OK, thanks for joining, everyone today is May 11th, Thursday evening.
I wanted to discuss the security agreement, another component or part of it, I want to cover the definitions.
But before I do, I wanted to introduce something that I probably had mentioned in reference recently, and I want to permanent precede that with some basic understanding of something that's actually happening right here in Orlando.
Tell me by chat if you guys it's so that you can't hear me very well, OK, I'll try to do something. it sounds like it's working.
OK, so I'm looking at the chat window now.
So, um, what do you have here?
This is a picture, a bike ride. OK?
So last Friday of every month here in Orlando or downtown Orlando, anywhere from 600, that may be, well, hundreds, sometimes more.
I think, the last Friday was a lot, more than 1200 people, They show up downtown, which we all ride, provide an hour about 10 miles, through the streets.
And as you can see, I mean, this is, this photo. Here is a light image of the path of people.
I mean, normally, there's so many people, and you can't even say history, so this is either the bar on the back or the front.
I don't know where.
But anyways, my point is dead people, I mean, they want to be safe, right?
And so, we have, this is a public right away, and we're free to use it in bike riders have the right of way.
As opposed to vehicles and pedestrians have the right away, above everyone else, OK.
When we're in the street, riding his bike, when we come on a red light, we just stop, and we allow the traffic to keep doing what it's doing.
That if we come on a green light, we all understand we're going to be riding their bikes and then the light changes.
There's so many people, the light sometimes goes through two cycles, and the people on the other side, that are going, crossed paths.
Hey, wait.
And what happens is this group, they call it critical mass, actually defines what the traffic laws are in that respect, OK, they don't decide with the seeds or things of that nature, but as long as they're operating, let's call it. A reference.
Just bear with me.
But basically as long as you're operating in a way that does not pose a risk to someone else's life limb or property, you can do it OK. We cannot keep traffic, we have to keep on moving.
And the police in every jurisdiction of the country, they apply, uh, the standards upgrade onto something like this. Now, this doesn't really qualifies for a police, don't get involved.
The police and the sheriff's office are aware of this, and let's call it an event.
But as long as we're not getting too many complaints from local residents. And, in fact, lots of people are outside sharing first and things like that as we're going by.
It's all good, OK.
So my point here is that people make the laws, but the limitations, they cannot do things that will jeopardize the safety of others or mores and traditions. But in this case, it's public safety or under the public safety, understanding we're gonna use of public right of way or private conveyance of what we're doing.
So, it's funny, because the person there one person to organize You wouldn't read the article. You got the link right here.
So, you can see the Oregonian.
It's called Critical Mass.
There's only there's always, going back and forth, between the cops and between our group.
Mean, it's, A lot of people say, a couple of people, really, they don't always show. But this is, our last one is the previous one.
We are going to do another one at the end of this month, but the police call up the liaison, the person, from the group and that they keep saying, hey, I'll make sure that people that are out there aren't upsetting the drivers and this sort of thing.
So, they understand, understand, long as we're doing this and it's not causing risk to other people's property, then they have to limit, and there's no way around it.
Now, people that are in this, they don't understand, know, these. cops came out there, said, you can't do any of them, anyways.
So, we are the law in that situation. People are the people, or the jury, that people ultimately decide what is going to be done in those communities. And that's how it works.
So, over the years, we set up a lot of things for us, and it served its purpose, and I'm finding that it doesn't serve our purposes or run away from us. And we're finding out that, actually, the question, I'm trying to be where we are talking to someone, Or something that you might be able to appreciate.
So, what I'm looking at is looking at different types of cases that people bring to me. And I'm seeing that part of the solution is as much as I'm opposed it over the years, is using arbitration. And because people have the power of the jury or the, they are the jurors are the law, they are the jurors. And so, when they're sitting there and reviewing a violation of people.
Can decide what's the right thing to do.
Is there too much feedback? Nicola, can you guys bear with them?
Tony Geesh causing it.
Let's see, really.
Tony, G, Tony is causing it to mute.
Is that it?
Yep, yep.
Right, I'm gonna manage this.
Anybody there?
He did it, he did. OK, Oh, yeah, I heard a button to move X Toady. All right?
Ready or genius, man, thanks!
You're right.
OK, sounds good now. Thank you, OK?
Oh, no, that's alright.
Appreciate that.
So, wow.
So, my point is, these people don't understand what's going on.
But, I'm, I'm riding with them. I don't say anything. I just like that. I like the fact that I can ride downtown Orlando on Friday night.
In the middle of the street.
And, there's no traffic, Or the only traffic. Yeah.
Anyways, my, my point is to work this over, into understanding that we have, we have a federal law, and I'm gonna get into this, right. So we have a federal law that has to do it.
Clauses in agreements that require disputes to be resolved through what's called arbitration, or what I'm going to talk about here is binding arbitration. Now, the the banking system had tried to use this against consumers to make it easier for them to get judgements, which it's so easy for them right now I don't see why they were doing. I think they just they just wanted to be cruel or something. I don't know.
But anyways, we put a stop to that. And back in the 2004, 2005 period, put a stop to that, but something like I created.
But anyways, it got me thinking. I mean, I had to do a lot of research on the subject and way back then. I really, I was trying to oppose it and we did.
We actually overturned the banks' ability or willingness to perpetuate this, this wrap on, on people, specifically, Credit Card Users.
What I'm saying is, under this federal law, so this isn't pedal nine under arbitration. OK, and Chapter two, Section two, over here, OK?
If you put an arbitration clause in a contract, then if it's binding, and if the language is specific, it says, It'll have to say something like the parties waive their rights to go to court. They They can only resolve their disputes through binding arbitration, and so forth.
OK, there's plenty of clauses like that, we can we can pull that excuse me, we can get those clauses pretty much anywhere.
So that's the idea, but they come out of this arbitration, the Federal Arbitration Act.
So this is a rule established by government that allows us to resolve disputes, complete disputes. I mean, I'll talk about Civil And we can get into criminal, but let's just talk about silver for right now.
Through non court settings.
So the arbitrator typically is going to be a professional arbitrator, puglia, retired judge.
Molina Attorney that wants to do this kind of work. It does not have to be. an attorney, does not have to be a judge, it can be your grandma, right? It just has to be probably couldn't your grandma, but it has to be a neutral party, OK?
So this is, this is the statute where I'm it. This is the foundation, the origin of what I'm about to tell you.
If, if you have a binding arbitration clause in a contract, then one party tries to go to the court: The court cannot take jurisdiction.
