\r\n 0:02\r\nRight, Thanks for joining me. This video is going to be quite lengthy.\r\n0:06\r\nI'm trying to make it as brief as I can, but it's gonna be a little bit of history here by point in this video, is: this comes from a conversation I had recently with a real estate investor, and I'm not a real estate... <\/div>\r\n
\nRight, Thanks for joining me. This video is going to be quite lengthy.
\nI'm trying to make it as brief as I can, but it's gonna be a little bit of history here by point in this video, is: this comes from a conversation I had recently with a real estate investor, and I'm not a real estate investor, that's not my profession, I have invested in real estate, but I'm not an expert or professional in that sense.
\nI do understand some of the risk factors, many of my clients are real estate investors, so the question was about future possibilities based on what we're seeing. And so I'm going to use in this video, the word drama when I referred to the fake public health emergency and all the measures in, all the garbage. OK?
\nso I'm gonna call it the drama.
\nSo I wanted to explain about the concept of captive insurance.
\nThis is going to be something that you need to consider when you're re-allocating right after your windfall or when you're running a some sort of operation that's generating cash flow for investment purposes or it's a business.
\nYou want to look at owning the insurance carrier that's going to offset your risk.
\nAnd I'm just saying, because I think that we're going to be left with almost no other choice because the insurance companies are going to use this.
\nIn fact, the, the companies that own everything, pretty much everything in the world, Vanguard and Blackrock, let's just say.
\nThey are owning everything, let's just say.
\nAnd there is a cabal of individuals, or let's say, family groups, behind them, using them to accomplish that end.
\nSo, what's happening is, the investor is kind of left out in the cold, if he doesn't understand what's going on, where it when he acquires an asset, he's going to have a completely different risk portfolio because he is going to go and try to get insurance, and he won't get it, and then he cannot get lending or in the same way. So it's either going to cost them more or you can't do it, or ESD is cash.
\nSo, to offset that or to change your model, to change your strategy or to augment that in some way, you want to consider captive insurance.
\nAnd I'm gonna say some things here, this, this are just my conclusions from over the years, from research I've done, you guys may have a better perspective than me, but let me just go on into this. Sorry about the history, I'm sure you guys have heard versions of this over the years.
\nI'm just gonna explain this, how I, how I see it factors into what I'm, my, my bottom line here is I want to talk about captive insurance.
\nWe gotta go back a little bit, in my opinion. So.
\nWe need a better way to manage risk that doesn't rely upon the system.
\nAnd the system that I think we all agree on is going to be the banking system and everything related to that.
\nSo, your current taxation system or regulation, your regulatory system, taxation, banking, all these things are altogether, OK.
\nSo, let's just say in the United States, OK, we had the Bank of England in 690, and that was, you know, what, quite quite a ways back, right. So, that system developed and it showed to be successful.
\nAnd it was brought here as export it over to the United States, and it was brought in surreptitiously in 19 13.
\nBut after the Civil War is when we began trying to, the banking system, tried to push in the central banking function and it didn't succeed.
\nAnd with the central banking function, you need a taxation system of direct taxation and they couldn't do it because of the Constitution and they they couldn't get around it.
\nThey kept getting the laws stricken and so it wasn't until they figured out that they could write it in a way that would trick people into complying without actually having a mandatory or compulsory measure.
\nSo, let me just do an overview here. So, what we have is, from 19 13, a World War II, we have the development of the banking system, of what we see today.
\nThe development, meaning that it was implemented, and it was engineered it so that it would find its way into our society and be embedded there forever, OK?
\nIt took a few years, a few decades, a couple of decades to really nail it down.
\nAll right, so the way this works is, you have a system of banking that creates money upon the approval of a loan application. Let's just say.
\nAll right, so when the government wants to borrow money, or people want to borrow money or businesses, so the money is then created at that point.
