\r\n U11 \u2013 How to Create New Cash Flow for Beginners \u2014 Part I of II\r\n0:02\r\nOK, hi everybody, this is John Jay, and I wanted to review.\r\n0:06\r\nGenerally, what I explain to people, usually, it\u2019s on a first call with them when I\u2019m talking about how to create new cash flow. And, I\u2019m not going to go… <\/div>\r\n
U11 \u2013 How to Create New Cash Flow for Beginners \u2014 Part I of II
\nOK, hi everybody, this is John Jay, and I wanted to review.
\nGenerally, what I explain to people, usually, it\u2019s on a first call with them when I\u2019m talking about how to create new cash flow. And, I\u2019m not going to go into all the little details.
\nI\u2019m going to give you that broad, general explanation. You can do your own research.
\nThe details are already building, We have, like, 6 or 7 videos.
\nWhere I\u2019m interviewing some people that are entrepreneurs, and we\u2019re going over, things that they\u2019ve done for their own projects to make money.
\nAnd they\u2019re doing it in much the same way that I\u2019m describing it in, that I\u2019m about to describe here.
\nSo, the reason why I describe it, the way I\u2019m doing it now is so that you have, there\u2019s a path to follow because there\u2019s an infinite. There\u2019s infinite ways of doing this. So I\u2019m just choosing one.
\nI\u2019m using modern technology, because, if I were telling you this 10 years ago, I wouldn\u2019t be using an online reference, but I\u2019m going to use online reference. It becomes quite easy.
\nSo what I tell people is, as people come in, they say, OK, you said last time that I could, Or I heard you on an interview saying that I can make another $2000 a month for almost nothing out of pocket.
\nand I can set that up within 90 days and Doing that would be easier than buying a house or qualifying for a mortgage to buy a house.
\nAnd I make that comment with what I\u2019m telling you, so that you can understand. The whole idea here, is that you can easily create new cash flow for yourself, if you want to buy a liability.
\nJust so you know.
\nNo, a house is not a house that you live in is not an investment. Well, it\u2019s not your investment.
\nA house that you buy and rent to someone else and receive income from that\u2019s an investment even if you have a negative cash flow. It\u2019s not a good investment, It\u2019s still an investment. When you don\u2019t live there, OK?
\nYou bought it for investment purposes Just because it\u2019s worth more possibly when you go to sell it does not make it an investment.
\nAll right, so, what I, what I recommend is that you go to a broker, a business broker, not always you\u2019d have to do this, OK?
\nBut, like I said, if you\u2019re new to this, here\u2019s what I recommend. You go to a business broker and I\u2019m gonna give you one right now.
\nI don\u2019t know these people.
\nYou say, No, I don\u2019t have any deals with them. I dislike the way the offers are presented on the website. So, the name of the website for this broker is xchange marketplace dot com.
\nXchange marketplace dot com, just like I said it.
\nSo, if you go to that site, hec, let me just go there. Alright?
\nAnd you can just scroll through, um, listings, Alright, just like you\u2019re shopping for anything else.
\nSo let\u2019s see if I can do a screen share here.
\nAlright, so here we are. We\u2019re at exchange marketplace dot com.
\nAnd I could just scroll through and you see here, all these businesses that are for sale, you\u2019ve got, let\u2019s say I should reduce the size back to where it was, OK. So you\u2019ve got, like listed the look at the first listing, OK, Eco Fish Tackle.
\nThe average revenue, this is per month, is $35,000.
\nHe\u2019s netting $11,000 so 30, roughly 33%, 35% of the gross revenue is profit.
\nNow I\u2019m gonna give you a benchmark to consider, and he\u2019s asking $80,000 for it. So here\u2019s what I look at.
\nFirst of all, the asking price is not important.
\nI know you guys aren\u2019t gonna, this is not going to sit well with you.
\nIf I\u2019m shopping for a boat, which is a liability, yeah, the asking price is important. I\u2019m buying a liability.
\nHere, the asking price is only a factor in determining what my cashflow is going to be. What do I want?
\nWhat kind of cash flow do I want? Maybe I don\u2019t want cash flow, whatever.
\nHere\u2019s one benchmark you can use.
\nSo looking at the price, $79,000, don\u2019t get scared.
\nDivide that by the gross revenue monthly, so he wants to 80,000, and it takes two months to make $70,000.
\nSo within three months, you\u2019ll actually start making $11,000 a month, pretty darn good, That\u2019s steller, it\u2019s stellar.
