\r\n 0:00\r\nAnd you're in I.\r\n0:00\r\nYep, OK, me.\r\n0:11\r\nJohn, thank you for joining me. During this module, we've been talking about solutions quite a bit, and, of course, since we're also talking about health, we can't leave out solutions for the healing professionals.\r\n0:25\r\nSo, during this presentation... <\/div>\r\n
\nAnd you're in I.
\nYep, OK, me.
\nJohn, thank you for joining me. During this module, we've been talking about solutions quite a bit, and, of course, since we're also talking about health, we can't leave out solutions for the healing professionals.
\nSo, during this presentation that you're about to give, you're going to be exploring a different approach for healing professionals of all types, to two, operate outside of the traditional system, so to speak. So, I'll go ahead and turn it over to you. You can take it away. Thank you so much. I really do appreciate the opportunity, for 30 years, I've been having these discussions. I do, Right now, I do a weekly call, and this is a, among the subjects that I discuss, it came from financial, financial situations. But it's morphed into now this health care system. Because of of what I'm able to do with the financial aspect of it.
\nSo what I wanted to do is just start with the conclusion and then give you some context following that, where, why, and how as to why and how and why I'm even having this conversation?
\nAnd so the conclusion would be, like Alec explained is that it's possible in likely and acceptable and it's traditional actually for professionals to organize themselves in their own private associations, OK?
\nAnd also, be responsible for their own regulatory compliance, and let's call that licensing, OK, there's different, There's different understanding of what licensing is, but it is possible, and probably it might be even necessary for physicians, nurses, health care professionals, to begin recognizing that they actually have the power and the legal right to organize themselves in their own independent networks.
\nLet's call it: networks are private clubs, private associations, that is, that are independent of the state, licensing and regulatory framework.
\nSo, that's the conclusion, and I'm going to explain now why I'm talking like that, and why, Why have you come up with this as a conclusion, let's say, for example?
\nSo to start with, and this is a story I told a few weeks ago and one of my calls, every Friday, the last Friday of every month here in Orlando, where I live in Orlando, Florida, they're in downtown Winter Park, downtown Orlando.
\nThere is an event, like, they don't like to call it an event, but it's a gathering of people that we all come there with, with our bikes and we just, we just bike through the town for like hour, hour and a half, 10 miles, something like that. And when we do that, there's around 600 to maybe 100 people that do this, and it's called critical mass.
\nAnd when we do this, we have certain rules that we follow. We decide how the flow of traffic is going to take place. So, we have the lights switching off and on the traffic lights. And then we have the traffic. I mean, this is Friday, OK? This is Friday, right? about 7 0 PM. Sometimes it's 5 0 PM Friday, downtown, OK.
\nAnd we're deciding how the traffic is going to flow. And the police allow us to do this.
\nThey are not there. They're not even supervising us. They are just asking that. We don't do anything crazy, OK.
\nSo, when we come on a red light, we all stop the group And this group spans, like you'll stand there and you can watch for like 10 minutes people riding by, as you can imagine, And so the group gathers up, then when the light switches, We all go.
\nNow, sometimes we sit through several cycles of the light to make sure we all come together in the smallest space because we are operating under the idea of public safety. So, this is the governing thing, It's not the police that are governing its public safety.
\nNo one has the public safety doctrine. And because we are the government, this is what I want to explain here.
\nWe make the rules, but we can only do it within that limitation.
\nOK, so, well, we come on, a green light and we're coming through the intersection and the light switches.
\nWe just continue falling through the intersection and all the traffic has to stop, it's just how it works because pedestrians have the right away people on a bike, have a right, A right away, and so forth. The people that are doing this, they don't understand. They just know that it's safe, and they feel safe, and I like doing it, because I know that all the traffic is going to stop, because I'm with, you know, hundreds of people.
\nSo, what if my point here is that we are the government, and we make the rules, as long as we're operating within the confines of certain limitations, like we're not gonna do something that's going to cause harm, or a risk to someone else, or someone else's property. We also want to set a good moral example. So that way, if a record is made of what we do today, hopefully, it's going to serve people in the future. So, that is really the context of what I'm talking about. And I'm gonna, I'm gonna give you a little bit of my history as to how I am able to even have this conversation, because I'm certainly not a physician, I don't have that training. I have legal training. It would be the training That You would have as an attorney.
\nMaybe I never have attended law school, But I basically practice law, but I'm really an entrepreneur and some of the things I do I try to help people avoid haven't used the legal system. Because in some respects, it's broken.
\nSo you'll you'll find out this is where I'm coming from So Let me just say so I've been an entrepreneur for over 40 years But really 30 in the area that I'm in right now And So when I first started in this I was working with small business owners professionals.
\nI started eventually getting into working with Professionals like a chiropractor's, an orthodontist and Dennis and things things of that nature. Those types of small businesses. What I started with is consumer debt and so I looked at a consumer debt situation and these are people that are having credit card debt. This is in the nineties. They have credit card debt and They just can't pay it for some reason one reason or another and they're looking at bankruptcy and debt consolidation and all these things that attorneys recommend.
\nAnd so what I would do is I would just look at what the risk was. So the risk is if you don't pay, You could be subject to levies and this sort of thing being sued and so forth. So What I would do is just make the client uncollectable?
\nI Got to a point where, I created a mechanism whereby a person who had lots of credit card debt Could even make it to where without filing a bankruptcy or paying anybody really To make it to where he's uncollectable.
\nEven blocking wage garnishments without using bankruptcy.
\nAnd I used the system itself to do that An inside the system, and they see that all the lawyers and all the banks, they're seeing what I'm doing and they couldn't stop it because it was perfectly legal and it's just one example of things over the years. This is how I've tried to solve people's problems. I look at the exact problem. What is it that concern someone? It's his risk. He's not managing it properly. I'm Gonna stop the risk. OK.
\nSo, time went on. And we get into this as you all are familiar with, the foreclosure situation where was called the foreclosure crisis. Right. So, I'm going to describe for you in words, what was happening at that time. This is a time when I think it was 2008, 2009. It went all the way into, like, 2016, where large numbers of people were being foreclosed upon an excuse given in. The news is that they didn't qualify for the mortgage anyways, but the rules for two lakhs. And therefore, they got in the system and now they're in foreclosure for one reason or another That's really not exactly what was happening there.
\nThere's a there's a whole business objective behind the foreclosure situation that we saw in that time period. But let me just tell you what was going on, and I'm just going to summarize it, and then I'm gonna tell you briefly what I did.
\nSo, these are the words that I use to describe it, and part of what I do is my client, I'm going to give him the words I'm going to describe for him, what's happening in his situation, so that he can deal with it If you can't put something where, sometimes, you just really can't solve the problem, because you can't describe what the problem is, OK. You are just afraid, and you'll do whatever anyone tells you.
\nSo, this is literally, what was what was happening when many people's homes were being foreclosed upon.
\nHere's what was going on, and it had to do with Wall Street, as you've probably heard some of it, but here's what's going on that It was pillaging pillaging foreign pension funds by laundering, counterfeit, and forged securities through the US court system.
\nOK, the Wall Street bankers.
\nThat's what they set up, they exhausted the market of mortgage holders, mortgage, borrowers, OK, and all the investors in the mortgage backed securities, and so, the investors wanted to expand the risk pool because they can make more money that way, and they can, that, you know, it's like a pyramid scheme. They can, they can bring in more victims, right? Well, they have to make deals with other countries, and this is what they did. So they used our court system to get foreign pension funds to buy into these mortgage backed securities, and then they stole it.
\nThey still a pension funds. And Pension Fund is a really great thing to steal, because the person who's the beneficiary can't make a claim on it because he's not, he doesn't have a right to at that point.
\nIt's really slick what they came up with. So, now I say that for a couple of reasons.
\nSo, this is an example of the corruption that's behind, it's behind.
\nIt's probably a similar the similar money interest is behind what I'm gonna call the phony or fake pandemic. OK, I think you guys already understand that it was it is and still will be I mean they've been doing this for years. It's been rehearsed and so forth.