And what's, what's really interesting is, if you commence a proceeding in court, when you over disputes involving a set of agreements, where a provision of that agreement, the collection of all agreements says, You have to go to binding arbitration knowledge. You waive your right to go to court forever. You also waive your right to arbitrate the dispute. And I can tell you. Right now, I had a case, or during that foreclosure period, where everybody's getting foreclosed, aren't I just one case in Florida? And this is where I discovered this.
And it was a it happened to be a headlock, and this lady was already in foreclosure, and we'd be hands off of a motion to dismiss and basically argue.
There's actually a Florida citation for this. I forget what it is now.
Basically, we made this argument, and they had to quit.
And he locked, typically is not a claim that banks are going to propose are really a waste their time because once they propose bank, mortgage lender is going to propose maps.
But for some reason, they were doing that.
So apparently, the attorney to contract, I found the most dismissiveness that the Court didn't have jurisdiction, because the arbitration clause.
And of course, proof right away.
So what I'm saying is that we can use arbitration to resolve disputes.
Now, I brought up something, if you look on my channel, you'll see, I was trying to address a niche market of people, that men specifically, that would be concerned about getting married these days, or people that are already married concerned about.
The possibility of The spouse was, I'm not blaming women for anything I'm just saying, the statistics are talking. They're talking about it, that the woman wants to leave the marriage, and she wants to take it out after the stuff that the kids and all this sort of thing, OK, I'm sure it happens the other way around, too, but that would not be the case, OK.
So, alright, So that happens because the courts have jurisdiction by default because the husband or wife don't know about what I'm explaining here and why would they? And no attorney is going to tell you, there's always because that's his bread and butter.
Divorce attorneys make their money by involving billable hours. I mean, they create billable hours.
They don't have to, I've seen so many cases where, if I'm gonna help somebody, and I don't want you to get involved in such cases, but if I'm going to try to help somebody briefly, we'll have to get rid of your time.
That's, you can't do anything unless, Yeah.
So, this is like, there's vultures, OK?
So, there's many reasons to divest the court of its jurisdiction, using arbitration, as my point.
one of which will be, let's say, a family court, why couldn't I think the best, the court, and its jurisdiction, because I'm concerned about the courts interfering with my parenting and wanting to take my children?
So if I have an agreement after the marriage grants, I have an agreement with my wife or spouse, whatever, um, two resolve all disputes through binding arbitration.
Let's call this a post nuptial agreement, not typically a post sexual agreement, what is leading toward a divorce decree?
I'm not suggesting that what I'm saying is use a post sexual agreement, too.
Preclude the court from taking jurisdiction now. That's half of it.
It's, like, let's call it half the battle.
Once I've done that, OK, I can do other things, too, So, the example I have, if you watch my video on YouTube, is that while I would preclude the Court from taking jurisdiction, I would also strip the marital community of all the chattel, meaning furniture, and stuff, right? The things that get divided in a divorce. So I get the mirror community, so it has zero.
The toaster is not even an animal, that's Chattel, right?
The furniture, the TV, whatever. That's all channel, clothing.
All these things, that gets.
So what I do in the post an actual agreement design, I write a declaration of trust, OK?
We'll see if you if you read it, or it's on the channel, All the channels put into this trust. And then I have a binding arbitration clause.
So there's other things, There's other elements to that.
So we have the power to do that end.
We can go to an arbitration from our choice.
There are some standards.
So, um, new mixture, there are some standards you have to follow.
You can't just say, Hey, it's arbitration, because I said so, because it's gotta be OK.
All right.
So, just like the example of, you know, we decide what the traffic flow is going to be around us in the name of public safety, as long as we're operating under that, That's the standard, OK?
So when it comes to family law, there has to be a standard where whereby, when the party venture into the agreement, it's fair for everybody.
OK, I'll explain that video briefly, how that works.
So, here's one. Here's what I'm really going to introduce, Joe.
Then I'll get into the security agreement.
Um, what I'm what I'm working on right now is a way to convene a jury, your peer's. Let's just call it and we can we can worry about the details later.
So that you can have a jury. And I can just tell you there's a trend.
It's been a trend for decades to whittle down and just annihilate the use of a jury in almost every aspect of our society.
When it began with most, everything was done by jury about 12 numbers, OK, so you can read up on that.
What I, what I want to do is have a jury, and you'd have to talk to us a statistician and figure out at what point do we have enough people that would make an error or the theorist ruling on a dispute.
So 12 is a really good number.
But I've read, brought historical texts. I read where juries were, 500 members. I don't think we even do that. But with technology, I think we can easily do that. I don't think it's necessary.
I think we can have a jury of 12 to 24 people, or 50 people, or something like that, OK.
I think we can do that, the software, and, if we don't have anything else, but, my description of this method today, you can do this yourself using this same application XOOM, right? You can have a jury, you can convene a jury, the resume. And, you can add the jury review, the facts of the case.
You can even conduct boy D, or you can even challenge the jurors ability to the jury, and you can remove people and then bring people in. And, this is like we do now. We can even use the court standards for this.
So, I'm going to call this an ad hoc jury.
So when you have the Binding Arbitration Clause, if you don't, if you don't specify how the how the arbitration has to take place, like some some arbitration clauses, name, the American Arbitration Association as the form through which and its rules through which the arbitration will take place. And so what that does is also the best important, getting involved, if you just say your dispute is subject to binding arbitration, and then that's the end of it.
The Court could get involved and decide how the arbitration is going to be assigned events.
It can't really decide the rules, because rules for arbitration are pretty much already established, but that's what I'm saying. So in an average or binding arbitration clause, we can actually specify how the how the arbitration will commence.
Now I'm going to call this again, an ad hoc jury.
So you understand weakly, at the Federal Arbitration Act, the courts are bound by it.
There's no discretion.
Now, there is an exception but an arbitration agreement or proceeding can be interfered with orn intruded upon by the Court.
If there's fraud, an arbitration award can be denied.
Confirmation of it can be denied, or it can be set aside by the court if there's a show in abroad, OK?
So, that's something, again, you can look at, but I think that can easily be avoided, especially for most applications, but the ad hoc jury is what I'm talking about.
So, I would prefer to have if I'm going to be in a dispute, maybe it's an important commercial contract, or, instead of having the state, possibly true concept, as important to me, like my marriage, I would much rather have 24 people that I'm gonna qualify them by the fact that they're married. You know, if there's, if they've never been married, I'm going to exclude them from the jury, right.
