or have one that's already operating, and then document it, and then operate that way No, make it private. Follow your rules.
And Then we get into once once you're on your own, OK, Once you've got your association.
Now, what you're doing is in this in our situation is you're getting out of the ability or the need, let's say to add state licensing, but you're still going to have some friction because if you send in your professional license and say, Please cancel this are documented. In which I haven't talked about this yet. But there is a way to do that.
There's going to be you know They're going to send the Department of Health out to your location because all of a sudden you're not You poofy disappear right? Maybe you're not paying tax anywhere something. Maybe it's your disappeared. So.
You may have that situation, which is something that can be managed.
So you're already in this association, and you're not practicing medicine.
Let's say, for example, you're not practicing medicine in that sense, that the state can impose licensing or penalties for not having licensing.
Licensing, and insurance go together in that case.
You already are, You're, you're part of a private club, right. So this is, you know, there may be some friction as you as you maybe change the situation.
Now I know other physicians where they were faced with losing their license and they either stopped or whatever it was that's causing that to take place or let the license be canceled and then just took their their expertise onto a different way of making money with that expertise a different way of being a professional. So there there are other ways of doing this without without the consideration of the PMA, private membership association.
Anyways, um, you want to have a system where members can have disputes resolved and here's I'm gonna throw some ideas I E So. Today, we have the added benefit of technology, We can actually form an ad hoc jury, OK, And we can have dispute resolution. We can We can even go to a mediator.
Now, I don't recommend, like, for example, the American Arbitration Association. There's a couple of types of arbitration. one is binding arbitration, which precludes you from going to court to argue the merits of the dispute. So if you have binding arbitration and you go through that process, whatever the arbitrator decides is final and cannot be appealed.
The only time the court gets involved after that is when the prevailing party applies to the court for what's called, um, memorialization of the of the judgement confirmation of the award is what they call confirmation of that arbitration working. And then once that's done, it turns into a judgement ordered by a court, but the Court never got to hear the merits of the case. The arbitrator did, and it was private.
Non binding arbitration, or I like to call it mediation, non binding just means that we can mediate something. And if we don't like the results, then one of us can take it into the court and start over. I like.
And what we're talking about, mediation, that's final, that precludes you from going to the Court, It also precludes the Court from getting involved because you have already an agreement, and if your agreement meets the needs of people and doesn't fairly, the Court cannot intervene.
Now that probably opened up a bunch of questions for you guys right there.
What do you mean by that?
So, It has to be fairly. And, and so I don't know. Exactly, you know what, I can probably give you a scenario.
The other aspect of this is there's dispute resolution, which we can do with technology using.
Let's say, for example, we can use the Internet to form an arbitration committee of 20 people.
And we can present the facts.
And the more people, this is shown statistically, and I don't know the term for this, but the more people that decide on a dispute, it tends to be the farer decision.
So, 20 is better than two, and 50 is better than 20, right?
So, we have that ability, and we also can document the decisions.
We can also document how we're arriving at those decisions on a blockchain a permanent, immutable, historical record, Right?
And that is another aspect of having the ability to withstand scrutiny from the state.
So we have a way that that's treating everybody fairly, by our standard rules of conduct, rules of society that we all accept.
And then we have a way to document it, And we have a way to establish or make a record of the authorities we're relying upon, OK? And we can talk about what those might be.
We can even rely upon the courts themselves.
We can even rely upon, um, opinion's philosophers, and things of this nature, other physicians, and so forth.
But there's many sources, but we just have to be consistent with how we're doing things.
Then, we also have the aspect of, OK, so Indemnification. So let's say, we get into a situation where, maybe, you know, maybe somebody makes a mistake, or somebody suffers an adverse health consequence for whatever reason it happens, and someone needs to be made whole.
Maybe, maybe someone is compensation, I don't know. There's all kinds of **** situation.
So we need to be able to indemnify, are patients and and haven't done notification.
So, that can be accomplished through captive insurance.
I don't know if you guys know about this, but there's a link and I posted it on the discussion forums If you watched the video on the intro, the basics. I think you'll have a pretty good understanding, and this is not my expertise. I just to understand that it's a tool that I would use, and I would probably consult with someone, if I'm going to actually set that up.
I actually do that with my car.
I carry my own insurance, it's not hard to do, It's just a different way to manage risk. It's something I've chosen to do.
It's not for everybody, but it's personal.
I don't have health insurance, but not officially, but aye.
Have other ways of managing health for my whole family.
So, if you guys want to, I can talk about that, but, so we can do this for business, as well. This is that we have to make, make it equal for everyone. We have, We have to give everyone a remedy.
So, like, I'm gonna share an idea with you here.
Um, the way we issue credit in the United States, and we have been doing since the beginning, is when consumers want to buy a ticket item, that something that cost more than they can afford, at the immediate time, like house.
Now, it's down to, like people are buying pizza, it's on credit, but it used to be, you know, for a house.
But, anyways.
We would originate money for all those reasons instead of originating money, not for consumer debt.
But for pension funds why should we have pension funds?
When we could just the government can just originate money for pensioners and infrastructure. Why would there be a need to borrow the money? When we could just originate the money, instead of originating the money as a debt, we can just originate the money for the project.
It's not a debt. But no, one of the impoverished societies, so we can rule over it, that's what's going on, right?
Now, What I'm saying is, why not use the origination of money when we need to have indemnification and an insurance feature, insurance facility, OK? So captive insurance basically means the insured has an ownership interest in the insurer and the insurer.