\nAnd I\u2019ll tell you why, because I\u2019m in the nineties, I\u2019m going to use the nineties as an example because so not in the nineties, a brick and mortar business would be doing really well where the owner netz 15% of the gross.
\nSo, like a 7, 11 or whatever, Any kind of brick and mortar, barbershops, things like that, OK, 15% and that\u2019s a good business now some people were making 25%, that\u2019s really good.
\nToday, we have online businesses, the net is much higher because operating costs are lower.
\nUsually they don\u2019t have to be.
\nSo you should reasonably like in the nineties if someone told me he was netting $80,000 or I\u2019m sorry, 80% I would question, if you\u2019ve given me a real numbers, OK, the reason why, I\u2019m telling you, back in the nineties, on a brick and mortar, 15 to 25% was really good.
\nThat\u2019s for a really good, well run business, 5% was acceptable in some cases, OK.
\nToday, if someone\u2019s showing here 80% like this guys netting 33%, right, that\u2019s pretty good. That\u2019s way beyond what you got in the nineties.
\nAnd it\u2019s only going to take three months to pay it off.
\nI mean, of gross income.
\nSo, the benchmark is 15 to 25%, OK, But we\u2019re over at, we\u2019re already at 33% on this offer here.
\nSo, that\u2019s OK.
\nAnd some of these are going to be netting you 80%, OK, So your net income is 80%.
\nDon\u2019t be, don\u2019t think those numbers are fake, it\u2019s what I\u2019m telling you, OK, this is a different world now, What you want to look for is your, your gross.
\ndivided by, buy your by your gross monthly and how many of those, how many months does it take to pay off?
\nThe asking price? Assuming you pay the asking price.
\nI say my benchmark is if it takes less than 12 months to pay off the asking price of the business cash flow. If I\u2019m using only the business cash flow, the gross income, if I can do pay off the asking price within 12 months, I think I\u2019m in the ballpark of the thing I would be willing to buy. Now, there is, there are those outside of the norm where the asking price is three times your annual gross.
\nSo, you know, it just depends, again, it depends on what you want, it depends on if you want a certain type of cash flow.
\nOK, there\u2019s some other numbers too, we can talk about that later.
\nAnother, OK, another, let\u2019s say look, here I go, OK, so you want to be able to pay off the business within three months to a year is reasonable, here\u2019s one for $1900.
\nIt\u2019s it\u2019s netting $700 a month, OK?
\nthere you go, Where could you get that deal?
\nYou\u2019re gonna put down $1800, something, some of you guys have put down $1500 on a TV.
\nOK, or vacation.
\nSo, so if I put $1500 on this, and these numbers are correct, let\u2019s just say they\u2019re correct, and in three months, my net is going to pay off the asking price, I\u2019m not even talking about my gross.
\nAccording to these numbers though, one month of growth is going to pay off my asking price.
\nThose are real numbers the broker will make sure they\u2019re real and he even has a forensic auditor.
\nSo I know what you\u2019re thinking, You\u2019re gonna like, yeah, well jonna, these numbers aren\u2019t probably real, it\u2019s on the Internet. No.
\nWe\u2019ve kicked the tires on some of these. They\u2019re pretty good deals.
\nSo, reasonably, you want to look at a deal if you just want some supplemental cash flow, OK?
\nAnd you can start with supplemental cash flow, meaning 2 to 4 or $5000 a month, even grosz Then you want to pick something that\u2019s scalable, OK? That\u2019s the other criteria.
\nSo I\u2019m, I\u2019m over 15% net. I\u2019m over 25% net, that\u2019s fine.
\nMy asking price is commensurate with my gross monthly income to where I can pay off the business within three months many times and certainly within 12 months.
\nNow, for some of you out there, you might be in it somewhere, an advanced, more comfortable way of doing that, you might look at it and say, Heck, I don\u2019t mind this deal if it takes me three years to pay it off, I\u2019m in, so it just depends on what you have a stomach for.
\nK, But my initial recommendation is that you try to get something that\u2019s going to net, use something within 90 days, are 60, I mean, six months, 180 days, right, half a year.
\nThat\u2019s reasonable, OK, with these offers.
\nHere, $4000, I\u2019m Engrossing 3300 a month, so Clearly within two months. I\u2019m off and running with two K a month profit. I mean this, right? So I know some of you guys pay this much, $4000 just to go to a seminar to learn how to sell real estate, OK?