And maybe we need 24 people may need 12 people and we get them, we qualify the jurors. We have a process now, in the jury. What we're gonna do is, we're gonna go through the idea, Are we gonna qualify and see if they can do this?
We're just an application process, we can do it through a phone app, we can do it on the Internet, we can have a jury pool. I want to be on a jury if you guys ever do something like that.
And then, from that, we can start selecting people. I don't know what's in it for people to do it. Maybe they're just interested in cases, right? I don't know that they're going to make money with it, but they certainly could. We can charge a fee or the jury, the jury application can charge a fee.
that way.
If I'm on an ad hoc jury selection tool, let's call it in my state and maybe I get selected for jury duty, rice. And I make, you know, five bucks a day or something, that's probably something that I would look something like that, right? No. Big deal. It's just interesting and it wouldn't take my whole day and I wouldn't have to be sequestered in a hotel.
Know, maybe there's something else we can figure that out, and this I'm not saying. This is a criminal aspect I'm saying for civil disputes.
But more importantly, and more immediately.
We can do this with the family situation and testing the child family child protective services, getting them out of the picture, given the power back to the parents.
And again, it's interesting, because a jury or the formation of it, or this type of operation was actually a membership. And so it was a court, it's all a PMA.
It's quite interesting. And rulings and findings can be easily based upon legal proceedings already available in our jurisdiction. We already have the rules of civil procedure. We can adopt those. We have rules of arbitration, we can adopt those. All those rules.
I've mentioned this before, all those rules originate from Robert's Rules of Order, or a parliamentary procedure.
But these are already established.
You can, you can just go look up the American Arbitration Association rules or the National Arbitration Forms rules there on the internet, You can download them, and you can use those rules in an ad hoc jury type situation.
That's all I want to say about that.
I know it's a big subject, but there's some real important applications for this because we can really clean up our courses. And I'll just make one more comment that I was talking to somebody I think was yesterday there was talking about, It's almost like we're stuck with these are the courses. And every time or the courses And scrub it, what do you, do? You go to the legislature, What does that you're going to work.
Really what I'm thinking is we can use the legislature and started teaching these judges.
So you me just write up articles of impeachment, for different reasons. And you can go to the legislature. Legislature doesn't act on it.
Then we can impeach legislators. So anyways. it's just something to think about.
But I'm just thinking we can actually the best, the courts. And we can get rid of the bar. We can get rid of the lawyers.
We can have actual access to the law, OK.
Using Ad Hoc Charts, if you don't want to use ad hoc queries, you can actually use the arbitration services are available. And yeah, they're right for the Chinese and retired Judges.
But still it is still no arbitration, I think arbitration or mediation. Non binding mediation is also effective at what I'm talking about here.
Is binding arbitration mediation and non binding mediation and non binding arbitration. And those are still open to go back to court on the merits of the case when you have binding arbitration.
It's It's final. So a jury or an arbitrator.
I'm saying you were going to use the jury as the arbitrator or as an arbitration panel.
That's fine.
You can't even appeal that.
I'm going to make it to where for the ad hoc jury, I'm gonna wait, or when there's a determination, I'm going to say that it can be appealed in the rules, and I'm going to put together the rules for this and it can be appealed to another Ad hoc Gerrit at the appellate level, OK, let's have a set of rules for that, there's, I just want to share that with you, and I will talk more about it.
It gives us back some power. We have legal rights to do it, and the court has no choice, but to accept it.
So, anyways, Here's a concept on jury nullification.
This is a component of it, The power of the jury, Do you wanna look that up?
There's your arbitration act. It's a, you know, the Federal Arbitration Act.
Then, the example of this, OK, if you guys want to check that out.
So, any questions? Any comments on that?
You give to the attorney.
Well, oh, give me attorney if you want arbitration other.
OK, so I have one right now where my my recommendation on the case was we get rid of the attorneys, We in fact, we had to use the court because the insurance insures. I want to stay on the case like they're just death, grip on the case.
So we got rid of the attorneys.
Then what I suggested is this person is in the middle of a divorce.
And I said I just said into mediation because there's court ordered mediation and what was going in that cases that the attorneys were trying to prevent mediation and perpetuate discovery so they can get more billable hours. It says it's very simple.
You would think is more complicated. That, no, they just want more money on billable hours, lifestyle. They think they're very small minded.
And there are delaying mediation, way more than they should.
And they're, they're harassing my client in discovery to try to discover more money.
So they can, they can then course more money or something out around it.
So my recommendation was you go through mediation, And the only thing you want out of mediation is an agreement, which is the one little paragraph that says agreement with the soon to be ex spouse that you agree to resolve all disputes henceforth.
through binding arbitration.
Now, we don't have the jury selection set up and all that, but it's just the same, in my opinion, to have an arbitrator, who has dealt with family law before, because the arbitrators outside the the Statute's that take away the judge's discretion, and I think this is where a lot of problems come from.
If you bring it to a new set of rules, if you bring the dispute under a new forum, which are able to deal with arbitration, I think in her case it's going to be run a little bit smoother and faster, right, And be private, as well, arbitration is private.
So I hope that answers your question.
How to get rid of a lawyer if you, if you bring the case into in her case, of binding arbitration.
I mean, first of all, she had already fired the lawyer.
You can get rid of lawyers that way.
You can't do that if you're in court. Now an arbitrator is probably going to be a lawyer. So that's, that's another subject.
But that gives you kind of idea.
In her case, what we, what we ended up doing was, basically, how to get the lawyer in trouble.
So I don't want it, I ran away, it's like, oh, I didn't know.
Discover that.
And the question. Yeah.
Um, would there be any cases, like, where it might be more advantage to use a traditional court? As I say, I'm providing a service for somebody.
and I say, OK, we agree to do this by arbitration, or by court, which is my discretion. So if you want, you know, you don't get this clause, and I guess we can do business.
That's correct. You can actually make the choice. So if you initiate a case in court, that's cool. If you initiate a case in. Arbitration in there.
Either way. But once you do that, you're there. You got to stay there.
Yes, I've seen those contracts also.
OK, what do you think would be some of the advantages to go into an actual court?
Well, I'd, like, I have to, like, the rules, I mean, and also, the courts are suited to hear a lot of cases that help us, they are not, they are not suited to hear things, I hate to say, but let's say great public importance right now. I mean, look at what we're dealing with right now. OK.
There's This, Corruption is being revealed family courts, look at the abuses family courts look at the look, at the, the, know, the health, they help disaster, They see what's happening there.