\nAll right, so What I did is I took on about maybe one thousand or 1200 foreclosure cases, and I Charge a monthly fee. I don't, I don't bill by the hour. There's a reason for that. But I do a monthly fee, and I stopped the foreclosure and what I told the client was I'm going to stop your foreclosure, And I'm going to in spite of your bad credit I'm going to show you how to buy another house.
\nBut in the meantime, I'm gonna keeping your house that you're in foreclosure. I'm gonna keep you there for at least two years, now. Some of these many of these were 4 to 8 years.
\nAnd, I'm not, I'm not saying that's a good thing because, really, if I'm, if I'm doing that, it's creating some dependence and I don't want that.
\nI want the client to be educated, learn more, and then move on it with a new skill, OK. That he's acquired from working with me. So, I would stop the foreclosure now.
\nHere's how I did it because I know that the banking system, the way they originate mortgages, I know that it's a fraud.
\nWhat I would do is instead of accusing the banking system of this, can't find the note. Don't have the note. There's fraud.
\nI would accuse the attorneys and the bank itself and the debt collectors of identity theft and it would then create a burden on them to have to deal with that situation, which is very difficult for them. And so that would jam up the foreclosure, And that's how I was able to do it. I didn't file bankruptcy, I didn't plead for mercy. All I did was take the paperwork.
\nI took the names and I created a case and I made a case against these lawyers and we would go, we would go up to like 7 or eight law firms sometimes in a foreclosure.
\nThen the meantime, sometimes I could fix people's credit.
\nSometimes I didn't, but most of the time, I showed people how to buy homes, get the next house even while they're in foreclosure and while their credit is toast, OK?
\nSo this is what, this is the, the, my background, all right.
\nAnd so the other part of it is now there's two more things, I'll mention. So when kryptos came out cryptographic Currency, virtual currency, when this came out, you saw a lot of talk about how it's taxable, and this sort of thing. It's going to create new taxes. And this is back around 2014, 2013. And the Irish started making news broadcasts regarding the subject.
\nAnd so my niche market expanded into the cryptographic currency.
\nDemographic, let's call it, and the truth is that there is no tax on cryptographic currency. So what I did was create legal structures for people to legally avoid the tax, because if they had done what they were hearing in the news, it would have created a tax liability.
\nSo there's, there's another scenario there where there's a lot of misinformation that's given in the news that causes people to make decisions against their own self interest.
\nJust like with the funny pandemic they make a sound like there's, there's an actual disease is going on killing people and so people then act accordingly. And it's, it's set up to trap them and trick them into doing things that are against their own self interest. It will work to their own detriment.
\nSo that was fun. It's still going on the virtual currencies thing.
\nBut the thing that may interest each of you is that, when I would get a client who's a small business owner and many of them are professionals, licensed professionals like like doctors, chiropractor's, things of this nature, mostly chiropractors and dentists, even some health spas, even some gymnasiums.
\nthose organizations I was able to restructure the cash flow. So the reason why they would call me is because the IRS is doing something like a tilting. They were taking all the receivables.
\nThey weren't ever able to pay their bills with operating capital, or it was a creditor. Maybe it was a legitimate, you know, debt collector, or something like that.
\nIt was loving that businesses, that Dennis income, all his insurance receivables as they come in the door, the credit was taken it or the IRS has taken it.
\nSo all I simply did, was I changed the way he was exercising the rights over this property. I changed his property rights, I re-organized the business.
\nI did not change his accounting, I didn't have to convince his accountant of anything.
\nI just changed the way the business operated to make the zero, the debt liabilities zero.
\nTo make it to zero.
\nSo if the levy was 30,000 a month I made it zero and I did this legally that all that did was I'm not trying to defeat creditors what I was trying to do and I did was make the professional give him all the power to decide if and when he's going to pay a creditor in any lots of times. They did. They just they did it on their own terms because you can't actually continue paying the creditor right if all your receivables are being taken.
\nYou're gonna you're you're killing the you're killing the income source that could pay or you know, you're killing your debtor So that's why I did it that way and nobody else is going to do that if you talk to a lawyer if you talk to, you know, they'll just tell you what they understand They're gonna sell you bankruptcy.
\nBankruptcy is a brand, OK, so this is this is the bar association is going to factor into this discussion This is why I mentioned lawyers. So yeah, it has to because we're so integrated with that system, And as physicians even we rely upon lawyers and probably we should, but you have to understand the nature of the beast, OK. And so again, I'm gonna give you guys some language.
\nSo I've done re-organizations my focus, for the most part, is on privacy and changing property rights. And sometimes the way I do that is I use liens and associations.
\nI change the way you're, you are associated with your partner or business partner.
\nOr I change the way you're associated with your business. Like, for example, an S corp with a single owner has no protection at all from creditors.
\nSo what? What's my solution to that? I would just amend the articles.
\nSo I'm changing, the association of owners in the S corp, doesn't mean you have to give away your company. I'm just saying without getting too technical, I just simply changed the property rights.
\nUsing very standard techniques. So, part of my, my purpose was to help my client. First of all, my first risk I'm going to help my client avoid is even if he has a levy, are ongoing right now.
\nMy first risk is, when I create this solution, is to avoid the cost of litigation.
\nThat's number one, he doesn't need to have a lawyer, he doesn't need to go to court, even if he's being sued for $10 million.
\nHe can literally ignore it because he's uncollectible by simply just changing his business the way he operates. If you go to a CPA, he's pretty much going to tell you, Oh, yeah, for your business, you didn't S corp and one million dollar, liability policy doesn't tell you why. Doesn't know why.
\nHe's not even a risk manager, he's a bean counter, but he's going to tell you that, it's really important, You know, it's a really important matter, but you're not getting the complete advice. So, I come in there and I change.
\nI actually supplement what they didn't get when they set up everything.
\nSo, here's what's going on, as you guys probably have figured this out, there is an ongoing effort. It has been since, probably, let's say, 100 years, OK.
\nIt's been an effort to an Agenda to prevent the consolidation of capital, OK, to penalize people they're successful. The rich get richer, the middle-class become poorer OK, we all know this, this is this is part of an agenda, now here's how they do it.
\nThey use the Securities and Exchange Commission. These the IRS.
\nThese pension funds, pension funds are a way to get capital.
\nOut of your hands and into the banking systems use.
\nWithout risk, it's it's a very sinister system of stealing your wealth, OK stealing your the value of your money, the time value of money. Now we see what happened with France, with their pension funds, and things like this. Yeah. There's a lot more than that. We're we're not aware of yet, because we're not really We're not trained on this yet. When you hear what I'm going to tell you, you might be aware. Now when you're watching the news, you're going to start connecting the dots, and say, That's a good point. So hopefully most people aren't watching the news, but yeah, don't want to do is. I mean, I don't watch this. I do if I have to go learn something. You know, I'll go search for a thing. But Yeah. So so go back real quick to FDR's New Deal.
\nMaybe you guys are old enough to know this, Ivy. I'm 55.
\nI don't know if you've heard this in school. I know I did. But in 19 33 or 35.
\nThe solution to the treatment for these, this financial crisis by the President FDR was to create what's called The New Deal A Chicken in every pot, right? Oh, You're gonna get money, government money free money these benefits these agencies, where they create all these agencies.
\nOK, well, out of that you have all this oversight and regulation of the use of currency. You got the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network we call it FinCEN. Right.
\nThese are these are all the this is what came out of FDR's, new deal, all these regulatory agencies, and then of course, another aspect of pensions you got family court.
\nIt's notorious for wealth transfer unfair wealth transfer for the most part, and then you've got civil asset forfeiture. A lot of us don't have to deal with that a lot.
\nI mean, it's a very small segment, but still there's all these mechanisms two to destroy the value of what we're doing Now I'm just gonna say this one thing, and again, I'll give you some language, and I'm gonna give you a reference here So you can check out what I'm telling you the real quick before you start on that point, Are you are you wanting to share screen at all with this or? No?
