\r\n 0:12\r\nHey, I'm going to show you how to register a Pennsylvania LLC. I've already logged in. So if it helps to have an account, I think it's actually the only way to register a company in most states now. To do it online. You could do this by paper, without registering. Meaning, giving your e-mail a... <\/div>\r\n
\nHey, I'm going to show you how to register a Pennsylvania LLC. I've already logged in. So if it helps to have an account, I think it's actually the only way to register a company in most states now. To do it online. You could do this by paper, without registering. Meaning, giving your e-mail address and a password.
\nMean, it doesn't take long to do. That doesn't cost anything, but there's a section on this, Pennsylvania Secretary of State website, with all the paper forms for whatever you want to register. I'm going to show you the electronic electronic one.
\nAnd anyway, so I've already logged in and you see the Welcome page here.
\nAnd if you scroll down, you see it's got my name, Alice.
\nSo then you don't have to use your name anyways, I mean, it can be anonymous, but this is what I did. So right here is the link versus pen file.
\nSo I can click on that link that takes me to a list of online forms.
\nSo I want the domestic limited liability company.
\nEvery state has a function like this website through the Secretary of State's office.
\nSo, you see here.
\nI've done many, many of these through through Pennsylvania.
\nUm, so a domestic limited liability company.
\nIt's a certificate of organization, that's what we're doing.
\nAnd so, form 8821, So if you use the paper form, it's going to be form 8821.
\nWe're doing the online one, and they ask you some.
\nKnowing questions, so I'll just walk you through that. It's asking if you're a veteran.
\nNo. We're going to skip that, We don't need to talk about that.
\nWhether or not it has nothing to do with what you're trying to do for us. Most people.
\nSave and continue, Then it's going to ask for the business name.
\nSo, so, let's just say, it's going to be called Company Name, OK?
\nNow, I'm not gonna put LFC here because in Pennsylvania on this form, that's designated in the next field, sometimes.
\nSometimes you have to type it out.
\nIt's actually, most of the time, it's going to be like this, but just so happens in Pennsylvania, you just put the company name. And they call it designator. That's the next field, right? You can also search. We're gonna need to do that.
\nThen we're going to save and continue. So it's building a little bit of a record here, as well as to what you're doing.
\nNow, the initial Registered Office, you know, you want to put an address like So, So I have a video on this.
\nBut basically, you should have an address already in a file somewhere. So you have all this information that I'm going to show you.
\nYou should have that in a file and it only takes like maybe five minutes to compile this. I've done so many, I can just do it at the top of my head. So, basically, let's say I got an address that's 1200, East, Street doesn't matter.
\nLet's say that happens to be an office space, that's for lease. I'm not going to lease it. I'm just using the office address.
\nNobody cares that I'm not going to do anything with it, but it's a physical location and I'm gonna use it for the Richard Office, the principle address and all this stuff.
\nNow, when I get mail to the company, no one's gonna look my company up in the Secretary's records, unless it's going to be some sort of marketing company, right, to try to solicit me for something. So, the only place I'm gonna get mail for my LLC is where I tell people to send mail. I'm gonna say here, send it over there and no one's gonna look this up, so, I just need to put something here so that I get my company.
\nAnd let's say, it happens to be in Pittsburgh, I don't know. That's a major city. Pena.
\nI don't even know the zip, you'd make up a zip code.
\nI don't know. Sometimes you have to look this up on the fly.
\nLet me just go look, real quick, Back myself into a corner of it, See?
\nFor. You probably can't see this, but I'm searching.
\nOr, Is it valid zip code in that area? I'm not, I'm not from that area, and I don't remember what the numbers are. So, I'm just going to pick one.
\nHere we go. 1, 5, 2, 3, 7, OK. So fast. So I got 1, 5, 2, 3, 7. Go back.
\nAre over here normally. Alright, so.
\n5, 2, 3, 7, OK.
\nValid zip code.
\nAnd I don't even know the county.
\nI forget what county and I'm going to pick one. I don't know if it's right or wrong.
\nSo, let's save and continue to see if that works.
\nI'm not going to say that my computer.
\nAll right.
\nAnd then, the company name, let's see here.
