\r\n 0:04\r\nI have advice, John Jay. Thanks for joining tonight to the place July six. And I wanted to talk about a very exciting subject.\r\n0:11\r\nIt's not very exciting but it's what we have to deal with all the time, OK, We're definitely gonna get into easements and I appreciate your question first And I... <\/div>\r\n
\nI have advice, John Jay. Thanks for joining tonight to the place July six. And I wanted to talk about a very exciting subject.
\nIt's not very exciting but it's what we have to deal with all the time, OK, We're definitely gonna get into easements and I appreciate your question first And I didn't want to answer that one.
\nBut what we're gonna discuss, I want to cover a couple of items.
\nI'm working on actually view because this seems to come up many times. And I want to share with you how I look at things.
\nUnderstand that lawyers, practice lawyers, the bar, those professionals seek to own the law, OK, They've almost succeeded, but you really can't own the law any more than you could only Tuesday, OK.
\nYou can impede people's access to the law.
\nYou can, you can impede people's access to Tuesday, I guess, I don't know, but this is what they're doing and it's not going to work.
\nBut in any case, we still have to deal with this today and there is an important aspect. Contracts define risk. We need risk because you can't get value or something. If you don't take risks, we have to have it, we have to manage it, and many times, we have to transfer the risks.
\nBut it has to be done equitably.
\nIt has to be done, barely.
\nI'm gonna, I'm gonna stay with these examples. It's being done safely and unfair.
\nBut these are the examples I'm going to share, because sometimes people bring me a case, and I'm going to say, No! It's pretty much of a square deal. Even though it doesn't look good, I don't see that it's not equitable. That's my opinion. You know, a lot of times, not a lot, but I mean, it happens once in a while.
\nBut I wanted to share with you, um, one of the particular now, There are a few of these, but this first one is really important Now. I'm sorry that I'm not gonna, I'm not going to show you the document.
\nI'm going to read you. What is in this document?
\nwhat we're starting with here is a title insurance company and the title insurance company has prepared the stock.
\nWho is a title insurance company? What does it consist of? What's an insurance company, right?
\nWell, typically, they're owned by and managed by attorneys. Go check it out.
\nI think some lawyers only do that. I think they only title companies and that's what they do. They practice internment through insurance. What? What better way?
\nPractice a tournament. Then, with an insurance facility, this is what they do. So let me just share with you what's going on here.
\nSo this person is selling real estate, and it happens to be an LLC, so this person is selling real estate that his company, he owns the company, the company. That's the real estate.
\nSo here's what the title company has written up.
\nIt's called seller owner's affidavit and indemnity.
\nThere's nine provisions here.
\nEven if the seller is truthfully making these representations first of all, he didn't make these representations, the title company wants him to make these representations. So that's a problem right there.
\nBut even a key, if they're all correct, technically correct.
\nAnd later on, a claim is made on it against the title, insurance or summaries illegitimate claim.
\nThis identity Appa David, opens the door for the title insurance company.
\ntwo, move to dismiss if they're sued, OK?
\nBecause of this indemnity affidavit.
\nIt opens the door even if there's no cause for it. It just opens the door, because there wasn't indemnification. I'm gonna show you what they're doing.
\nSo the title company has certain risks that it's supposed to accept because you're paying for that. Just pennies a small amount of money. But you're paying for the insurance company to accept risk. Here's what this insurance company, the company is doing.
\nBy this affidavit, it's transferring the risk back onto the seller, not the buyer the seller.
\nThe seller is supposed to be divested of all liability and cleansing, whatever once you solve the property or no.
\nWhat you see is, once you get, everything's been disclosed, here's what they did, they say, I go on the property. They want the seller say this: I've owned the property now being stolen mortgage, to meet continuously for so many years. My enjoyment therapist and a peaceable and undisturbed. And the title of the set property has never been disputed to my knowledge.
\nSo the title company can later on come back and say, no, you didn't tell us the truth you see. It doesn't matter, because they just have to create controversy. Then what happens is you increase the costs of litigation that gets into the quagmire. So that, when you may try to make a legitimate claim for the Title Insurance, this is what they do.
\nNor do I know, of any facts by reason of which, the title to your possession of property might be dissipated or by reason of which any client any has said prompting might get started adversely myself.
\nAnd more particularly.
\nNumber one, no party other than the seller is in possession of all, or a portion of the premises above described under any recorded unrecorded leases tenancy at will or otherwise.
\nIn other words, there's nothing out there, that sales data that we don't know about. Well, the title company sought to do that research.
\nInstead, it's passing off that risk.
\nIt's supposed to take onto the seller and getting the seller to indemnify the title insurance company.
\nThis is called practicing a tournament.
\nOK, it's taking property from one entity to another in a system of Fealty.
\nT is a system of commerce, where nobody has any ownership rights.
\nThey're just passing off liability.
\nSo the Title company says hey, we're the insurance company in order for us to what you'll see at the bottom, what they say.
\nNor for us too.
\nShould policy, you have to identify as Seller Number two, the sellers, during that time of ownership of the campuses above described as Kant has conveyed no portion of the premises nor done any act or allow any act be done, which has changed or could change the boundaries of the premises. Well, that's a matter of public, right?
\nBecause it's not, it's not a matter of public record. It's not binding on anybody, but yeah.
\nThe title company wants us to identify.
\nNumber three, the sellers.
\nI have allowed no encroachments on the premises above Describe, OK, now, this is what this means, let's say.
\nLet's say the property is 20 by that, because I don't know, I'll just say this, will say 25 acres And then a big chunk of that is forest land. Then, the perimeter defenses, and maybe there's a pathway or something.
\nBut the seller doesn't have any idea that every weekend, there's a party on his property. Because maybe there's a water away or a river or something, there's a party on his property where people go there and they have a good time and whatnot.
\nThey don't disturb anybody but they're using his land, he doesn't know about it or doesn't know about it or whatever And, this creates possibly an unwritten easement, OK, or some, some claim, it's called an encroachment, OK, maybe the neighbor is parking his motorhome on this guy's property and he doesn't know that he's is encroaching on the property, right? But he's been doing that for so long that the encroachment is could become an easement, right?
\nWhether or not the seller knows, what's happening here on line three is that the title company is making him liable for it.
\nThey're there in there getting rid of any possible claims that could be made against their own policy and about the issue.
\nThe seller has allowed no easements, rights of way, continuous driveway, usage, drain, sewer water, gas, or oil pipeline, or other rights, or passage to others over the premises above, described, and have has no knowledge of such adverse rights.
\nSo let's say the seller has no knowledge of such rights, but but things are like that are happening.
\nHe's liable.
\nHe's liable, and the title company is not.
\nThe seller, at present, and for a period of 90 days in the past has caused no construction, erection, alteration, or repairs, but any structures or improvements and so forth.
\nOK, and then six: the seller owner has no knowledge of any highways and roads oints: I mean, cemeteries, you see you remember that movie.