Right? It doesn't mean that you take all your cash.
In some cases, it does, but you don't take all your cash it put in there and then the larger operation you can have captive insurance and still have re-insurance so you can still manage risk with captive insurance using other insurance. The reason I mentioned this is because you're not gonna get insurance through your banking system that exist today.
Once you get emancipated from this licensing system.
So, these are the core elements of what we're facing here.
This is, you know, not something we're used to dealing with, but.
So captive insurance, you know, it's an organization, it's specific to, you know what, what you're intending to do.
It's not like generic insurance, like, Well, I mean, Homeowners' insurance policies are different, but then you have a company that does a wide range of insurance contracts.
So, there's a different kind of risk there.
Anyways, know, a lot of the stuff, I'm going to this article here. I'm gonna put it in the telegram group, but a lot of this stuff, I just, I just copied information from experts, OK.
So, if I like I said, if I had to do this, I definitely would consult, but this is my idea here, and it's not original.
I'm not copying this idea from other places, I'm just saying, this idea has already been considered by other people. I just happen to understand this possibility, as well.
What I was saying before, about dispute resolution, and I'm sorry for jumping around, but, um, I would call that an ad hoc, Jerry, so where there's a dispute, you don't need a jury, you could just have a third party.
That's a neutral party, OK, that can just be a simple arrangement, like if if two doctors have a dispute, for example, they can confer with a third doctor and say, make an agreement that says, look, whatever, he decides what we'll go with.
We're human beings. We know how to do things like that.
Anyways, so, I just want to say, this is my last point on this is, this is the whole concept here for, for the ad Hoc Gerry where we're going to handle dispute resolution.
Imagine using, you know, blockchain technology to form an ad hoc jury, people that you don't know.
But, they're identifiable, OK?
We can identify them, and we know if the germ member is the same zero remember that was selected, OK, in the process. And then we have a set of rules that are going to be followed, in which we're going to present a dispute and all the merits of this being for both sides to the jury.
And the jury can decide, no, this is not new, but I'm saying, we just have technology, and so, it's actually going to be quite inexpensive to do this.
And there's going to be many brands of this, there's gonna be many brands, let's call it, software, that could administer this type of service. So, this is, now, we can do this. Now, they're actually, probably some services out there that can provide this.
So, anyways, I just want to introduce the concept. As you can see, it's my introduction to this.
I'm definitely gonna get into more, no, how tos.
And the only the only associations I've written for business ventures. So I'm just telling you in my experience, I've never created associations for entire networks of you know many, many professionals.
I believe I can do that.
but you know, it doesn't matter, just understand these concepts.
When is disability the IRS can collect levy.
Let me just ask something. So let me just do a couple of these.
State cannot interfere with membership the state can do you know anything that a criminal can do, a criminal is not supposed to do a thing.
I mean, if you look at the criminal code, it doesn't, it doesn't say, thou shalt not murder. It says, if you murder somebody, here's the penalty. If that's not how criminal law works, I mean, it just says, here's the penalty to commit this crime. So, of course, the state can interfere with membership.
And I would expect it to do that up to a point where it realizes that it's getting caught, and it's going to have to stop.
So, yeah. The answer is sure.
That can happen. But again, it's not a reason why we should not do it. It's not a reason why we should accept the the tyranny, right? Mentioned that because one has a disability the IRS can cannot levy.
I don't know about having a disability and levying. I'd have to have more information. I mean, you're welcome to just say it!
No, verbally, I don't know what you are.
Lisa, you. Yeah, I'm sorry, I did, I was muted. Yeah, No, I this is something that you had mentioned, that, in my particular situation, Smith knows that I have diabetes, and he knows that diabetes is a disability, and I didn't remember what she had to say about that.
OK, well, that's what another reason to: there should be an exception for the, the criteria they're using about what constitutes acceptable, expenses, grosser, expense.
Oh, OK. Well, we're not to that point yet. OK, yeah, we're not even there where I needed to go look that up and make the case, but I can make the case.
I just say, I need to get to that point. But we're just still going to be submitting in this. Oh, I see. Because I got the letter from doctor A's, are along, you know, not all than the letter that you wrote for me saying that the, yeah.
So that's this calculation. I just haven't done that yet. I've just been in really bad shape. So I, That's why I got the other letter.
And I wondered if you'd be so kind as to take a look and letter that I posted. I think it's good.
Certainly, I'll look at me back and I've asked them to call me three times, the agent.
Yeah, OK. Well make sure you're not missing a call, because that's how it comes in my phone. I don't go anywhere without my phone. Right.
I'm sure he's got a lot of those. Yeah, he's supposed to call you back.
So he's supposed to, so, somebody's asking about utility patent, you can search on a pan US patent trademark office. There's a search feature I think you did online now. I don't think game cost any money.
I don't think I was talking about if somebody had a patent can you still teach it in your private membership?
If somebody, if someone wants to patent the, yeah, he has a utility patent on the subject of what I'm talking about.
I don't care. I, I'm not, I'm happy that person has a patent but I don't even care if he has a patent.
If someone wants to claim that I'm infringing on his patent and you can do that, I'm gonna ignore them.
Because I looked at that, I look at it like this. I mean, it's like the practice of mathematics. No one has a patent on 2 plus 2.
All right, so if somebody else has a patent on, like a health care protocol, um, he said, passed away if that if there is a patent on it, can I still develop a PMA where I teach it? I use it as a service, it I do everything I need to do as far as business is concerned, just do it through a PMA.
