\r\n U34 \u2013 Hacking the Social Security Number Scheme \u2014 Part I of II\r\n0:04\r\nHi, everybody, this is John Jay.\r\n0:05\r\nToday, I\u2019m going to be talking about some trivial facts trivial matters regarding the Social Security number.\r\n0:12\r\nIt\u2019s the reason why I began learning, the subject that I understa… <\/div>\r\n
U34 \u2013 Hacking the Social Security Number Scheme \u2014 Part I of II
\nHi, everybody, this is John Jay.
\nToday, I\u2019m going to be talking about some trivial facts trivial matters regarding the Social Security number.
\nIt\u2019s the reason why I began learning, the subject that I understand, you know, risk management, tax situations, liability, the judicial system, legal system.
\nI began learning all that just because, in the early nineties, I believe that having a social security number created all kinds of obligations. And I wanted to get out of that.
\nAnd so I, I went and found some people that were claiming that they could surrender the Social Security number.
\nAnd so I wanted to explain kind of the information found myself after going through that process. And by the way, there\u2019s no way to surrender the number, it\u2019s not yours. So I want to arrive at that conclusion. I\u2019m going to show you high arrived at that conclusion, and I want you to understand the nature of the system.
\nI think it will help you understand, maybe, better, what we\u2019re looking at facing.
\nIn the near future, maybe the blockchain is going to replace the SSN system not to scare anybody, but just being practical here.
\nSo I\u2019m going to do a share screen, and I\u2019m going to show you some, some history here.
\nSo when I started looking at this Aye.
\nAfter I went through the whole process of submitting surrender documents, it was like 28 pages of legal, legal mumbo jumbo to the Social Security Administration and other government agencies.
\nOf course, that doesn\u2019t do anything.
\nWhat, what happens is, OK, the Social Security number is simply a number. It means nothing other than it\u2019s a number.
\nAnd if you associate that number with asking for benefits or other activities, receiving money, for example.
\nThat\u2019s when you have some implications with government agencies. OK, that\u2019s when you bring in the IRS and things like that.
\nSo that the, the strategy would be that if you want to emancipate yourself from that system, you just simply stop asking for benefits and stop using that number. And that\u2019s the trick.
\nThis is what, what people don\u2019t understand how to do.
\nAnd so, when I first decided to not use an SSN, I still wanted to have a bank account. Now at that time. In the early nineties, I was able to go and negotiate my way through the front end, people at the bank, and get accounts open.
\nThen after a couple of years of that, toward the mid nineties, it became more difficult, and I realized that it\u2019s not going to be sustainable.
\nSo I figured I will just learn what\u2019s going on. Let\u2019s just break this system down. And so, this is what I looked at first.
\nSo I found this somewhere, I don\u2019t remember where I found all this information, but probably came from, I vaguely remember the National Security Agency.
\nAnd it had published this scheme here. Now, there\u2019s a similar scheme for your driver\u2019s license information. I\u2019m not going to get into that today. and the method of generating these numbers I\u2019m going to show you right here, came from the Navy, Some Navy mathematicians, OK came up with this. This is what I understood.
\nBut, anyways, I\u2019m showing you a summary from the Social Security ministration. You can see, this comes right from the SSA.
\nNo, its own website, in fact, I just grabbed this this morning, it took me one second. I just guessed and I searched on SSN number and I got this so, it\u2019s not hard to find on the Internet.
\nOK, now, I remember back when I did this, there was no easy access on the Internet, OK, only really. Scientists and government offices were on the internet, OK, back in the nineties, and science people, in college students, and things like that.
\nAll right, so, as you can see, they started this thing in 19 35. It was supposed to track money. Really, its intent was to attract people.
\nThere was something that covered this in the Privacy Act of 1974, if you read the Privacy Act of 1074, there are implications here.
\nIt is useful to some extent, that, basically, the Privacy Act of 1074 explains what privacy you don\u2019t have, right, So, the only privacy you\u2019re gonna get, if you want to use an SSN is really, you gotta stop using the SSN.
\nYou gotta stop asking for the benefits and participating. So let\u2019s just look at this. You see how it\u2019s all broken apart.
\nBy states, back then, it was divided into states. So states for allocated numbers.