\nNot yet I have my notes here, But just making sure Google. Yeah, I mean, I don't have any pictures or anything I didn't know. Yeah, I'm giving you guys some references.
\nYou can check this out, So the United States operates in perpetual bankruptcy I'm gonna say that again The United States operates in perpetual bankruptcy if the US operates in perpetual bankruptcy, what do you think your state's doing?
\nWhat do you think your city is doing?
\nAnd so you're getting licensing by bankrupt organizations, but it's OK.
\nLet's let's go deeper So it operates in perpetual bankruptcy now I'm going to show you where you find this when an organization files it doesn't say file, but when it is bankrupt It needs a way to re-organize because it still has to make good with the creditors There has to be something you can't just ignore. Creditors so in order for a nation to manage or implement a bankruptcy, it doesn't ask permission from anybody for protection, It's the sovereign. It has to write a law and an act by that law to administer its own bankruptcy.
\nThe way the United States has done this is through Title five, Section 552 A of the Administrative Procedures Act.
\nNow back in the day in the nineties, when I did this research, the big, the first page of that law, you pull the book off the shelf. You open it up and that says, Write in their big letters, government re-organization plan.
\nHow are you have any of you in being been involved in a bankruptcy And you submit a re-organization plan to the trustee.
\nThat's what Title five is, Section 502 A That's your Administrative Procedures Act from which all these agencies were created.
\nIt's important to understand that when I when I tell you a couple of things coming up here so now the reason why I got involved in this in the fake pandemic is because I knew it was fake from the beginning when I when I saw them come out with it.
\nI was like, well, that's clever, OK, I didn't. My, my revelation was, OK, this is how they're going to pull this off because here's what's going to pull off.
\nThey have to, the banking system has to, has to morph into something new. It did that when it got rid of the silver in the sixties and it got rid of the gold in the seventies.
\nAll right, and it did that, also, when it brought women into the marketplace.
\nAs employees, I'm not gonna get too far into that, but it did something to the tax base. And then you had your tax code revisions of 39, 54 and 86. So, the banking system, all these things throughout history, is the banking system trying to survive.
\nThat's this goes to the the World Trade Center bombing OK, which was an inside job. It was a bank robbery and all this sort of thing and all these wars, OK, so. So I'm, I'm familiar with us. I feel like an insider view of what's going on. So I'm looking at the fake pandemic and I see what's going on. There's huge money moving around the planet here.
\nThere's huge taking of wealth and it's part of a program of genocide. So what you have is a fake pandemic. This is nothing new. They've done this before. The Spanish flu is also a fake pandemic. I won't get too far into that. You guys can check that out yourself. Climate change is also a part of that. That's all fake.
\n... is a live action role, playing event.
\nIt's a theatrical production. You have to. you have to see what for what it is. Otherwise, you can't solve the problem. You can't deal with it if you don't understand what it is.
\nI do calls every week. I don't talk about this so much. I'm more than happy to cover it, but I cover it from the context of what I consider myself to be an expert in, which is risk management, I guess is the best way to describe it.
\nSo, since 2000, there's probably been 12 rehearsals of what we saw with ... that went live.
\nOK, I'm not going to give you the names, but the, the research is out there. So, here's what I did. I decided I can't do this by myself. I started doing, I started taking on cases, I started, like, I always do, I start saying, look, I can help you with that. And it was still learning.
\nI still had to learn quite fast, because I had to learn how I'm going to talk to the hospital risk manager about a person who wants treatment, but they're telling them you can't have it unless he wears a face mask, right? And all this sort of nonsense. So I had to learn that, and, But I already understood how to talk to somebody at the hospital. You don't talk to the front end. You talked to the risk manager.
\nYou talked to the chief counsel, and I would get them on the phone, and I could get that person treatment that he needed by convincing the, the staff that they had to do this.
\nThere was a matter of law using things that they already understood. So I was able to get a little bit past the programming.
\nWhere I've run into a problem is the employees, the employers, it's the employers.
\nWe have to go to the court system on that one. Everything else, it seems pretty minimal, I can get through it. So, what I did is, I set up a group of people that came to me, and they asked, How can I help you? I said, Please, I need help. I can't do this by myself, It's getting big. So they came on board, just a few of them, and I trained them somewhat, and over the years, they learned fast to last three years.
\nAnd so we put together a service called a professional advocates, but usually it's, Well, we usually operate under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the ADA. And so we have a website called the ... dot com.
\nThat's not my core business, but that's what, that's what I set up. And so I want to tell you about what we did. So, basically, we came up with ways of communicating with, with situations. So, if a person called us and said, I can't, I can't register at my university for my second year in college because of this nonsense, Right, So we would write a letter to the dean, and we would ask certain things like, for example, what's your document retention policy, and what, what provisions do you have for collecting people's medical data?
\nWhat liability do you have?
\nDo you have insurance for collecting medical data? Right. It's very simple.
\nWell, one page letter. And that's enough to get the Dean and say, You know what?
\nWe don't need to have you give us your medical records, we don't need you to have you sign in the portal and tell us if you've been vaccinated, you know, or we have to explain to people, there is no vaccination during an emergency use authorization period. Right? So, there's, we can sometimes get into technical aspects of it. But my, my, my focus on that was not so much to argue about medical ethics, efficacy or necessity because I'm not competent to do that, and it's very expensive to do that. What I did a stick with, what I know best.
\nWhat is your legal right, and what is your legal duty? You don't have the right to do this. And in fact, you're violating the law when you when you act as if everyone has a disability or a disease, you invoke their rights under the ADA. So that was the premise behind me forming this organization, And so this is what we did. So we have, we have letters. We have all kinds of versions of letters. There was, here's an example, so a physician called me, he was coming to Orlando.
\nHe went to a, it was a conference with other physicians. This is a guess last year, or maybe it was June last year, July last year.
\nAnd they were trying to tell everybody that was attending, you guys have to do all these things to come in the building. And of course, he knew that it was fake, and it wasn't helping anybody, and so he called me up. And so what I did is I had to find the organizer, There's no real CEO or risk management in that situation. I just had to contact the organizer, which I was lucky enough to find who that was, and I sent like a two page letter and asked a couple of basic things and convince the organizer to actually abandon the entire policy for everybody. So, when they came to the conference, nobody was participating in this nonsense. So I got lucky there. But that, that was what I was trying to do, is, I don't want to create a situation where, hey, guys.
\nThe solution is, let's assume, because it violates the Constitution, that doesn't solve your problem, And I've never done that, by the way. The Constitution really doesn't apply here. We have rights, they don't come from the Constitution, and we'll get into that. And this is a core thing to understand, as I'm explaining this.
\nSo, there's written communications, communicating with people, talking to the right people, getting things done, solving problems, then explaining in words, and I'm gonna get, I'm gonna give you some of the phrases, and these concepts that I've been using to, to talk to people that, I mean, these people are, they thought it was real. But even though they thought it was real, they realized that. What I was explaining. Made sense, and therefore they should do what I'm asking. We have public health policy. Public.
\nHealth policy is at least 100 years old here, and most of the states And everything the CDC has published regarding the so-called guidelines that violates public health policy, public health policy requires that for there to be an intervention of medical intervention on one person or a group of people. It has to be specific people, not just everybody there has to be judicial oversight. There has to be an action taken by the Department of Health to give someone a chance to be heard and have an evidentiary hearing based upon a physician's affidavit, not a PCR test, OK, a physician's affidavit to determine if that individuals or that list of individuals is a risk to himself or others.
\nThat never happened what, what doh, H was not involved at all? They just told everybody, everybody acts like the H Now, Hey, employers, hey, retailers. Y'all have to do it this way.
\nSo, we have all these things that are on our side.
\nBut how do you, how do you communicate with people? And, and then when I have a client or someone, not a client, but a referral, call me up and say, I'm running a gym. And osha says, OSHA's sent me a fine because nobody is wearing a mask. Because someone told on me, right. So what do you do there.