The PMA would make it easier for you to avoid being detected if that's an issue.
You don't need a PMA. You can just do the thing.
And if someone wants to, like you said a health care protocol.
Yeah, yeah, It's copyrighted someplace.
I believe, OK, well, that's different than a utility patent. OK, because copyright, I can change how I describe something and that's not that gets out of copyright.
Well, the utility patent I mean somebody would have to actually discover that you're exactly violating the step by step and how's it going to do that in a private? Let's say your patient?
In which case you can manage that and but I, you know, for me you know, if I would not want to infringe upon someone's patent that actually results in him losing money. I'm not going to do that. But if that situation, if it were to come up, I mean other than that, I'm going to infringe on the patent.
I'm going to infringe on the trademark. I'm gonna in fact, I don't care, but if I'm going to hurt somebody, I'm going to first go to that person and say, look, I would want, I want I really want to do this thing. And you already got, you beat me to it.
You got this pattern and I can't augment the patent.
And I don't want to, can I just cut you in on the royalties. You know, it's that simple.
And let's say you were violating a patent and and someone, you know, made it made a case on it.
You could just say oh, sorry, can I cut even on the royalties right, it's very easy to work with that.
So if you develop a franchise system and you teach the practitioners, how to do the protocol and we usually what happens in the past, they just take it will break down the street, and the only thing that could whether you're against that is a non-compete.
You can have a non-compete, right?
You can also have a bond, too, you can make them put up a big.
A big bunch of cash is something, you know, there's all kinds of ways to you can put a liquidated damages clause in the contract.
There's a lot of things to discourage violations of agreements and you know, this sort of thing.
Supposed to have Wales liquidation clauses.
I am not sure if I ever got the purpose of a liquidation. Liquidated damages clause I learned from my attorney. I mean, you know, you learn things by losing money. I can tell you she wishes.
I lost $100,000 or something like that, because I was too stupid to get a contract.
and I did this deal, and it made millions, but I lost. It cost me $100,000 to recover it, because I paid my attorney $100,000 and when I gave her my last payment, and she fixed the problem.
But when I came over the last period, she was laughing at me from her desk and and she said, You know, for 500 bucks, you could have avoided all that, and I know I know I know you don't have to tell me, you know, so Yeah.
one more. one more question. That discourages litigation. Put it that way. It discourages bad behavior. Liquidated damages says, Hey, if you break the contract, give me a million dollars plus actual damages, right? You agree to that.
Yeah, that's scary.
Are the physicians that you train, are they protected under the PMA when they use it in the PMA?
Yes, that does protect their activities. It is part of it, it is documenting what they're already doing, and they understand this, when I'm explaining it, again, they understand that it has to be, their services are private, They can offer them, like, before, now, they can solve a clinic and all that jazz.
But they have to be careful how they generate business, They can't bring the patient, the prospective patient to the front door.
That's a little bit. And it's, it's different with Jim's with Jim's, I think I can do that, because Jim's the entranceway is different. I mean, there's all kinds of scenarios I every different from my clients.
Most OK, So most of them I've done in the last 2.5 years, or for gyms, dental offices chiropractors, a few physicians, and some schools, actually a couple of schools.
And so far, I haven't seen a problem. There was there's a hair salon to in Pennsylvania, yeah. So she was already doing a good job of running a PMA, she's didn't know it. And then all I did was modify our policy and I gave her a couple of things like liquidated damages. And that handled everything, and it got rid of that the Department of Health, that time.
Get rid of them, too.
They were mester, Yeah, that's another thing. And so, yeah, the piano is that it doesn't cure everything, It's just as another tool that you can use.
But the Act violating a patent.
Yeah, sure. Doing it privately, just another way to do it makes it easier.
But, you know, sometimes, like, if I wanted to, There's many ways of doing things, but just for fun, why wouldn't I open a restaurant that sells burgers and Fries? and call it McDonald's?
Because I don't have a franchise, and I don't have a license to do that, right? I don't have permission to use Macdonalds Trademark, which is, like, worthwhile $80 billion now.
It's trademarked. But why would I do that to get free publicity?
Got just a little bug.
What does McDonald's Care?
But using the name of McDonald's in this way would cause McDonald's probably to have to sue me or something in which I could ride that news wave for six months.
I'm not saying that's the best way to do things, but that's how I look at it.
But yeah, I wouldn't want to do something that is going to cost Obviously cost somebody money and if I did, I want to make them whole and include them on the deal.
Would there be an advantage to be a nationalist and doing a PMA?
Your, your citizenship or nationality doesn't really matter that, I mean, now, Now.
No, because we're dealing with property rights.
I mean, I can't see a scenario where that would happen.
Let me, um, you asked me about. So someone's asked me in the chat here about research, so I thought I did this before. but I will give you this particular research.
That it's on case law, it's got 13 pages of case law.
It is really good.
Oh my gosh, I read it again, You know, because I was when I was doing, I was like, completely cow, I need to give you guys the whole thing because, Um, what, did I call this? This is, yeah, let me do a screen share real quick and just run you through this. And I know you've got questions.
I'm not trying to cut you guys out, but I just got to show you this.
I'm gonna, I'm gonna give you this again.
Here we go.
All right.
So, of course, this is not me from 19 65, Yale law, I would never qualify to go there. So there's this really smart people, right, and I'm, I'm learning from them.
I'm not liberal enough, yeah, so, I mean, what did they start out with? They're talking about today is the first thing they say.