\nNow if you\u2019re, if you keep this in mind, your SSN, the format of it has a three digit and then a two digit in a four digit. OK. Now, this is how the, this is why they\u2019re broken apart, is how they\u2019re broken apart. The area pertains to the state in which the number was issued, are allocated or blocked, or reserve K for each state. The area number than the groups within that state is the are the middle two digits.
\nAnd then there\u2019s a serial number, just whatever it comes up next, and the sequence.
\nAnd so, this was my understanding back in the nineties, so that if I were to create a number for purpose, banking purposes, usually, I want to make it to where the number is valid. There are actually some numbers that are not valid.
\nLike, for example, I think the 999 number area number is not valid, it\u2019s been reserved or something. And there\u2019s some other ones in there, like 6, 6 0, or something like that. I can\u2019t remember 67 or something like that.
\nIn any case, up until 20 11.
\nThis is the scheme, this is how they did it, when I say Scheme, I\u2019m talking about the method of doing it and I still look at it as a scheme. It\u2019s a scheme in the stereotypical sense that it\u2019s just a fraudulent scheme. OK, so, the way of doing this is that each state was allocated the number.
\nAnd it was presume that you would have a number where you were born. So, for example, a number I used a while back, since my 20 something years ago.
\nThere was a question that came up at a bank about the use of the number, and because I understood where the number was assigned, because it was a number I had created for banking purposes. OK, I understood how to answer the banks questions, and that was fine, and I did what I needed to do. So, it was helpful to know the background information about where the number came from.
\nSo, anytime we needed to create another file for some purpose, a credit file, for example, using an SSN, it was helpful to know where the number or the person lived at, when he was 12 years old or younger, and then that were able to create a number or, or select a number.
\nThat was issued after the person we\u2019re trying to work with.
\nLet\u2019s say, for example, a client of mine trying to find a number that was issued after he was born. We don\u2019t want to issue it.
\nHave an number issued where it was issued before the person was born, and then he goes to the bank to try to open an account.
\nAnd then the bank checks the number against his name, and that was called the Death Index. And it looks really odd, like, why would the number be issued before the person was born, right? So, there was a couple of Considerations like that.
\nSo, this was my basic understanding that I can look at this table here, and I can say, All right, well, if my client, if I could reasonably say he was born in New York or Michigan or whatever, I know that my range of area numbers is going to be 362 to 386. I know, you guys can\u2019t, I can\u2019t point to it really well on the screen, but you can see right here in the middle, versus, like Michigan, and Massachusetts, and things like that. They\u2019ve got their area numbers. And so, I would start there with the area number. And then, I would look at the range of group numbers. Now, the group number, I could select at random to try to find something. So, I might, I might pick 3 or 4 numbers.
\nIf I\u2019m going to create a new credit file, the reason why would create a credit files.
\nMaybe someone\u2019s in a very difficult situation, and we can\u2019t find another solution, too, Fixes credit. So, we want to abandon the old file and start a new file.
\nThat would be, one, use The other use like, that, I did for myself was because, I just didn\u2019t want to use an SSN. I just saw it as immoral. And so, I didn\u2019t want a number that was allocated for that purpose.
\nI don\u2019t mind using a nine digit number because it wasn\u2019t allocated, I wasn\u2019t asking for benefits under that number, I was just using a number for banking purposes. OK, I wasn\u2019t trying to cheat anybody or anything like that, I wasn\u2019t trying to steal someone\u2019s ID.
\nSo, this is how the scheme works.
\nYou can see, let\u2019s see here, you got Puerto Rico, They\u2019ve got different group numbers here, You can, you know, she\u2019s got a little bit information you can read through this, Really it\u2019s, all I did was search on SSN number and Google. I used duck duck go by the way.
\nAnd then you can see here, there\u2019s more information, I think, see, see here, they have specific numbers assigned to government employees, right, 700 to 728, so you just gotta be aware of things like that.
\nNow, as of 2011, you\u2019re going to see here, I\u2019ll show you, The numbers were issued in a random way. They call it randomized.
\nGives us a little more flexibility.
\nNow, we\u2019ll tell you, I guess, this discussion here, this explanation really is kind of about understanding the origin of this scheme and also how we\u2019re using it in a practical way.