\nSo, so this got me thinking, the whole system has been set up to put the professionals or the small business owners under the thumb of the system. Let's call it, I mean, I don't know how to a, better way to say it.
\nSo, let me just give you a couple of this basic concepts.
\nBasic concept is, laws don't conflict with each other.
\nIf you're telling me there's a guideline that says, you have to do a thing, that creates a new legal duty or new legal authority for you to do something to me, that would conflict with the Americans with Disabilities Act, for example.
\nI can show you other examples, But let's just say the ADA, if you're acting as if I have a disease, that's called a disability, because that's what a disability is. It could be a contagious disease. If you're acting as if I have it, then you're under the ADA, you have a legal duty under the ADA.
\nIf you have a legal duty under the ADA, your guidelines are not going to overcome that.
\nSo there is no new legal duty, because they didn't repeal the ADA. So, I've had those conversations, and that got people to wake up, like, Oh, OK, I didn't think about it like that.
\nBefore I explain to people, the announcement of a contagious disease, or pandemic or epidemic, the announcement of it didn't suddenly give you or me any new legal duty or any new legal authority over, anybody else? No. Laws changed.
\nNothing is justified their policies, demonstrate on their face, that there is no medical necessity or efficacy for the policy. So, for example, this is what I, this is where we are with employers.
\nSo in order for the, let's, let's talk about an employer who has a covert policy, let's say, a hospital, that has a covert policy, OK?
\nThe policy, in order for it to work, the provisions of the policy, everyone has to comply, And then continue participating in the treatments.
\nThat's the definition of failure, otherwise it doesn't work right, That's the definition of, it's not has no medical efficacy, for something that's so dangerous.
\nWhy is why is it a legitimate? Why is a legitimate? Why is no legitimate?
\nLet's say bona fide medical diagnosis required, and why can the provisions of the policy be administered by laymen.
\nI gave the example of a hospital, I know that hospital staff are not leeman, nonetheless, they're not your doctor, right, Their doctors, and the nurses and whatnot, but they're, they're not yours.
\nBut what about retailers?
\nWhat about other employers who are doing these things, and these are all laman, they're administering medical treatments, and they're doing a picture checks and things like this, as well. These are These are all exempt. Exactly, right. And so, what happened in medical privacy and what happened to the right of informed consent? Well, did nothing did.
\nIt's just been ignored.
\nSo, here you can say real quick. You could say It's been ignored. And you could also say that we've been conditioned, we've been coerced. We've been manipulated, but it was still our choice to consent and give that away like, well, yeah, yeah, yeah. We were persuaded to.
\nTo consent, we were tricked into it.
\nLet's just say we were scared into it. I mean, if you go back to, let's see, since the late seventies, eighties nineties, which my growing up time, you know, that you'll see all the movies talking about. Every every reference to a virus is a pathogen Area. It's not even true, you know, but it makes for great drama. And so make sure indoctrination in property and it did work really. Well, yes, some people, it doesn't work well on, but most of the population, it does. So, but here's, here's the thing that I that I come to the hospital with.
\nAnd I'll say, since when, since, when, is it part of your medical training that you're allowed to, or you should force someone into a medical treatment for something for which he's not been diagnosed?
\nBut yet, he's standing there bleeding on the floor.
\nYou already know what treatment he needs, but you're telling him he has to submit to another treatment that's not related to the first situation.
\nEven without a medical diagnosis, since when does that proper, right? That's what get them. That's every time I would I would talk to someone at the hospital, they would have to be the Chief Counsel. That one of the decision makers, you see how fast they run to the lobby and get my client and put them in a room and leave them alone.
\nLuckily, they worked almost every time.
\nSo, I asked them, Since when, when is it, when is one person needed to submit, to a medical treatment for the prevention of an illness in another person?
\nWhen does that ever been true in human history? And, if it is, then the medical treatment doesn't work.
\nSo, these are the things I came up with: to just talk to people, and sometimes it works. I could put that in a letter, right?
\nSo what I tried to do is put the liability back on the other person Now I'm still not solving the problem because you still have the physician in that system.
\nYou have him, since the eighties, he's become an employee of the hospital.
\nWhen I saw that in the eighties, and I didn't know anything. I didn't even, I wasn't even in this type of business.
\nI was in some other thing I was doing, and I was in high school, and I noticed that doctors were becoming employees.
\nI don't know how I picked that up, my parents were in that area, but uh, I thought that was wrong.
\nI didn't know why, but now I kinda see they need to have the doctor under the thumb of a corporation.
\nSo when you have a doctor who has to pay whose livelihood is dependent upon his employment, with a corporation, you've got control over and you own them, You own him. You're not supposed to be owned as a doctor, OK? You put a lot of work, You're smart.
\nYou put a lot of work into getting where you are, and you then become an employee. No, you can't do that. You have to be the professional. You're the licensed professional, because why? Because you have the liability, We'll get into that in a second.
\nSo, yeah, so, so we do this. So anyways, I'm, I'm not gonna give you too many more examples. other than leading into what I really want to tell you guys.
\nSo, for the people that called me, that were owners of a small business, and I'm gonna, I'm gonna say that the categories of business, we're kind of limited. So we've got not retailers', late-night grocery stores, There were a couple of those.
\nBut mostly it's been gyms, professional clinics, like Dentists' offices, spas, Even schools. I talked to some people that actually started a couple of schools because of the school system and what it did, They actually, to their credit, they actually went to the expense and the difficulty of forming a new school with other parents, and figuring that out.
\nSo, what I did is I helped them create a relationship with the people they are working with.
\nThat is private, and this is what I want to share with you and how that's done.
\nNow, OK, so we had small businesses, employees, we had doctors, offices and this sort of thing.
\nI'm not going to give this one example, I'm looking at my notes here, so I'm kind of talking to myself, and I don't want to, I don't wanna go too far off track. But.
\nWhat, what I have done with small businesses is, I get their policies, and I look and see where they have exposure to something I'm about to introduce to you, which would be, let's call it, getting the state's attention.
\nSo, you can literally legally do a service, a couple of different ways. You can you can open up a storefront and it can be available to everyone.
\nAnd that gives the state the right and the authority and the duty, actually, to get involved with how you're delivering that service to people If you do it in a private way.
\nIt greatly diminishes the states right, and its duty to get involved with how you're doing it. There's two different ways. In fact, just the other day, just boire researching my notes here to create this presentation. I actually discovered that in Orlando and throughout the world, actually, but in Orlando, we actually have things called speakeasies here.
\nI don't know if you're familiar with that. But this is during prohibition, OK. So there are still here, they're still here, actually in the original buildings that they did operate in.
\nSo the Speakeasy, we can actually go there and in fact, one of them requires a password. So I told my wife, go get the password for this. He said, we're gonna head out there and check it out. So Speakeasies are a great example of a business model that's private that divest the state of its right. And its duty to get involved with that business. Now there are exceptions if you're doing something which is considered substantively evil, then it gives the right the state to the state, the right to get involved. So we're gonna, we're gonna talk about that, but there's an agenda here. So the agenda is and I'm getting back into this this phony pandemic the agenda is if you haven't figured this out, I'm gonna give you some words here.
\nIt's going to be to create a corporate guardianship, corporate guardianship.
\nSo this what this means is we're going to we're going to be forced into abandoning, or ignoring, or not having access to laws that we've had for centuries.
\nWe're going to be treated as if we're all mentally ill.
\nWe're getting close.
\nI hate to say, By the way, we're behaving because we don't understand what's going on. We cannot see this big picture, I can see it, because I've been watching it for 30 years. And it's kind of still surprises me, because there's things that, that's going on, that I don't, I didn't anticipate. Like, gosh, are they really going to do that, you know?
\nI mean, we have, right now, we have most people are considered to be suffering from a mental illness.
\nMost people, because you've got, you've got the phone attucks, OK. You can't even get off the phone while they're driving.