Is that, OK?
So a PM is defined by what it does not include, and it does.
And so this is really amazing, I mean, all, this stuff, just, if you, if you haven't read this, when you see this, like, you only get four pages into and you'd like. Oh, OK, all right, I got, I got this. Yeah, this is going to be OK.
And just keep in mind that share the state can ignore all this.
But this is really, really good, and it shows you how this is the right way to go. And in fact, this is how things were done before the US.
Constitution, By the way, somebody just brought this to my attention today, she was mentioning blackstone's commentaries and if you look at Blackstone Commentary back in the day. This is, this was in the 18th century. This is before just before the formation of the US. Constitution, the way the government was run, was under the Law of nations.
But it was, Blackstone was of, what do you call it, a jurist really? And he was a philosopher and so he had written all these tenants.
And he had it, so when they set up towns, they were private associations. And they were self-governing bodies. And then they would administer the rules of that society through the churches. And they would announce the rules, like twice a year or something. This is the operative thing, you'll see it. But blackstone's, commentaries, OK.
And so the US. Constitution came along and I'll just suggest this to you that the US. Constitution was necessary. Because the merchants that that we're operating at that time, they needed some justification for hijacking the King's Franchise.
This is what they did. I mean, they the king had every right to do what he did, because might make made right back then, and they hijacked it.
Good on them, Right? Does amazing. But they had to make a nation otherwise they're going to get annihilated.
They had to have some sovereignty so they didn't have a choice.
But anyways, you will see how the courts are not inclined.
Let's see here.
There's no remedy, right?
They let the PMUs do what they want.
Same thing with the Church, churches of ... society.
So as the Bar Association, they won't let me in, I don't want to be in, but I'm just saying, I'm not in there.
You know, they can exclude me, I have no complaint, but they can't interfere with my association. I have an association with other professionals that do this kind of work.
I mean, they don't do exactly what I do, but they do similar work and they're not bar members, I have an association with them, but that's not recognized.
Um, let's see.
Yeah, so this is an interesting case. The Thomas case. I'm not gonna get into Harris versus Thomas. I'm not going to get into that, But.
And this is great, so we got all this here.
This guy was an osteopath, and he was, you know, He was not liked by the physicians, he's going to exclude them or something, I don't know.
Anyways, it goes on and on. I'm not gonna go, but this is, I'm gonna put this on the telegram thing.
I'm sorry, but that's I don't get to sidetrack so.
Yeah, there you go there, there's your research and you can see in my document, I try to minimize legal citations.
She can read it yourself, and I just wanna make a few points, because there's some realistic things we have to consider.
It's one thing as to how a PMA works. But when you're a professional, there's a reality that in our situation, we're still going to need some way to establish our competence.
We're still going to need, you know, to give people a remedy and this sort of thing.
Better moving forward to be a national Yeah, your your nationality isn't going to matter.
I'm gonna look at it this way.
I mean, if you go to another country on vacation, and you hurt somebody driving?
Because your nationality factor into it, probably not.
Right, and, Emily, I'm so appreciative patients I need, and we fill out that survey listening. Backing up to the beginning of your discussion about the private membership association, at about the gym, and about the person coming in. And they had to do was by appointment only. And we were talking about physical places.
And as I think, You know, but I'm sharing well, what if we're talking about an online space, where perhaps we have, you know, some of the public can be involved to a certain level online.
Then there's sort of a, a deeper window that you can go in.
Goodness. Can this work, as well there.
It's very easy. It's like two lines of code that makes it Password user ID.
Well, yeah, I mean, in terms of the the law part not in terms of the online portal denying access to all, but members is the definition of a PMA. So you would physically or you know literally do that through a password. That you control your user ID and password.
That's just like your key code.
When you go to the gym or they're scan or yeah, hotel room, all that stuff is so exciting. It's so exciting you're talking about. Thanks. Yeah, it's it's been it's so old, but it's becoming more necessary that we have to talk about this now and I'm glad to do it. I mean, I didn't privately doing this for years. And I just I never really said PMA. I just set up ...
to do certain things and I never like, like educate the client.
I just said, Do this, and I'll be fine. Yeah, Well, you know what. We're talking about, the fixed, that we're in, in this country. We need to understand our history now. Yeah. Yeah. You began talking about how, you know, we can issue credit amongst ourselves and so forth. And then, we can also deal with our own disputes in these online jurors.
This up, this cover, all these things together, and indeed, we need to begin to exercise that muscle to do what's right. That's a good analogy, because we're the parents, right, and our children, they they've gone astray because we're too busy doing other things.
We're not paying attention for the most part, so we need to rein him back in and one way to do that is, when you just need to go on and in, do we do it. Again, do it the right way. Start from the beginning and all those other systems that are collapsing. They're going to collapse. When I show you guys later, we have a lot of power.
So I'm going to show you guys later how to use an HLA to control how you, how your property taxes are allocated and in fact, how to make it to where you don't need to pay property taxes.
You should allocate some money every year for the operation of your community, but I'm just saying the property tax can be eliminated with our h.o.a.s.
We just have all the lien, right? We have the lien rights.
I'll explain that today though you also there's a thank you for that Emily let's see who ET Meeny Miney Mo, who's next?
I'm sorry. I lost track.
I think it was a was a soil soil? Soil? a tiara.
Really, if you're asking me, Can I ask? I could ask, Hey, you have very basic question. I'm not savvy. And they said, Oh.