\nPoltergeist Agonies, I guess it was remember that adopt a new housing development on the cemetery.
\nNo cemetery got flooded, and all these bodies floated out. Surprise, you know, some people knew about that the developer knew about that, but didn't tell people so. They're trying to make him liable for things that would be considered like a cemetery how would you know?
\nWell, the title company doesn't care, they just want him to warrant that.
\nHe's disclosed everything, and if he hasn't.
\nit's, He's still liable.
\nIt's crazy.
\nNumber seven, the other side is no knowledge, you already do taxes or special assessments, OK? Well, those would all be a matter of public record.
\nAgain, it's just opens the door for the title company to just go back and put the title publicity, like a claim on the title company, later on, you're the buyer, the owner, new owners, in 10 years. You can make a claim on the title company.
\nThe title company is gonna look up its records and finding this affidavit identifying itself.
\nIt's going to do a cross claim against the seller for 10 years.
\nOr it's going to do a motion to dismiss and say, Hey, you need to go, see the seller. We're on the picture here because she's got an apartment, you see how they work?
\nThis is a tournament.
\nI wouldn't scientist, by the way.
\nOr if I started, it would have to be greatly modified number. The other sign that has not allowed or knows, no violation of any covenants restrictions agreements. I mean, this puts a big burden on the, personally sampling it.
\nIt's not fair. It's unconscionable. I would argue. And number nine, there are no pending students, proceedings, judges, bankruptcies, and all these things, OK. These are all public record.
\nSo why don't you take the title company has the facility and should be doing a title search and doesn't use a public records. I don't think it's a compound on the right. Why bother?
\nWhy bother when I could just get the seller to sign this property?
\nAnd how can you do an affidavit of the settlement period? Right?
\nAnyways, here's what it says at the very bottom.
\nThis affidavit is given to induce the title company to issue its title insurance policy without exception to claims of material nodes, and laborers Lean Survey matters specialists at the assessments and recently in succession.
\nAnd as an inducement, any incentive the athlete agrees to identify and hold what hold them harmless.
\nThe Affiant, the seller agrees to hold the insurance company live.
\nHarmless, watch.
\nI pay for an insurance policy and I'm telling me, it's your company. Yeah, I'll take care of a liability that worries, but here's somebody. That's crazy.
\nI mean, you guys see what, these guys do this with a straight face, I think it's OK.
\nI don't know if they do this forever, but I don't recall ever seeing this recently.
\nThen, of course, they throw in their attorney fees, They like to write themselves, a blank check, and so forth.
\nSo, yes, this is an exit.
\npracticing a term.
\nLet me just, let me just pause for a second, I'm going to answer Christians' question.
\nUm, doesn't mean the coachman, OK, have to be happening for two years. Yeah. There's some, there's some terms in there, OK?
\nSo yeah, encroachments, I'm not going to get into that too much, but I'm just saying, it creates a question, Right. So, Christians are talking about just confusing. OK, you're confusing easements, which has to do with possession.
\nWith title, I can put easements all day long, Bank doesn't care, does not alter the title whatsoever, It doesn't pay the banks, it doesn't do anything to the bank's interest whatsoever.
\nThat answer your question?
\nI asked her a question.
\nAnd ask the question, OK, OK, so let me just share with you, anybody, question, Are you going to go to the next one?
\nInterrupt me.
\nAnyways, OK, so, this is for that. Yeah, the worries the relevant.
\nWe don't care about financial liens on the property when we do easements, as long as your name is on the title.
\nMake your reasons.
\nDoesn't mean the large company doesn't care, nobody cares.
\nNobody cares.
\nYou don't care.
\nAll, you care about possession. Again, remember, I came to the explanation last week, I think it was about the history of how the Indian American Indians manage the land, and then how that was changed for taxation purposes. And now it looks like we have a chance to get back there. So the law recognizes both.
\nSo, so here's what I'm looking at. So someone's someone contacts me with a case this is in Court.
\nHang on a second.
\nOK, so someone contacts me with this case.
\nHere's what's going on to this person as a child.
\nHas a child with somebody, this woman.
\nAnd this person is a very violent guy, he's got all kinds of charges, criminal charges, drug usage, bad guy.
\nHe ends up in jail for a long time, under many counts in different states, for the safety of this woman and her, her child, which is maybe 18 months old partner.
\nAnd so that so that's going on, she's got a restraining order against and all this stuff.
\nYou think I'm crazy for looking at all these types of cases that, you know, I'm telling you guys, there's a common way to look at all these things. I, that's not my area, OK, But I can tell you, that I understand what is going on here, and you're gonna find out how to speakable your government is when I explain this to you.
\nSo the prosecutor that put this dude in jail, all of a sudden, turned around and went, had a hearing, and, and, and while this guy's in jail, with sentences pending, I mean this guy will be in jail for 20 years.
\nLuckily I mean I hate to see someone in jail but this guy was literally kidnapped this woman and threatened to kill her and her son, which I believe is his charm.
\nSo all of a sudden, the prosecutor turns into a petitioner in the Court of Attorney and the prosecutor wants to act. Not have the capacity of the prosecutor anymore but the petitioner to determine the trinity.
\nWhy does it want to do it?
\nWhy isn't the data, here's what the prosecutor did. The prosecutor claims in this petition.
\nShe entered into an agreement in behalf of the State with this person, this guy who was in jail.
\nIn the agreement, suspense is criminal penalties and gets them out of jail and seeks to establish maternity and here's why it didn't sell the petition, but when I did the research, there's a Federal and State law that works like this.
\nIf the, if the attorney's established and there's no criminal proceedings pending, the State qualifies for federal funds.
\nThey don't care if he's out of jail and can kill this one, and the hirshhorn will do it.
\nYou give them another chance and hope to suck in the movies. I'm just one of these cases, right.
\nSo, they come into court, and they try to get to Tony.
\nAnd all of a sudden, he has the right to do, I have to say, he has a right to establish, certainly, But the state is suspended the criminal sentence just so that it can qualify for federal funding. You can't qualify, guess, if you don't get the guy at a jail. So, here's the thing.
\nThe petition for paternity by the state is based upon an agreement with this criminal.
\nAnd so, by the mere fact that there's an agreement, and the agreement was entered into allowing him to get out of jail, the agreement was entered into under duress.
\nSo that's one aspect. So it's never going to be a valid agreement but see, most people don't understand that and if you, if she were to hire an attorney, he'll never tell her this.
\nThis is how disgusting that says, because that's what they do. All they care about is converting property.
\nThat means getting funds, they're gonna use people as collateral to get money from the federal government, and the federal government knows what's going on, and I think they did this in many cases, and in many cases, you don't have a dangerous father. You don't have the dangerous component here. In this case there was, but they don't care.
\nSo, um, so what I did is I looked at the petition that says, Hey, we haven't, the state has an agreement with this prisoner, sentenced suspended, and we wanna have a hearing to determine the maternity. Now, this sort of took place over there.