\nThat's another public health, but that's not, that's another public health problem, but that's not even being addressed right now, because I think it's being fomented, I think this is something that they want, OK? But, you've got the phone addiction. That's creating behavioral disorders and dopamine addiction, a chemical addiction.
\nThis is happening to people, so.
\nYou got prescription drugs, as you well know. Alright, so what, what is those, who, the money interests behind this agenda, they want us to ignore all modern civil law.
\nAlright, so there's no democratic society republic separation of powers. That's why, you know, FDR created this.
\nThis new deal to bring in all these administrative agencies. And I have to say, they're actually quite helpful, but there's a, the agenda behind them is to eventually do away with our three branches of government.
\nOK, this is so overwhelming is so scary to think of that. I'm going to tell you, that's the agenda, OK, what the heck would replace the three branches of government that? John Locke so carefully thought of and articulated in his second treatise What, what's going to replace that?
\nI'm gonna tell you, right now, it's going to be software.
\nIt's going to be robotic systems, expert systems, automated systems, and artificial intelligence. And we're being trained on accepting it right now.
\nWe're being trained with our phones.
\nYou see how everywhere you go, download this app, download that app, look at all these benefits you get, OK, So, we, the system wants us to interact with every resource through technology, because that way, it can be regulated and we can be excluded from it.
\nWhereas, if I'm just living out in my neighborhood here, and I, and I go, you know, get some vegetables, and I can go out and do whatever I want.
\nBut, if I'm getting everything I need, through technology, that can, it can be taken away from me, OK. This is what's going on.
\nSo, it's a technocracy that they want to create.
\nSo, now, I'm getting into, why is it that licensed professionals accepted, being employees? And I don't know, maybe they didn't see the whole picture, and I don't think I would have noticed it back then. In the eighties, I would have said, Oh, OK, Yeah. Tax. So I can contribute to my Social Security Fund. Yeah, OK. You know, that's another scheme, but, anyways, So I mean, even my own, father did that he was a massage therapist in the last half of his career. He had two parts of his career. In the last half, as he was, he was a meat cutter. Then he was a massage therapist, configures the really interesting.
\nSo, in any case, he became an employee so that they could withhold money and pay into Social Security fund. He thought that was a good idea. But anyways, when you, When you work for a corporation, you don't have to be this way. But, but you have a tendency to be this way. Do, with the corporation, says, follow a corporate policy. I mean, even corporate policy can tell you what you're going to be doing. And if you don't do it, well, then you're out of here, right? It doesn't matter, either professional. Well, why would you join the corporation like that?
\nWell, because the corporation is going to bring you patients, it's going to bring your revenue is going to do your marketing. It's going to do your brand recognition Europe. It's gonna give you a certain status, well, that's fine.
\nJust realize what it's doing.
\nRight? It's doing the marketing if I have an air-b.n.b..
\nWhat do I have? I got a piece of real estate that I'm renting out to couch surfers, right? Some people that want to use it for a night or to a temporary place. But air-b.n.b. is to know the marketing well, that's fine. But I can do the marketing myself.
\nYeah, it does cost money.
\nSo, you know, there's all kinds of ways to do things.
\nBut there's an, there was this agenda behind making the professional hus who is autonomous. He is, he or she can go out there and do the job.
\nYeah, he has to do is on marketing, he has to his own branding, and manages an office, and this sort of thing.
\nBut, being an employee, I guess it makes it easier. So, that happened, that started in the eighties.
\nAnd then, now, you get to a point where I've heard this so many times, where a doctor is going to say, We're just following CDC guidelines. Hold on a second. You have a patient here.
\nNow, again, I'm not doctor, but I'm looking at things in terms of financial risk and liability.
\nSo, you're a licensed professional, you as the doctor, let's just say, for example, or completely liable for whatever happens to that patient.
\nBut yet, the corporation over there, the CDC is a corporation to make no mistake. It's written a policy.
\nAnd then it's told you that, in order to keep your job or whatever, you're going to have to do this policy and forget the medical diagnosis.
\nForget an independent diagnosis that you may want to give your patient, that's different than another physician.
\nThere's nothing wrong with that, Vision, physicians give different diagnoses all the time, for the same condition. And then they're probably correct.
\nThere's this different way, there's always different ways to do things, but no. This corporation says, no, you will do it this way or else, you'll lose your funding or whatever, or the hospitals and elicits funding. So, your boss is now going to tell you, you're going to do this certain way.
\nWell, let me just share with you what the United States government and the legislative power thinks of a corporation in Title one of the United States Code. And you'll find it in the notes section Title one of the United States Code and Note 10.
\nThe definition of corporation is that it is an insane person.
\nThat is the definition of corporation if you're working for a corporation. You are working for a creature without a conscience. An insane person. Yes. This is recognized in law. And why do we have regulations for corporations because they don't have a conscience? I mean, just print makes perfect sense, Right? Corporations are tools, but we are we've allowed them to become our owners.
\nAnd there's an evil agenda behind them because, again, they don't have a conscience.
\nSo the corporations are morphing into software and AI systems.
\nI'm giving you some language here.
\nHospital, you know, has facilities and things of this nature. I think doctors, I think, health care professionals, I think they're being exploited in many cases. In most cases, I think they're being exploited, because they're coming into this situation into this profession, probably, with lots of student loan debt.
\nThat's number one.
\nThe other thing is, they're coming in and in order to be like every other doctor, or maybe satisfy compliance, they're having to bring on into their facility and pay for all this equipment. And they can't pay for it, they have to lease it, So they have these long term lease agreements. As long term debt, that does perpetual it's going to keep on going because you got a new equipment, you gotta get a new lease. It goes on and on. And if you pay cash for it, or wherever it doesn't make any sense. If you borrow money for it, You gotta keep on borrowing money, you know? So, you got all this equipment.
\nWhat do we need all this equipment for? What do we need?
\nCorporations to take care of, people? Well, we do, if you're going to be part of that corporate system.
\nAnd without that corporate system, and I would guess that, without the doctors willingly becoming employees, I don't think they would have been able to push this agenda this phoney pandemic and if they did, I think it would have been quite difficult.
\nIf doctors still thought independently, I'm not faulting any doctors for this I'm just saying, You got tricked into it. You want to do the right thing. You thought it was the right thing You didn't really give it much thought maybe. And so here we are.
\nSo, they're being exploited. All the more reason to do what I'm about to describe.
\nSo, so.
\nLet me get, let me get to, so I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm telling you this stuff.
\nAnd I'm saying maybe the solution that the larger, long term solution is to go back to the way it was.
\nI mean, I'm gonna, I'm gonna say that it used to be where physicians, by the very nature of being a physician, were already members of their own association of other physicians, right? I'm not in there.
\nMy pool guy, my pool cleaner guy, he's not in there. He's a poor planner guy, right? But doctors are in their own association. Maybe it's not formal. Maybe they're not working together.
\nThey could, and so could you. But let me let me give you an example of a private membership association that does some really crazy things. Let me give you an said, here's what they're doing.
\nI can tell you exactly who it is yet. You can maybe figure this out.
\nThis organization writes the Laws, administers the laws, and enforces over laws for all of us.
\nIt's the State Bar.
\nNow, the State Bar was organized on a false premise that it can protect the public against those who would have bad legal advice.
\nSo how can you protect the public from bad legal advice? How can you protect anybody from bad legal advice if everybody's supposed to know the law?
\nAnd if ignorance of the law is not a legal defense, how can you claim to protect somebody if he's ultimately responsible, right?
\nThe whole premise of the bars is false.
\nMoreover, when the bar was formed here in Florida, was formed in 48 and 49,948 49, and it was formed because a bunch of lawyers just said, Hey, guys, let's form an association, a private membership association, And let's exclude everybody else who's not in it.
\nAnd also later on, once they did that, later on because now they controlled the legislative process, They wrote a law that criminalized those who are not in their union.