\nSuddenly, the company name is required. I already did that, so see, I'm gonna go back.
\nIt's funny.
\nIt didn't take.
\nSo, company name is the company name, and I'm going to pick LLC, uh.
\nThen I'm going to save and continue.
\nI think it wants me to search. That's, that's probably what happened here, yeah.
\nSo, this is the, you know, some of these intake forms are just annoying.
\nCompany name, I have to search the urge.
\nOK, and then LLC?
\nLet's see if we can proceed.
\nOK, it didn't show up again, The problem is here.
\nGo back!
\nPress Search.
\nSo it wants me to check and see if the name is available.
\nOh, OK.
\nYeah, all right. So it wanted me to search to make sure the name is available.
\nAll right.
\nSo a name which is not distinguishable upon records.
\nAll right? So we got it, right?
\nSorry about that, OK? But you see, I've done this so many times and you see I still have this kind of hiccup here.
\nSo, what I, what I had to do is type in the company name, LLC Designator and then search to make sure that name is unique and it says, kay.
\nThis unique, wait, it says, name is not currently available, OK?
\nso, makes it easy enough, so here's what we do.
\nWe'll reset it.
\nSo here's that we're gonna make sure it's available, right. So it's going to call it company name.
\n40, 500, chances are nobody's using it. OK?
\nI'll take that.
\nI'm gonna search again.
\nAnd here appears to be available. Yay, Now we're going to forward.
\nJust added a number, Sometimes you can add 100 in there, So, let's just pick 1200 East Street, where it was before.
\n1, 5, 1, 3, 7, Right.
\nseven, I think it was, I pick alleghany manner. That's right.
\nSave and Continue.
\nAll right. So, here's the, here's the organizer.
\nSo, let's say I'm the organizer, and I'm just gonna use my name now. It could be a company name, you just make up anything. It doesn't matter.
\nIt's anything, OK? You're the boss. You can decide whatever you want. So, if I went from organizer or organization name and I check the individual name, it's gonna Give me the field for an individual. So, it was going to be built.
\nAnd it's going to be the same address.
\nWhat's the valley?
\nSee how easy this is.
\nI shouldn't say that. Something will happen, GMO.
\nAll right.
\nseven, last time, OK, we're all the same county.
\nAdd the organizer.
\nSo the organizer You can't change it, right? You can't change your organizer, you can't change the company name later, you can add company names.
\nYou'll learn more about that but you can change members and things like that.
\nSo, There you go. You're still spent. He's organizer. I can change it later if I want.
\nI can edit this before I register And then we're done with that. So, I don't need to add anymore. So, I want to Save and continue.
\nLet's see if it lets me do that.
\nSo the effective date it is, shall be effective on, whenever the state says self, which is going to be when they process this, which could be today's right now in the evening. So it could be tomorrow. If they're backlogs, sometimes it might take a week. I've seen Pennsylvania out 10 days.
\nUm, it's probably not going to be like that, but anyways, it's asking me if the company is restricted professional company, no, that doesn't apply And if it's for general public benefit, no, um, not applicable, right?
\nNothing complicated there, save and continue.
\nSay Pennsylvania has a couple of quirks in it.
\nNew Mexico and Colorado, fastest Florida, is fast!
\nGeorgia is good! This is OK, too.
\nIndividual name, so, let's say it's gonna be Bill Smith organizer, he's also going to be somebody who's responsible for tax reports.
\nNow, don't freak out, It's of no consequence. They just do this because that's what governments do.
\nGoing to creating tax liability, So let's just say 1200.
\nBecause you know, whatever you type in here can be changed tomorrow.
\nIt doesn't like that, Cities.
\nI've got this thing memorized.
\nIt was elegantly.
\nSo we're never going to put the EIN, don't ever do that, you don't get the ... for this stuff.
\nYou registered this to make sure the name is available, and as you saw, the word, the name, company, name, was not available. I guess someone was clever enough to think of that first, right?
\nSo, here's where Pennsylvania is different from other states.
\nNormally I would put something like this company is organized, all lawful purpose, all lawful purposes.