\nAnd it's taken out of circulation, or it's regulated, so that when you inflate the money supply, you have to take it back. Otherwise, it doesn't work. The banking function will not work without taxation, they're the same thing.
\nSo, You have taxation, but you also have taxation through things like inflation, regulation, and misinformation.
\nThis is what, this was the development beyond World War II, OK.
\nOnce they got it working, they got the numbers, they figure out what their risks were, and they dial it in, OK.
\nThey amended the tax code and 54, they did in 39, 54 to 86, I believe, OK. Primarily.
\nBig big overhaul.
\nSo, part of the reason why this has done, is because there was a big goal discovery, I believe, in Colorado, and you might even find this research on, if you look under the Internet Chocolate Mountain.
\nChocolate Mountains will show you that there was so much gold discovered before the creation of the Federal Reserve system.
\nThere was almost, you may even almost agree that it was a good idea to bring in the Federal Reserve it's just that it really, really has been exploiting people. But, anyways, this is just how it is. So it's worth, it's worth looking into that.
\nSo, now, it's become very effective, all right. We created a worldwide economic system, basically. We, then, the banking system evolved from banks actually using money to script.
\nSo, now we have, we took the gold out, we took the precious metal out. We took silver outright and we can, we, in order for our, US, the US banking system to work.
\nWe had to exploit poor nations or make them poorer through the system.
\nAnd we used, we replaced the gold and silver with oil and our military, as you all know.
\nSo, this is where it, you know, I know this is big jumps, I'm doing here and I'm not very doing very much detail, but I want you to see kind of how, how the, this is leading into where we are right now, where we have a chance to that we're going off into the future and it's something new.
\nAnd I believe it's going to be at least bifurcated.
\nI think there's a couple of ways this is going to go, and I think people that are going to be prudent and diligent can do well.
\nIn spite of the calamity, the catastrophe that we're witnessing. OK, I believe this is a Holocaust.
\nAlright, so, what's happened, though, is when the banking system developed over these years, since World War II, the it was able to develop statistics, N-gage risks, to a point where I don't believe it has any risk at all.
\nAnd in fact, I think the banking system, including the insurance system, has learned to pass off the risk mostly on poorer nations and large populations of laborers and Americans, OK?
\nthat's what we've, we've seen them do, OK? They, they pretty much have no risk, We've taken on all the risk, I mean, here's a quick example.
\na business can write off its expenses of advertising.
\nHow's that fair when I can't unless I'm a business, right?
\nAll right. So then we get into post World War II. And women were were persuaded to believe that they were being cheated because they didn't have a career like men.
\nAnd so then you open up, you double the tax base, that way. when women say, yeah, I went to work, too, which is fine. I don't personally have a problem with that. It's just that's what they're doing. They wanted to increase or double the tax base almost.
\nAnd they also wanted to the system.
\nThey wanted to make it to where children are going to be taken care of at a daycare center all day long.
\nSo they can be influenced. Right, As we've witnessed, I'm not you can tell I'm not I'm not making this up. You can't just say it's a conspiracy anymore.
\nAll right? It's a theory. It's real. You've seen this.
\nSo, here's where we are so that we got rid of the gold silver, all this. Now, we're using the military the oil. We create wars for conquest. And now it's not about this side versus that side now, it's terrorism. We can never find out who the who the, who the enemy is, right? So they got terrorism. And so now everyone's anatomy, including you and me, that can be an enemy for whatever reason. We can be an enemy of the state because where it can be considered domestic terrorist new concept is kinda like the Salem Witch Hunts.
\nRight, they create the idea of what a witch's, they demonize it.
\nThen everybody understands what a witch's, right.
\nThey, they, they watch, like our modern day version of that, as you watch movies and you know what Dracula is because of all the personification of Dracula OK. It's not just from one story, It's all the movies portraying Dracula and all the different personalities and characters and things like that.
\nSo, when we say Dracula, everyone just kinda chimes in, and they know what, they know what, are, they all kind of have the same idea of what dracula's, well, that was the same thing that was done in the sale of witchhunt period.