That's where we have all this corruption that we can't move forward because they wanted they wanted to deny us access to the law. But, but, yeah, I mean, for, like, in Delaware, Delaware is great for having arbitration forms or court systems that are so well developed, your business disputes, probably the best way to go, so well versed in the standards.
There will be.
OK, because, I mean, it just feels like I would want, know, somebody signed the contract me for services may want a pretty strong arbitration clause that, you know, if something goes wrong. I wanna, I wanna make sure I covered. So you could say that you could put a stipulation. We're going to use a Delaware arbitrator.
Yeah. You can tell me if you decided at that time in the contract, you would just say how the arbitration unfolds and how it how it happens. Like, for example, maybe you there has to be at Helen Arbitrators.
You might get a fair decision if there are three.
We decided, you know, fact finders.
So, yeah, you can pretty much do what you want in a binding arbitration clause or arbitration clause in any contract should be in writing.
And, yeah, I'm all for a court.
I mean, it's an established system, it's pretty good. But, I just, there's so much corruption that, this is our way out of whack if we want.
Well, you shouldn't have to wait two years to just get into court.
That's another. Now, yes, I'm talking about the team.
You'd be able to get a court date by fall. I'm like, OK, that'll be two years.
All right.
I think Ray was next.
Yeah, so he kind of like a machine question show show if you're involved.
If somebody's involved with a contract and yours or change a breach of contract fraud, that would nullify the arbitration and there's an arbitration clause in the contract.
I mean, would that not nullify? We go to the regular, Wouldn't use the rules of preclude arbitration when there's a matter of fraud. So so the dispute about fraud, I think it has to go to the Court.
I don't think that's how the rules work.
But also, if the arbitration award is the result abroad, I believe you can also bring that to the Court.
That is show me. So That's a good point. Yeah, that's a good point. Like, I've tried to, I've tried to defeat some arbitration claims that were detrimental to my client, really was unfair. And I didn't have anything to do with the case until I got the case. You know, the next day, they're supposed to be hearing. I'm like, oh, ****, you know, throw the documents and see if there's any issue of fraud that I can bring up.
But pretty much, that's, yeah, fraud will get you out of it.
Out of obligation, the genius S ingenious, what you were shared, because I read up on jury nullification before, ..., That's excellent. Yeah, and the nineties, yeah. Which always showers black, common law courts, your truck, people try and should have come a lot, of course. But it's always block. But you're using the statute to see the law, right? They just think you can have a group of people and make it, you know, you have to, you have to follow the laws that we allowed to take the past. It shows should put a square peg and in the mean square. That's how IBM before all I did was copy the arbitration scheme.
Did it I did it for the client, the credit card consumer. And, when I did enough, what? I did, thousands of them. And, finally, they said, Oh, wait a minute. You can't do that. Well, guess what? We were using the same rules. They were.
So, they were saying that they could do it either. So they had to stop. You know. So we have this right, and there is, right now it's being used against us. But to start out with my video, that the family, right?
Because it really perfect application, just just the arbitration process. But I really think we need to we need to actually define what we want to happen in the arbitration process. And I think there should be jury member.
Your neighbors should be people that are your peers and so forth.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Heather, what do you think?
I like it.
I read the course. You're using AI Is going to pick the Germans anyway. They want, they want the whole course of the AI, yeah.
Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, I hear you, OK, Sanyal?
Can you hear me?
OK? I have a bad connection.
So, my question is, for a metric.
The biometric, I can hardly hear far as the lanes.
OK, I'm trying, I'm in the country so I get spotty connection. Can you hear me better now than I can now Yes.
OK, so, I feel like I'm missing a step on the security agreement with the biometric data, as far as the Leans Though.
I think I am missing that step.
So, how did we go about filing liens on ourselves?
Well, isn't that what we're trying to do? We're pretty lean on the data to protect us unique choice as well, right?
Right, so the way we do that is we write up the security agreement, which I have.
I'm going to show you guys a minute, then that gets filed in your county.
OK, we use a finance silent.
It's just, OK, OK.
Just, like, um, I've been trying type up, like.
I think.
Like, a general agreement, you know, or whatever, so I typed that up, it's been a couple weeks, I think, and I'm, I'm thinking I'm missing a step here because I think there has to be something filed first, before that, ... agreement.
Now, I'm going to show you one that's not been filed in about three minutes, OK. Yes. Yes, yes. Few pages.
Chris will join us.
Hi. Can you hear me? Yep.
So, well, this is on the highway lanes, If you want to get into that now, it's pretty, It's not real long.
But so this is regarding how you would use the ...
Lean to take back the title. I'm just not.
I'm totally clear on that, because my understanding was that usually, when that is done, the HLAA leaners used for like delinquent assessments.
And then it's used to force the foreclosure sale.
I'm sorry. That's written right now. So, you have to revise your covenant so that the property title would be returned back to the person who was proposed on under certain conditions.
OK, I just have to describe that if it gets foreclosed upon.
Megan? Yeah.
Then, in the, in the case that you actually had to exercise that So you would, I assume it would, the way it would proceed is like that, Whether it's tax or building code, the County would work close. and then.
So, would there be something you would file then after the county's foreclosure? Yes. It would. Yeah. Let's say someone else took the title.
Let's adversity, your interests, then you would simply, the HLAA will just foreclose itself or just do it. Let me just go right into court. You'd have to get a lawyer.
It might cost about $10000. My cost $2000, I don't know. Everybody's different.
But you need to be a lawyer to do that.
Forecloses itself, OK?
Yep, OK, that looks like a lawyer would do it, Not problem, right? That more of the HLAA board is going to say, hey, we got a blanket over here Is a professional assessment.
Yeah, OK, put it right into the machine.
Bring it back to you OK, great, thank you. All right.
The link with someone else?
Yeah, um, this I missed the very first part of what you thought for seven minutes. This kind of: binding arbitration can be used to sue pharmaceutical companies for damages or not because they're they acted fraudulently.
OK, fraud is a tort claim.
Arbitration, I could probably get an arbitration decision on a tour. I don't know about fraud.
I think the Court has to handle that.
I think, um, OK, arbitration is contingent Shorties, reaching an agreement to arbitrate before there is a dispute.
Yeah, if there's a dispute, let's say there's no arbitration agreement with your friendly pharmaceutical company, right?
Then all of a sudden, there is a dispute, and somehow the authorized person from the pharmaceutical company, like Chief counsel, and you agree to what I just described, an arbitration situation that's binding on both parties, OK, Then you agree to the type of arbitration then that then you can proceed into that type of form.