Geez, I have this situation that we, with my business partner, we want to create an egg, A legal entity that allow us to work in what we want to work, which is regenerative, earthwork and water harvesting harvesting system in the countryside that I do not have. We didn't have any license, legal university license. We have been learning with professionals in the world, OK? So, my question is, How you do that?
What would be the best way where no, we have a bank account in bed?
I don't know how is the process. I mean, are you selling products?
We sell service ..., Design ation so it says service purely or is it service and products?
No product, OK, so it's a it's a professional service I mean you can always get a license that the licensing jurisdiction is happy to give you a license for other. You know there may not be a category for what you're doing, but what I would suggest to you is that you just do your work.
And now.
Do you need insurance as some kind, or no, you don't. So We need a bank account I guess. I don't need a license for that.
So but you are talking about the PMA oh oh, the license would come from your your client.
Yes. He's going to want your consultation means. There is no other need to involve anybody else.
It's not like you're selling gasoline or something.
Right. Right. Now.
So, if we want to take payment online sure.
Take your payment however you want.
Yeah, in how we open a bank account, without bow we any way we have to have AEA a N Yeah, get an EIN. Not that is required, but the banks won't open it. It's not required by law, but the banks won't open it.
That's their private association.
So yeah, they're gonna say get an EIN, and then you give them your Articles EIN, approval letter, and your documents as the seiner.
Easy enough, OK, and, but still, I'm not understanding, if this is a PMA.
Well, you would open an account as a limited liability company. You don't need to deal with the bank as a PMA. If you want to make the owner a PMA, that's up to you. But you said there's another person, Your two of you yes, OK. So the two of you can each be owners of the company I would recommend, because the two of you are a PMA.
You don't need to call yourself. If you call yourself a PMA, the bank just you know, freezes. They short out. We don't need to do You know, where the Banks A PMA, but they they freak out, if you're using a PMA fact is if two of you are, you know, you're not husband or wife. So both of you sign on, and that gives you charging order, and that's a business partnership, which is .... That is the definition of it.
It's just it's not, you're not calling it a PMA, it just is. And the the entity that you're wanting to do deal with is your LLC.
Each have an ownership interest, and the ownership is expressed in the membership. So you don't say what percentage that is in your articles, you could.
But you just say that each of you is a member managing member member.
And we have the same power and responsibility if you want.
Yeah, Yeah. That's expressed in your Operating Agreement, which the banks gonna want to see, but don't give them that.
Give them, if anything, but that don't give them the whole document.
I always give them an abstract version of an Operating Agreement because I don't want them to see my whole operating, OK.
And, so, what about taxes For what income taxes?
Millimeter does it You can decide what you want that to be. I mean, if you want the company to pay taxes, you can I guess isn't 120. It depends on how you do it. You can file as an S corp. If you want to file tax returns, if you don't, you can use that pass through.
I just set one up yesterday and it was two partners and each of the partners, they were using their own LLC as the partner of their collective LLC, so, it was an LLC that was doing what you're doing except each of the partners expressed his interest as an LLC.
So it's three LLCs and so the LLC, the main one that they are working under doesn't file returns.
Then periodically, when money is disbursed to each of the owners, it goes to the other LLCs. The one guy that owns the LLC, he's filing returns. The other guy is not.
He's going to do something else. So you have the option that LLC to just not file returns.
So the only thing to keep in mind is money that you're using from the LLC, where it's going to be for your personal expenses.
That has to be included with your Gross Income when you file your 10 40, Other than that, the LLC does not have to file a return.
OK, especially in your case, because your ownership is not exclusive hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, It's not your money, in other words, so it's there's no gain, OK.
And, but if we had to contractor other service, like all professionals like machinery, heavy machine, um, that works anyway.
Yeah, make a payment just you deal with them just like you would personally.
Can you do our papers?
Yeah, LLC, articles, yeah. Yeah, I can set that up and then walk you through it, right, and talk with you both and then, go over the details on how to use it in all these things. Yeah, of course. Yeah. That's what I do that. If you go to ... of coins dot com, there's an order form, just fill it out. Tell us what you want to call it.
My assistant set it up.
Then she'll send you the documents for you to review, to make sure it's all good, and then before you approve it, we can discuss it.
If you have any questions. Otherwise, you can improve it.
She registers it, and then we started implementing everything. I already checked that this data has not the name that we want to use, OK? I hope we can get it nice Good, yeah, she'll do that too, but if you've done that, that's nice makes it saves time sometimes, OK. ... of Coin and form field the forum and say Exactly, yes, awesome.
Thank you. All right. You're welcome.
All right, Inc, Right, and I'm just gonna go I'm gonna ask Ray what he's right what do you?
Unmute, unmute.
I can't hear you.
It's muted. Again, it looks like.
OK, I should be able to hear you, probably your mic's not on.
I heard you last time.
You might have to crank the handle on the side of the computer.
I'm sorry, K area. I wish you knew Sign Language.
Yeah, that's probably Sign language, I don't get it there.
Yes, I'm gonna go ahead and they'll come back to you. To share, works. Good. If we get a job with the State board, can you help us navigate through the system? Yes, I do that, I haven't, you know, that's not a normal thing, but, yeah, every once in awhile, I have an administrative hearing. And, I can handle those guys. Yeah.
Capacitors are, We can deal with them.
All right, while they have you there.
Oh, have you, how can we search for any kind of cases that we're, the one in front of the state board, with physicians, use an alternative care for diseases?