\nAnd so she filed a motion to dismiss because in the petition and alleged the existence of an agreement, now I didn't challenge, she didn't challenge the actual validity of the grant.
\nAnd what she challenged was that the agreement was alleged the existence of the agreement, but the actual agreement it was not exhibited with the complaint.
\nSo, what happens is, when I when I read the rest of petition, the state says, hey, we have an agreement, therefore the court has jurisdiction. She said, no, the court does not have jurisdiction because the agreement is not exhibited.
\nAnd if you look further into the petition, the state, the attorney that was the prosecutor which is now representing the state and fraternity case, is just making up things that she says is in the agreement.
\nShe's just saying, Oh, this is the case. Now this is the case, and this is what they do, it.
\nSo, so, what happens is, she says there's an agreement, and then, there's probably a written agreement, But she doesn't care what the actual agreement is. She's going to go in there and there's something called the parol evidence rule.
\nAnd she will make it whatever she wants, and if you don't say anything, it will become, we agree.
\nSo, we stopped in its tracks.
\nWe said no, there is no agreement.
\nIt's referred to, but it's not exhibit, right? So, this is another example of how attorneys practice a term in converting property. They're using people as the way to do it.
\nSame thing with mortgages.
\nThe banks don't care about.
\neasements, OK, they're using they just need your collateral the property and they need your credit to get ratings on the paper they're writing.
\nThat's all they care about.
\nAll they care about is taking your paper that you are that do, OK?
\nYou're the dude, You're, you're all the liability and there's your ear, it's using land, OK, one of the most valuable things. That means the only thing that there is it's worth having a lean on. And all they care about is converting that.
\nSo, they're turning land into money for them for themselves.
\nSo that's what that's all about, that's what I don't care about easements and such.
\nNow, you've seen this all the time. The weight transfer risk is by, notice, that's another way to do it.
\nSo, for example, let's say you go and buy a used car, right? How many times you see the sticker on the window, it says, As is, right?
\nOr, Yeah, a lot of that is, as you see this in a Craigslist, we're selling this as is, All right. So what you see is what you get is on you to assume whatever risks you assume, the risk or whatever that is, what you see is what you get if you don't do enough to do due diligence and make a decision, otherwise, it's on you.
\nSo that's another way to transfer risk.
\nHere's another way you ever go to the parking lot, where it says something like, We're not responsible for bible's. Look at your car.
\nWell that's signs, not there.
\nThey are, The science there, they're not, you are, because you were noticed, the same thing with towing.
\nIf you park in an area that's there's no sign anywhere that restricts you.
\nThere's no indication there's no lines of the roadway or whatever, it's fair game.
\nBut there's a side, preferably, it should get county side only. The county can do that, so there has to be a county and the county side. and if they say no parking, or, say the hours, or whatever, if you're outside of that you're, you're on the hook for whatever liability comes your way. So I just wanted to share that with your values. Are?
\nOK, so one more real quick, and certainly, we can talk about, you know, the French Revolution, OK, Maybe maybe that's important, but look, Here's the thing, I mean, this is a step outside of civil society.
\nMaybe that wasn't necessary.
\nMaybe it's going to be necessary, but I think that, I think, as time goes on, I think more is expected are people, I think we have an amazing way of communicating with each other that we should be using, and we should be educating each other, and I think we're intelligent enough to not have to cut off heads.
\nI mean, it's been romanticized.
\nIt sounds cool. I don't think we really want to do that.
\nbecause what we'll be doing for the rest of our project. What are we doing?
\nAre we still there?
\nDo we still have to do that?
\nI don't know, but I hope not.
\nThe other example is, So a gentleman comes to me and he had, yes, sign them.
\nAlicia Greg, he was very eager to start this business.
\nIt was a professional service, and it was calculated out to be, $400,000. I get that right.
\nYeah, it was a lot of money. Or Islamic one thousand dollars are created five years, something like that.
\nHuge amount, $400,000.
\nUm, yeah, so, he wasn't, he signed it first, without having everything in place. He didn't, he wasn't ready, he should have signed it.
\nThe thing is, it, to his credit, he signed it and then he verbally told the property manager, you know, I think this is going to work.
\nAnd by all rights, the property manager, me, realistically, you just said, you know, it's OK. Don't worry about tear it up, throw it away. You didn't do that, is kind of sitting on it. And the business owner was not sure how to deal with them. Right. So, when I got it, I looked at NASA, OK, look, you didn't do any, You didn't perform under the contract. You designed it, even put a deposit down, even put a dollar amount.
\nAnd it's not even, There's no, there's no commitment. Either way. I said, there's no consideration, so let's just send the guy a letter he knows you can't do it, or don't want to do it, is gonna leave you alone. I mean, it's gonna cost them a bunch of money to fight.
\nSo we got them out of it, right?
\nWell, a few days later, he wanted to look at a contract, and he was buying someone else's similar business. And, he was going to make it better.
\nThat was the idea, this woman, who was selling it to them, uh, she had 12 or 13 other similar businesses, and he was doing something similar, and he was just buying her one location, for whatever reason.
\nAnd so, she had an asking price. And so, he wanted me to review the contract.
\nI said, OK, so here's my first question, I have, actually come up with the asking price, was like $120,000, because you buy somebody's business, seeking out the location, That doesn't, what I'm talking about, the lease agreement yet, didn't qualify for the Alicia, is just finding this, so I asked them, what, what is where the 120 comfortably goes. Well, that's what she wanted.
\nI said, I understand that you're eager to get it.
\nYou gotta, you gotta be pragmatic.
\nI mean, maybe you're super rich, who cares? But still, I mean, how does this look to your investors. If you paid too much for a business.
\nHow does it look? What is your conversion? What is your return on the capital? They're not going to take you seriously. If you paid 30% more, I mean, I don't know.
\nI mean, maybe you could pay.
\nI'm not saying try to get your lowest price, but, OK.
\nSo, he said his answer was, because she wanted it.
\nSo, then I got, you know, I got to talk and in some more, and find that, I found out that she was selling for 12 or 13 similar types of businesses. She was telling that, one.
\nI said, What did I said if you had 12 or 13, similar businesses, and you wanted to sell one, would you sell the highest performing one that's making the most money?
\nKnow, you're going to sell the ..., aren't sure if you're not making this not the best right? Maybe it's functional, but maybe it's a bad location, and maybe it's just barely, by. Who knows? You're gonna say one is human nature. Nothing wrong with that, Just realize what you're doing, and I said, Did you look at the financials, did you look at the trend for the last 36 months? No.
\nShe doesn't want to give them to me.
\nI said, well, that's a species of fraud.
\nYou cannot make an intelligent decision, nor do you expect someone to make an intelligent decision on.
\nYou cannot be equitable if you don't disclose the financial asset, what you're selling.
\nYou shouldn't be buying something like that. And I said, Have you ever done something like this, or No. They said, Well, no. You cannot go out into the world and act like a seven year old and do this.
\nAnd you know, I'm grateful that people are not offended. I hope they're not because I'm not trying to offend people by saying things like that. I'm trying to be honest and say what money is important. And you have to treat it with respect.