\nAnd so we can do that with terrorists, we can we can we can create demonize the object or idea of a terrorist, and then we could say he's that, and she's that.
\nNow, in 87, up until 87, there was this, there was this claim that our environment was changing, weather wise, and it was due to human activity and it was getting colder.
\nThat was the claim up until 19 87, in 19 87, the news began claiming that the Earth was warming, and as the story goes, which is completely false, as many of you know that there's too much carbon in the atmosphere, the biosphere, and it's trapping the heat from the sun and its melting polar ice caps and killing the polar bears and stuff like that.
\nWhich is completely not true because whenever you add carbon to the biosphere, it gets absorbed immediately.
\nThere's always parts per million factor measurement in carbon, in the atmosphere, it's always the same. There's a, there's a balance.
\nSo the more carbon, the more life and right now, I believe we actually have a carbon deficiency a deficit in the biosphere. I believe it's a fourth of what is supposed to be, it should be 3 or 4 times higher than what it is Now.
\nRemember, carbon is like oxygen, and carbon is life.
\nwithout it, things don't live, so this is an important thing now, because I'm gonna get into the economics, which is what we're really talking about here.
\nSo, the people behind the drama were not successful at perpetrating the drama they wanted with the Fake Climate Change Agenda.
\nThey got quite far, OK. They developed some economic models or some accounting practices.
\nAnd you'll find this, if you look, do research on renewable energy certificates and things like LEED, certification, L E D S, Don't ask me what that means, I forget.
\nBut R E C R E, Cs are units of currency, I should say, or unit of value, that can be used for set offs in accounting practices dealing with renewable energy production.
\nSo there's an accounting function for the climate change agenda, and it's necessary if you want to make it.
\nIn our economy, if you want to bring something into our economy, you have to give it some way to be measured, and then it can, then be adopted into policymaking, and then it can just be part of our normal activity, if you have it its own, if it has its own accounting, terminology, and practices, OK. And this is what was done with the renewable energy certificates.
\nNow, I would just suggest to you that.
\nI mean, I'm all for renewable energy, and I think things like wood, that's where renewable energy, OK, I don't think there's any problem with that.
\nI think gasolines the future, I don't have a problem with solar panels, but I can't suggest this to you, that today's solar panels that you look at that you can buy, you know, online, are, that are available.
\nThose are old, old technology.
\nVery old.
\nThere's a lot. There's a big subject on that. I'm not gonna get into it too much.
\nThis climate change and the current drama that we're experiencing for, like the last almost two years now that has been exacerbated, or I should maybe even say, managed.
\nMaybe they wouldn't have been able to even accomplish it, had they not had to have the surveillance state in place. And the surveillance state is perpetrated by Google.
\nAnd Amazon.
\nand the monopoly of our intellectual capital are smart people, OK?
\nGoogle, I believe, owns, let's call it Owns, the intellectual capital, the worldwide, the best intellectual capital that we have worldwide, most of which comes out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT.
\nI believe Google has it all under contract that you can't access it.
\nThey own all the people.
\nThey're under contract to do work for Google, so they can do surveillance on us, and it makes a lot of money.
\nJust leave it at that.
\nSo we bring in the cryptocurrency.
\nSo we have a centralized, immutable database that's can be used worldwide, that anybody can update the database. And it's perfectly accurate. And there's no double entries. There's no column.
\nDouble spending, as they say, OK, and among other things, So we bring in cryptographic currency and the blockchain technology at the same time you get Blockchain that comes in.
\nAnd the first product of Blockchain is bitcoin, alright?
\nAnd it looks like it looks like the geeks develop it, This is by design.
\nThe geeks didn't create it, That technology existed. I mean, we created everything we invented, all these things that are being now being used against us, right? Because we go patent the stuff, and then the next thing you know, the military is using it. And tech companies, corporations are using it now to do surveillance on us and things like that. But we invented this technology. Same thing with blockchain technology people invented it.