How could we research that to see what's out there? I haven't been, OK, there is some good case law I can tell you for sure.
I have not done the research on it, but I know it's out there.
What I would do to save you time is, I would probably have an attorney or a paralegal. You can find a paralegal, by the way, on fiber dot com, more than likely. A lot of these guys are in other countries, but they know how to do what's called jeopardizing and legal research for the States.
And, um, all the reporters are available on the internet, now. sometimes it might cost you a subscription like, you know, 20 bucks or something like that.
But I would have someone look and you will find lots and lots of cases almost.
In fact, say that, again, describe what it is, a body of law. You're talking about. Alternative disease, especially cancers.
OK, OK, so If you look at an Amateur and Corpus Juris secundum, CJS, could you scarlet or Amateur American jurisprudence, they called ... AM J You are. You'll see down the spine of the book, Amateur to Green. Green. Green. And then CJS, those are the beige colored with the red and black binding on, the back CJS. I used to live in the law library.
So look under the the volumes that have to do with medical products.
OK, that's starting, there's probably some more. I'm not sure.
But, yeah, I mean, if you have access to a law library, I mean, if you'd like to do that stuff, and I love it, I will go all spent Saturday there. And I'll just go find, It's very interesting to sit there and read all the case law.
It just so much a university or a university, should have all the Federal and State reporters'. You're going to have the State reporting.
They're there like encyclopedias the reporters for your Court, **** your court cases, your state reporters, and they'll go back for like 100 years and your Federal reporters.
You got the Supreme Court reporter, first fed, second fed third, federal reporter, Georgia, reporter, you know, whatever state you're in.
Oh, yeah, I mean, they go on for four or ... miles. But there's a lot of case law on this type of thing.
Um, pertain to licensed, unlicensed alternative care, you'll run into it, OK.
Ray, did you do?
Now I know here, I don't know, that's not fair.
So good, then, I'm sorry drastically.
And let's see how 'bout Let's cut away, I forgot about, you're able to go ahead rates high.
Probably asked us a couple of times, has been 20 19. I set up an LLC and the EIN, I was going over your paperwork from four years ago, and it says, You know, Readme first as an LLC must be at the end of the EIS work. Yes, I have. one that is not. Can I just go ahead and apply for a new one? And again, do I set it into the bank or anything?
Yeah. I would just add the update.
The back, OK. Very simple. That's Progress. Do it again and be careful to go slow and make sure that, you know, it's for the others. I've done like three others that I looked at those knell for some reason that one doesn't have it. Just for crypto. Whatever.
Now, another thing, just make sure I've got this correct, The LLC that I choose. I choose not to.
I choose to make it a or the Yeah, I choose to make it a pass-through, not to file taxes. Is that just because That's what I can do that, Yes, it's your tax treatment. So if you're not filing returns for it, then that's what it is.
You decide what the tax rate was going to be.
OK, so let's say I'd say I cash out of ... by an airplane and set it up a new LLC.
I use the same PMA, and I should give it to a leasing company and they'll pay my LLC. Now, I can still use that as a pastor. Sure.
Absolutely. Yep.
Oh, no, no, no, don't come up here now, one last claim. I'm sorry. I didn't realize, yeah, you got the right idea.
That's how OK, last question, I think I've asked this already to My kids have Social Security numbers. They have had jobs here to there, but they have not filed taxes yet is I would just have you tell them never to file, never file that I'll never to file their OK. They decided that before and get a W two, which don't file 1040 ever. You'll never come at the IRS.
Now, could you could do, like, set up a PMA and an LLC and say, Don't hire may hire my LLC? If you're not employed, if you're not, if it's not an employment position, D you cannot do it. If it meets the principles, the common law principles of employment. There's some criteria: Like, for example, If you have to show up and you have to follow the rules, and you have break times, that's employment. That they cannot, and the accounting person will say, No, I can't do that. I can't give you an ISO. Yeah, but that's what I have my children doing. I mean, they, they, they are doing their thing out there. Yeah, there's no adult finally. It's actually just tell them, don't, file will deal with it. Yes. When you file, then you create all this drama.
I think I found nine tax returns in my life, that's it.
And I stopped, so, but I mean, filing one is enough. If you've never filed one, you'll never have a problem.
Well, that's it. Thanks so much, right? Sure. Ray.
Yeah, OK, that work.
Now. All right, so let me go to go to use Solitaire and just a second I was going to call Zoom User.
If you would, please, Zoom.
Yeah, that's me. OK, you said, what you just said to that, man was, they can file for a W two and get a W four, but just not a 1040, right?
Right, don't file a tax return, even, get an income report, W two, you can sign a W four to get a job.
They're gonna withhold money.
You'll just never recover it.
Oh, Well, then you might as well just not.
Well, no, just make more money! Right, OK. It's just the nature of the beast that you want a job and you're not filing returns donor. Don't file to get a refund.
Then don't make lots of deductions because the IRS will just say, No, we're going to change it, you know.
So just do a standard deductions, one dependent and then deal with that. Mean, for the first 10 years of your life, for my life, anyways.
For many people's lives, they have a job. And that's great for learning, It was good for me, for a 10 year period, to learn how you do things are done. And then I start doing that.
Yeah, so maybe, it's a good experience.
And so, what if, it's costing me a little bit more, and I'm not getting refunds like, my friends, I'd rather not be tangled up at the IRS.
Yeah, OK, cool.
Yeah, so, I could still, Because there's been situations where I was thinking, Man, I really like to just get the experience of working with them, but I don't wanna do, I don't want a file.