\nHere\u2019s what\u2019s needed.
\nYou want it you want to get something with those type of number ratios, OK?
\nCash in cash out Can I paid off in a short time, OK?
\nYou also want to get something like, if we go back up here, let me scroll back up here and, look. There\u2019s Inventory here.
\nThere\u2019s a value on the inventory. I don\u2019t care what the value is.
\nI just care that, in some cases, I want there to be inventory and lots of times it\u2019s a drop shipping operation. That means I don\u2019t have to have things sent to my garage. And I have to park my car, my neighbor\u2019s driveway. So I can put you know the product in my garage and then ship it out and things like that. I can have someone else take care of all that for me. And the customer pays the shipping costs and postage and all that stuff like on an e-bay type operation.
\nSo, inventory value tells me that there\u2019s someone there\u2019s already set up a dropshipping, probably dropshipping operation.
\nYou can click on the business name, and they\u2019ll give you more detail, and then you can ask the broker for more information. You\u2019ll see a way to do that here. This is baby steps. This is just to get going, get your feet wet. Don\u2019t be afraid. They always want to talk to you because your potential customer, OK.
\nThese brokers will make money, and if it\u2019s after your first deal, you\u2019ll be surprised.
\nThey\u2019ll be asking if you want to buy more businesses. It\u2019s really interesting.
\nAll right?
\nSo, what interests me is the fact that there\u2019s inventory already.
\nI only need to know how to deal with my dropshipping center. That\u2019s the case.
\nI need to manage my shopping cart.
\nI probably need my own merchant account when I buy it.
\nAnd I need to make whatever ranges with the seller, so a lot of times a seller will finance it to me and people ask me what and you\u2019ll look at these listings, OK?
\nA lot of times, they\u2019ll say, why is someone going to sell me a business like this when it\u2019s making good money and it has an upward sales trend and it\u2019s scalable, and he\u2019s even telling me the seller is telling me it\u2019s scalable. I want something that\u2019s scalable.
\nIt means that I\u2019m seeing what they\u2019re they\u2019re doing right now. And they\u2019re already making profit and the upward center of trail upward trend of sales. is there.
\nAnd so, I\u2019m seeing that and going, well, there\u2019s a couple of niche markets that are completely not even in these results here that I know I can do, and if I talk to the owner, lots of times, they\u2019ll say, Yeah, I know, but it\u2019s time for me to sell it. So these are investors that build these up and sell within two years, OK.
\nAnd they make their money up until that two year mark, and then they get out. So they just sell early. That\u2019s all it is for the most part, for the most part.
\nNow some of these that are a quarter million dollars or something like that, it just might be aware.
\nSome person decided he wanted to sell and he ended up talking to a broker and ended up here. These are Shopify websites, by the way.
\nI think it\u2019s exclusively so it\u2019s nice to get your training wheels here and then get your training wheels off once you go through a deal, and then start looking around, and you\u2019ll see there are more opportunities in this this just to get your get you going.
\nSo Yeah, and you can get financing. You\u2019ll find out the Broker will connect you with financing. Now, it\u2019s good, if you have good credit, personal credit, it\u2019s good.
\nJust keep in mind, you want to have a way where you\u2019re, you\u2019re using a business to buy a new business like here.
\nAnd you might be the personal guarantor on the loan. If you have to get a third party loan and the Broker will help you with that, he will also work with you and the seller will work with you on financing.
\nThe seller will actually lend you the money both ways.
\nSo you can be the personal guarantor and then you can get refinanced out usually within a year with personal credit. And so if you have good credit, it\u2019s going to be a benefit to you, but I would just warn you, don\u2019t think that you should stay with personal credit. It\u2019s good to get going.
\nAnd then with your business, you\u2019ll want to establish business credit within that year. And then get refinanced out and the lender will lots of times help you with that deal.
\nAnd then what that means is, by the end of the year, you will not be the personal guarantor for the loan that she used to buy the business, OK, That should be part of your plan.
\nAnd there\u2019s a lot more detail. I mean, I can go on for a long time.
\nSo, what I\u2019m doing is this video is to promote the concept of doing this, And I want to get you guys interested in looking at more detail and in some real numbers and strategies that I have in the members area at Privacy fight. OK, Privacy, Fight club dot com, and privacy, fight dot com.
\nAll right, I hope that gives you some good, helpful information.
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