\nSo, you\u2019ll understand, it\u2019s not there\u2019s nothing illegal here. We\u2019re not trying to trick anybody. We\u2019re not breaking any laws.
\nHowever, using this information, you could use it to commit a crime. And, of course, my clients don\u2019t do that, and I tell them that. I\u2019m not going to help them if I, if I have any feeling whatsoever that, they\u2019re going to use this information to commit a crime, so ID, theft, or something like that.
\nSo in any case, you can see, there\u2019s a bit of information, but check it out, It\u2019s 1 Y 2 pages, right? It\u2019s, it\u2019s not much information. This is a really nice summary of all the research that I had to go through from the NSA to try to arrive at this table. And then, from here is kind of a guide now.
\nWe get into this other, I\u2019m gonna flip over to this next website I already have set up, write to the Social Security Ministration. OK, again, now, notice how that was, an old documents, a PDF file, that gets scanned in, I don\u2019t even know what date 982.
\nSo, all right, so here we\u2019re going to go into the into the present time, or on a website with live information.
\nAnd this is going to tell you a little bit more about the randomization changes they made from 20 11, OK, 10 years ago.
\nAnd you can learn how it works.
\nNow, the SS a secured ministration sells information to employers so you can actually pay for a service that validates numbers.
\nSo this is why, if you\u2019re using a social security number or OK, if you\u2019re using a nine digit number as an SSN, where an SSN has to be disclosed on a government document, like a W four, or a 1099, or anything, under an OMB approved document under penalties of perjury.
\nYou cannot use not a nine digit number as your SSN, unless it actually is your SSN.
\nIt has to have been assigned to you by the Social Security registration, otherwise, you\u2019re going to problems.
\nIt\u2019s not going to check out because there are services that check to see like your employer would check to see the valid SSN connected to your name.
\nThey don\u2019t even need your card, really some some need your card, because they don\u2019t have a subscription with the Social Security ministration.
\nAs you\u2019ll see, this is actually a business, It says business services online. They\u2019re actually providing services for, for money to companies, like payroll departments that want to validate this information.
\nAnd if you\u2019re going to sign a W four, you want to use the correct information so that you\u2019re not going to be subject to backup withholding.
\nThis is where you run into problems with not providing the correct EIN or SSN. You could be subject to backup withholding and I\u2019ll give you the citation real quick.
\nThis all relates to different things, but, um, since we\u2019re talking about trivia here, Title 26 USC Section 34 oh 6, OK? That has to do with backup withholding.
\nYou probably wanna check that out, so I\u2019m not going to get into all this great detail here, but you can see there\u2019s some interesting nuances here.
\nAll right, here we get into employers, like I just mentioned, OK, they\u2019re providing services for validation, things like this.
\nNow, here, it says this data is for informational purposes, We\u2019re very careful about, know, why this information is being released. It is public record.
\nHow this is functioning, right.
\nSo, again, you can see here, we have the modern version of this list I just showed you from 19 82, OK.
\nSo let\u2019s scroll down.
\nLook what we have down here, since the randomization took place, We started ending up with things like this.
\nWe have a range of area numbers that would have normally been assigned to a state, but are not anymore, they\u2019re randomized.
\nSo you\u2019ve got a 587, 588, 580, 990, all the way to 665, a huge range of area numbers. Now, I want to show you some interesting map here. And I guess lately, we\u2019re doing some algebra site.
\nYou know, I was talking my algebra last time on calculating your principal for the crypto exchanges.
\nNow, I\u2019m going to show you what\u2019s called an algebraic combination.
\nAnd we all know that the SSN EIN is nine digits, they are formatted differently.
\nI mean, I think the IRS looks at people in 1 of 2 ways. Either you\u2019re an EIN, or your, you know, an employer, or you\u2019re an employee with an SSN. And that\u2019s why the formatting is different. But either way, you still have a nine digit number. So if you have a nine digit number, the question is, how many combinations of those numbers can I have?
\nThis is going to be an interesting understanding, because, think about how many people are alive today in the United States, just just talking about geographic area in the United States.
\nHow many people are alive that are US citizens? Right? It\u2019s about 330 million people.