\nWell, in the bar that's, this is very slick so they, they use their rights to do something that's nefarious.
\nBut they can't get away with it once we start putting language on this, right?
\nSo, so, the moment they exercise their rights to form an association, that didn't remove everyone else's rights, to form their own association, nor did it remove their rights, or competence to practice law as a non member, that didn't change anything. They just exercise the right, exercising your right, doesn't the best me if my rights, you know? So, that's what's going on. That's what the bar is.
\nSo, the reason why says, because many of you, we'll hear this, and you'll go to your lawyer, you say, You gotta hear this guy, and the layer is gonna be like, No, that guy's nuts.
\nI would, nevertheless, them. Now, it's my hope that this is a positive influence for you. But just realize, if you go to a lawyer for consultation and consideration on these ideas, on this idea of doctors, forming their own association, setting up their own licensing, and we'll get to that in a second.
\nAnd their own regulatory framework that is still recognized by the United States, by the way.
\nAnd having their own dispute resolution forum and having their own means of indemnification. If you have that conversation with your lawyer, he'll tell you all the ways that can never happen.
\nAnd the reason why is because it is not within the method of how the lawyers make their money.
\nThey make their money with the system that they created.
\nThey will not make their money with a system that you create for your own interest.
\nSo, that's why I'm going into a little bit about lawyers here. So, it's OK to have lawyers. I've hired them. They do a good job. Sometimes, they don't.
\nBut just like any profession, you know, but just realize the the under pinning of the bar association.
\nSo they'll probably tell you the opposite. But I'm telling you, they they want to own the law.
\nThey almost do, because we're not paying attention. So they kind of own the law.
\nNow, I'm saying this to give you an example of they deny access to the law. Now, judges are lawyers to, for the most part, they're their bar members, they just operate in a different capacity. Their officers of court.
\nIn my cases, I've got about 20 right now, heading towards the Supreme Court, and they have to go there. There's no way that the US District Court is going to hear an ADA case.
\nThen rule, and in the favor of a person, like, you know, a client who's trying to advance his ADA rights, especially when that particular way he's doing. It is never been heard before, which is, Those are all my cases. Because because the way we're using the ADA has never been done before. It's completely warranted by the law. But it has never been done before. So we've got about 20 cases, we had about maybe 40. But people get exhausted, They just give up, and they quit. So we really have, like, maybe 20 making their way towards Supreme Court. And so, what I'm seeing is that the judges, the federal judges, are seeing, there's a common thread of people making these claims, and the judges are collaborating with each other. There's no other way to explain it. They're calling each other from different districts all over the country, and they're doing the same thing in all the cases.
\nAnd they're slow walking the cases. And they're, they're literally lying. And making false statements and their legal conclusions to simply cause, delay.
\nAnd what we're doing, and that's fine, because it'll just take longer. But we'll get to the Supreme Court, hopefully, and it'll get reversed, and we'll fix it, But I'm just saying it.
\nIt should have only taken six months, in most cases, it's taken up to two years now, We're heading towards the two year mark on, these cases are first ones coming up, in a month, to the Supreme Court, and we still don't know if the Supreme Court is going to take it. So can they be interfering with due process, though?
\nSo, that is due process, and it is slow and it is annoying, but they have the right to do it, Now, they do, Actually, when they're slow walking these cases, they will create situations that justify the delay.
\nAnd it's hard for me to do something there, but then some of them will just sit on the case, like some of these judges will sit on the case. And we actually have a law that will penalize them for doing so and we have to file an administrative complaint against the judge. Even though the judge has immunity, we actually filed an administrative complaint.
\nIt's not like it's not suing the judge, but we're set, we're sending a complaint to a supervisory committee.
\nAnd when that happens, he doesn't want that on his record. So what he'll do is he'll immediately move the case like he was supposed to six months ago.
\nAnd so, we're But we have to wait the six months.
\nWell, it's ridiculous. Yeah. So, So that's what's going on. So that's another reason why I just really recommend getting out of the court system. And this is why I'm going to tell you the things I'm about to tell you.
\nSo, I don't want to give you all the drama on that. But.
\nI already made the point on the bar.
\nSo, let's talk about, OK, so, the way the bar was formed, and the way it operates, can be the same way, and it could be, for good purposes, A very useful purposes, that physicians can operate. Physicians, can form their own association.
\nThey can actually have licensing, let's call it, licensing, for now, of their own members. They can have regulatory compliance, that can be very consistent with traditional regulatory compliance.
\nI'm not opposed to establish regulations and laws governing the practice of medicine, and all these all these things that actually serve people I'm I'm against people or professionals being exploited in that system, the way it's administered, OK? So our laws are pretty good.
\nSo we can have a private association that adopts all these legal standards and have it respected and acknowledged by the United States so that the United States would never or your state, would never or could never have a sustainable case against you For let's say practicing medicine without a license.
\nWe can do this legally.
\nWe don't need the licensing from the state.
\nYeah, I said that, we can get away from that, but there's other things that go with it, OK? It's all bound together, right? We have, we have the need for insurance. And we have the need to provide remedies for patients.
\nThat made me want to make a claim. Maybe I screwed up, right. Maybe I did something wrong and he's got, You gotta give somebody a remedy, and so we can do that.
\nWe have we have ways, we can also do that.
\nWe can, actually, we can actually administer these things outside of the court system, 99% of the way, we still want to have our court system, because we gave the court system on a monopoly.
\nA monopoly on access to the police power. We want that.
\nBut we don't need the quagmire of rules to get a remedy for people that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, OK? Likewise, we don't need physicians having to pay millions of dollars in a tort claim. When really, that's not even realistic. There needs to be some compensation, but it needs to be realistic. OK.
\nSo we'll get into that, so we can, we can have private associations that are intended for good purposes, So let me just get into what a license says, OK. So a license, I'm gonna give you the little literal definition, you can look this up.
\nThe legal definition of a license is that it is a tax on the privilege of doing something that would otherwise be illegal, I like to say illegal or unlawful.
\nbut more specifically, a license. I don't have to say there's again, a license.
\nIs the evidence of payment of the tax on something that would otherwise be illegal if you didn't pay the tax.
\nSo if I, if I make, uh, if I make a whiskey my bathtub, and I just save it for my family on Christmas, and whatever, and new Years, and then we consume it, and it's safe and everything, no problem. I don't need a license for that. But if I make the whiskey in my bathtub and I bottle and sell it to my neighbor, or even give it to them, it brings the state into it. It gives the state, the legal right, and the legal duty to police that and to tax it.
\nThat is a taxable activity. So we have to be careful about where that, where that line is drawn, OK? So, this is the essence of a license, so, a license you're paying a tax, and only the government can collect the tax. So, that's why I use the term loosely, when I'm talking about a PMA, or private club, private network or association.
\nBecause if the association members are going to pay a tax, it's not technically a license.
\nBut what we have is a membership do, and it's based upon a demonstration of competence.
\nNow, we have competency licensing, but I think it's gotten carried away in recent decades to become something other than what it was intended to be. That's why I'm giving you the literal definition of what a license is. So with a PMA, or what I'm suggesting here, forming a professional organization to carry out the same services you want to provide without State licensing.
\nWhat you're going to end up with is a record of competency and a membership do, OK? So that's the private membership equivalent of a state license.
\nNow, you have this documented in your profession, so you're in a private membership club. Your physician, you're carrying out your practice, and you've demonstrated competence, it's a matter of record. And maybe you demonstrate competence every year. And anyone who wants to investigate, that, can certainly do that. And the reason anybody would investigate that, let's say, the only reason the state with the police power, the state would investigate.
\nThat would be if a patient went to the police. Power of the state. Let's say, the Attorney General's Office or one of his agencies and said, hey, that doctor over there is doing some crazy thing. It would have to be enough.
\nYou would have to, it can't just be a frivolous complaint.
\nIt's gotta be something that's substantively evil, because the state would recognize the membership association and have to deal with the membership. It wouldn't deal with the position.