\nSo it was made to the development of Bitcoin and Blockchain was made to give the appearance that the geeks developed. The geeks invented it. The geeks developed it. It was undesirable until recently.
\nIt was trashed in the news as we all watch this in amusement, right? Because we know that that was all fake.
\nWhen the real creators behind the blockchain technology are Chase Bank, JP morgan Chase, and China, it's to perpetuate the surveillance state, OK?
\nSo they can tax you, your brother, and your dog, and your phone, and your pool, and your car without measuring how much money you earn. But measuring how much carbon you produce.
\nThat is the new point here of what we're doing.
\nThey want the new economic model, based upon the production of carbon, how much money you make.
\nBecause you're going to find out soon enough, that's almost irrelevant. Well, that's what they want, anyways.
\nThey wanted this, the, the fake climate change agenda, and, also, the drama that we see in the last two years.
\nThey want whatever activities involved with that, they wanted to have a huge economic footprint.
\nSo large that investors have to invest in it, and we've been there, we were there last year, I believe we're over.
\nI think it was $90 billion, we've gotta be close to $1000 billion now in the fake drama and climate change agenda, OK? So, what happens is now, investors have no choice if they want return on capital. They have to go there, and they have to buy.
\nThey have to invest in the fake drama, and fund managers are going to have to do that, or they'll get fired. if they don't invest in something no matter how immoral it is, how much vice's involved. They have to invest in it, to make a return.
\nSo, this is where we are.
\nIt creates a huge amount of momentum behind. Something that's destroying humanity, right? Or it's changing it.
\nNow I'm gonna get into some weird stuff.
\nMaybe you have. Maybe you haven't heard this before. But the government's we believed to have existed, or K the monarch's over of the world of history.
\nThe kings, the queens over the years, OK, we thought we got rid of that with the three branch of government democracy, voting, things like that.
\nAnd I think, to some extent, we did.
\nAnd it has that appearance. But I think now more and more people are realizing that.
\nThose systems were fictional.
\nI mean, it looks like it works that way, but really in the background.
\nWhat we have is a corporate oligarchy.
\nNow I've heard that since the eighties, aristocracy.
\nBut I think what we really have is a corporate guardianship system that's worldwide.
\nThat means that people are considered incompetent and mentally ill.
\nAnd if you look around, they actually are, I mean, look at how many people are on opioids, likud only people go to doctors and get prescription medicine.
\nThat, I believe, imposes or creates a mental illness in many cases.
\nAnd I'm sorry, if a lot of you have family members, or you yourselves are on these opioids, My dad was, and I believe that he was a functioning person with him with a series of mental illnesses that damaged his liver and ultimately led to his death, which I think a lot of us are witnessing now.
\nUm, so I think what, what we have is a corporate guardianship system that is a world government system. This is the new world order.
\nIt's a corporate guardianship government, and the wards of the state, if you will, or those insane people. Or those mentally ill people. And we can see who they are by looking around at seeing who's complying with the drama.
\nThe dramatic measures, OK, the fake medicines that don't exist in the medical interventions and treatments, OK? The whole thing is fake, it's a, it's a theatrical production.
\nSo combine that structure.
\nRealize that that may be the case that we are now.
\nAnd at corporate guardianship. World government, that's been around for maybe 30 years. We just didn't realize it.
\nI wouldn't have said this 30 years ago. I just started learning about the 30 years ago.
\nBlackrock and Vanguard, owned pretty much everything.
\nBut the way they've got this thing structured is that, where they're there pushing their agenda out into the world into businesses, They make it to where Blackrock and Vanguard don't own the businesses. The businesses owned them. So that creates a reverse type of association so that they can work together. They can collaborate in a way that, if you pull the SEC disclosure statements, like the Form 10 K for Blackrock, you're not gonna see what Blackrock owns of any importance.