They will not agree to it.
I'll tell you right now, because they do not have an advantage in a neutral form.
The code is not neutral when it comes to pharmaceuticals.
Yeah, there has to be agreement.
You can't just you can't just drag somebody to arbitration. You can drag them into court, but not arbitration.
OK, is there anything to the claim that fraud vitiates everything that OK, so, in other words, because these companies have caused so much damage to so many people, and so many different ways, that that they are going to be liable because of the fraud, like that.
What is it that the FDA and Pfizer wanted to withhold the safety data on on phases vaccine for 75 years? And some recent judge forced them to release the information, and they had to do it over a six month period.
Here's an issue.
I think negligence is also a good cause of action.
Again, especially for this, you know, what they were negligence.
So I'd just like to pick something that has easier elements to prove fraud, has elements, fraud is difficult, the difficulties that grew.
Uh, it was kinda like the difference between manslaughter and murder.
And premeditated murder like murder one, as I call it. That's a very difficult burden of proof.
You only get one shot.
Rod, you get one shot, and you've got your elements of fraud. And there has to be damages the parties have to rely on what was represented, has to be deliberately false. They have to know that it was false. There's like nine elements.
Well, you can't make that case, though. I just wrote up one for negligence. I think you guys might like that one.
All right. Good question. Thank you. Yep, straight what you think.
Yeah, I was just thinking, I was gonna ask about banks and the lead for the pharmaceutical stuff, negligence, because they didn't tell you they went against the patient's bill of rights.
Ingredients of the vaccine, like even though it's been oxide. Nobody was ever told by other doctors, how about how about this or negligence and then I'll move on, OK, because I'm gonna go to part of that. But how about we look at the code equality?
And on its face, it says, everybody in this group, whatever, public employees, whatever, everybody, as to comply, Everybody has to submit to the treatments in the policy.
Yeah, all right, In order for that to work.
They seem to work.
No, no, I'm not a vaccine for per se, I'm talking about wearing surgical masks, stay apart, OK.
Examinations, you know, testing, right.
Disclosing your medical records, all these provisions of the policy You don't say, all right, you guys know this, right? Every every organization that imposes this stuff, this is what they do, OK.
So these are medical treatments, segregation, surgical mask, isolation, experimental vaccines.
These are all medical treatments, right?
Yeah, OK.
So, if everybody has to take them in order for them to be effective. Which led the policy sense.
And the purpose of the policies to prevent the spread of the thing, right.
Isn't that an admission that it doesn't work?
Yeah, yeah, Mitch, there's so much about it. That doesn't wash. I just say, on its face, it contradicts reality it contradicts itself.
And, since, when, throughout human history, has one person been required to take a medical intervention, in order to prevent illness in somebody else.
Yeah. Never. There's no signs on that, If we're going to follow the science.
Right. Yeah. So, don't get me started, that started with us.
OK, so my original question was, I was thinking that you could really go after the banks for a year to lean on your property or magic.
Because it's like prior two digital currency sell, they're all score.
And I know they've taken all of my family stuff again, but my question is Potential, like lawsuit or two to obtain money. Is that only applicable or active after you set the security agreement?
A claim is as public record then is when the obligation begins so you can't go back to 2009? No, I didn't know, and thankfully because as much as I want to, I don't want them to be able to go back either.
Yeah, yeah, we did it. We sold a house one time.
We transfer the title, no. We stripped the Equity a week before.
This woman was, I got a judgement lien. And that was a case. It took, like a year and a half to end. And that the attorney, when she went to sell it, closing an attorney to try to intimidate her and tell her that she had, OK, the way it was.
It was the inferior lane to the one we did.
All right.
Yeah. She was, of course, frustrated because, you know, she's not used to dealing with that. It sounds like she doesn't know. It sounds like he had all of our and all this. So she's literally called me in tears.
And, I said, You know me, you guys commonly the problem. You're going to be laughing about three minutes, OK.
Usually, Alright, so, I'm not laughing at you, right? We'll be laughing together.
So, I told her, You tell that attorney that, just because he's a member of the bar, doesn't mean you can travel back in time and create a liability that which he can't recover from.
Yeah, she called me back.
And lastly, just like, OK, the whole thing is switched around, no, you can't jump back in time, just because you're an attorney bunch of bullies. Oh, yeah, that's a bear, yep. Yep.
So, do you think they'll stop? When should you send the security agreement, at least just to the people who sent it?
No, this is gonna look like a big, long train that's loaded with cargo.
And how that stops, it takes a few miles, right, because I just think that it's going to accumulate on their balance sheets, and they're gonna ignore it for awhile, it's on somebody's, their accounting, their bean counters, the chief counsel looks that says, holy cow, this is infinite, and never-ending. What does this data, what are we talking about?
I know, you mentioned, I think you mentioned it before, and I just don't remember, so I apologize. But, how do you know if they're using and selling your data to other third parties? Like, how can you, How can you provide that evidence?
I haven't done the research too much on that, but I can tell you that other people have done it, and I have read a book called them.
I'll take a minute.
The surveillance capitalism.
Interesting. Yeah, surveillance capitalism is driven by the swimmer's brilliant brilliant writer.
OK, Zuboff, that's her name, Zuboff, ZB, ..., surveillance, capitalism, and I would caution you.
If you want to read it, that's great, You just can't undo it.
Now you're paranoid now this.
Woman is doesn't leave anything out and she probably has a newer versions even scarier so I'm really serious and scared like what what they know what I'm going to order next week at Amazon.
How, how Yeah, yeah.
They can take infrared or thermal pictures on your phone, let me take it out every NaN and you can see the very obvious camera, but if you look to the left a little bit, you can see a hidden camera and that's where it's coming from.
Thank you.
Let me go ahead real quick and though that was one of them.
OK, point I've been guilty in the past or giving my fingerprint and face you, know, whatever.
I can't really reverse that at this point at because I don't know. Well, Go ahead. We can make them want to reverse it.
OK, but you can like if you give David.
That's for a purpose so it tells you I need this for this OK, here you go are you done with it?
Now I want it back give them a certificate that it was destroyed or give it to me back, right? Yes, that is probably in their data retention policy, which is also known as the privacy statement, So there is a chance you get it back.
And, if not, I mean, if there's no written policy or something, you can just ask them.
and then if they don't get it back for them, Yeah, so much as well.
OK, let me get to do this here, share screen, if I can find it.