\nSo if I do an algebraic combination on this number, so we have the area number, that\u2019s three digits, then we have the group number that\u2019s two digits. And then we have our serial number. That\u2019s four digits. So we have a nine digit number three. Yeah, nine digit number.
\nSo, because I have nine digits, my exponent on this algebraic combination is going to be nine.
\nAnd because each digit gives me 10 combinations, 10 possible combinations 0 through 9, I\u2019m going to have 10 to the ninth possible numbers I can make with the SSN in the format the way it is now. So, what is 10 to the ninth, It\u2019s a billion.
\nOne billion dollars, Not more. Not one more, it\u2019s one billion, OK, 0, 0, 0, 0, Those are all within 99999, OK.
\nThere are a few blocks, OK, like, check it out here, Like this, you can use 587 to 665, It just says, Not issued, I\u2019m gonna show you how to verify that.
\nSo, you\u2019ve got these huge blocks that apparently have not, are not issued, I don\u2019t believe that\u2019s correct.
\nI think that after some date, people that have used a member, this is from 19 35, we\u2019re almost approaching 100 years, like what, 85 years into it right now?
\nSo, we\u2019ve had probably three generations of people already, just people using nine digit numbers as SSNs.
\nThis doesn\u2019t count for trusts.
\nMean some people have 20 trusts, right, with ions. What about corporations? What about small businesses that were formed and never nothing ever came of them, right? And ions for obtained for those businesses and then they were just abandoned or those that are still operating.
\nI mean, we\u2019re way over a billion in use.
\nSo, you gotta ask yourself, well, wouldn\u2019t it make sense at all the numbers that are possible to have been issued, used or have been used?
\nYeah, it\u2019s true, And I think that there\u2019s an aging process.
\nOnce a person, whether it\u2019s a corporation or a human being, stopped using the number, I think that number\u2019s retired in some way.
\nAnd I know it\u2019s being used for securities and all this stuff, traffic persons, and all this, I understand all that, but I think at some point, that number is retired, or then recycled back. And I think that\u2019s where you get these not issued numbers.
\nNow, the real truth here, that if you just don\u2019t know much about this stuff, you can just guess a nine digit number.
\nYou can create a credit file by applying for credit with your name, your legal name, a nine digit number, and an address provided that that combination of information has never been used before in a credit application.
\nDifferent address but, same name but different SSN, right?
\nSame date of birth.
\nYou apply for credit, then you\u2019re gonna get denied because no credit has ever been applied for what that combination of numbers information.
\nOnce you get denied, that means a new credit file was created for you.
\nFor that. Let\u2019s call it person, and this is how we create a whole new file. So the trick on it is, let\u2019s assume that every nine digit number we can possibly use is being used by someone else right now. We have to make that assumption because, statistically, it probably is true.
\nUm, we just have to make sure that at some point the file we\u2019re creating and rebuilding doesn\u2019t get merged with someone else\u2019s activity. Now I had that problem early on and I was able to get out of it by correcting the file action to actually write a letter to Equifax and say, No, this is not my data. You merge data somehow, and it\u2019s incorrect, and they would fix it.
\nIronically, if you can believe that, OK, this, there\u2019s nothing wrong with doing this. We\u2019re not trying to cheat anybody.
\nAnd you can use a nine digit number of your choice for a credit file.
\nYou cannot use a random nine digit number, or any other nine digit number as a social security number, OK, so that\u2019s the key.
\nYou don\u2019t need a social security number for credit, you just need a nine digit number. That\u2019s all they care about, and for that purpose, I can take that number and open that, a bank account, or many other types of accounts.
\nI cannot use that number and name combination, if it\u2019s not an validly assigned SSN to my name, I cannot use it for applying for an, an, EIN, for another entity, OK, the applicant has to use a valid SSN that was assigned to the applicant.
\nSo, some limitation on it. In any case. You see how this works, right? Look at 707, 28. OK, remember we just mentioned that we go back here.
\nThat was reserved.
\nRemember, here we go. Right? That was reserved.
\nAnd here we see it.
\nWe see it again. It\u2019s, it\u2019s reserved.
\nOK, Railroad.
\nNow, I don\u2019t know what innumerate enumeration at entry means. I bet, it doesn\u2019t really matter. So, let\u2019s go in here. I want to talk about disclosure now.