\nYou're not going to find that unless you go to the business. On the other side of the transaction, you'll find out on its Form 10 K or its SEC disclosure. They did Ellen's Blackrock.
\nIt's a very clever way to hide its ownership, and hide the boss to, to hide the interests, OK? Who's behind all that stuff?
\nNow, who's really behind all this? It's not the corporation, it's not the government officials, it's those families, that group of families, that run the world, they've been doing it for, probably centuries OK.
\nAll right.
\nWe need away, if I'm being at all optimistic or hopeful, we need a way to re-allocate our windfall.
\nWe need to acquire assets in a way that we can still manage risk. We still need insurance. We still need lending.
\nSo I believe there's going to have to be some form of separation.
\nWe're going to have to look at managing risk by our own set of statistics. Now, we can, we can get the statistics. If we can find them, we can find actuarial. Now, some of those are trade secrets.
\nWhat I'm suggesting is that be open minded to when you re-allocate, look at things like captive insurance and hard money lending.
\nI'm not saying it has to be exactly hard money lant lending, in the traditional sense that you might know that meeting, and the first thought is, oh, my gosh, the interest rate is so high, OK, Fine.
\nBut I'm not saying it has to be that way, but we need capital. Now, here's a suggestion.
\nWhat I'm thinking is, we can have a cryptographic currency that originates new currency on the approval of a loan application, based upon the criteria that we can create, based on what we understand the risks are, and things like that, but be very careful, because that's exactly where we're coming from, and I don't think we want to recreate that.
\nMaybe we can do it and manage it. Maybe that's what the people thought 100 years ago, I don't know.
\nBut I'm just saying probably in the next 10 years or less, we should consider a cryptographic coin that has the ability to originate a coin that can be used.
\nLike we use the dollar today, and the banking system, to some extent, OK? There's ways to mitigate the risk from that.
\nUm, so we have, we have, we're going to end up separating because when you separate out of the traditional lending insurance type, services, or availability, you're going to end up creating assets and managing them in a way that's completely separate from the current banking system.
\nIt's going to get quite involved.
\nThis is the beginning stage, I believe.
\nSo, we're going to have to establish regulatory measures.
\nWe're going to have to establish bonding insurance.
\nWe're going to have to establish means of indemnification that we're just taking it for granted. Right now. When you go get car insurance, you just take it for granted. That's how that system works.
\nBut consider this, what I've explained for many, many years, is that the, the investor, the market supplier, OK, of the 401 K's and the IRAs, and the pension Funds, that have been cheating people out of their opportunity to use capital and cheating people in the thinking that it's beneficial to tie up your money for 30, or 40, or even 20 years, so that you can get a tax benefit at the end of it.
\nIf you follow certain rules, even then, that system was fueled by labor.
\nWe fuel that system that cheated ourselves out of using capital in an intelligent way.
\nAnd we were tricked into giving up the use of our capital to the money system.
\nThat enslaved us, IRAs, you're not the investor, OK, if you're the account holder.
\nThe investor is the fund manager that takes your money with everybody else's money, every other employee's money.
\nAnd that fund manager or corporation invested in what companies like Vanguard Blackrock companies like Citibank.
\nWe were investing and perpetrating our own Debt system, our own enslavement. Do you think it's any different now?
\nThey've already nailed down all the measure that they can use to do this, OK.
\nThey've already they've already established and proven to themselves that it's completely possible and economical and profitable, in fact, they're never using their own money, They're using our money completely, from start to finish.
\nSo when it comes to captive insurance, yeah. You're going to have to put some of your own value there, some of your own money, some of your own assets and capital.
\nSame thing with lending, OK?
\nSo it's going to have to be captive.
\nIt's going to have to be owned by us, by the investor.
\nWe have to get out of the banking system. We can do that with cryptographic currency.
\nWe can be destroyed by cryptographic currency, but at the same time, I believe we can be saved by it, We can sustain our economy or have a healthy economy.