\nNow, of course, the state can do whatever it wants, but I'm just saying, ultimately, that would not be a complaint that would be sustainable. It could not make that case.
\nSo your your competency, there's a record of it. And then the association has its own regulatory framework, and I would say it's very going to be very similar to what we've already already been using. So you have your regulatory framework and the state looks at that if, let's say, there's a situation where the state has to look at it. It sees that you're competent. You just maybe made a mistake. Or maybe there was a miscommunication or something, right? But you're competent, nonetheless. You're not, you're not doing something, it's not with permission.
\nAnd you're also falling, traditionally accepted legal practices or professional practices that other professions, you know, other professionals accept and everyone understands.
\nSo the State, the police power of the State, would uphold what you did and, yeah, maybe you might have some liability.
\nBut the State wouldn't be involved in that because you already have a means of handling the liability, which is what I'm going to get into shortly here. So we have the right to do this, and I go on and on about it. And I just, I wanted to post some fun about the American Medical Association. I just, you know, I just think these associations, or are being there being misused. And I think we should just look at this. If you don't agree with me, that's fine, but I'm just gonna tell you my opinion. So, I went just before, I'm putting my notes together here. And I looked at the ... website.
\nAnd I pick the second paragraph of its mission statement, And I'm just going to read it here. It says, the AMA says, as the physician's powerful ally in patient care, the AMA delivers on this mission.
\nBy representing physicians with a unified voice in courts, that would concern me.
\nWhy is why is the AMA already thinking? I'm going to have to go to court? I just want to be a doctor, right?
\nAnd legislative bodies across the nation.
\nRemoving obstacles that interfere with patient care, OK, that right there tells me that AMA has a competing interests for what I want to do: I want to heal people, know, sometimes someone might sue me, but OK. You know.
\nAnd then we want, we want to lead the charge to prevent chronic disease and confront public health crises.
\nThat just tells me they're part of that's tasting. Yeah. And then, and driving the future of medicine, what does the future of medicine, health care? People haven't changed in Centuries.
\nOur bodies are the same. Yeah, we have different environment. We have different ways to relate to each other. We have different technology, but what is the future of medicine? We come up with new drugs or something? You know?
\nSo they want to tackle the biggest challenges in health care and training the leaders of tomorrow. That's what happens. So said, the training, the leader. So we get rid of the people that would oppose us, and then we keep the people that go along with our schemes.
\nThat's what the AMA it so you've got now.
\nI think the people hearing this, you've got, you've got A separation of interest, and I think it's now more apparent than ever. You got the old system, the AMA.
\nBut what's to say, you can't have your own association. The AMA has a Private Member Association.
\nThe AMA is your example.
\nAnd I'm just saying it's being used for, for ill purposes, OK?
\nI think you can have your own association and do good. Do what you wanted to do when you first decided to become a physician or whatever.
\nSo, go on with that.
\nNow, I did, I don't put too much detail under this Nest expert aspect, but it's something you want to research and possibly, as much as I hate to say it, hear myself say it is maybe talk to lawyers that are familiar with this type of industry.
\nThe insurance industry, in specifically, I'm going to talk about, um, captive insurance.
\nSo, the concept of captive insurance is that the insured has an ownership interest in the insurance facility.
\nInsurance is a banking facility, insurance is based on actuarial statistics, what, what risk is out there, right? And so how can they calculate the risk? If they can calculate the risk, they can, they can insure it. They can, they can offset the risk that someone may have.
\nAnd it's measurable. And then, in that sense, they can they can take revenue from the insured and they can invest it somewhere and make money with that. And then they can have investors and this sort of thing. And that's how it works well, if you own part of that insurance organization, it becomes captive for what you want to use it for.
\nAnd I'm suggesting that healthcare professionals they can as part of the Emancipation is the Word.
\nI used the emancipation of them, their profession from the state licensing.
\nPart of that is going to require, I think, to have a captive insurance type facility. Because you're not going to be able to get insurance without a state license. The banking system will not give that to you, The banking system is behind this state pandemic, OK?
\nSo, that's why I say emancipation because it's the whole thing. You gotta just move the whole thing.
\nSo you've got that and then so this gives, gets you into indemnification. So yeah, you can provide indemnification. You have to be able to make people whole if you injure them. And there has to be a way to figure out if you actually did injure them and what that liability is in the end, the amount of that liability.
\nSo, this is where we get into, we can go to the courts. Do you like that? I mean, if you go to the Yeah, if you go to the courts, you know, you have no choice, but to use an officer of the court, and they serve you very well.
\nI know they have over the years, But I don't think they truly do. I think there's, in many cases, they're not actually serving you.
\nAnd I forgot to mention this, when I was trying to lightly trash the bar, I'm going to give you something that's kind of important, and that is the the, the profession of being an attorney or a lawyer, I just say, attorney, involves the practice of a tournament.
\nTo return a T T O R N. or tournament. The practice of a tournament and I-macs explained that the legal definition here, you can find this in case law, it wasn't Ballantine Law Dictionary.
\nI think it's in blacks to Button Valentines Law Dictionary, that basically, the practice of a tournament is taking property from one person, giving to another in a system of fealty.
\nWow, OK.
\nSo, the practice of a tournament, is taking property from one, and giving to another in a system of fealty.
\nNow, if, a system of fealty is a feudal system, we live in a feudal system. Our economy is a feudal system.
\nIt was re-established after the Civil War.
\nWe got rid of it, from around 1820 to 1960, and it was brought back.
\nAnd you can do the research on that one yourself. But so, so what we have is attorneys and maybe maybe if an attorney has helped you in a situation and they did a decent job and you're thinking yourself just doesn't feel like it was the whole, I don't know better. Yeah, OK, I'm glad to be done with it.
\nThat's what they're doing.
\nThey're converting your property and we can get into the details of what that is. Like I said, I do a weekly calls on Thursday evenings. My core website is ace of coins dot com and there's a schedule down there if you want to register. You can, you can bring this subject up. Now, a lot of the things I talk about just financial interests, but I can't talk about the subject as it relates to property rights and forming organizations.
\nI have formed organizations and let me just say, the businesses I have worked with and the professionals, I have the idea that I'm not going to sell them a $25,000 piece of paper called a private membership association. I know I know people do that, and you pay all this money, and that's not necessary. A private membership association, or a private club, or network, or something of that nature is already existing.
\nThe reason why I will create a set of articles for that organization is to describe it so everyone can work with it.
\nIt already is there. Just like my family is a private membership organization, I don't need a letter that says, I'm the dad, OK, so, this is how I look at my clients, So I, I try to make the least amount of changes to for my client and I charge them a reasonable fee to set everything up and it's just as good as a $25,000 a piece of paper. So, I just want to keep that in mind. So, the other thing that I would I would recommend so we have indemnification through and through captive insurance.
\nAnd then we have to get to that point, we have to go through either an adjudicated process, judicial system, or a process of arbitration.
\nNow, arbitration has been used over the years to exploit people.
\nLet me tell you real quick, when I started doing this work, it was back in, well, I started in the early nineties, but when I get into the two thousands, I saw the banking system start bringing in arbitration clauses into the credit card agreements. And I couldn't stop it, because it's perfectly legal to use arbitration instead of the court. And so at that point, it was a weapon. Or let's say it was exploiting people.
\nSo in order to defeat that, I didn't argue it in court.
\nAnd remember, I'm not a lawyer, so I couldn't just show up in court and start arguing things, because I have to write documents. So what I did was I created nine different arbitration organizations.
\nJust like the American Arbitration Association and the National Arbitration for Association and jam's, I created nine new ones.
\nI adopted their similar set of rules for arbitration and all the people, the credit card debt, They went through the arbitration process processes. And they got awards against the banks, as you could imagine.
\nSo they used the same arbitration process against the banks. They did exactly what the banks were doing. They were just rubber stamping awards.
\nWe went to the judges for confirmation. And we did. We did thousands of these, and the banks couldn't figure out what we're doing until they start looking, saying, oh, there's all these arbitration forms out there.