\nAnd so, if you're going to ask me a question like that, I'm going to talk to you like that. And obviously you cannot You don't get my respect, and you don't get anybody else in your stack if you're gonna go around and do things like that.
\nSo he's like, you can save it, like kind of quiet He's like hmm, OK, so this is another thing to look at.
\nBe pragmatic about contracts. And when you want to buy something. You want to buy some property or something.
\nI think logically, think about what it is or what does, this is what real estate investors do. The first thing we asked the seller is why do you want to sell?
\nI mean it's such a great question.
\nBut if you're buying from another investor and he's selling you this asset.
\nWhy Woody, why would you ever sell an asset?
\nMaybe it was part of your plan, whatever.
\nSo, OK, enough of that, I found it cheaper, I will get into the easements.
\nIf you guys want me to, if you want, we can even check out some more SOS, Secretary of State UCC Filings, it's not that hard. I've got Georgia, it's interesting.
\nGeorgia has a private database that collects all the counties violence.
\nOnce you file an account, you're good.
\nI'm going to stop branch stuff?
\nLike it better?
\nYou guys didn't raise your hand or something, because I just muted everybody.
\nThere's, there's plenty more examples. Alex: Oh, what's on your mind?
\nUse, unmute yourself?
\nCheck check 1 2 Yeah?
\nSo, how are easements filed versus say? a security agreement? is the ACC?
\nA security agreement is filed in the same place that would be filed that the same forms.
\nUm, almost this easement is not necessarily a UCC file, OK?
\nSecurity Agreement is covered under the UCC and so, we'd like to use the UCC one, the notice form.
\nBut, yeah, it is!
\nThey are both filed in the county where the property or Collaterals situated.
\nSo, other quick question: are you finding that most states that the only person that can bring A case with like a security agreement is that is the state attorney general?
\nBecause that's the way it is. In New Jersey. Have you looked into that? In other states that you have a private right of action? When it concerns your property and your own security agreement, which you are secured? Part of you give yourself a private right of action.
\nI don't know that you were precluded. I mean, I would like to see that. I've never seen that before.
\nI mean, that'd be like saying the mortgage lender can only can't do anything. Only the state can Foreclose.
\nNow, if you're the secured party, you automatically have a private right of action.
\nYeah, sure, royalty.
\nIn that case. yeah.
\nSame with easements. But the idea behind the easement so in a way, I like to use them for, like, for example, a Joey Covenants, but even serve their different animals. But they can be used as a similar thing.
\nIs that you almost don't have an occasion to go to court, because it's already a settled matter.
\nIt's already a lien statutory.
\nI didn't need the judge to do anything. Now. maybe I need to do something like dispossess, some of it.
\nOf the use of the property or something. But most of the time, the easement is enough.
\nSo real quick, John Jay. So with the title companies, are all title companies doing this affidavit type?
\nI imagine we are. Yeah. I've never seen this before. I mean, I bought and sold real estate, and I've never seen that before.
\nAnd maybe this is new, I can be wrong, but I've not seen that.
\nSo, I can ask my real estate investor friends. But we have a friend.
\nWe have a friend that works at a title company, is estimate this is a thing that he knew, or what yeah, when did it start me?
\nMaybe it's always been that way, but why wouldn't, you know? Why would you identify an insurance company to that extent? I mean, I can understand some things.
\nBut to that extent, I mean, they already have. They already have coverage for even errors and omissions.
\nIt's unfair.
\nI think it's not equitable, right, on bear.
\nIt's not equitable, I think it's even unconscionable.
\nI can make that argument.
\nI mean, the thing is, if it is unconscionable all they've done is create this quagmire of litigation, that's how they wanted to make it real expensive to make them liable.
\nYeah, find out here.
\nYeah, well, sir. How do you fight it?
\nWell, first of all, I wouldn't identify the insurance company.
\nI would ask what steps the insurance company the title insurance company has taken to be able to issue the policy without me. Indemnifying insurance?
\nThat's where I would start.
\nWhat have you done to earn my business?
\nRight, let's start there?
\nYeah, OK, I'll get it for that OK?
\nSometimes I get so much telegram, Telegram and I can't show them fast enough to see the, but I'll get there.
\nI would just say that's variation which you shared about that title company and an affidavit of navigation. I mean, if that's like you guys are just talking to bash on all the ...
\nare in countering and not catching, check it out. Yeah, maybe this is a trend, knew I would file bar complaints on the attorneys. If I was to show you that mean ...
\nbig scam, I mean, there's no disclosure, Like you said, you're trying to create living litigation, the UK.
\nWell, I don't know what the bark and play would be, but I would ask because, you know, it's an attorney. The attorneys do this.
\nPeople in the C title insurance employees, they can't do that. They definitely are going to the lawyer.
\nSo, I would ask the lawyer what, as the title company does, what steps does it take, two indemnified, the buyer, and the seller, but the buyer, show me that.
\nShow me the policy.
\nLet's start there. Don't tell me identify, you're going to show me the **** policy. Yeah? Have you done? Have you done a title search?
\nYou should have searched, make these determinations yourself. I'm not going to be liable for stuff that's not in the public record.
\nCan be liable for, you know, some guy that parked his car in the corner my lot 10 years from now, I'm not going to do that.
\nOK, it's quite a cache, you had to do some reading and catch that.
\nI can say, well, you know, the thing is, it was nice that 1 1 of my clients that say, hey, what do you think about this? I love that!
\nJust want to start, because you all see things you're not familiar with.
\nHmm, hmm, hmm, I mean that one time, you saw, I did a video on YouTube, was a couple of years ago, this wasn't selling some real estate. I set it up to where, she had no liability, which he sold the property for nothing.
\nbecause of the way I own the property as a non resident, but she retained beneficial interest As a resident. I mean, it totally ***** with them. And when they tried to, the attorneys and a title company tried to make her liable for the taxes and the transfer fee and all this stuff.
\nAnd they sent her all these government forms that were altered.
\nHe sent her after game, even when it wasn't something they said, her government formed it.
\nThey themselves alternate in it still had the OMB number, and I wrote a letter back, and I read it from her, and I just said, I'm not saying this. You altered an official form of the United States government, and it says under penalty of perjury, you can't do that.
\nThey all do.
\nYeah, that won't be on there to hit the Mercury Clause the day, a photocopy their own little thing on that. I get to do that.
\nOh, that shows that shut it down real fast.
\nSo in the end, when they're trying to do this thing, they're trying to get her nose scientists, and she's, OK, what do I do here? What do you guys think about that? You'd like to letters.
\nNext thing you know, they closed. Check out all the money, no taxes.
\nSo you got the best of both worlds.
\nBut if you don't understand, and I had never heard of this before. I just happened to read it and realize what they were doing.
\nYou have to just the obvious, you know, the very subtle things that lawyers do. You have to understand, like when you're given when you have a Government form, it's approved by the Office of Management and Budget. This is an important thing. This is why even have a video on this, the OMB number at the top? And then penalty of perjury.