\nI\u2019ve, I\u2019ve been in situations where I\u2019m working with clients where, just because of the incorrect or failure to disclose a tax number on a form, just because of that, it led to audits. And there\u2019s no cause for this, because I\u2019ll explain a couple of things here.
\nThere\u2019s no, there\u2019s no cause, or reason to penalize someone for not using an SSN or an EIN. And when I say one, I mean both.
\nThere is no disclosure requirement for an SSN.
\nThere\u2019s no disclosure requirement for an EIN. You\u2019re not required to use one. OK, moreover, you\u2019re not required to have one, and to test this out, I wrote a letter to my Congressman when I was in Arizona.
\nAnd I asked for a law that requires somebody use or apply for obtain an SSN as a condition for working. And I got a letter back saying, no, there\u2019s no such law that requires a US citizen to obtain or use an SSN as condition for employment.
\nAnd likewise, there\u2019s no condition for disclosure. So here\u2019s how this works.
\nThere\u2019s no dis the condition for disclosure of an SSN at your job.
\nYou can even sign a W four and put all zeros for the SSN. And the problem with that is the people in accounting and personnel that they don\u2019t understand how to deal with that. But if they were following the law, the way it works is like this.
\nI\u2019m going to show you the law right here.
\nIf you don\u2019t disclose the number or if the number is wrong, you run into this situation.
\nOK, there\u2019s a, here\u2019s the regulation, now, the statute is entitled 26 of the United States Code, Section 6109.
\nThe regulation that gives you way more detail about how this works is, right here, I\u2019m showing you, it\u2019s 26 CFR, Part 3 0 1.6109 dash 1.
\nWe\u2019re going to scroll all the way down. I\u2019m not going to get into all this boring detail, but we\u2019re gonna get into some trivia here.
\nSection C, and it\u2019s lowercase C right here, all right.
\nI\u2019m just going to summarize it for you. You can what? You can read it. You can look it up. It\u2019s very easy.
\nBasically, it says, if someone is going to pay you money, he can ask you for your tax number.
\nIf you tell him that you\u2019re not going to give him your number, or that you don\u2019t have one, you don\u2019t even have to have one, Whether or not you have one is irrelevant. You can just tell them, I have one, and I\u2019m not giving you one, or I\u2019m not giving you one. I\u2019m not disclosing it, or I don\u2019t have one, It doesn\u2019t matter. That person has to then tell you that you\u2019re required by law to disclose one.
\nNow, you\u2019re never required, by law, to go get one for that purpose, for any purpose, actually.
\nBut he\u2019s required by law to tell you that disclosure is required by law, but it\u2019s not.
\nIt is not, there is no disclosure requirement. It just says that he has to tell you that when I say he, I\u2019m talking about your employer or somebody who\u2019s asking you for an SSN.
\nLike sometimes your doctors, they ask you for that stuff now if you\u2019re, if you\u2019re asking somebody for credit like a bank, you have to give them that information because that\u2019s their only means of checking your credit. right.
\nTechnically, though, if you don\u2019t give your SSN to a bank, it can still check your credit, but what it will do is use your name and date of birth to go get your SSN and then check.
\nSo, just be aware of that because sometimes people think they\u2019ve got a bank account open with no SSN. But, really, what the bank did is use your, your name and date of birth to check its database references to get your SSN. They didn\u2019t, just didn\u2019t tell you that, OK?
\nSo, they\u2019re supposed to tell you, it\u2019s required by law disclosure is, and then if you still say no, that you\u2019re not giving one or you don\u2019t have one, the request store is then required to come to provide an affidavit stating that it asked for the number and didn\u2019t obtain the number from you, for whatever reason.
\nThen submit that affidavit with whatever document. Like, for example, at W four. That\u2019s how it\u2019s supposed to work, OK? You can\u2019t be fired. You can\u2019t be denied employment for not having a number.
\nBut of course, we\u2019re dealing with bunch of uneducated people, they think they know the law, and they\u2019re just a bunch of form jockeys and here we are, so I just want to go with this detail.
\nI\u2019ll mentioned there\u2019s the other aspect to this.