\nIf we use it properly, just like fire. You've heard me say this before. You can kill people or you can cook their food, OK.
\nWe can develop our own actuarially as I'm getting to.
\nWe already have the statistics. We have the data. We can go get it.
\nThere are people that can help us.
\nThere are custodians of this information. We may not get access to all the trade secrets but we're going to be pretty good.
\nSo just consider that.
\nSo I'm just throwing this out there B aware of this idea when you're re-allocating be open to it, OK?
\nI don't want to start saying how we should do this. Maybe let me give you some ideas though.
\nThis is a little bit out of my knowledge base, but we're still going to need the same functions of government. We're still going to need I think, rulemaking: We need a way to enforce rules.
\nUm, no, and we need ways to detect decide if rules are broken.
\nthree branches of government, OK?
\nI believe our system of government is going to go back to what it began with, which is the family, and your neighborhood.
\nIt also, maye exist between business professionals, and in similar markets, OK, through the association of those businesses, and their own regulatory framework that they would develop themselves.
\nFor example, restaurants in a town, a single town, get together, form the own restaurant association for that town, and they form their own licensing requirements and things like this, OK, They can do that.
\nI mentioned that the government systems that we believe to exist are pretty much broken down, broken down or dissolved or not. They're not real.
\nSo, let me share this concept with you.
\nThe people, if I want to call them, that, if I can, call them that the creature's, the families that have been running everything for centuries, that are pushing this drama right now.
\nThey operate by making treaties with each other. Even amongst themselves, the treaty is a law, OK?
\nA contract is a law, sometimes, public notice creates legal obligations.
\nThe way that this drama has developed began with influencing public opinion, and the way that was done is, was, was through Hollywood.
\nHollywood is a way where these families have been communicating with us for decades over a century, OK, through literature, and now movies, cinema, things like that.
\nWhy not communicate with those families, in this way, and communicate the following idea.
\nIf you guys, if you creature's, want to consider yourselves the masters of the earth and you wanna monopolize all of Earth's resources, and you want to enslave people, and you want to call the population.
\nAccording to your WMS, whether you believe it's noble or not, and we don't agree with you, and we're aware of what you're doing.
\nWe only ask this one thing.
\nAnd this is kind of an offer, and I'll tell you what the quid pro quo is here, but the offers, this, go right ahead and call the population, but those of us who object and refuse to participate, leave us alone.
\nThat's it, Just leave us alone and get out of the way. We'll get out of your way. You get out of our way.
\nAs far as earth resources go, you pretty much monopolized everything.
\nBut you can't use everything. In fact, you can't use everything without our knowledge.
\nSo you can monopolize as much as you want.
\nTo the extent you're using the resource that you're controlling outside of that, you will be you, what you do, to monopolize our access to resources, like water, or minerals, or the air, the airspace, OK? If you interfere with our use of those, in a way that doesn't serve your interests, you're just doing it to block us. We're going to consider that an encroachment and an act of war.
\nSo, I'm, I'm explaining something generally here that really, to communicate with the creatures that are behind this drama, that we want to get away from that. We're having a need to get away from.
\nWe need to communicate with them through, a theatrical production, or a screenplay in some way OK?
\nAnd I'm not a person to do that.
\nI'm just going to share with those of you that want to hear this message, the manner in which this should be, likely be carried out.
\nSo we want to tell them, look, you guys do what you want with the stupid people.
\nIf you want to kill the stupid people, shame on you, and we're not going to stop you unless it's my Uncle Bob or my mom. I'm gonna do my best to save him, but the rest of the people can't help them, they're yours.
\nThe rest of the world, you leave us alone. You let us do our thing. We have, we can do whatever we want, we're going to create our own supply chains.
\nWe're going to create our own money system, OK? We're going to use our technology, we're not gonna give it to you anymore.
\nWe're not going to help you build out technology that you've stolen from us through the patent and trademark offices around the world.