\nBe very careful about this. When lawyers say, Oh, um, when you sell this real estate, when your company's tells us real estate, you have to file a tax return.
\nBullshit, you fill out the tax return.
\nI'm not signing something out. Comes a perjury.
\nYou can't tell me that I have to sign something under penalty of perjury. And I don't care if there's a law that says a tax return has to be filed. Because guess what? You're not the commissioner.
\nYou're a **** board member. You don't need to tell me that.
\nAnd, if I want to say I'm gonna make deliberate false statements and I'm gonna stay on there that you told me to sign this, I'm gonna make false statements. And you'll be charged with sovereign nation of perjury. How would you like that?
\nAnd that's one of the things I did on that other case, that on the real estate case, I get all excited. I'm sorry, but I told the attorney, if you want me to sign it, then you're liable for ... Perjured because, I'm gonna live.
\nWould you call it ... ordination, separate issue to suborn, someone's False Testimony?
\nSo if a person of an official status, like a bar number, OK, a bar member is an officer of the Court.
\nIf an officer of the Court says you must sign this disclosure, financial disclosure or other penalties of perjury, he's using his official position to get your testimony.
\nHe's liable if you live.
\nYou tell him, OK, if you're telling me as an officer of the Court, I'm required to testify about certain financial matters, I will make false statements so that if anything comes of it, you will be liable for subrogation of perjury.
\nDo you want me to proceed?
\nWatch how fast the whole thing reverses. They understand what that means. You see they're trying to convert your property and you say, fine, You're going down with the ship.
\nYou want to convert my property. You're coming with me.
\nThey're not going to do it.
\nSovereign nation of perjury ...
\nB O R N a T I O N two suborn ones Berge your testimony.
\nAnd it can be truthful testimony.
\nI just tell them it's false testimony. You want to take the risk. You want to gamble?
\nI'd like just tell the truth, but I'm going to tell that lawyer online.
\nYeah, Understand the nature of the beast you're dealing with, right.
\nYeah, why are you watching very closely.
\nAll right, so if somebody wants me to ask, I talk about, kill the ground.
\nOK, so V has been, has a competing interests alright with Caleb Abram.
\nAnd he's correct. Things he's telling me are correct.
\nI put I, personally, don't proceed the risks he's describing because, So what if people see? So what if government agencies see what I'm doing with my mind?
\nI'm not doing anything bad, would be illegal now.
\nOf course, the government can make up whatever it wants, in which case, who cares who I'm dealing with?
\nI just don't like having to wire money internationally, because the banks interfere with it, but as far as everyone seeing my money, I act as if I always have acted as if every government agency can see my mind.
\nI don't like that.
\nAnd so I don't care, know that we, at some point, we, gotta, we gotta decide, look, we aren't like that letter I did for FinCEN. OK. The FinCEN disclosures that kind of put it over the edge for me.
\nThey want to start this thing in January and, you know, at some point y'all, we have to say look, Government, we asked you to do a thing, it does not include investigate me as if I'm a suspect in money laundering or threats to national security unless there's evidence of it.
\nYou cannot police disclosure unless there's an actual crime attached to it.
\nYou cannot penalize me, or not just for non disclosure unless you have a legitimate interests, you don't have a legitimate interest because I refuse to tell you what I'm doing with my money. I have a right to do that.
\nI have a right to Secrecy.
\nIt's just that our banking system won't give it to me.
\nIf I want to get that privacy, I have to go around the banking system, which I fully intend to do, and you call that money laundering.
\nIt's not money laundering unless you can prove I'm laundering money and I don't have to be giving the evidence in advance, just in case you want to, excuse me, a bit later.
\nSo, we have to, at some point, say, you know what, I'm not going to do, I'm not participating, or, I'm going to hide my money just like I put the pen send a letter.
\nI'm gonna go on my way. I'm gonna use Monero on these lists. Diamonds I'm gonna use Cash. Even when you say it's illegal, I'm still going to use Cash and so forth and so on.
\nAlright, but as far as easements go, you guys wondering about that?
\nSo easements do not affect title.
\nThat's what, that's the beauty of the whole thing, it's the same thing with HIV Covenant.
\nIt has to do with the use of the property, the possession that you see, the use of the land and fixtures on the land, the buildings.
\nNow I am pretty much getting close to finishing a standard easement for residential property.
\nI've got a list of clients now that there is different stages of their property being at risk. This will cure the problem.
\nYeah, that's the podcast from this morning, I'm gonna ask me about that. Basically, the summary of it.
\nAs I was explaining how you can really go out. I use AI, by the way.
\nI use AI.
\nI had my son do it, just to show you how you view that supply chain.
\nSo, I told my son, here's a general description of an E bike dealership. I just made it up on top of my head.
\nI said, Don't have AI create a business you did, like, in a short period, time and money.
\nAnd so, he gave me the plan. And I looked at it, and I said, OK. Now, there's a couple more things I want to add in there. So I said, go tell the AI to do this other thing, and he did. And then I went and I verified with the AI it, so we have this nice business plan as I was going through.
\nHow you could actually do it, And if you didn't like the bike's, you don't want to do that. You can take those same ideas and do something else.
\nSo, anyways, that's alert.
\nYeah, I'll say what he wants to do. I get asked him where he's, where he says, ignatz.
\nWe're going to do a series, by the way, or smell them.
\nAnything else?
\nIt's my opinion that we do. The security agreements are biometric data and biographical data.
\nI think it's really going to impede the central bank digital currency back, I believe, that.
\nAnd I think the agrees with me, I believe that there's a battle in the world between the families that run everything. I believe there's a There's a spike in fighting.
\nI think it's it's impeding that progress, if you want to call it that the central bank digital purchas, I think.
\nBut if we added this, what do you call it?
\nThe Black Swan, right?
\nAll of a sudden we're all cybersecurity grievance against the very thing that they either run this. It's going to be quite interesting. Rose, what did you want to analyze?
\nI don't, this might be beating a dead horse.
\nBut on the easements, could you just talk a little bit more high level how that would work?
\nIf, say there's the homeowner, who is approaching the process of foreclosure?
\nAnd let's say like I as a third party, would come in an offer.
\nThis is a a entrepreneurial endeavor of, like, hey, let me help you get out of this.
\nHow does that easement work where, like, I own the easement, but they retain the rights. To use the price you pay, you then give them back the rights as a tenant.
\nSo you record an easement. And the rights to use the property is the same as when he, when the owner was a title holder, you will be dispossessed of the title, the same rights he had, now, are they transfer to you?
\nUnder the Easement, right.
\nSo then you can take the rights you've expressed in the easement and lease it back to that person.
\nSo, now he's operating and you're operating actually, you're operating under the easement.
\nUse of the property and that would preclude that new title holder from taking possession of the property.
\nIt might be a little messy, like there might be some conflict. But in the end, there's nothing he could do about it.