\nWhy I said earlier, when it comes to not disclosing a number, there\u2019s no penalty for that. Now, there used to be a penalty, I don\u2019t remember.
\nI think it was under 672. If I remember, you can look it up penalty for not disclosure, non disclosure of an SSN.
\nThis is considered, it was a $50 penalty has been like that for since the seventies, I think.
\nUm, it\u2019s considered a de minimis failure de minimus failure. That\u2019s a Latin word. That means minimal. It\u2019s not really worth talking about.
\nOK, and the entire Latin phrase that I\u2019m going to explain to you here, means that the law does not concern itself with trivial matters.
\nSo, when you don\u2019t disclose an SSN or you put the wrong SSN on a document and it creates all this drama, just realize that the failure to disclose a tax number of any kind SSN, EIN, or the disclosure of an incorrect one, which can be corrected, by the way.
\nOK, if there\u2019s an incorrect one, you want to correct it with a W nine, OK.
\nIt\u2019s called a de minimis.
\nIt\u2019s a failure that is a de minimis, non curate Lex de minimus non curate Lex and all.
\nThat means is that the law does not concern itself with trivial matters, so the incorrect number or no disclosure isn\u2019t not grounds for a penalty.
\nIt\u2019s not cause for an audit, but some of you may have experienced this situation, so I just want to let you know you have this, the laws on your side She should look it up. That may help you.
\nNow let\u2019s get into that: The validation process: So if I\u2019m going to create a new file for somebody, I understand all this information, OK, and I go to this service here now, It\u2019s It\u2019s nice that someone put the service together. This is a free service. It is limited. I believe, they let you do five inquiries per day.
\nUm, there are other free services you can look around for them. There are paid services. So if you\u2019re, if you\u2019re ADP, OK, that handles employment records for Employers, then you\u2019re gonna have a subscription with the Social Security Ministry, and it\u2019s that simple you, Otherwise, you\u2019re not going to be able to function properly.
\nAnd those guys process, not applications, but they process validation, request and badges. They do computer batches. Nobody sits here and types out information. They just batch process everything, OK, but I\u2019m gonna show you how to do it manually. So, we\u2019re looking at someone\u2019s website called, the SSN validator. And if I, let\u2019s see if I pick a number, let\u2019s say, if I go, I\u2019m gonna, I\u2019m gonna pick this here. I\u2019m gonna pick this range, I\u2019m gonna start with 667.
\nOK, I\u2019m just gonna start with 607, and I\u2019m gonna come over here, And I\u2019m going to see, I\u2019m going to validate it. Somebody goes, 6, 6, 7. 9 didn\u2019t make up a group number.
\nLet\u2019s call it 10.
\nAnd I want to make up a sequence, a series, so let\u2019s call it 14 20.
\nJust made that up, and then, yeah, except whatever. Let\u2019s see if it, let\u2019s see what it tells me here.
\nSearch and, Oh, it\u2019s going to make me go through all this stuff. OK, so we got motorcycles. Alright, sorry about that.
\nLet\u2019s see if we can get past this. All right? So, let\u2019s search.
\nYou\u2019ll get 1 or 2 responses.
\none is going to say, Hey, this number\u2019s not being used.
\nOK, so what this is saying, now is the number I just typed in at random.
\nThe report is today and the number was issued in the state of Georgia. They still tag it. There\u2019s a lookup table that tags it by state.
\nAnd it was proximately issued about 20 years ago.
\nAnd according to the government, it has been issued. In other words, someone\u2019s using this.
\nNow, what I like to do, OK, so it\u2019s not in the death master file now this SSDI death master file. This is what the bank check or any creditor or a lender will check to make sure that number is not been reported to someone who died.
\nThat\u2019s a dead giveaway, A dead giveaway that the numbers are not valid if you walk in there, right, OK, \u2019cause you should be dead. Alright.
\nNow, it\u2019s supposed to be a valid number, but remember, it\u2019s been issued. That doesn\u2019t mean you can\u2019t use it. I would recommend not using it.
\nIt makes your life easier because if you use it, you\u2019re gonna run into the possibility of your file being merged. And if you\u2019re creating a new file, it\u2019ll be merged with somebody else\u2019s file and it\u2019s kind of a nuisance to that person and yourself.