If you've never followed Send 40, just go get a job somewhere excited, Debbie, for, you'll get a W two. Just don't follow 10 40. You'll just be out that money that they withheld.
Yeah, just live, live with it.
I mean, you shouldn't, after a few years, you shouldn't be relying on wage income anyways exclusively, You should be having a side hustle, everybody should.
OK, I was just taking a note.
Actually the reason why I wanted to talk to you as I was setting up the Etsy Business Accounting and I, I know to put in the LLC information and all that stuff, but I was wondering, I know it's probably considered a third party. They asked for shop owners, name and Social Security, which would just be me. But then additional information for the, like anybody who has 25% or more indirectly making KYC question, The shop owners name is the company.
Oh, OK.
And you probably gave him a copy of the articles, right?
Know, I haven't yet, I haven't signed any of that stuff. Yeah. I haven't even sign that up, but it just said like, Legal business address.
And the ... are emergent processor.
Know, etsy's Etsy also. Providing the merchant processing as part of the package.
No, I just, I was just going to sell on there. Interesting!
Yeah, I don't think they used to do that. I think that recently, just a great, Well, why is he asking KYC questions like a bank would.
Yeah, and that I would like to know that. What, you know, we can do is asked for ...
document retention policy and asked for the purposes of requesting this, and holding this information, these records.
Alright, so explain that the shop owner is the company.
You just work there.
You're the signer, you're an employee.
So, um, I probably have to e-mail them, right?
So, they ask the legal business address, entity name, registration, EIN, then I obviously give that. And then the shop owner, i.g.s..
It says first and last name, I just do the same thing, the LLC or the people make sure that the shop owner is the account holder for Etsy. And that it's your company, your LLC, with its EIN, make sure they make that distinction, and that it's not to be confused with your information, which I would not give them an SSN. You're opening a bank account. What the heck are they talking about? Why they need your SSN.
Yeah, that's I'm saying, I mean, if they're providing the merchant services, OK.
But then again, it's not essayists some merchant processor, but why is Etsy asking you for that? Again, I would ask them for the data retention policy, why are you asking for this? You're not a bank.
You're not paying me anything.
Are they holding your funds like an escrow agent?
Don't think so.
I'm just sign, I'm just putting some T-shirts on there and I get that done at a different my company, and then I just post that right on Etsy. I don't I don't see how the SC would even need the EIN for the company.
It was, it should know who the owner of the website is, The owner of the business. Which is your company?
That's fine, but why does it need an EIN? It's not remitting any funds to you. Right?
Yeah. No, I mean I'm getting paid somehow, and I guess I'm getting paid from whoever wants to buy the product.
Yeah, But where's the money getting processed through a merchant processor?
That's not Etsy, or your own merchant processor.
Just, let's see how you get paid, why don't you send me?
The Link or document that you're looking at so I can see what's being requested, OK, Yeah, if you can do that by telegram. And it's OK.
To call me, I mean, know, if you need to call me tomorrow, or something, but if you give him by telegram, I'd like to see what's because I'm learning. I coach people aren't doing Etsy sites. I haven't heard of this before.
OK, yeah, and I want to give out any dimension, of course, day, I got no problem.
OK, cool, I'll send you a yes, and do that.
OK, and so, Tara?
Now, I'm watching to your form, and, say, you mentioned something like, I, I like the idea to be an LLC member of this company, so my question is to anyway. I'd put my two names so fast, because we don't have any LLC yet.
So, in your farm, I put just our names.
Yeah, In the form.
In the two members' names, the two members name, my e-mail and my phone. yes, yeah.
The other thing is, I am in Colorado. We are in Colorado. And we want to use a agent address because we don't want to put our address.
OK, Well, the agent doesn't like you to use its address for your business But you can do some agents do that. But many of them don't, Which you can do is just choose an address on My System, Will Do That.
She'll set that up for you.
Just don't put an address, and she'll she'll get you one. So she'll get you a principle addresses what you need, Is you also get your registered agent address, and in your case.
Well, what she'll do, she'll choose the principle address, and she'll also make it the agent and she'll probably name you as the agent.
Then, what the ... agent, she'll name you as the agent at at an address that you're not going to be using, but it'll be a valid address, That's what she'll do.
OK, because I look an internet. And when you can select some agents that child you $30 Still Sure Yes, yes, Yes. Do I do that first, and then I can, but it's not necessary. We already set it up Yeah, there's no need for that.
I tell people to get an agent as if they have a brick and mortar location Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm.
Because we show that means that any e-mail or thing, or staff, no e-mail mail, will arrive to that address, Know, the only time mail will go to an address is when you tell people to send it to an address.
So no one's going to look up your company that's doing business with you, to send mail to that, unless he's trying to solicit you without your, so it's unsolicited. But, yeah, you're just going to tell people that you'll put on your business card. You'll put the actual address on your business card, No one's ever gonna look up your company and send your mail that wants to deal with you.
If somebody wants to sue you the hill, then he has to then look up your registered agent address, which is a dead end.
In which case, if someone's sued your company, let's say, and he served that address, that would be proper service. And you would never know it. And you would default on the case, and you would lose. But you would know months and months in advance before that were to happen.
You can you can easily solve that, OK? Yeah, you're never gonna.