\nThe type, the new title holder, can do nothing to interfere with the easement rights.
\nSo as the easement owner holder, I basically become, felt like the landlord of the so like if that, if those, that tenant decided they wanted to move out, I could just rent it out again or you could do that. Yeah or you shouldn't, you certainly could.
\nAnd you could even under a lease agreement, I would have a lease agreement under the Easement because you have that right, give yourself that right under the easement.
\nAnd you can still retain, like, For example, if he didn't pay the rent, you could still get evicted, right? Under your isn't right. So, you know. So all the all the authority that was under the title is then transferred to the easement.
\nCan we still have the same?
\nSame rights, OK, thank you, OK.
\nAll right.
\nOK, real quick, on the getting a driver's license SSN.
\nI have a deal right now with the state, it's not really ideal, but State of Florida, There's a Florida statute.
\nI'm do this for my children.
\nThere's a Florida statute that says, you have to disclosure SSM, OK, our problem with that.
\nMy children don't have an assistant.
\nSo the law doesn't cover that.
\nI happen to know that the DMV has this procedure, whereby you certify that you've never applied for and received an SSN. And so, this is what's going on. I have a letter out there right now, because I wrote a letter saying, hey, we're tell me about this and they wrote back and said, here's the law. You have to disclose it. And I wrote back and said, yeah, no. I just told you with the law was, I'm asking you what law requires me to go get an SSN.
\nIf I don't already have one for the sole purpose of getting a driver's license and now I'm waiting for the response.
\nIt's taken a month on the first one, I'm probably going to follow up and say hello.
\nI just want a letter, so that I can go and talk to millions and say, look, guys, your director said, I don't need one. I just have to certify that I don't have one.
\nBecause every time I've sent my children in there, you get a driver's license in Florida.
\nIt's, it's been like that.
\nWhy not? There's like only 1, 8, or 10 12 states that do this.
\nI mean, you can get around it if you're like me, if you want to spend a few months doing this or just go to a state that doesn't care.
\nI think Georgia's 1 Washington's 1. Just pick a state who doesn't care. Go get a license there.
\nUse it. Use it anywhere you want, that's what I would do.
\nJust unmuted, but can you hear me OK? Yeah, OK, yeah, we've been up to the DMV like twice now, today was one of those days, and they keep saying the same thing.
\nI thought I would remember that.
\nFigured out a lawyer or something is the director and asked, what law requires me to go get an SSN in order to qualify for a driver's license, what did they have, what do they have to do with each other?
\nIf I don't already have one, and I just certify that, I don't have one. Or, is there a law on the books that says I have to apply for an SSN? And if you go to the SSA and you apply for an SSN, you say I want an SSN so that I can qualify for a driver's license, they're going to say no.
\nSo it's just have to just know look how to analyze this and then get them to do something a letter. So the minions.
\nYou go there and the media and talk to the other big in the manager who talks together just like a cluster minions out with everything. I showed them. The drivers describes everything you need, and write the book.
\nIt says, if you don't have a number, and you are US citizens or provide this other documentation for ID, And then that's the way it always is, yes? And I gave it to them. They're like, well, or procedure doesn't allow us to do this. Why?
\nSo, I've got them, you gotta get the dry invest, tell them what to do.
\nYeah, I mean, I hate to even take them to court, but you could see what you could do then. What I'm thinking is, this is an administrative determination.
\nThat's, it's remote, it's, it's unbelievable.
\nIt's a determination that you're required to have a Social Security number to qualify for driver's license.
\nFor some reason, it's an administrative termination, and I would argue that it's arbitrary. And so I would ask sort of this right here.
\ntwo to rebut the unreasonable presumption.
\nSomeone shared, a, certainly a while back, it was blamed as versus climate, someone shared with this case, In this case of Land is versus Klein, it has to do with it, and unrepeatable administrative information requires hearing.
\nSo, you want to ask for an administrative hearing and say, how did you arrive the determination that an SSN was required?
\nIf one person doesn't have one applicant does not have one, Any certifies that he doesn't have one.
\nHow did you make that? How did you arrive that commission? That's an unreasonable assumptions.
\nSo, OK, For the SSN. On my children. To see. A lot of times. The Department of Health is over there, you know, circling like vultures when your child is born and racks of friendly. And they come to the clipboard and stuff. And they come into my mom, my wife's hospital room.
\nI said, Thank you for your coming today.
\nWe'd, rather not meet with you.
\nJust ...
\nout, yeah.
\nDon't come in here, just because you're the DOA to get out.
\nYeah, but the thing is, what they'll do the ... person with a clipboard and go to the nurse, and ask, Hey, what's the, what's the child's name?
\nSo, what we did is simply agree. My wife and I, that we would always answer the question by saying, we haven't decided yet.
\nIt's a polite way of getting English leave us alone.
\nSo, if they can't figure out a name, then no one will apply for an SSN for the child and they're not supposed to anyways.
\nBut if they have the child's name, they will fill up the floor, that's the whole problem. So avoid that situation.
\nWe just don't come up with a name, so that's what we did. OK, so what will happen is the hospital, sometimes I do sometimes they don't like, in our case, we have five children, so it was different each time.
\nBut they sometimes I will say, like, BBG Singleton, right?
\nI'll put a birth certificate, OK, Fine. Fine, fine. Because we're going to get a birth certificate, Anyways, it makes life easier.
\nWe understand a lot.
\nI know you don't have to have one and all this, but it makes life easier. At least want to get a passport. But, so what we will do is, within the first year of birth, as we go, man, the birth certificate to what we want.
\nThat's how I did it. But, but at the same time, if you don't give up the name, then you're not going to apply for an SSN.
\nI mean, my wife came here from another country, and I was able to go through her application documents.
\nShe got her green card and then she got her citizenship, and of course, I went through all the documents and I just removed the SS for that symbol I just figured out of the stack. So she does not, she has never signed an SSN.
\nYeah, so in my ultimate series, in the ... dot IO video series, I do make it a point to have a series of videos and they're not connected. Some of them, some of them might be 1 or 2 part, you know. But I come up with concepts about how to make more money and different aspects of that and tools that you can use when I talk about them.
\nI may just suddenly going to do more, but I don't have any immediate plans for that, But V and I are actually producing a series on that. So it's kind of nice to have another personally, the interviewer.
\nYeah. Go into the ultimate section and check it out.
\nYeah, Yeah. So, I mean, if you, if I gave you, what was, it called something marketplace, or whatever someone that, was, just an example of, those guys, I know they cancel the website away and just go find something else, just go look for business brokers or website online businesses for sale ... dot com is a great example, ...
\ndot com, OK.
\nThat was just something to market. It was like a Shopify seller.
\nAll right, so, OK, somebody's got a link, but you want to ask? I think just two things.
\nI did send you my security agreement, and I forgot to tell you when we were in Zoom last week, so I feel that, pardon, and, um, the other thing is, OK, So if the government is able to see what Caleb and ground is doing, why don't they seize those assets? Why?