\nAnd so, the banks, and even the judges, the last judge in California, said, I can't do this, guys, I'm not going to process. We have, we gave them like 900 awards. one day and he just said, I'm not gonna, I'm angry, I'm going to recuse myself. And I'm gonna shut this down. So that law firm that was promoting this for the credit cards and the arbitration services and the banking system like Citibank. And it was Citibank, and back then, it was called MBNA, OK, all these banks and law firms, they were promoting this, and it was, it was running away.
\nIt was like, everybody started doing it until we did it, and copied them and used it against them, and then they stopped.
\nSo back then, that was my solution to copy the really bad idea that was quasi illegal and make them stop, because once we did it to them, they didn't like it.
\nAnd they realized they have to stop.
\nSo what I'm saying here is we can use arbitration in a way that doesn't exploit people. I think it's going to be a pretty good tool. Now, I'm doing this right now with people that were, Men want to get married and they don't want to risk the chance of being exploited by the Court, and maybe the wife changes your mind in 10 years and and Divorces them. It takes all his stuff.
\nI'm actually writing post Nuptial Agreements in using some of these tools to avoid is unfair legislation or unfair rulemaking in the family court system. So there's that going on. So with that understanding, I'm going to say that we have already, I mean, we already have it in place. You can make it to where your agreement with your patient.
\nIt's subject to arbitration. And you can make it binding arbitration. You put all kinds of conditions. You can create your own jurisdiction pretty much when it's all said and done.
\nOf course, there has to be a fair standard, OK.
\nOnce you've reached a conclusion to the arbitrator, you can even make your arbitration award.
\nNot final. You can't talk about it anymore and appeal to the courts, That's how it works.
\nBut you can make your arbitration awards subject to appeal.
\nIn more arbitration, there is all kinds of remedies you can make in an arbitration agreement with your patient. You can put this in your policy. You can make it a part of a written agreement. We already have the infrastructure in place, we have arbitration services. We have arbitrators. I don't suggest always using them, but consider that you can have anyone arbitrary to dispute.
\nI would like to have someone arbitrary to dispute who's familiar with the subject matter, OK. You can You can hire a mediator. You can hire an arbitrator who's just advertising himself independently. You can designate an arbitration panel.
\nAll right.
\nI'm working on something right now called the Ad hoc juri, which is to create an arbitration panel using technology and people and we can We can do this over the phone. We can do this on, like, a Zoom, call, it just like this, All right, so, there's, there's these things I'm looking at, but right now, if you wanted to do this, this is what I do. for some of my clients.
\nI actually, for small businesses, we actually bring in an arbitration agreement in a certain way, too, are relationships.
\nSo that avoids the need for my client to have to pay for costs of litigation or go to court and it actually discourages some cases, It discourages dispute resolution with the courts and third parties. It encourages people working with you and trying to come up with a resolution for a dispute.
\nIt sounds like, basically, every function that is currently occupied by the state can be occupied by some public entity or capacity or group of people coming together.
\nIf that is correct, that's a great way to summarize it because, in order for the state to exist, all these principles that I just described, they already existed. The status came along monopolized. I'm always said, Yeah. Thank you very much. We're too busy farming over here. You take care of that part And here we are today. So I'm just saying you're busy being farmed now, OK, so there we are. So, we got that going on and we're being farm. We actually are, that's, that's, I've caught myself saying that over the years, the last few years, so. But I was that, I really appreciate the chance to share this with you guys. And that's really the, the end of it. But I wanna, I wanna mention, OK, so if you want to hear more, I would love to have this conversation and continue more. We can get into the captive insurance and the technical aspects. And some of the other things may or may have Glassed glossed over, OK? If you go to ace of coins dot com and also have a telegram channel of coins, but ... dot com has the schedule you can join those calls And we can bring this up.
\nAwesome, John. Thank you so much for that.
\nI think getting people to understand first where their rights come from. Which we've been doing throughout this entire event with the help of Greg Paull from law for Mankind. And then also helping people understand that.
\nAll of the, all of the functions, as I said. All the functions that are currently occupied by the state, yes. Some of those maybe important and necessary functions, but they can all be done in the private.
\nAnd I think that's sort of as as this this system.
\nSo to speak, is continuing to to have tyranny just encroach upon us. The solution to that is not to fight against the system, but to start forming our own systems in the private So.
\nYeah, exactly. I just want one more note.
\nI started to come up with the idea that people were complaining about the public school system, you know, what they're doing to the kids over the fake pandemic.
\nAnd I said, Well, you know, you're paying property taxes for that mm, you're paying for that.
\nAnd they're like, I know, but I don't know what else to do. And I said, Well, stop paying the property tax and send a message to your state. You're not gonna, you're not gonna pay for this anymore. And then, of course, they, the responses, will take my house.
\nSo, my response was not, if you modify your Highway Covenant your neighborhood, most people live in a neighborhood the suburbs where there's Homer cessation, right? So, here's what I show people how to set up their ...
\ncovenant, so that if you don't pay the property taxes for a reason like that, the state can't take your house because the highway lien controls the property title perpetually.
\nThe state can only do one foreclosure and that would not allow them to transfer the title that anybody. You would then retain the title because of the way you can use your Highway Covenant. And now I'm telling people this. I'm saying I'm not saying don't pay the property tax.
\nWhat I'm saying is, take a portion of the property tax you would've paid, instead decided with your neighbors, make sure neighbors go along, because you can't do this by yourself.
\nThen allocate those funds to emergency services, you know, public rights of way, All these things, and in that way, that's the moral thing to do.
\nYou decide how that money is allocated, and the way you can do that is with making a claim, a lien and changing your association.
\nSo just one example, there's a solution. There's a solution.
\nYeah, it's amazing and to that point, it would be immoral to continue to pay it at that point if it is being, if it is funding activities, such as masking kids and things like this.
\nSo got it.
\nYeah, that's the immoral thing to do to pay in that case. John, thank you so much, this was an incredible conversation. Really presentation, I didn't really say much. OK, well I appreciate I appreciate it. Thank you so much for being here, I really appreciate if if you enjoyed this presentation. Please check out ace of coins via the link below and subscribe to John's work.
\nSo, thank you for watching. Thank you so much.
\nAwesome. Thank you. Alright, my pleasure. So, glad to do it.
\nI'm very eager to see all the, I have to watch all the other ones, so I don't know if you're gonna be able to get through all of them, but I don't know.
\nI mean, we're trying to balance out like understanding that content overwhelm is real, and but also, like establishing on the record as they're saying it's over, which, of course, is just to set up future things. Of course, Bill Gates started talking about 20, 25, et cetera. Yeah, it's like we're putting on the record. No, no, no, no, no, no, They're trying to say that. it's over, but it's like first off it never really began here's the real story and then also good This is how we prevent all this bullshit from happening in the future that's like the whole point. So that's so good, I'm so glad you did a great job. You all did putting all these people together. Thank you.
\nYeah, and it's been a task, my badge, and I saw your automated response to the text message. I'm like, holy cow, OK. Yeah, I understand. So, yeah, I usually don't have that setup, but like, I know, without cause.
\nYou probably get this to people, want to collaborate with you. and like, yeah, right? You to do X, Y, and Z, and it's just right now.
\nWhen people, like, I'm falling at, all to my, my assistant kimber, because she knows my priorities are like, right now, it's this thing that I'm building. And All the other stuff we can get to later. Sorry, I just, I just can't do it right now. I'm left with a focus problem, too. I can go in 40 different directions? I gotta stay focused. Exactly. So, yeah, I really appreciate the time.
\nYeah, And I do want to eventually have you speak at an event when we get one in person and actually have it come through.
\nSo, that'd be awesome, Look forward to it, OK? When you send me the recording, When you close out, by the way, Just just e-mailed to me, OK, Farewells, already write about.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n\r\n \r\n<\/div><\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/section>\n\t\t\t\t