\nI had that briefly once, and it went away, but let me just look here. So if I\u2019m gonna search again, let\u2019s just say I\u2019m gonna go, I\u2019m gonna say that you did the same area, number 6, 6, 7.
\nAnd then I\u2019m going to say 12 and I\u2019m gonna say 15 0 2.
\nAnd let\u2019s see what happens here.
\nI\u2019m not going to do this all day. I just want to try a couple of. Alright, so hills and we\u2019re going to get this right here.
\nI feel like I\u2019m being tested.
\nLet\u2019s see if I can get this right.
\nNow, it\u2019s not going to show me, OK, so this one has also been issued.
\nI don\u2019t want to do this too long, but basically, if you come up with a number that officially has not been issued, now I believe it\u2019s already been issued and retired and then re-issued. So, there could be a number. You want to keep doing this until you get a number that says, it\u2019s not been issued. It\u2019ll say that right here, issuance status, and there\u2019ll be a little paragraph.
\nLike, right here, it\u2019s like two lines.
\nThe one that says it\u2019s not been issued is bought 4 or 5 lines long. So, just so you know, if you want to check that out.
\nSo, that is generally some trivia about social security numbers, how they\u2019re issued, what is surrounding their use and how.
\nThey may be involved in creating an audit situation or a penalty and if you know the law, you can explain that there is no penalty if you know, you know, address it to the right person, personnel or whomever.
\nSo hopefully this helps dispel a lot of rumors.
\nI will re-iterate that, I\u2019m gonna make sure I didn\u2019t miss anything, but I\u2019ll re-iterate that.
\nYou cannot surrender the number, OK? It is literally a number no one has ownership of numbers. You can\u2019t license out the use of the hashtag five, OK?
\nBut, if you associate that number, this, if you associate it for a government program, for benefits associated with a government program, or specific purpose, like a legal, legal condition. If you associate that number in a certain way, well, then it will be treated that way. So, that is the key: Stop associating with that number or using it to associate with other things you do activities you\u2019re involved in.
\nOK, Yeah, I\u2019m, I\u2019m glad I looked here.
\nSo, Now, the one thing I did, miss, I want to explain.
\nThe question you should have is, Gosh, John, if it\u2019s Likely that my number that I\u2019ve had since, you know, it\u2019s an actual SSN, it\u2019s likely that someone else is using it. Yeah. Somebody\u2019s actually probably using it, it could be an EIN.
\nIt could be, it could be a tax number with some bank of securities somewhere around the world. Who knows?
\nBut here\u2019s how the IRS does makes a distinction between the number that you\u2019re using and someone else who may be using the exact same number.
\nThat may cause problems.
\nSo, here\u2019s what the IRS does in its database, and you can check this.
\nYou can use transcript request form, IRS, Form 4506 dash T, I believe you can get this information.
\nWhat they do is Khan, Khattak, eight, concatenate, I believe it\u2019s concatenate.
\nThey add the first four letters of your last name to the beginning of the SSN in your individual master file.
\nAnd that is extremely likely to be a unique number and here\u2019s why, let\u2019s go back to the old algebraic combination. OK, so for each letter, like, say, the letter A, of the alphabet.
\nI can, if I have that position in a sequence, the letter A has 26 possibilities, right, A, B, C, D. Right.
\nAnd then if I have four of those, I have, I have 26 to the fourth number of combinations I can use, That\u2019s a huge number. I mean, you guys can figure it out.
\nSo if I multiply 26 to the fourth by 10 to the ninth, look at how many probably it\u2019s that we\u2019re talking in, the trillions of combinations.
\nYou can have at least hundreds of billions, maybe, but probably trillions, probably more. So that really solves the problem. So that\u2019s how the IRS makes that distinction.
\nNo, it doesn\u2019t need to be that\u2019s internal, by the way.
\nThat is not happening in the real world, your SSN name and date of birth is that creating that uniqueness in the real world when you\u2019re dealing with banks and so forth, and using a number. Like, everybody normally uses the number.
\nAll right. So, I hope that helps. I probably have to do a part two. But anyways, a little bit of trivia for you.
\nThanks for watching.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n\r\n \r\n<\/div>\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/section>\n\t\t\t\t