\nWhat caused what?
\nI owe them money.
\nOK, I don't believe there's a procedure in place.
\nThere has to be, I believe, a tax treaty with Australia, in your case and there's probably another way to do it anyways.
\nI don't, in fact, I don't think, in a case like you're describing, I don't think it's within the purview of the IRS to do that.
\nI think if there's a criminal investigation, yeah, or if you're a super rich person and maybe the FinCEN is involved, then Yeah.
\nBut typically, when you're trying to negotiate with the IRS on something, I just don't think they see it.
\nThat's my guess.
\nI am on, my biggest nightmare is I'm gonna get a letter from them saying, What is Caledon Brown possible? It's possible.
\nI mean, they won't say like that. They would say, they would then say, we discovered, I think they need the Department of Justice to get involved to get records of that nature.
\nI believe they have to go through the embassy. There's no treating. I don't even think they would treat.
\nI don't, I don't know, But, so far, I haven't seen it. I don't, I don't believe it now, if it's Canada, I don't see a problem with that. I think they've already got a tree.
\nMaybe not Mexico, either, but Canada, in England.
\nI think they may long established trivia tax rate.
\nYeah, a recording type situation.
\nYeah! The, the, the SSM for the driver's license, it's gonna always be your state statute.
\nIf there is such a thing, or read it very carefully because it's never going to require you to go get one, if you don't have one. I know most of us already have one.
\nSo, if you have one, they're going to say, We won't let you have a driver's license, and then that's just what you have to do.
\nAll right, I mean, I don't know how you would argue against that and really, I don't care.
\nI mean, I just don't like it, but it's just another reason why we have to do something about that on a larger scale.
\nWe can talk about that later, but sometimes, like for me, I mean, I, I used an asset. My parents gave me an SSN.
\nI think when I was 12 or something or 16 and in fact, I got myself a job at the YMCA in house and for that they had to get an SSN and then I had the assets that I had the card when I got my driver's license, I put that on my application. So, it's always going to be there.
\nHasn't hurt me since, I mean, really, it. But it's still there.
\nThat's still a mistake.
\nYeah, you know, I mean, this is what I said in the Privacy Act.
\nYou know, I'm going to, I'm being denied a benefit because non disclosure, right. So does violate the Privacy Act but there's gonna ignore that. You're gonna have to go to court.
\nThat's what I'm saying.
\nUm, getting the ministry of hearing first, right? Then you might have a cause of action.
\nAnd then you're asking me about, have a private common law trust who, who's having a private of electrons for what purpose.
\nKnow, the common law includes the statute itself.
\nThere's nothing special I mean, you can write a trust. Trust can exist without even words, OK? So, you can have a trust that way.
\nLike if you go on vacation and your neighbor looks at your dog, that's a trust.
\nI don't need to read the document.
\nQuick example, but, John? Yeah. Yeah. No.
\nI thought that it just changes the jurisdiction, uh, know, so that it can safeguard assets and you know, and you can run your LLC.
\nI mean, keep it in, the, In the private trust, I thought it, but there was like a value to that.
\nThere is, what do you want to use the trucks for?
\nUm, I think what it does is it takes The, the, the birth certificate name, the strong man name, our doubts that jurisdiction, statutory, jurisdiction, antia private, I don't think you convey that one.
\nI think it's. I don't think it's your document.
\nI don't think it's your client.
\nI think it's a claim made by bankers on something that was created like Access to K Trust.
\nAnd I don't quite understand that very well, but I don't think you have control over it.
\nYeah, I don't think you have control over it.
\nYou may have control over the best thing, liability or disclaiming liability.
\nThat's right, that's awesome. Yeah, that's what it is.
\nYeah, ..., exactly. So it removes your liability and tax liability and such. I don't know the impact of the taxes.
\nMean, just like now, it's separate.
\nI mean, I don't think that's, I think it, it removes tax liability.
\nI don't think it creates tax liability. I think what creased tax liability is, reporting income.
\nRight, I don't think there's any other thing that unless you're Unless you're in a situation where you have a duty to collect sales tax, which I don't agree with, because what happens is your retailer is collecting sales tax, is becoming the fiduciary for state property, without compensation. I think that's unfair. Just like with The Handicap placards, and parking spots. That's all expenses incurred by the businesses. The Government's not paint or it's an unfunded mandate.
\nSo the businesses just go along and they just tolerate that.
\nThis is just look at the cost of doing business.
\nSo I mean, if somebody wants to challenge that, why should the retailer in fact, why should the retailer itemize its own cost? You're not the one paying sales tax, by the way.
\nThey're just itemizing on your receipt to make it look like you're paying. Businesses pay.
\nRight? Just like the businesses paying their electric bill and the water bill, it doesn't itemized out on your receipt.
\nIt's interesting, because you have a whole thing's a site game.
\nRegularly thing, an age matched, I think you mentioned the other week, but we would use, when we implement the easements, where you would use a private contract ration in an LLC. You would be the trustee. This is my recommendation, I would use a limited liability company as a trustee.
\nWe're a trust, so it looks something like, you know, then the address of the property, LLC, as Trustee for whatever trust. That's how the title, but that's how the name of the Serbian State would appear on the keys.
\nI'll show you guys when I have the first degree, OK.
\nThat's just my way of doing it. I mean, heck, you can make your Uncle Bob, the survey at the state, and hopefully, I'll go, Bob will be nice to you, why, you know, so.
\nYeah, Martin, that happened? Yeah, that's the risk, exactly. Say, every year I was a little bit different situation.
\nSo, all right, Anything else, interesting, as, I hope, I hope that gives, you know, gives you a little enlightenment, you know, how I look at things that you bring me a situation and these are the kinds of things I'm looking at. When attorneys aren't ball. It's the nature of the beast.
\nIt's just like, you know, looking at sewage, OK. We know that we have sewage.
\nI just don't want to hear me turn to you.
\nJust don't give me Yeah.
\nBut just understand the nature of the beast.
\nIs that when she has In Black's Law, when you look up attorney sewage?
\nMy ugly exit, by analogy. But now I'm in Ballantine Law Dictionary.
\nIt's defined in, its defined all over the place is defined in case law.
\nIt's the practice of, know, taking property from one activity to another, innocence or guilt, which we've had since the Civil War.
\nWe had a period of time from around 18 20 to the Civil War, where there was no field system of fealty, people owned property.
\nWithout taxation. they actually had property rights, and when the Civil War came along, it changed all back to what it was in, the reason why we had the Revolution.
\nAnd then somehow people began accepting even higher taxation.
\nAnd from the Civil War, up until, let's say, around 1010 or 11, the banking system, and tried to impose on us a national income tax, and they cannot do it.
\nThey could not get around the Constitution.
\nSo what they decided to do was get people to willingly participate then later make it look like it was required and that's why they did the 16th Amendment.
\nAnd if you look at Stan versus Baltic Mining company that follow the 16 well, yeah, follow the 16th Amendment. That case was decided in 19 16.