Ah, OK, this is a revised, my standard one, but this is part of the security agreement.
I'm just going to go over the definition today.
Um, Like where it is, right?
So what we're trying to do is just define what the collateral is.
That's what makes it security governance, so you got because the lender or the secured party you got the property that is the collateral for the security agreement, like a Mortgage, then you have the debtor The debtor is the one complexities and stores the collateral because the collateral this comes from us.
It's unique to us if we can define it and describe it, then we can claim the right over it is already there.
Alright, so I took like, so there's that.
I went to some research terms, because it's really important on the definition, in terms you have some latitude here.
But I took, there's a section for Biographic there, which is your old school type data and biometric data, which is what you just described your fingerprint.
And that I used to love together as one's likeness.
All right, and I also described what I mean by privacy here, as you can tell. Privacy is a property rights, rights are being expressed in the security agreement.
I know you guys got videos there. I'm not gonna read this tool.
But anyways, this is the idea.
Then we get into I'm describing biographic data as you can see.
This is old school.
Names, addresses, right.
It's into a little bit of metadata on your use of the internet.
Now we get into the DMV have categories here, me, If you read through this, there's probably some redundant information. Maybe there's some cause for edits. It's not perfect.
But for each of each of you, I can, I can revise those.
It goes on quite a bit.
And then we get into the biometric, which is really cool, but this is where.
This is where I believe we can shut down the CBC.
Shut down a lot of them.
Biometric data.
You guys may think of other ways to, you know what, other biometric data there is. I don't know. Maybe someone's got something else.
Your fingerprints, I know people are using that for their phones and stuff there, I think right now.
Yeah, right, OK.
If one is in a court situation, and they had the security agreement, here, is perfected, you know.
And you're using your biometric data, Who would you lead?
I mean, would you link a court? And the courts collected the data, OK.
So it has to be the defense would be that if you make a claim against, let's say, the court that's collecting the data.
And I would make the argument that the court is a business.
I think I know that the argument.
So the counter-argument to that would be that it's not an aspect of commerce. It's an official function of government. And that government is meaningful.
I'm not sure how that plays out. I'm not sure with the legal arguments. I'd have to go look that up.
But just to say, I would just, I would make a claim, because at some point, somebody is going to use it. It's not the court.
That's the whole point.
What about debt collectors?
What about lawyers that have access to your data?
I mean, how many, how many law offices have consumer data sitting in files on the computer?
So, this is the biographic data.
All right.
Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm.
And you can make the argument that if somebody has your photograph, he's got your biometric data.
Like your driver's license, right?
Yeah, lexis Nexis probably check this out. It should give it up voluntarily. Most of the time to do that.
Anyway, you give it volunteer.
Lisa Tool.
Oh, do you mean the?
you can, gives the data. And then finally, yeah, I can when you said you can't go back in time, I thought, meant that.
Well you can't, you can't grab a liability from before you've created liability. You can only create the liability then going forward.
That's when the terms come in.
You just can't apply this term.
Liability, Bonnie.
It's got a binding.
Oh, sorry. It's funny in my yard, I'm sorry.
That's the idea, guys.
So, we were talking about this on the, on the supplies discussion forum, down here.
It was, like, where, it's like, kinda, kind of, I think I put it in this one, but basically, we had, we had some numbers here.
That's the other aspect, the goals.
So, it's a nine page deal here.
Not just a few, but it's a nine page contract.
And, so, not that it's necessary, but it's easier to file. Let me just show you some output.
I'm going to show you.
So, today, I want to get asked, how do we do this? Well, there's part of your security agreement.
There's how we describe the property, right?
I'm going to show you a cover page that goes with this security agreement when you file it.
What's going on?
John, I don't see your run. Your share.
I know, I just went out, I'm going to show you guys switch screens to show you something else, OK?
Let's grab it.
I'm going to show you a PDF document.
So, it's an experiment, not even something itself.
It's a government form.
That's why I share what it looks like.
So, you have your agreement and then you have your notice of delay.
Thank you all aware, that's all I read.
So, this is part of it. I remember this one.
That's what it looks like.
That's the cover page to the agreement I just showed you.
Fill it out. So you can tell you can type it in.
Nope, and this is what I hope you guys with. OK, there's instructions kind of nice.
There's another aspect to this will to go a lot of this, but we don't have to cover that.
I just wanted to show you just rebuttal.
I should be, I shouldn't have migrated pretty soon. I was trying to make it too complicated. I was trying to cover everything. I just take an option to assume the biometric and biographic Data and then I'll do a specific 1, 2 Financial Crimes Network.
Should bear, though, it's too easy, too early, because your weight is just see what happens with Google.
So one of the things we showed you on the discussion forum is how to find the the physical address for Google. That's really easy to do. I found that because I think it's headquarters, or its general counsel or the registered agent, that's what you want to do.
You want to find the top attorney for the organization that's got your data Google's easy to find.
So is Apple, I think your DMV it's going to be the director of motor vehicles for your accountant.
It might also be the county tax collector.
That may also be impact. You might want to do, both, the Security Group.
Yeah, the filing process, like I just described. Yeah, so that's what you do. So, you write the agreement, you haven't executed. You actually going to sign it. You could sign it.
I don't think you need to I've gotta get a little check.
So you get that you fill out this UCC one, and that is the notice that there is the Security Agreement is the link when it's recorded.
The UCC is not really noticeably.
What does that you wanted me to show?
Oh, OK.
So there we go, the route to the wedding.
The disagreement, I'm only showing you part deliverable.
You can put something together. If you want, I can take this template and and write it for what you want to do.
If you want to get on the asynchronous discussion forum, I can help you find the correct data location for the the debtor.
I mean, I already gave you the one from Google, everybody can use that one.
If you want me doing some work for you, I'll do that, too.
Just let me know with you what you guys wanna put it on the discussion.
Anything else?
We'll talk more about the, Jerry, I think that's going to be a little bit tool.
Yeah, John, can I ask you a quick question? Yeah, sure.
Whenever I discuss I talk to you about the board and the complaints in them, you know, my, my credit and everything.
And it'd be being reported to, no, may have been good credit, more than good credit, and then it being somehow reported when I tried to get an equipment loan.
Do I have any recourse like using one of these security agreements sending up a word? So, somebody made a claim on their credit that's derogatory, was a true instructor.
And that is it.
And we disputed the accuracy is inaccurate.
I mean, it's not accurate what?
they're recording, because it has no parents are on whether I have good credit or not?