\nWe're not going to let you use it for military purposes. We're not gonna give it to you.
\nWe're going to keep it secret amongst ourselves, OK? We'll find other ways of using it.
\nThe alternative is, if you don't accept these terms and we don't need your treaty, we don't need you to sign something.
\nWe just need you to act accordingly.
\nSo this would be the message in whatever production we put together, or screenplay, or story, or book or novel or whatever, OK, the message is.
\nUm, we're going to oppose. You are going to sabotage all your efforts You get in our way. We're going to sabotage, you are going to hunt you down, We're going to kill you.
\nOK, and just consider that an act of commerce?
\nOK, just like in the days of piracy, that was piracy was considered an Act of Commerce?
\nOK, until it got, I guess, detailed to a point where they There was limits: OK, but I'm just saying, I know that sounds wild.
\nBut I wanted to make the point that this is what's going on in the world today, and we still want to do our thing. We still want to take care of our families. We still want to be prosperous. We still want to advocate or advance. Pretty cool ideas. I've spoken to many of you that have ideas on renewable energy.
\nThey're fantastic, and, you know, other other systems that need to be replaced, OK? We don't need to pipe water across our town, That's ridiculous. We don't need to send electricity across the city that's ridiculous or across the continent. That's ridiculous, we can make it right where we're using it.
\nWe have the technology. The cars we're using should fly by now, and they shouldn't use hardly any energy.
\nWe should be landing and you know rooftops.
\nOK, we have this technology.
\nWe should have healing, facilities, riggers, lay down in a, in a bed somewhere, and get healed.
\nAnd so I think that we need to do those things.
\nAnd we need to realize that we need some emancipation from the old system.
\nSo as a person or an investor who has received a windfall of some kind and you want to go into in a meaningful investment, keep in mind that you may not be able to deal with or want to deal with the banking system, that up by that I mean the taxation, lending and insurance, all that's one.
\nYou may have to have your own system and we do have the groundwork for that already. We have captive insurance. We have already the risk factors for investing in captive insurance, there are investors for captive insurance companies.
\nWe can see that, that is part of the banking system that exists today.
\nBut we don't have to be in that system to use those models.
\nOK, so that's my message for today.
\nI know we can have more conversations. We're going to have to definitely do that, but I just wanted to share that with y'all. And let me just go back over this.
\nSo I don't miss anything.
\nHopefully I didn't lose track of this message.
\nBut to summarize it all consider using captive insurance for re-allocating. When you're acquiring new assets.
\nYou may want to partner with some other investors that may also have Windfalls, OK? And maybe combine a portion of your assets into creating a captive insurance business or business model.
\nThis can be done And you can make a profit at it.
\nIn fact, your insurance company that you own can actually be profitable, and you can then use that insurance company to offset your risk and some other assets, and then, the owner, the other owners, of the captive insurance company, can get into their assets.
\nCompletely different.
\nAsset portfolios, same with lending.
\nI would argue that lending has a similar, um, risk profile, then then that captive insurance does insurance and lending, I believe, are almost identical or very, very interchangeable, OK, the risk factor there and then you have taxation through direct taxation, which like an example of that would be using one of the networks on the cryptographic currency, OK, There's like a fee built into the transaction. That's a form of taxation.
\nWe have taxation through regulation.
\nWe have taxation through Producing more units of currency than that. There is value for it. So that creates inflation, and of course, misinformation.
\nSo hopefully we can grow past the inflation, pass the misinformation. We might need a little bit of inflation, but it should match The value that's available, OK. It shouldn't far exceed the value is available, and cause a diminishing effect of the buying power of that. That coin or a unit of currency, so you guys can you guys understand why I'm talking about there?
\nAll right, so long explanation.
\nMaybe that hopefully, applies, but I'm only talking about the need for captive insurance for re-allocation and future investing.
\nAlright, thanks a lot.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n\r\n \r\n<\/div><\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/section>\n\t\t\t\t