\nThe 16th Amendment, it said in that case, the Supreme Court said that the 16th Amendment did not if the government more powers of taxation mm hmm, They already had it in Article one, Section eight clause.
\nAll right, but if you ask any tax person, he's going to say, Oh, yes, this research and development.
\nThey just trick people into participating.
\nYeah, you can use it.
\nYou can make up a number to use as a credit file. You don't have to use an SSN. There's nothing wrong with that. Just don't use it for fraud.
\nI mean, even the FBI waited on that years ago, when it was called, he called it the credit profile number. That's what I call it.
\nBack in the nineties, you know, I reverse engineer that whole process, and I've published on Yammer groups, and I just want all of the Internet.
\nThere's a really good services out there that are doing this professionally. They actually do a really good service, and everybody knows about it. The FBI understands that people do that and they just caution people look just using using an SDN, or whatever.
\nThey refer to it. As the FBI says, it doesn't change our debt obligation, which I agree. That's not what we're trying to do.
\nAnd you can't use it to commit fraud because it becomes an element in fraud. If you're going to use it for that, and I've never seen anybody do that, means.
\nI know a lot of people do with me. I will offer the people as, like, sometimes I'll have a client who is a victim of stock.
\nIt's weird. I mean, I get all these types of cases.
\nAnd sometimes, I can help people, and it's just a matter of changing, Changing how they appear on paper are breaking the trail so that someone can't stop them.
\nOr, like this one lady, she couldn't escape ID theft. But I think of someone in her family.
\nSo we had to actually sever all the records to create, like, like, we couldn't do this with the records we had to do, like, create a whole new path.
\nLike, all of a sudden, this person existed, exists now. And this person maybe got lost at sea.
\nIf someone were to track it would look like, but then she's able to carry out their financial affairs because we did that and not be impeded by something to her family, whatever.
\nYeah, I appreciate the good, because you know, me, this stuff is really serious, and I've had people come in and almost in tears and I feel for them. And I'm not ever trying to market anybody or make all of them.
\nBut we have to step back and look and see the humor in this.
\nAnd we, maybe we don't always have to do that, but many times, when people call me a very dire situation, by the end of the call overlapping.
\nI take this very seriously, but we still have to laugh, I'll tell you, real quick, my own.
\nYeah, um, my, my grandfather.
\nHe died when he was like 61 alcoholic, and, uh, you would love to hear this?
\nEnormous laugh, like, oh, like he was gonna die sounded like.
\nAnd he called me about two weeks before he was going to die.
\nAnd he said, I'm going to die because I'm an alcoholic. And I remember platelets in my blood so if I'm cut, I'll never stop bleeding. He said, my doctor said, I can either have the surgery, and there's a 10% chance of survive. But if I don't have the surgery, I'm going to die.
\nEither way, right?
\nSo, he's told this story.
\nIt was one of my favorite relative. Yeah.
\nHe's funny, guy.
\nSo, by the end of the conversation, we're talking about Looney Tunes, cartoon, that laughing so hard. My gut was going to split.
\nAnd that was the last conversation I have with them. You know, my, my grandmother call me a couple weeks later said he died.
\nI really didn't feel sorry. I was so glad that I had that conversation with them. So In the worst situations in our lives you guys don't want to know me. You don't want to tell me your financial stuff?
\nBut I hope that I can help and In some of the things I explained people like for example When people come in there and foreclosure right, That's a difficult situation, especially for the for the man Because the wife is always Not always, but the wife is saying hey, it's your fault. It's not always that way, But I find a lot of times that happens or some of those spouses blame each other or whatever.
\nSo I say like, OK, so you're looking for a house. When he got this one it's in foreclosure, But we all know it's in foreclosure But maybe you just decided to go get another house And maybe this is how you decided to leave the house Or why did you change your perspective on this? And why don't you make a plan where you spend time with their spouse and go like every once a week and spend maybe four hours shopping for another house, and they're like OK?
\nThat, that doesn't fit with our situation, because we have that credit, That's OK. I will show you how to get with that credit.
\nSo, like I said, or Chakra house Ginger perspective, it's not so much of your being foreclosed on to say, you decided to get another house. And this is your choice on how to do it.
\nThat way, you change that perspective.
\nAnd once your brain finally gets it, that's what you decide your you decided that yeah, the effect of a foreclosure.
\nYou already got the money from the bank, the banks, the sucker just got the money.
\nRight, move on. Just because you don't know how to buy a house back, it doesn't mean you can't do it. I'll show you how to do so, change of perspective on things when it actually changes your effectiveness.
\nI appreciate your comment on that.
\nYeah, that was my grandfather.
\nSo you create not, or not for profit.
\nOK, so The Angel way, the age of eight is going to be a non-profit, so the way I did, one, the, all the ones I've done. I mean, it shouldn't be a for-profit, It doesn't really matter. It's not going to make a profit, It's not going to have a bank account.
\nThis way, you can have a tax number of a, I just like to register as a not for-profit. Why?
\nSay 50 bucks.
\nThere's no special reason.
\nAnd, also, that's what everybody else does. See.
\nIt's not about art.
\nSo, yeah, you just, you know, check the box when you're registering with the state as an app for profit. OK, so in Florida, I think it's like they charge it to $65 instead of $125.
\nFor them?
\nNo, you don't have to ask the IRS for your non-profit status.
\nYou just told the state, It's a non-profit, that's where it ends, and it happens to be an Agile way. Everybody looks at that, and it doesn't have a tax number, and it doesn't need a bank account.
\nThey actually docs necessarily, public record. That's how they work.
\nYou want them to be on the public record.
\nSo are the articles.
\nI'm glad we got this.
\nIt is kinda fun.
\nKnow where the parents were, the box. We have all the rights, OK? We have a system, we have systems in place are supposed to protect them, and it doesn't work sometimes. And, so, we have to work extra hard to make sure it works.
\nIt's just like steering a boat, right? Sometimes, it's not always work, Right? Figure out the sales and make it make it go the right way. That's, that's what we do. That's the nature of our existence.
\nI accept it.
\nSo, yeah. So, HLAA doctor Hill's LLC has nothing to do with an HLA.
\nI would just It's an eight.
\nIt's an incorporated entity.
\nAn ... is a non-profit and corporate event.
\nWe can use aleksey's LLCs for processing excuse me, Telegram?
\nWhat's settling?
\nOh, I'm sorry. I suspect All right.
\nAll right guys.
\nSo, anything else, I'm gonna end it for tonight?
\nNo, thank you very much. Thanks for being on the call, I always appreciate your questions and participation. It is recorded. I'm gonna, I think I'm going to publish this one.
\nSome of the things I don't like to publish, but everything is going to be in the members area, I think I have about three more upload. So, I know I'm a little bit behind on that, Sorry about that.
\nAll right, John, OK. Thank you. I appreciate I. Appreciate that.
\nAlright, and I can.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n\r\n \r\n<\/div><\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/section>\n\t\t\t\t