\nNow, if I leave it like that, It won't get approved will happen is the State will contact me by e-mail and say, We need more information about why do you want to have this company.
\nSo to save time, I'm going to put something like this. I'm going to make something up this way, I usually do.
\nThis company has organized for all purposes, I guess.
\nIncluding, and by the way, it can be anything, no matter what you say here, The company can do it and more than anything.
\nNow, sometimes what the company wants to do might require licensing. OK, no, no big deal.
\nYou don't have to put that in here to be able to do the thing you want to do.
\nIt is good for all lawful purposes.
\nAnd in Pennsylvania, they want to know specifically So I say, OK, including investing in real estate. And then just to make him all happy, I'm going to add something else.
\nWhich may include, um, commercial real estate, developing.
\nEstriol, Art, I don't even know what that means. Who cares? Neither do the people that are proving this stuff, OK. It's gonna get approved.
\nIt sounds good.
\nSometimes you just have to do that. All we really care about is the LLC. But the membership we want, because that file number is going to give us indemnification.
\nThat's what you're paying for.
\nThe state is giving you a demo vacation, and you're paying a tax for that. In Pennsylvania, it's a one-time fee. Attacks over one hundred $25. That's you're getting indemnification, the state says so. You're gonna get all kinds of benefits for doing this.
\nThat's all we care about.
\nNow, here, they want you to upload a document, which is going to be, oh, OK. Yeah, if you have things like, for example, sometimes you want to put articles that express something that other people can download and review.
\nMost of the time, I don't have to do that. I don't want to do that. But sometimes, you want to put something in public records showing what you want people to see.
\nHere, we don't have to do that.
\nAnd I think we're allowed to just keep on going without choosing a file and uploading a file.
\nThat's what that's for.
\nMy computer's kinda slow.
\nAll right, so, we're verifying that were authorized to execute this document, Of course.
\nYeah, it's, it's actually, this is protecting them, because they didn't want to facilitate anyone do anything wrong, which have, what can you do strong here, right?
\nWe signed electronically. Here's the date and then that's Bill Smith. Yeah, that's my signature.
\nSo they had this thing here. Oh, they don't have internet, She signed with a mouse.
\nSo typing out the name Bill Smith is sufficient for your Santer, OK, So you say update signature.
\nScroll down again and then Review filing. So it looks like we pretty much had everything. Believe it or not, we're kind of at the end here.
\nAll right.
\nSo, now, some, some states will identify the name you're giving like Bill Smith as the organizer, and as a member, and or as a managing member, or non member. Some are very specific about that.
\nPennsylvania is not.
\nSo, that's why, sometimes, you want to upload the articles, to, to further elaborate on who has what roles.
\nNow, if you have something going on, like, let's say, let's say you're having lots of assets, and you want the whole world to know that you're not the only one that owns this company, because that having multiple owners protects you, right?
\nYou would then upload your articles now, and all my years of doing this, I've never had to do that, so just keep that in mind.
\nSo if you see here here, the organizers, like I placed in there, registered office, The filer's, the guy who has the account hold. I'm the calendar year, if you set up your own account, you're the account holder. That makes it easier for you to login and modify documents here, OK, this file.
\nSo then I don't need a certification of any of this stuff.
\nI don't even know if I have to check anything.
\nOK, So let's give me a one last chance to edit anything I look over. So, it is a good idea to review, look it over.
\nOK, see, it even took the reason for the company formation So, I know this is kinda weird, I'll just leave it like that. Doesn't matter.
\nThere's a fee preceded the card.
\nAnd this is the time where you get out your credit card or debit card and you pay, and it doesn't matter who pays.
\nIt could be anybody as long as it's legal, right?
\nAnd that's it. There's the deal. There's my company name.
\nI could go to the checkout.
\nAnd I'm going to just use my credit card. Right?
\nDone. That is how you register a Pennsylvania LLC. And as you can tell, I had a little bit difficult in the beginning.
\nIt's OK to be patient, step back, slow down, read, Know, we all have a tendency to try to do stuff because we don't wanna read the directions.
\nSo, anyways, There you go. Hope that helps you.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n\r\n \r\n<\/div><\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/section>\n\t\t\t\t