Payback alone, right? What was the item pertaining to this an opportunity to get the paste something else right?
Yeah, what we what we talked about I don't remember, but I don't want to disclose that here.
So let's just say this.
Yep, Yep, So so whatever it is it's not supposed to be in your credit is being used to The burden you are in some ways It has nothing to do with my ability to pay back. A loan payback is what I did just want to have.
It does, oh sorry, that's not going to be people that are.
So it gets me OK. So here's what I'm going to tell you guys real quick disposable for everybody. So do you have an item on your credit?
You want not.
So what you do is you put your credit and you you reduce the footprint of information.
So if you have an old address on there, dispute that fur is outdated to get all those things up a lot of time you can do this on the Internet.
Don't subscribe to the credit bureaus contracts where they give you your credit file once in a while, I subscribe to those, because they put you into a binding arbitration clause. And they will take you seriously, if you try to dispute items.
Lot of people don't know that so to get your credit go through a third party like Credit Karma or anything else, OK.
So once you get your file and you you clean it up and get all the old information out and remove any misspellings of your name.
And the reason why you want the smallest footprint of your data is because if the Bureau can find any connection to wherever is going to check for validation to the data that you have, then it will validate the item and say it's good.
It'll grab anything. So, if you have a misspelled name and then they grab it somewhere. They just happen to see misspell names Le Duff, they'll say, oh, yes, valid. So, once you do that, that's the plate saved.
Then what we do is there's a few credit reporting bureaus that the heroes we're distributing with try to get validated.
So Lexis Nexis is one of those.
The lenses nexus is a credit reporting agency just like Equifax but nobody talks about, let's say, the banking system.
So if you just speak with Equifax, chances are lexis nexis already has the same identical data, right? So Equifax goes to lexis nexis and says, hey, I want to see if this relation is valid lexis nexis as an identical item or nearly identical as a home.
And Equifax as, OK, it's validated. And that's how people have so much trouble getting items off their credit singers like new.
You go to lexis nexis on the internet. Sometimes you have to do it by fax.
And there's, there's different procedures and you simply freeze your credit file, lexis nexis.
Then you just feed the item with web Equity when Equifax tries to validate and validate, asked to be removed.
Doesn't matter if it's even correct.
That's how you get it off, OK, there's more nuances, but that's the general idea.
So let me know if you know you, a little bit help with that, OK?
It's just pretty clear. Clean it up and then if you want me to see something you can, you can send me the page that's pertinent and you can redact all the other information. I need to see the item or something.
Then actually read only valid from the date issued or can that be retroactive at the time they started data, OK, you do have remedies from the time the data was collected, and those remedies are not in the security agreement. They would be.
the data retention, policy, privacy statement, and state law, OK, so.
The security agreement is not retroactive, to win the day to describe in security agreement was collected.
The liability only begins when it's reportage.
The moment it gets that clerk stamps that file number on there, it's in business, right? But not before.
Trust me, you don't want it to be retroactive because that were the case.
We'd be violating we're already annihilating it financially worse, All right. So I'm gonna cancel account with credit bureau.
OK, so opt out if you, If you have credit bureau agreement, where you're getting a subscription and you go look at the Terms of Service, Don't look at it right now, if you, If you subscribe to Equifax or something, go look at the terms of Service under the agreement, is there on The website probably can download it and read it there, right online. Look towards the bottom in the bunker. You'll probably find a binding arbitration clause, and there's an opt out.
He's talkin'.
You can also put them on notice that you cancel your subscription ooooh, pretty easy.
So when did I opt in? Well, it's OK for what we're talking about, is that you subscribe to Equifax to get her quarterly credit report. You had to say to the terms, you know, most people don't know what terms not to agree to it. Now I'll do that, I'll agree to binding arbitration, but then the next day I'm sending out a letter because that's what they need to do in the mail. I sent a letter opting out of it.
That doesn't affect me.
I took, I don't know. last week's meeting. I didn't. I didn't publish it. Yeah. You want to publish publish it? It was just a Q&A.
Yeah, OK, Yeah. I was last week. Thank you, OK, yeah, no problem.
You want to put on the public by YouTube, but everybody can see it.
I can put it private, give you guys the link, They care.
I wasn't on it, so it's not up to me.
I'd say, well I'll make it private, because you guys are all, you know, you can just change your name, on these calls, because your company Yeah, video recording your names all over the place.
Know if I implicated something sorry, as I've tried to get at.
You're gonna go down with me, OK?
We started with you, OK, so several people have asked me if you send me your information. So here's what you do Is you just pick, pick a dinner which did. Or do I want, OK, I like Google the HR. We find, Google already did that. We got the information on the discussion. So let's say it's your D&B and your account. Well, I probably haven't done that so you tell me.
I want to put a lien on the DMV mechanic or give me the name of the county, the maybe, the name of the no, the DMV, or your tax collector's office.
I will find it, and I'll put it in the document that you just saw.
Then I will, I'll probably leave my standard description in there. I'll have you read it over very carefully to make sure that maybe maybe Corrections and I'm going to lean on your Biometric Data Biographical Data.
Then, we're gonna figure out what kind of terms we're gonna put in there, like the licensing and also for money, and eventually, I think we'll come up with some somewhat a standard.
Then, any other revisions, there's some there's some missing spots in that contract, like what state we're dealing with.
Then, once we do that, I'll go ahead and fill out the UCC one for you.
I'll finish everything. I'll send you those two documents, need to read them over.
Then in the meantime, I'm going to find out where we need to send these in the mail. They're going to go to your county recorder's office.
I'm just going to shoot them over there.
They're gonna get assigned a case number, a file number, and the clerk is going to send you back the original.
And it's going to cost me, I don't know, maybe a dollar page might cost you 10 or 20 bucks the violence.
So, yeah, you send me the information, and I will start creating your document and then you and I will send it back and forth until we get it right.
Sometimes it takes me a few days to get the e-mail, bear with me.
Yeah, I definitely wanna help people with the recording, the H O, A. covenant.
I've already already tactical I'm gonna start doing some more. So I wanna make sure I quantify your situation, though. I, everybody's little bit different.
So, yeah, certainly, I want to help people. And then same thing, with the biometric Data Security Group, I definitely wanna make sure that whoever's working the right now in the early days becomes an expert at this, because if you want to show other people, I want you to get it right.
I don't want to do any problems later on.
Yeah, OK.
I think, OK, I think these lanes can generate some revenue. I'm wondering, I could go different ways.