Have a problem with that, OK? So yes, I put my data and our both names, and she'll take care of it. Just leave it blank yeah, awesome, awesome thing Your age of coin telegram group. You cannot put I cannot post anything I'm there for a long time, and I only can read things Yeah. Yeah, it's like that one time, I let it opens to ask someone's opinion. Ask your opinion, and that was way back. I mean, I don't I don't like to sit there and read messages. I'm sure you guys say smart things to Many groups going on, so just like to tell people what I'm doing.
So thank you. All right.
Ray, is the work. And you hear me? Yeah, all right. I left and came back and tested my audio.
So now on these AMA's, you really expanded on it now to me.
Me give you some some things I run into with private clubs and I thought it always came under Article one section retain the right to contract on doing this.
But now the Constitution in Article one section change the right to contract should not be impaired. Well, that is not the source of the right to contract, but you can cite it as a protection of a right to contract. You already have the right to contract that's how we were able to write the Constitution.
Maybe these are PMA, so in the nineties late nineties there's two.
Atlanta: The blocks have to shut down at 2 0 AM on Friday night and midnight on Saturday night because no bars were allowed to be open on Sundays, and that's changed now.
So there was a couple bars. It didn't go by that. Sure.
I went to, for example, I would go into this bar. And he said, You are now leaving Atlanta.
And you had to join the bar as a private member for a dollar.
Well, it's tied up in july 24th. That's another way to do it. Sure. Yeah. That's the bar. You said you are now entering Atlanta. Yeah.
That's pretty accurate you because you're, I mean I don't like to do it that way, because the problem is you run into just running into a bunch of people who don't know how to think so. But they just get confused and that's really a PMA, yeah, but really, OK. So the business model that you're describing there, is it just an awkward version of a speakeasy.
So the Speakeasy is a great example of how you would run a bar privately or anything for that matter any brick and mortar business. OK, Speakeasy, was an excellent model for that. Even the cost of leaving alone?
Yeah, they could do anything you said. Which was interesting. I caught it. Associated, You are leaving Atlanta when he left the bar. So you are now entering Atlanta, yeah, that's fun way to do it, in a nice. Salt. Lake City, to I was in Salt Lake County jail. They passed Ordinances City auditors.
No smoking allowed, but yet they had these bars issued cigarette, tobacco, pipe. You had to join for a dollar.
It was It was like, it was a product. So are those ... under under, They operate like PMS. Same with the I guess they call a bottle clubs. The bars. After the hour, you can bring, Like, I've seen in some bars, you would leave the The alcohol that you'd like to drink.
You leave it at the bar, right? And then, they're not selling it to you. So after you, they can't serve drinks anymore.
Well, they can't sell your drinks, but they can serve you drinks and you can tip them. So, they will serve you the alcohol that you left there last week.
So, there's many innovative, OK, yeah.
And that means that it's actually illegal, but, But, it still falls under property, right.
That's all. It is. Yeah. It's a way to exercise a property, right. The way that involves the state. When they say, you know, you have to close at certain time, Well, that just has to do with your licensing. You ask for permission and then that's how they give it to you.
Gotcha. is the right to contract property, right?
Absolutely, it is, OK, right. To contract. Oh, yeah, Yeah, I wonder if I wanted to write, so that's OK.
All right. Yeah. When you decide what, Sarah, you're going to eat in the morning. That's your private property rights, an intangible, private property, right? Yeah, OK, OK, All right.
All right, Elaine.
Did you have anything? Yeah, sorry. Just a quick reminder. Would you please read that letter, that I just uploaded on Telegram? It's just two paragraph I will, and someone's waiting for me to column. I will read it. OK, should I call you tomorrow. You will call me tomorrow. Yeah, it can be tonight.
Yeah, probably denier. Perfect.
That'd be perfect by a bar like that in Asheville. Oh interesting, so they still have things like that, OK, that's cool.
There's a bar like that, Nashville, Asheville, North Carolina, Ashville.
Yeah? Cool.
All right. Well, thanks, everybody. I'm going to end this. Someone's waiting for me. He said, It's urgent. Oh, I'm sorry, Brian, Go ahead real quick. we've got just a quick question. John, is the call from last week posted anywhere or not yet?
It's about to be OK. I didn't forget. I'm just slow. Now, just curious, thank you, Jay. Thanks off tonight. Thank you.
1. The speaker discusses the idea and benefits of private associations, arguing that these can help in problem-solving and in navigating systemic issues and corruption.
2. A private association needs to be more than just a document; it needs to have actual associated parties, such as a group of physicians working together.
3. Private associations can be regulated or unregulated, with members held to the strict liability of a set of statutes. The speaker encourages considering “emancipation” from the current system.
4. The speaker asserts that private associations can continue their activities as long as they are not performing actions that are “substantially evil” or causing risk to others’ life, limb, or property.
5. In a healthcare context, the speaker describes how physicians can use private associations to avoid potential threats to their license and hence their career.
6. The speaker explains that private associations can help individuals to bypass certain state licensing requirements. Despite potential friction with professional licensing boards, they argue that this is manageable.
7. The speaker argues for the legitimacy and protection offered by private associations, stating that they are supported by case law and public policy.
8. The concept of dispute resolution within private associations is introduced. The speaker explains that this could involve a third party or an ad hoc jury to mediate disagreements.
9. The speaker describes their own experiences with private associations and suggests that these can provide a route to “emancipate” oneself from the existing system.
10. Finally, the speaker discusses the operational aspects of private associations. They suggest that these associations can choose not to file tax returns and can manage their financial arrangements privately. The speaker encourages participants to explore these concepts further.