I think you just might receive, will be receiving some money, Like, somebody from the you know, from the, from the accounting office at one of these companies, is probably to send you a check. I don't know what they do.
I really don't.
Or they should stop using your data and comply with the destruction clause.
The data destruction clause.
I don't think I showed you that today. I'll show you next time.
But yeah, I think you'd get some money out of it, and they want to continue using your data.
And I think they're in a bad situation right now because they got your data and their business model is so heavily based on it now exhibit dividends for 20 years.
So, what does it mean? People hold their friends and partners, right? They're using your data now, now, there is a drug.
I think we have a difficult situation.
What do you think, Heather?
You just want us to send you our information to your e-mail, yeah, tell me who can lean on.
Give me your name and address, I'll write up whatever I need to and I'll send it over. We'll just whittle it down to be able to file, Didn't take it a few days.
Did we send one putting a lien against you as our debtors are giving you our information to? I'm not going to hang on. I'm just kidding. Yeah, good question. The other day, I was, I never do this. My wife always gets phones.
I mean, so, I just added the blue. I was working on something. I thought, Oh, I'm gonna go to Apples or ... website or app or whatever. I'm gonna, I'm gonna see what it cost. What it takes to buy the latest Apple phone. I've never done that my life. I've never bought some of my life.
I go to the i-phone 14 in this chat window pops up, because I'm looking at this thing.
It's, like, $700, I think I was looking at, so, this chat window pops up, it says, would you, can I help you, today? And I'm like, yeah, I just want to get one of those phones.
Whoever's on the other side says, OK, what's your credit information?
Can I have your SSN? like?
what are you talking about by phone? How much is it? Yeah. Yeah.
That was the first question, thing that? I just thought. I would have a conversation and start learning. I didn't know that that was going to come at me. With that, just look at that.
I was like, Well, who do you think think you are? You can just asked me this over a given, even know if I want a secure connection. I already know. You're on a secure connection and who are you?
What do you, What are you accountable to? What do you work for?
It was Verizon, and they actually had turned to service tonight while I'm talking to her. I actually, I think is a worn out of them, and I looked down all the statements, you know, on their privacy.
And I said, after, you know, after like 20 minutes, just you know, Bessemer I was like, I can't, I can't give you this, I don't know what you're gonna do with it. And I dislike that. But, yeah, I mean, we're so we're so sloppy about this stuff.
Know, it's it's always, it's not insulting. Don't feel like you're imposing our people, and I do take that very seriously as kind of on average, sir.
I mean, I know, you, guys, send me your case that a lot of a lot of the things that I'm working with, you guys as a public record, right?
So, that saves me a little bit, right? It's already public records.
You haven't put a lien on it, and sure, if you guys, we actually couldn't put a lien on my story and share information, and there's nothing I can do.
No less aye, Would be able to destroy it and send you a certification that it was distorted on such and such thing.
And that would give me out of that liability, and that's what these companies are going to have to do.
It would cost me a little bit of money, and possibly a little bit time and dollars to actually get out of that security agreement that you actually get that.
I would have a problem with that.
All for it, You know? We gotta do that.
Dismiss the people I want people thinking, they don't realize.
They don't realize they're just giving money away all the time.
Privacy is money, privacy, you know, your time is money.
Is there somebody else? Oh, Elaine, did you want to ask?
Oh, your head's up. Yeah.
Where do you want to.
Sorry, I forgot what I was going to. Oh, I'm talking too much, sorry. No, no, not at all. It will come back to me. I'll put my hand back up. Now, let's quickly before Elaine. Thanks.
I don't have anything else, but I just want to share that with you all, and that will develop out more, and certainly, we can talk more about the HIV Covenant. We go to the provisions that the reason, the legal aspects of it, you know, how this plays out.
Anyways, how to, how to revise it, things of that nature.
I've got one more question if you can, for your personal, my body, Your stuff like that, your actual data. Can you can you also do like your LLC? That's technically your property, isn't it?
I know you set it up so it's not technically ours, because it's through the PMA, and it's pass through, but do you know what you mean?
Like protecting that information? OK, thanks!
Does that make sense?
Yeah, OK, so the interests of that company are expressed in the Articles, so that's the limit of it. You don't need to do much else. I mean, I don't know why the security agreement when the articles establish the interests?
Oh, yeah, there's that other than the trade name, right, if you're using the company name for something, and it identifies with something, That's worth putting a Lean on. Yeah. But I don't see the reason, because the company itself, in order to be used in somewhat of that capacity, is unique.
It's not a Lean situation, like we're talking about bugs.
It's almost kind of, like, redundant.
Now, I would say if, OK, at some point, if you have a portfolio of the security go, because I'm taking you guys can have, like, 20 or 30 by the end of the year, you can convey those to an LLC.
You can't started out that way, but you can assign them to your LLC, then you have a portfolio now of assets.
All right.
Licensing agreements, Receivables.
Yeah, we'll accept.
This is creating receivables, right?
Uh huh.
It's just going to flip the tables on tables on higher debt collectors and give them a percentage. Heck, yeah, we could have some real fun. Like, Hey, they created the system, lets you use it against, yeah, yeah, mirror everything.
Thanks so much, appreciate your participation. Is helpful, and I will publish both videos.
1. The discussion begins with a brief about a bike ride event in Orlando. Hundreds to over a thousand people show up for this event. Local law enforcement is aware of it and allows it as long as it does not cause too many disturbances.
2. The main topic of the discussion is about a security agreement, particularly focusing on the definitions.
3. The team also discusses the concept of arbitration, which allows disputes to be resolved outside court settings. The arbitrator can be a professional, a retired judge, or even a layperson.
4. The discussion on arbitration covers various aspects like standards, the involvement of courts, arbitration clauses, and fees.
5. The topic shifts to the concept of liens. One method of filing a lien is through a security agreement that is then filed in the individual’s county.
6. There is an exploration of binding and non-binding arbitration and mediation, explaining how these processes can be used to avoid court processes.
7. The discussion touches on potential disputes and lawsuits, such as ones against pharmaceutical companies for damages due to negligence or fraud.
8. The conversation moves on to privacy, biographic, and biometric data, discussing how this information is often held in various offices and online databases.
9. The idea of using a security agreement to dispute derogatory claims on credit is brought up. A related topic is the sharing of credit data between credit agencies and databases like LexisNexis.
10. Finally, the team discusses the process of opting out of terms agreed upon when subscribing to services like credit monitoring from Equifax, and the importance of sending physical letters for opting out of binding arbitration agreements.